
Waiting For The Pot To Simmer [Seasonal]



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (270)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

1 Year
Dire wolf
02-11-2024, 01:19 PM


Algoma prairie was teeming with prey and the lush grasses of early summer. Marrow took to stalking prey here, mostly focusing on small prey as well as scavenging the kills of other predators. Most of the prey here seemed pretty predator savvy but she had a particular target in mind this day. Many elk would be giving birth to their newborn calves around this time and that was a small target she had the potential to get if she could get the mother to run. She kept her eyes and her nose alert, finally catching the scent of a herd. At that point she slunk close through the grasses and waited. There was one doe that seemed to be struggling. It was off a little ways from the herd but not isolated and secluded like she'd expect. There was something hanging out its rear that didn't quite look like a calf.

Marrow slunk closer, sniffing the air and picking up the scent of blood. She didn't want to spook the herd prematurely so she just settled down and waited. If there was one thing she had when it came to acquiring food it was patience. Soon the elk finally managed to deliver a calf. She turned, stumbling slightly as she did so, before licking the calf. Was it alive? Marrow stalked forward carefully, eyes intently fixed on her would be prey. She saw movement, weak movement, but that was all the signal she needed. A few steps… then a few more… her hind legs coiled beneath her as she launched forward with a snarl, startling the elk and scattering them. The mother stumbled back as the calf struggled to its feet only to fall again. Marrow leapt onto the calf, her teeth at the back of its neck but the mother charged, head down, trying to bash into the wolf. Marrow released her grip and skittered back before snapping at the cow, trying to lure her away.

It took a few tries but little by little she started to shake the mother's confidence. The herd was far away now and the calf was still struggling. Once she got the cow further away Marrow turned and dove like a shot onto the calf, jaws and claws ripping into its throat. It gave a startled bleat that cut suddenly short. The mother dove on her again, hooves lashing out but she'd down what she needed. Marrow scrambled away and back into the grass where she turned around and waited. The cow returned to the calf but the damage had been done. Eventually it passed a way from the injuries.

The cow lingered a little longer, nudging the lifeless body before turning to rejoin the herd. At that moment Marrow scrambled over to her kill, enjoying her first fresh meal since coming to these lands.

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1. Waiting For The Pot To Simmer [Seasonal] Algoma Prairie 01:19 PM, 02-11-2024 10:47 PM, 03-25-2024