
Cricket x Ghoul



ContributorEaster Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - Silver
01-04-2024, 11:16 PM (This post was last modified: 01-04-2024, 11:42 PM by NachoMumma. Edited 3 times in total.)

Cricket & Ghoul

Deadline: 25th January

The basics

The unlikely pairing of Cricket and Ghoul finally has some little consequences.

Due to Crickets tiny size, there will be 1 pup available for adoption from this litter (although chances are you'll all twist my arm and she'll pop).

With Uncle Mac bound to be a regular influence, this could be your perfect chance to have a litte taxidermist. Its fair to say that these kids may not exactly come out 'normal' in the traditional sense.

It is yet to be seen if the family will remain in Insomnia, but I'm sure they'll have parents and extended family looking out for them to some degree wherever they end up.


I (Nacho) work full time and have kids. I understand life happens and I don’t want to be policing activity for these kids. That being said, I am not above killing inactive characters off for the drama. Once they reach 50 posts or hit their first birthday (whichever comes first), they are yours forever more, but I reserve the right to use them as plot fodder if you abandon them for 3 OOC months before that point (unless we’ve discussed it, my/our DMs are always open). (I always say this but it's yet to happen so don't stress too hard).


Cricket has a craving for freshwater fish, so it is likely this will be where her mind is at when these kids come into the world. I have already claimed Muskie from this litter, and it is likely their other sibling will be called Gourami.


  • 25% off Abnormal Green (Cricket)
  • 25% off Albino & Abnormal Pink(Ghoul)
  • 25% off height reduction to 17" (Cricket)
  • 25% off height increase to 40" (Ghoul)
  • Inheritable deer tail (cosmetic)

We're all pretty familiar with the Klein colour palette by this point so feel free to bring your own design, you can probably even throw back to Oxx if you like those stripey slatey greys.

Designs: (or BYO)

Applying: (you know the drill)

[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Appearance:[/b](100 words)
[b]Personality:[/b] (150 words)
[b]Plans?[/b] (if any)

Dragon Mod


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowPride - DemisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
01-05-2024, 12:07 AM (This post was last modified: 01-25-2024, 02:40 AM by Dragon Mod. Edited 11 times in total.)

Character Name: Alligator Gar
Gender: Female
Size/Height/Build 42"/medium build
Design: ^
(considering adding a mutation or two. Trying to think of some useful yet questionable things that will make her loathe herself more than she might ;D)

With a base coat of raven black, Pike takes after both mother and father in appearance. Mothers colors plus fathers markings, make a pretty interesting mix and Pike is no exception to that. Her face and underside are a lighter shade of green, probably close to pea soup which...isn't very flattering unless you like that sort of thing, but her poison green markings make up for it along with the fancy spots thrown in that make her look like an exotic swamp monster straight outta the bayou. The spots are most notable peppering her face, sides, and forelegs. A darker, boggy green also marks her face, masking each crocodilian orange eye. Her physique is lanky and wiry, unkempt even, despite her taller size, she does not carry the bulk for it. It appears that no matter how much she eats, she simply can't gain much weight, if at all. Always with the too-big ears and too-big paws.
Personality: For reasons unknown, Gar is a bit of a vain character. She simply does not have the luxury of having the looks for such an attitude, but she simply is. She yearns to be pretty, always throwing herself in the spotlight and likely getting laughed at for her pursuit of beauty. Decorating her crown with flowers, feathers, and whatever else she can find to "beautify" her. You know that term "Green with envy?" That's her. She may often find herself jealous of others and their beauty. Jealous of those who manage to find their other half. After all, she's not exactly a "looker" per se, and her self-image may be something she struggles with. Not so much the quiet kid, Gar has a mouth on her, that's for certain. She speaks without a filter, and doesn't quite care who's feelings get hurt in the process or who she ends up pissing off. She isn't sure why, but she has the tendency to blurt out what she's thinking, and half the time she is conscious of it and doesn't give a damn, while the other half it's unconscious and she doesn't realize it until after the fact. Oh well! She tries to take it in stride and may or may not try to weasel her way around things if her mouth gets her into trouble. She's sometimes a pick your battles type, is prone to making terrible decisions, and may potentially be self sabotaging.

Loyal...ish. try hard. questionable morals. morose. can be selfish af but miiight also lend a paw if she feels like it. fascinated with the macabre. Secretly and desperately wants to please those she looks up to, but also acts like she doesn't give a shit. (will touch on these more if picked!)
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Skills: Fighting x ???
Plans? A few in mind that I can't quite put into words atm because it's late and I'm tired T_T am definitely willing to explore offered options and things as they come up tho!



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Pride - BisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
01-05-2024, 05:18 AM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2024, 03:42 PM by Lolaf. Edited 1 time in total.)
Character Name: Hag (From Hagfish)
Gender: Female (She/Her)
[Image: JrbbfkU.png]
Appearance: Hag is isn't hard to look at, those Klein genes coming through strong but one of the first things someone might notice is actually from her mother. Hag is small. Maybe not Cricket small but she'll only ever grow to be a few inches taller than her mother topping out at 17 inches. She's also tiny in other ways, her limbs are slender and her corners are almost elegant. Somehow she's drawing on a heritage she will largely be unaware of, even with a small frame to work with as she grows into her own body there will start to be a sort of sensuality to her form.

Whether Hag's pelt is a blessing or a curse will depend on who is looking upon her. The strong resemblance she bears will likely bring strong emotions to certain individuals. The girl is largely pale, even more so than her father. A pristine white covers the majority of her body, so light in color that the pale pink of her skin will likely be easy to see. But if she was just the one shade she'd not look so much like her grandmother, no she also has shadows. An ashy grey colour marks her body. It runs from the crown of her head, down the nape of her neck and to the base of her tail. Along the way it branches off in spotty lines, down her forelimbs, twice along her sides to her underbelly and to her knees. The colour also rises up her hind-legs and past her hocks. The colour also marks her left eye in a branching Lichtenberg Figure, or would be if the same spotty blotches weren't also there. The only other notable enough variation worth mentioning is that the grey on her toes is a bit darker than the rest.

As if to really hammer her resemblance home Hag views the world through a pair of pale pink eyes. Unsurprisingly her skin and eyes are sensitive to heat and light, making her more likely to be more nocturnal.

Personality: You know that one kid in stories that's always sort of just there, right behind you when you turn around, looking up at you with wide eyes? The one you swear you don't know how they can be so quiet? The one that says or does things that would be more or less normal if done by an adult but it's deeply unnerving when a child does it? Yeah that's Hag, and it doesn't get less unnerving as she ages. Somehow, someway she always seems to just sort of... Be there... Now not literally obviously as she can't be in all places at once but she does have a habit of hovering, silently watching, more staring really, eyes somehow impossibly wide. And she's quiet. Children aren't exactly known for their grace or subtlety but somehow even as a child she's got a knack for sneaking up on others. Not that she doesn't speak, she very much does.

Often times others may wish she hadn't though. Hag is fundamentally a curious wolf, she wants to learn and she's eager to do so. But her interests might be a bit... Off. Some might say morbid. She's just as likely to ask about why the sky is blue as she is to ask what happens to a rabbit if you pull its ears off, or if you can put an egg back into the mother bird after its been laid. And then if she can't get an answer that satisfies her she's likely to experiment for herself. Hag isn't malicious though, no, she simply has questions, and needs answers.

Hag also struggles to empathize with other living things. She knows and understands pain, discomfort and even some sadness because she can feel it but she'll need to told by others when they are feeling that before she will recognize it in them. She may appear violent but in truth Hag just cannot seem to make the connection between her own actions and the pain they cause. In a way she's even sort of eerily sweet, Hag likes other wolves, she doesn't ever mean to hurt them. Hag likes being told by others that she's done a good job or that they like her and may be a bit too eager for praise. But good luck getting her to reciprocate much if at all. Only those that can stomach her experiments and not judge her for her eccentricities will earn her verbalizing her fondness for them, in round about ways.

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Skills: Healing And Intellect (Anatomist and Witch whenever activated)
Plans? Vaguely menace those around her (without meaning to), be a little weird child and then little weird adult. Mostly she's up in the air dependant on IC events.



ContributorPride - NonbinaryPride - PansexualEaster Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
01-05-2024, 06:24 AM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2024, 08:46 PM by wicked. Edited 3 times in total.)
okay first of all, h*ck both of you
second of all, this is a work in progress
third of all, heck both of you!

Character Name: Molly (like Mollie the fish but like, can either of them spell?? probably not.)
Gender: female
Size/Height/Build small (maybe extra small??) x medium
Design: throwing down my own illegally cute thing -- but also if you hate it please scream and I will choose something else

Appearance: Her coat is pale, flecked white at the base, a flurry of grey overtop. A little pink too-- borrowed from her father, splashed across one shoulder. Miniscule in height, though that isn't a surprise to anyone.

As far as her overall presentation? Much like her uncle Mac, she sports a thick ruff of fur, leaving her looking stark and oddly feminine. She will fill out to look decidedly adult, despite her small stature. Still, there is no runner or dancer in her. Molly is a clumsy beast, a bull in a china shop, and difficult to stop or hold back. Deep chested. Unfortunately for everyone and everything, she's all gas and no brakes. Oopsies. At least she's cute!

To complete the weird girl aesthetic, she has her own set of her mother's green eyes.

Personality: moodboard
Molly certainly is... weird. Social norms are fake, fitting in is fake, it's cooler to ask questions. Be curious, go exploring. No, like, she REALLY likes to explore. Romping and roaming around, stomping about, getting into all the misdemeanors her chaotic little paws can get her hands on. It's hard to take this weird little dust bunny seriously, and maybe that's why she thinks she can get away with things.

Suspicion runs thickly in the girl's head at pretty much all times. Does she ask so many questions because she's trying to suss a bitch out? Maybe. Maybe she wants to know all the stuff and all the things-- just kidding it's both. She's not trying to manipulate anyone, she's just... making sure she's not being manipulated. Is that 4d chess inside her head? Maybe. Blame the aliens.

Main character syndrome is probably her biggest downfall. Call it carelessness, call it narcissism, maybe it's a bit of both. She's needy and the world might revolve around her, a little edgy, and a bit of a punk. Cute little weird girl and an absolute fucking punk.

Alignment: chaotic weird neutral
Skills: hunting & navigation
Plans? you knOW the fucking concept that I've had rolling around in my head about the character that's CONVINCED they were abducted by aliens and that's how they got here? And that the aliens are coming back for her some day? Now, there's a chance that she's also super in her head about this being her new alien family. It could go either way, especially depending on what she's told. Thinking it's a trauma response but also if you do not want your child traumatized I totally understand.


13+ Years

Pride - GayPride - AromanticPride - TransgenderEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Silver
01-15-2024, 04:41 AM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2024, 10:04 PM by Virgil. Edited 3 times in total.)
Character Name: Minnow
Gender: Male
Size/Height/Build XL/41"/Heavy (for the meme) (or 45"/Heavy, cause I have a dire pass and that would be extra hilarious)


Youth: Born small and compact, a very stocky child. Minnow earned his name from the jump, being borderline runty for the first few weeks of his life. However, a voracious appetite quells any concerns that he might be sickly or weak. By the time he's weaned, Minnow will show signs of who he will grow to be. Namely, in the form of some absolutely outrageous paws. He adopts a bit of a pigeon-toed gait as a pup, doing his best to mitigate the things. His stocky build sticks around, and he puts on bulk like it's his job. It takes quite a while before the rest of him catches up, and suddenly he's towering over everyone his age. Growing in short, rapid bursts instead of slow and steady like most pups. Just when his peers start catching up to him, suddenly he's another five inches taller. All the while, he's got the kind of build that earns him nicknames like "bruiser" and "big guy" no matter where he goes. It's enough to make him a bit shy and awkward, by the time he's old enough to clue in to the whole ordeal.

Build & Coat: Minnow was adult sized long before he was adult age. An inheritance of Klein genes influencing his build to be something princely and imposing, he was meant to be a bulwark of a man. Standing 41" at the shoulder, the man is no pushover. To call him massive would be an understatement- everything about him is heavyset and imposing. Burgeoning with corded steel muscle laced over a solid skeleton, Minnow could haul a mountain on his shoulders without breaking a sweat. There's no shortage of power to be found across his physique, and all of it is completely wasted on a man who would rather spend his time lounging by a stream all day. Minnow has the kind of heavy, primeval skull that can be used as a battering ram when it suits him. To his credit, though, those wide set cheekbones have the kind of chiseled definition that others would kill for.

Minnow takes after his mother, clad in the pale, diluted green of frostbitten mosses. His colouration darkens at his extremities akin to a traditional seal-point pelage, becoming a saturated, brilliant emerald over his limbs, tail, and head. Forming a small saddle over his back are a collection of dark green rosettes, which also cover his plush and fluffy tail. Some might call them his toad-spots, based on their hue. To a far less noticeable extent, those rosettes also appear in the space between his ears, but it's decidedly rare that anyone gets to see all the way up there to verify that. Standing out stark against his marshy coat, his chest is stained coal dark from sternum to throat, branching off along his neck to follow the outer edge of his jawline and cheeks. These little trails of soot stain both of his ears black, while leaving the fluffy inner ear fur bright green. Minnow also rocks a perfect dark liner (if a little heavy on the top lid)- with its long outer wing connected to the dark markings on his cheeks, lending a deeply unfortunate illusion of a constant Kubrick stare with those bright eyes of his.

Eyes & Voice: A goth kid from the moment of his birth, the verdant wolf has eyes of a jarring crimson hue. Contrasted by the kohl liner that surrounds his eyes, he's got the kind of piercing stare that can make anyone sweat. Minnow has truly outrageous eyelashes, the kind that so many struggle to achieve for their entire lives. Completely wasted on him, of course. Mostly invisible against the dark background of his eye markings, and so far up there that one can hardly notice them. From a young age, there's a permanent crease in his brow that could come from ether constant confusion or constant scowling (but probably a mix of both).

When he speaks, it's with the kind of rumbling bass in his voice that puts an immediate halt to a conversation. It shouldn't be surprising that his voice is so deep, but nonetheless it's jarring at first. Yet, Minnow speaks with such a whisper soft volume most of the time in the hopes that no one realizes he's so big and scary. His laugh is pure joy, a booming event that echoes through any space and invites others to join.

Stance & Gait: Remember how he grew up quick, and grew up into a very big boy? Minnow is incredibly self conscious of that. As soon as the growth spurts hit, he developed a forward pitch to his impossibly broad shoulders to try and make himself seem smaller and somehow occupy less physical space. He's a sloucher, and a huncher. Terrible posture, like he's trying to fold inwards on himself. His name is Minnow, for fucksake- he's not supposed to be so big! However, when night falls and the stars are out, he unfurls light some moonlight bloom. Craning his neck up and back to examine the heavens, limbs akimbo as he settles into himself.

Minnow is also a skulker. He creeps around as a means of locomotion, as opposed to simply walking. As a result, he always looks a little bit suspicious. Why are you creeping around, big guy? What are you up to? He's never up to anything, he's just not a very big fan of being perceived. So despite his enormous size, Minnow is near silent on his feet. The guy who simply appears from the aether at some point, where there was previously nothing and no one. Usually to the surprise and terror of those around him.

Scent: That smell that always seems to cling to outside cats when they've just come indoors, that distinct and sharp smell of "mmm, outside" that you just want to huff like an idiot. Minnow always smells like that, usually with some additional hint of loam, woodsmoke, or sea salt. A true nomad and a wanderer, he always smells like the best parts of an outdoor adventure.

Quirks & Mutations: He's inherited a warm grey skin tone from.. somewhere. Nose, pawpads, and all of the skin beneath his soft coat is the grey hue of wet clay. Not a trace of albinism, despite those brilliant crimson eyes. Even his tongue is grey, though there are a few odd splotches of pink thrown in for good measure. When Minnow yawns, it's a very strange sight indeed, which just means that it's in keeping with the rest of him.

Acerbic - Partly a result of being a wee bit oblivious, he doesn't put all that much effort into minding his manners. Nor is Minnow particularly good at watching his words. In fact, he's a bit of a bastard, in that regard. He says what he thinks, and doesn't pull any punches. There's no malice in it, he doesn't have any interest in putting in the effort to be malicious. No, it's nothing more than being painfully blunt. However, he's a sharp one, and so he tends to pick on things that aren't immediately obvious- and more likely to hit a bit too close to home. Count on Minnow to speak up only to point out something incredibly astute, and simultaneously do so in a way that feels like a personal attack.

Flighty - Impossible to contain. Minnow wants to be on the move most of the time, and doesn't like being forced to stick around when the wanderlust strikes. He's a classic example of a flight risk under most circumstances. He'll just take off, go somewhere for no good reason, and see no issue with that decision. Minnow just prefers being out and about, often for long stretches that involve a lot of exploration and adventure. Furthermore, despite the sheer size of him, he's not much of a brawler. Instead, Minnow avoids conflict more often than not. Instead of trying to break up an argument or fight, he'd rather just leave. Which he will. And he won't return for days afterwards, in all likelihood.

Morbid - It can't be helped. He's a weird guy, often taking his sweet time breaking down carcasses after a successful hunt. He likes knowing the inner workings of other creatures. Minnow is also fascinated by decay and decomposition, often returning to a specific carcass dozens of times over the course of a few seasons to see how each one is reclaimed by the earth. A creepy, unsettling hobby, but he doesn't spend much time talking about it. He considers it a passive interest, something he only indulges in if he stumbles upon something over the course of his travels.

Space Cadet - Not too carefully tethered to reality, this one. Minnow tends to drift off in his own thoughts, or get caught up in his own little world. If he were one of those little toys with a pull-string and a set of phrases, at least half would be variations of "huh?". It's not entirely his fault, Minnow is just easily distracted and similarly easily entertained. The kind of guy who would wander off in the middle of a sentence to follow a particularly colourful butterfly on its course through a meadow. With this in mind, it should surprise no one that he doesn't usually pay attention to instructions. Or conversations. Most things that involve being told something. Consider him a kinetic learner- if you show him what to do, and let him learn by practicing, then he's perfectly fine. Just don't count on a lecture having any effect on him.

Shy - A byproduct of being a bit of a visual anomaly for most folks, he's a very reserved creature. Minnow doesn't enjoy crowds at all, or being the centre of attention. In a perfect world, Minnow would never be perceived by more than one or two other creatures at a time. It's part of the reason he enjoys stargazing. He doesn't stand out quite so intensely in the dark, and the sky is often far more enthralling than the patterns of his coat or the sheer, marvellous size of the lad. His posture is almost permanently set in a slouch, or a hunch- anything to try and fold himself inwards in the hope that he'll collapse in on himself and cease to be.

Momma's Boy - Ironically, a trait he inherited from his father. While Minnow loves his entire family immensely, he adores his mother the absolute most. He follows her around as often as his natural wanderlust will allow, and never balks at any of her requests. If she asked, he'd tear down the whole world and set it ablaze. Which means that his mother is the only one to whom he will come home if called to do so, a very special privilege indeed!

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Skills: Hunting & Navigation
Plans? gonna lean heavily into navigation, and he's gonna have a fascination with stars and constellations. Catch him wandering off pretty regularly as he gets older to track the seasonal changes of the stars, and probably come back with lots of cool stories for his family whenever he remembers that he has to come back and check in lol


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Toys for TotsEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
01-23-2024, 11:53 PM (This post was last modified: 01-25-2024, 05:56 PM by Hermes. Edited 3 times in total.)

Character Name: Coho (pronounced kow-ho)

Gender: Female

Size/Height/Build 32”/Medium/Medium



Coho will definitely take after her father when it comes to her coat coloration. The base shade of her coat is a beautiful, soft rose that sets the tone for her whole body.

A deep, rich burgundy coats her face and runs down the underside of her neck, paints the back of her ears and trails down the back of her neck, enrobes her front and back legs, and covers the top of her tail. It also creates dapples the sides of her neck and her sides.

A pure, stark white of fresh snow splashes her toes, colors her eyebrows, splatters her sides, and forms lines under her eyes. In fact, Coho’s eyes are where her mother, Cricket’s, coloration comes into play. The lime green orbs cautiously watch the world with keen interest.

Adventurous ~ Clever ~ Morbid ~ Quiet ~ Reserved

Coho is someone who would much rather be out finding new and exciting places instead of sitting at home listening to her mom and dad. The great unknown will tickle at the girl’s brain from a young age and she will often try to escape to go on grand adventures. It isn’t because she doesn’t love her parents or aunts and uncles; far from it actually, this strange girl just can’t help but want more.

From a young age it will be apparent that Coho is too smart for her own good. She will gladly watch and learn what others like and don’t like so that she can better understand how to manipulate them. This same attention to detail will lead her to be extremely interested in the inner workings of bodies and she will happily dissect anything and everything to understand it better. Well, almost everything; her family is definitely off limits.

While this strange duck might be off-putting, Coho will never voice her morbid ideas to anyone. In fact, this pink salmon won’t actually voice much. Quiet is her default mode and the girl would much rather hang on the outskirts of gatherings instead of actually partaking in them. This will lead her to be extremely reserved and lonely.

Alignment: Is Chaotic an alignment? She kind of cares, kind of doesn’t.

Skills: Intellect/Navigation

Plans? Family threads, getting to explore and know this bean! Would love for her to form a deep bond with one of her siblings and follow them around like an unwanted flea. Please abuse this baby. Other than that, no real plans. Might need help with some purchase for her (if I get her) but I will total all my gems up first.



ContributorEaster Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - Silver
01-25-2024, 07:23 PM
Congrats Lolaf, Wicked and Hermes! We were only going to have one but you twisted our arms.

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1. Cricket x Ghoul Adoptions 11:16 PM, 01-04-2024 06:13 AM, 02-07-2024