
Into the rush now


09-19-2013, 07:15 PM

He had no idea what this place was; not the lands in general, and certainly not the location he was in now. Cautious paws tread slowly across the ground as paranoia-afflicted eyes darted from one spot to the next. The male made sure to keep his wits about him as he walked further into unknown land.

Then, a scent caught his attention. More accurately, a multitude of scents that all carried a common smell; this must be pack territory. Thinking quickly, he followed his nose to what seemed to be the border and sat up just outside of them in neutral lands. Keeping his ears up and alert, and his eyes moving, he waited for any sign of approaching inhabitants.

Speech, Thoughts


09-19-2013, 08:44 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Deneke!

An ivory maiden, with a lithe frame and long legs, stepped from the shadows of the mangrove, muscles rippling a smooth undertow beneath the river of her alabaster fur and eyed the newcomer. Her eerie moonstone orbs glittered, though there was no emotion there. Some would say she was beautiful, with her luscious feminine curves and silky angelic fur. Those sultry feminine hips would sway sensually as she walked forwards, her deceptively delicate cranium lifted high above her shoulders as the temptress eyed the man before her. Intriguing, a dark pelt, and forest green eyes. His ribs poked through from his coat, speaking of malnutrition.

"Hello there, what brings you to Ludicael?"
She asked, simply curious. Sitting down in front of him, she wrapped her tail around her tea cupped, powerful paws, letting her thick snowy derma fall like a waterfall over her tall, lean frame. A pair of raven feathers danced, embedded within the fur of her long, thick banner, and settled flush with the plush strands. She waited, a flawless, marble statue of elegance, for his reply.


Jupiter I


7 Years
09-19-2013, 09:49 PM

Her gait cycled with a gentle rhythm, an upbeat bounce in the Sol's step as she sashayed about the borders, luminous optics swiping attentively about, nares flaring to capture even the slightest oddity in scent. While her other endeavors had been taken less seriously as of recent, her attentiveness never faltered when she checked the borders--the pasty bark of the mangroves that were thick in the territory often hid those of light pelt. Meanwhile, Jupiter was more than easy to avoid if one was stealthy on their paws. Draped in a bright pelt of fiery orange and her features framed by a cream mask, the Sol was a beacon among the cool colors of the eastern territory.

Luckily, orange was not the only hue that jumped out in the tones of her territory--obsidian pelts protruded just as, if not more, sharply. She barely captured the vision of the dark mass through the smallest of gaps and slowly made her approach, fur raising with nervousness, pulse suddenly raising. Muscles were stiff and coiled, paws setting tentatively down on the roots with practiced and silent ease. Thoughts of Kaios and his children flickered back to her and it was in this manner that her paranoia kicked in for a moment. The closer she came, though, the more she realized that the wolf's size was nowhere near rivaling that of the Saxe family and slowly began to relax.

Jupiter spied the white pelt of Aurora just when she was about to step clearly out of the mangroves and smiled fondly. She hadn't seen the she-wolf in a while and found that now would be a good time to catch up after they evaluated the unfortunately emaciated creature upon Ludicael's doorstep.

"Aurora," she greeted as she emerged, attempting to come out nearby and come to rest to the stranger's right. She nodded to the brute, examining him with mild curiosity. "Jupiter Illiadis, at your service; what may I do for you, stranger?" she inquired passively, gaze still laden with piqued interest.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


09-21-2013, 05:20 PM

Amant straightened his posture almost immediately at the sight of another wolf approaching, his hackles raising and his ears flattening out of instinct. But when she showed no signs of attacking, and even spoke to him, he relaxed a bit. Her appearance and movements may have lured others to her in the sensual way she appeared to want, but he remained unaffected, her feminine wiles doing nothing to sway him.

Ludicael... That must be the name of the pack here. What brought him? A bit of a chuckle escaped him. "Zat depends, Mademoiselle; do you want ze purified answer or ze honest one?" he asked, a half-grin curling upon his maw.

The Gypsy's attention was diverted when another wolf came into view, this one bearing rather striking markings. So, Aurora was the name of the white female. He would store that information away for future reference. But, what was the name of the one before him? The one who carried herself with the gait and grace of an Alpha? "Bien remplies, Mademoiselle Jupiter," he replied. "I am Amant Ignace; since you were so kind to give me your name, I 'ave returned ze favor," he added, a soft smile appearing on his features.

"I... I am lost, Mademoiselles," he confessed, looking to them both. "I don't know where I am, and I 'ave not been able to find very much to eat... I do not settle down very long, but I seek a place to stay. Eef I am out on my own for much longer in zese strange lands, I fear I will starve," he added. "Ah, but 'ow long I may stay ees never certain; ze winds of change and chance, you know?" He smiled again. "Would you, per'aps, let me stay 'ere? I know I don't look like much, but you know what zey say; appearances can be deceiving," he finished, giving a chuckle and a wink.

Speech, Thoughts


09-21-2013, 09:44 PM

The Sol appeared from the shadows of the mangrove, her peach toned celestial pelt like a beacon. A kind greeting fell from her lips, and the dame dipped her head respectfully in reply. Her attention was drawn once more to the male of duo tones, as he spoke once more. Announcing his name, Amant. Intriguing, a rather foreign title.

He spoke his reasoning for appearing on their borders, and it was interesting. The dame nodded, almost to herself, and let her voice fill the space between them. "The decision is not up to me, but if you would not mind me asking; where are you from, Amant?" The ivory damsel inquired, her silky, otherworldly whisper of a voice weaving its way into the dark brute's auds. If one was truly paying attention, they would detect the faint accent, speaking of her Russian decent. tail flickering with interest, disturbing the twin ebony feathers embedded in her tail. Her fur was thickening with the dropping of the temperature, which meant the breeze that ruffled her pristine angelic derma had little bite to it.

Deciding to leave it at that, she waited patiently once more, and let the rustle of the fallen leaves fill the silence. Her moonstone pools took to the scenery around her, observing the beauty of her birth season.