


09-23-2013, 03:29 PM (This post was last modified: 09-23-2013, 03:30 PM by Karmen.)

MAYBE SHE WAS TRUSTING HER FEMALE TUITION, THOSE FEMALE instincts that burned in her posterior, what defined her as a woman, what lined her cellular walls with effervescence and feminine charm - even though the epitome of her black internals were diseased with malice and sin. She was the snake who tempted Eve to bite the apple, to sink her teeth into temptation because nothing tasted better than wicked satisfaction.

But she was here for a reason. Perhaps time had worn her, deteriorated what little faith she had in the few she allowed inside of her. Karmen was a woman with little room for friends, but in her past she could recall only one wolf who had ever gotten close to her.

A genuine smile touched her lips. The storms they raged together: pack raids to steal food and goods, slithering around the men in ranks and seducing them to forget about their wives for the night, and above all they broke hearts - no, shattered them, severed emotional fibers that bonded wolves together. They were spawns of the devil, and the woman she dare call an acquaintance was a polar opposite counterpart. And that was why they worked so beautifully together.

Karmen had been pondering why she was feeling so empty, chewing at her brain as to why she had felt aimless, seeking power but it was always out of her reach. She approached the abandoned wreckage with a confident sashay, tilting her head up towards the many windowless caverns that could house the female-fiend.

"Baby?" She called in a subtle fondness, a rich and ravish purr, seeking the girl she once called her partner in crime.



09-23-2013, 06:13 PM

She laid asleep within her metal den. Her body unmoving but her sick mind was at work. The endless night terrors and horrible memories roamed her deathly ill mind. Images of fights, death, blood, guts, and other horrible things roamed around her squishy brain in rage. The thoughts attempted to penetrate her nerves, her emotions, but they didn't. The woman had only few emotions. Lust and rage. Yet, she loved Ozz. It was love at first sight. She could bot deny such. She ached for her to be with her at every moment. But, that did not happen. They were a lovely duo, but at the moment she had greater plans. Plans to rule a pack within Alactritis. A pack of strong, insane, power hungry woman. A mans worse nightmare. They would hose the darkest of beings, but be the most lovely ladies within the land. The men had no control, they would be little insects on a silver platter. The plans were exciting, yet she would wait for the right moment to act.

She would be woken up to a lovely voice. The voice of her old partner in crime. The bitch that stole her heart, yet they stole others for fun. Their relationship was lovely. She was a pretty kitty and Canttina was the mean doggy. They were power. Power was lovely. Her yellow eyes fluttered into view as she yawned softly. Her head turned to the entrance and in peaked that blonde girly. Canttina smirked under her blood soaked mask. The mask was a Wolf skull. A lovely addition to her wardrobe. With a lovely smile Canttina stood before her dark vocals were let forth. "The baddest bitch alive calls upon the little Canttina once again!" She let forth a maniacal laugh before she stepped forward, off of the pallet of black wool she slept upon. "How is my little Karmen?"


09-24-2013, 03:27 PM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2013, 03:31 PM by Karmen.)

REASSURED THAT SHE HAD FOUND HER DEVIL IN DISGUSE, KARMEN SMIRKED, curving her tail side to side around her haunches in a casual mannerism, her golden lips curled to show off her pearly whites. The beast sauntered out of her labyrinth, tall and massive, a walking demi-god amongst the rest of the mortal wolves in the lands. Karmen was dwarfed by her, easily. She was the fragile teacup, and Canttina was the poison that filled her.

Karmen had almost forgotten had attractive she was.

She ate the distance between them and brushed by Canttina, inviting herself inside the fortress of ruin. As they passed, she allowed her skin to mingle with the female's, friction playing between their fur, like their flesh was sharing secrets."Canttina, you know I couldn't linger from you for long," she fluttered her lashes, turning her chin over her should and executing a perfect wink.

"To be honest, babe, I'm restless." Her words morphed into something dark, hissing out of her clenched teeth. Her body slowly tensed, her contouring muscles defined underneath her luscious locks of hair. Her gaze wandered the interior of the room. Wool carpets and tattered heirlooms, a kingdom in the making. Karmen's gaze sought the chocolate wolf, drinking her in like she was honey.

"I miss our glory days.. But enough about me, how have you been handling?"



09-24-2013, 04:04 PM

The vixen stared into her past partners eyes with a clean smirk spread across her thin lips. Though, it wasn't long until the other daemoness slithered closer before their furs mingled in delight. Canttina groaned as lust built up, though Karmen should be use to such behavior. Words were let forth like a gentle yet dark song. Canttina sucked the words in like a short breath and replied with her own horrid vocals. "I know, I am much to hard to resist. You are one of many wonderful woman to enter my den within the last month. It's grown to be odd yet I love every bit of it." She laughed and was not lying. There were at least 5 girls that entered her den, seeking the best within. It was to amazing for the daemon to pass up.

She let forth another groaning noise as the wink was seen. She would just love to embrace the woman and gain pleasure, but they were never like that. Karmen was a tease and Canttina loved every moment of it. Another sentence was heard and Canttina grinned. Oh, so the bitch was bored? She giggled gently, "So you seek fun from the master?" She licked her masked lips. Her pink tongue ran across the teeth of the skull that laid upon her head. Canttina watched as the blonde woman gazed around her little manmade den in interest before a question was served to the mahogany Queen on a silver platter.

"Oh, Karmen.. you know I never handle. I have been thriving. I have a lovely girl, Ozz, as a mate. She is fucking wonderfully insane and her body, Kar, the body of this bitch. But, as I said before many woman have made theirselves known to me, a lot of dark woman. Insane beasts, much like you and I. My mind has wandered, maybe I should act upon this? These bitches flock to me like I am the their mother Goose? Shall we .. start a monarchy? An empire?" She grinned, her horrible teeth poked out, she was excited, horrible excited.


09-27-2013, 10:22 AM

SHE NEVER IMAGINED SHE'D HEAR THOSE WORDS COME FROM Canttina's mouth: settled down? Certainly not Canttina, the demon who could lose count of all the boys and girls who lusted for her touch. Karmen's face morphed into lackluster unamusement. Canttina had been tied down, and a concoction of disappointment and jealousy coiled in her stomach. Her teeth gnashed together as she forced a petty smile on her face, feigning that she was happy for her. But the guise didn't last long as her lashes flittered into place, her chin gradually elevating toward the ceiling as she cooed to her partner. "Is she as fluent in your body language as I used to be?" She let her morsel of speech melt in the other's mouth before continuing on, she wished not to hear an answer and simply swept the conversation under the rug with a flick of her tail.

As Karmen escorted herself throughout the domain of her ex-affiliate, she flexed her toes on the plush black wool that she deemed a bed. Sinful thoughts spindled in the catacombs of her mind, weaving like spider webs, ensnaring devious intentions like winged insects. But her attention refocused on Canttina as the proposal left her tongue. The sound of it was like sticky-sweet caramel, so tempting that Karmen could feel her mouth water.

"Mother Goose, eh?" she purred, a small giggled laced in her words. She played with the idea in her mind: a kingdom, the power she had been previously seeking, and better yet, ruled next to a woman she knew had bad blood in her veins. She pivoted her body and sashayed closer to Canttina, batting her peridot eyes. "Not a monarchy love, a matriarchy. You know I'd fervently adore creating chaos beside you once again."



09-28-2013, 03:04 PM

Canttina could read Karmen like a book. She had a horrible smirk upon her lips as she watched Karmen twist up like she just ate rotten meat. Jealousy? Canttina would not comment until the blonde woman spoke. Mmmm, she could only remember the times they had in private. Drool began to dribble from her scarred lips and her body tensed. Yet she stood still and let forth her own words. "Mmmm, I would answer that but I have to be a good girl. I am taken. Though, I can still crush hearts. I have been doing it my entire life, even without you. I is not hard with these hips and I know how to use them." She laughed and rolled her marred shoulders. The woman was good at seducing when she needed to be.

Yellow orbs followed the light coloured bitch around the den. She twirled around and the woman refocused her attention on Canttina. A question was let forth and the mahogany dapple bitch replied with a bright smirk. "Yes, they just keep coming and coming. Ozz, Renesme, Sterga, Lova, YOU, and a few others. I love it." She laughed softly, it was true. She does love it, a lot. Though when she spoke again Canttina giggled softly. Her shoulders rolled and she yawned. A matriarchy. "Yes, indeed. We shall rule a glorious power." Canttina smirked, oh how she wanted to embrace the woman before her. "Have you enjoyed your stay in Alactritis."


09-30-2013, 10:58 AM (This post was last modified: 09-30-2013, 11:00 AM by Karmen.)

KARMEN WOULDN'T BE KARMEN IF JEALOUSY DIDN'T RUN THROUGH her veins, thicker than her blood. Envy was a leeching sin, and she embraced the heat of it just like her other vices: wrath, lust, and avarice. She was hell on blonde legs.

The danity woman's eyes glittered with a wicked fascination for the possibilities that could come - it would be their past, except on a much larger scale. Sabotage, pillaging, raping: reaping benefits for themselves and sparing none of the obsolete. And hearts? Oh, they would murder so many. Karmen was notorious for being a shepherd and leading lambs blindly into slaughter. A small smirk curled on to her lips as she ate the distance between her and Canttina. "I will be waiting for you to claim your throne, and will eagerly serve your side, Canttina." She purred her allegiance, her words spilling out of her mouth like tantalizing and rich amaretto. "I have lavished my stay."

She pivoted her body, attempting to run the side of her torso along her partner's chest in a very loyal cat-like manner, curling her tail in a sinuous pattern before the very tip of it tried to caress Canttina's chin and lips. In one fluid movement she carried herself away from the beast, merely glancing over her shoulder as she began to exit the ship's cavern, peeking at the woman from behind her sashaying hips. "Keep me in your thoughts, darling." Fair enough, if Canttina was mated and ready to settle down into a matriarchy, Karmen would respect that she needed to behave.

But behaving would never be in Karmen's agenda.

-exit karmen-