
Criminal Behavior

Arachne - Intel seasonal!



Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (280)

An icon representing the specialty Blessed Blessed

1 Year

Pride - DemisexualPride - Pansexual
01-08-2024, 05:04 PM

The new island home was a funny looking shape. The waters were fast vaster than that of the lake that used to be a part of their territory, so that made it alright in her eyes. This was cooler! And it had a lot of things to look at! Plus, sand was awful fun to dig in, and sleep on. Really she couldn't help herself!

So, Barghest was setting up a little… picnic. Using the pale sand and as big of a leaf as she could find, she had organized a sort of makeshift table, surrounded by some sea shells that she had found along the shore. Sitting at the table, she pondered for many moments what she could possibly be missing, and decided that of course – she needed a guest! Taking off down the beach she  quickly scanned around, her aqua colored eyes landing on acrab scuttling its way into the waters. With a surge forward the girl kicked it back further onto the sand, away from the water. Then she hastily went and grabbed a stick, prodding the crab until it struck out with its claws and held fast to the object. Success. She haphazardly lifted it up off the ground, taking advantage of its grip strength and carrying it back to her picnic table.

Once they arrived, Estie dug a little hole for it, dropping it in and capturing – at least until it figured out that it could climb out. But with her looming over the poor crustacean, it stayed still in the hopes of making a break for it when her attention waned. Barghest seated herself next to the hole, peeing at the crab with a smirk. This was a real party now! If only the crab could speak, there were conversations to be had!

goblin dog

Barghest is an androgynous woman, meaning she exhibits both masculine and feminine traits at the same time.



Advanced Navigator (90)

Master Intellectual (240)

1 Year

01-08-2024, 05:23 PM
Arachne had been exploring every inch of the new island, her senses completely captivated by the unfamiliar sights and scents that surrounded her. As she strolled barefoot along the soft, golden shores, her pale gaze took in the endless expanse of the ocean, its deep blue depths shimmering under the warm sun. The rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the beach was a constant lullaby to her soul, bringing a sense of calmness to her being. This uncharted island offered a whole new world for Arachne to discover, and she relished in the thrilling sense of adventure that coursed through her veins.

As she made her rounds, a commotion down by the shore caught Arachne's attention. Intrigued, she playfully scampered across the distance to see what Barghest, one of her many siblings, was up to. As she drew closer, she couldn't help but notice the makeshift picnic table that her sister had crafted out of driftwood and seaweed. The determined expression on Barghest's face only added to Arachne's curiosity. The sandy island, with its gently swaying palm trees and crystal clear waters, looked like the perfect place for an adventure. Arachne could already feel the warm sand under her feet and smell the salty ocean air. She couldn't wait to see what her sister had concocted and eagerly bounded over to join in on the excitement.

Moving with caution, Arachne kept a careful eye on Barghest and the crab as she approached the impromptu picnic site. "Estie, what in the world are you up to?" she asked, a playful smirk playing at her lips. She observed with amusement as the crab clung to the stick, clearly caught up in Barghest's spontaneous party scheme. The smaller girl clumsily sank down onto the sand beside her sister, a smile playing on her lips as she observed the scene before her. The crab, clearly not as enthralled by the party as Barghest, was frantically trying to wiggle its way out of its prison. Arachne couldn't contain her amusement as she watched the comical struggle. "I don't think the crab is enjoying the party as much as you are," she teased gently, eyeing the crab's attempts to escape. She then looked at Barghest with a mischievous glint in her eye. "What's the plan here? Are we playing a game or holding a crab banquet?" She couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation, yet she was willing to indulge in her sister's whimsical idea.

711 / 1500 words
"Arachne Klein"



Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (280)

An icon representing the specialty Blessed Blessed

1 Year

Pride - DemisexualPride - Pansexual
01-08-2024, 06:28 PM
What to do, what to do. She had never been much of one to play by herself, usually forcing her way into the play of her siblings or tagging along with them to explore when she was welcome to. Between the waves and the cry of the occasional seagull, Estie was beginning to feel bored. Her focus switched to disarming the crab, and breaking open its shell with a rock to enjoy the delicious seafood within… Her mouth began to drool a bit, which she wiped with a paw. Maybe her guest would be joining her for lunch. Her stomach that is. A giggle escaped her, cruel and slightly morbid but all her own. It was just a crab after all.

Just as the girl was considering that plan, did one of her lovely sisters come to join her! With her set up all nice and finished, it really had been perfect timing! Eyes flitting up from the crab and unto the pale figure of Arachne, Estie was quick to bark out a chipper greeting. “Oh! Rane!” The girl teased a new nickname, cocking a brow in search of a reaction from her sister, before she continued speaking. “Well, of course, refined women that we are, must be courteous to our Guest! He’s come a long way, you know. Straight from the crab kingdom.” Barghest grinned, wiggling her eyebrows as she set the scene for their little performance. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed the crab climbing out of its hole, and promptly used the stick again to prod it back in. “Oh no. Negotiations for a peaceful alliance have fallen through, he’s just a hostage now.” She shrugged, looking quite haughtily over the imprisoned crab. She flashed Arachne with a playful smirk, dramatically puffing up her chest in a grand show of confidence and superiority, pacing around the crab hole whilst tutting.

goblin dog

Barghest is an androgynous woman, meaning she exhibits both masculine and feminine traits at the same time.



Advanced Navigator (90)

Master Intellectual (240)

1 Year

01-08-2024, 07:04 PM
As Barghest spun the fantastical tale of the crab's royal heritage, Arachne played along with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. She observed the frantic movements of the scuttling crustacean and the use of sticks as makeshift weapons to maintain order in the miniature kingdom. "A hostage situation, you say?" Arachne's eyebrows raised in amused curiosity, adding to the comedic performance. Her regal posture matched Barghest's confident storytelling, both fully invested in their imaginary dilemma. "It seems we've found ourselves in quite the predicament, negotiating with the elusive crab royalty," she declared with a tone of exaggerated importance.

Arachne paced restlessly alongside Barghest, her eyes glued to the crab before them. In her mind's eye, the crustacean had transformed into a regal king, trapped in the chaotic world of inter-kingdom politics. "Lay your worries to rest, noble crab," she declared dramatically, her voice laced with humor and mockery. "For you have been captured by benevolent rulers, who shall treat you with utmost care during your temporary stay in our sandy kingdom." Unable to contain her mirth any longer, Arachne leaned in conspiratorially towards Barghest, a mischievous sparkle dancing in her gaze.

As the sun cast its warm, golden rays over the sandy beach, Arachne couldn't resist teasing her sister with a playful question. "Do you think our crab lord has any demands for his release? Perhaps a feast fit for crustacean royalty?" she jested, fully embracing the whimsical atmosphere of their impromptu play. The soft, rhythmic crashing of waves against the shore served as a soothing soundtrack to their imaginative antics. In that moment, Arachne relished the simple joy of playfulness and the unbreakable bond between sisters that made these moments so precious. She felt like a child again, free from worries and responsibilities, lost in the magic of the present moment.

1329 / 1500 words
"Arachne Klein"



Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (280)

An icon representing the specialty Blessed Blessed

1 Year

Pride - DemisexualPride - Pansexual
01-30-2024, 06:35 PM (This post was last modified: 01-30-2024, 06:36 PM by Barghest. Edited 1 time in total.)
Barghest chuckled in response to Arachne's theatrics, reveling in the shared fantasy they had created on the sandy beach. The twinkle in her aqua eyes mirrored the mischievous glint in her sisters as they wove their tale of crab royalty and makeshift kingdoms.

"Indeed, my dear Arachne," Barghest replied with a deep, resonant voice, playing her part in the whimsical drama. She maintained that regal demeanor, matching Arachne's exaggerated importance. "Yes, fear not, oh noble crab," She continued, addressing the crustacean-turned-king. "Your sandy travels shall be one of luxury and jest, as my sister has assured!" A giggle, quickly reigned in to return to a haughty expression.

Barghest's mottled form moved gracefully alongside Arachne. "The demands of our crustacean lord are yet a mystery," She declared dramatically, voice echoing as she shot her sister a troubled look. "But a feast fit for royalty? Aye, that shall be arranged, with the finest grains of sand serving as our banquet hall. Surely that would appease him!" A feast to remedy the hostage situation, as the crab peered up at them with its antennae-like eyes. Bargest was all alight with playfulness, a grin stretched wide across her face.

goblin dog

Barghest is an androgynous woman, meaning she exhibits both masculine and feminine traits at the same time.

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1. Criminal Behavior Silver Island 05:04 PM, 01-08-2024 09:34 AM, 02-29-2024