
The Other Side



5 Years
Extra large
09-23-2013, 04:35 PM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2013, 05:02 PM by Taurig.)

He had come back with his father to try and help him build up his new pack. He had sworn his loyalty to the pale king, but enough was enough. His father could've gotten Glaciem's most important wolves killed that day in the battlefield and left the women under their charge helpless and vulnerable. Why couldn't his father see past his blind self-ishness and think of someone else for a change? His aunt Sendoa could've gotten seriously hurt, or even killed had sheer luck not been on her side. The titan had been smart enough to avoid a fight, but who was to say that the was the last of the Valhallan's that they would see? They had had made an enemy now and surely Valhalla had allies and those allies would be informed of the challenge and loss. It was quite possible that war was imminent and Taurig wanted no part in it. He was a warrior, but he fought for what was right, not wrong.

Ebony limbs pushed the titan away from the chilling frost of the north, carrying down towards the east. He'd been down here before, he remembered meeting the ivory youth named Artemis somewhere near these parts. She had said her home had resided by the volcano, but he saw no sign of her or anyone else as he moved into the unfamiliar territory. The area was devoid of the scent of wolves and any scents that were left were stale. No one lived here anymore. But now he would. He was going to claim this land for himself, build his own pack, different from his father's. He wouldn't collect women, he would shelter those in need and would provide a home for those without one. He would make peace will all the packs of Alacritis. He did not want to be hated; he simply wanted peace. Gargantuan frame would come to a halt in the heart of the territory, onyx muzzle thrust back towards the heaven, a lone call erupting from his vocals. This place was his now. It was his home.

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09-23-2013, 04:48 PM

She had to talk to the man, see what happened on the battlefield after she had left. Was he okay, what was up with Gideon being claimed? Seraphine believed her Alpha but at the same time she didn't want to, she had been so willing to jump to war over the actions of a child, and wouldn't allow her to take responsibility. It felt like she wanted war.

The girl would shake her head, running through the lands. She remembered his scent, knew his appearance, it wouldn't be difficult to pick him out of the terrain. She just hoped he would be away from Glaciem when she found him.

About an hour or two later she was getting near the land of the north, but something off to the side caught her attention. A howl, from the volcano. "Taurig...?" She whispered in confusion, it sounded like him but why was he near the land of Tortuga? She didn't know but she would find out. The girl changed her path, heading straight for the mountain, and in no time the man's figure appeared, in the middle of the stale scent of the pack who used to live here.

"Taur!" She barked, slowing down to a walk, breathing a bit heavily, mismatched orbs locked on the man as the distance between them grew smaller. Her good ear would swivel forward when she came to a stop a couple feet from him, a look of confusion in her eyes as she stood there. Would he talk to her about the fights and why he was here, or would he turn her away?




6 Years
09-23-2013, 04:54 PM (This post was last modified: 09-23-2013, 04:55 PM by Gitan.)

Gitan moved with renewed vigor, his interest piqued both by the location and the summoning call. The earthen wolf, knew not what awaited him, nor did he know who had let out the call but it seemed as good an opportunity as any to explore. Life as a solitary wandered had taken its toll, and while the man did love having nothing to hold him down, he had become interested more recently in a more stable life style. At the very least it was worth a try. Thoughts of family and possibly a mate might have sprung from this as well. For certain it was something the man knew he wanted.
Cream paws scrabbled on the stony slope as he drew closer to the dark figure before him. Dull green gaze remained fixed to them, a goal. The end of his climb. As he drew near he saw that the summoner was a ebony male, large and imposing, an impressive leader. He had not been the first to arrive as he cast his gaze on the other wolf, a female. He grinned at her before turning back to the male.
He dipped his head in a sort of bow. ?Gitan Graingoire, at your service.? He lowered himself as he spoke, extending a forepaw out with a slight flourish before rising, grin still intact as he waited to see what the man would say and do.




5 Years
Extra large
09-23-2013, 05:29 PM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2013, 05:03 PM by Taurig.)

And so this land was now his. He had claimed this part of Alacritis for himself and it would now become his home. Part of him was rather sad that he had to turn his back on his father and Glaciem, but Taurig just wasn't going to stand by idly and watch as his father slowly turned the entirety of this land against them. It wasn't fair to all the other Glaciems. Isardis was being selfish and the titan couldn't be part of it anymore. He had almost gotten himself killed for petes sake, couldn't he understand? His father was endangering the lives of all the wolves who had become beneath his rule, but that didn't seem to register with the pale king. Well now he would leave his father to fend on his own. Taurig didn't want to fight. He wanted peace. That was it.

It seemed his call would not go unanswered, the first figure to make an appearance being Seraphine. Shock would rip across his dark features as icy gems locked in on Sera's figure as she rushed towards him, calling to him. Seraphine. He would call out gently, a small smile curling his dark lips as he bowed to her in greeting. Not long after another figure appeared, this one was male and distinctly earthen toned. Gitan Graingoire, at your service. The titan would turn away from his friend for a moment to address the newcomer. Please to meet your Gitan Graingoire, I am Taurig, new leader of this land. What brings you here? The new king would recline back towards his haunches, gaze dancing between the two wolves.

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09-23-2013, 05:39 PM

She would stand there in silence, waiting for the man to speak. Ears would twitch at that deep voice of his, only greeting her with a name and dipping his head before turning his attention to a man who made a look at her. She would narrow her eyes on him, ears folding back, but not moving from where she stood. Perhaps her friend would talk to her later? But he called himself the new leader of these lands... He was claiming this volcano, starting a pack? Her eyes would widen at this, but brows suddenly came together. "What about Glaciem... your father?" She would question softly, her heart racing. Did something terrible happen on the battlefield that made Taurig make such a big decision, to go against his father, if he did, ad make his own pack?



09-23-2013, 05:41 PM

Once again her home was disbanded. Their alpha had abandoned them. It seemed to becoming a habit. But a new call rang out, echoing in sensitive ears. With wary steps she approached this new wolf, navigating through her once home. Ebony paws kissed with earth with quiet steps, two-toned eyes settled upon a large darkly colored brute. Nostrils flared, he smelled of a different pack, one she didn't know, but still a pack. His pelt was made up on various shades of grays and blacks, rich cyan eyes settled on his face. She approached the group where others had already gathered, quickly pledging their allegiances to this unknown male.

"And may I ask who it is that claims my home?" Crown lifted to meet his gaze, her confidence unwavering, words rolling easily off her tongue, staying neutral as possible.. Her fathers blood coursed through her veins. Though young when her family vanished, she was aware of her position in the pack. One of several future Alphas to the pack. She would never forget that. And one day she would follow in her fathers foot steps, if it was the last thing she did. Her tail swept at her hocks in an attempt to not seem completely disrespectful, but then again she wasn't sure she was even going to stick around with this new man taking over.

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09-23-2013, 05:47 PM

A bellow of raw emotion would crumble the atmosphere around him, coral lips pulling back to reveal pearled weapons. Hidden beneath the face of an angel a devil would writhe, seething by the betrayal of his own blood. Word had spread fast upon the rumble of the winds, a roaring of thunder as what had once been his son staked a claim of betrayal upon a land that loitered yonder. A harem ever-dull and unheard of as he wove his infantile toes about it nonexistent structures. Isardis had been betrayed.

Pale limbs would thrash before him, a hasty march that had initiated upon the structures of a lope. Drums would sound The King?s arrival, weight bashing the earth beneath him in a rare occurrence of inelegance. The bastard had lied to his father, sworn a loyalty that had never been factual, woven his veins amidst a carpet of dedicated relations and all just to shun them, to throw them away carelessly as if they had never been willing to die for his soul. Anger would pour from his lips in trains of glowing saliva, the monster slowing only to stop but a few meters from the boy he had so grown to esteem. ?The mistakes you knit now will haunt you for the rest of your life, little lamb,? his body would shudder beneath his flesh, ?Have you abandoned your people, pulled away from a war to expose the jugulars of so many innocents? I want you to tell me you?ll let them all rot.? Ruby gaze narrowed, hackles rising as defences would climb, prepared for anything, craving some kind of confirming word, validating action.


09-23-2013, 06:06 PM

She wasn't sure what had brought her so close to her old home, or why she had even ventured this way. Maybe it was her meeting with Rune? Or maybe her meeting with Taurig? She couldn't be sure, but she wanted closure. The closer she got, the more she noticed the lack of pack scent. Had her once home been disbanded? Or had they moved? Nostrils flared as paws stepped over the once border. A howl echoed across the land at that exact moment making her nearly jump out of her skin. Some one was claiming Tortuga? There was something familiar about the voice but she couldn't put her paw on it. Changing directions, she headed towards the call. The closer she got, the more voices she heard. Including the one that roared with rage.

Audits pinned against her skull, but she didn't let her steps waiver. Pushing onward she approached the gathering. No one was familiar here, except for one. Taurig! However she didn't get to greet him, for a pale wolf seemed to be furious he was claiming this pack. Confusion colored her dark features. With careful consideration she sat herself amongst the crowd, sitting more towards Taurig than the raging pale monster. She looked around at other faces, wondering if anyone knew what was going one, but they were of no help to her.




5 Years
Extra large
09-23-2013, 06:17 PM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2013, 05:04 PM by Taurig.)

He wasn't really sure why Seraphine was here. She was already in a pack of her own; why would she want to come join his when she had a family of her own? A question he had figured was on her mind spilled from her lips, questioning his reason for having left Glaciem. A solemn expression would take over his features, hardening them into an unreadable mask. ] Glaciem wasn't much of a home to me. My father only brought me along to have another set of teeth and claws, not because he wanted to have me around for any other reason. I'm tired of the way things are being done in Glaciem. He nearly got some of our members killed, along with himself over his stupid pride. Taurig would trail off, his gaze dancing over to a new figure that had appeared. This new wolf was dark in coloration, with an ivory stripe going down the center of her forehead down to her nose. She too would question his reason for being here. Forgive me miss, but I believe it used to be your home. There was no one here when I arrived. I am Taurig. Welcome.

He had expected his father to be angry with him and he wasn't disappointed. He wasn't too surprised to see the raging pale ghost appear just several yards from where he sat, seething at the jaws as he demanded to know if this was really what he planned on doing. I am not a little lamb and this was not a mistake Isardis. The gargantuan would rise from his position, moving past Seraphine, Gitan and the new woman, standing in front of all of them, staring down at his pale father, his eyes glazing over like frozen ice. I swore my loyalty to you, but I am a man of honor. I do what is right and what you're doing is not right. It's wrong. You are my father, but you no longer hold sway over me. I knew I should've stayed home with mother, turned your offer away, but I was willing to give you a chance, to get to know you. And now that I do know you, I regret it. You say that because I have left, now I am leaving the rest of the pack exposed? A cold chuckle would rumble in his chest. No Isardis, that was all your own doing. You are putting the pack's jugulars up for the taking because of your foolish selfish nature. Because you can't leave well enough alone. Argent could've died in the battlefield that day, while carrying your children. His voice would become a low, rumbling growl at the last word.

They were his father's children, but his half siblings too and Isardis hadn't given a damn about them. My aunt and your sister Sendoa too could've died or gotten seriously injured, but you don't give a damn do you? As long as they fight and get you whatever you want, you don't care whether they live or die. Well I do and I couldn't stand around to watch you drive them into the ground. You're going to turn all of the packs in the land against you and not one will even consider throwing you a helping paw because you don't deserve it. I'm not turning my back on them, I'm trying to help them. Once I have established this pack, any of them will be welcomed here without consequence. I will make peace with the other packs here and I hope you learn from your mistakes because if you don't, you won't have much a pack later on. Despite everything that was happening, the grey-blue man still had some semblance of hope for his father and in these next few moments his father's fate would be decided. A movement to his side caught his attention, icy gaze dancing over to a familiar ebony, ringed tail figure; Maia. He would nod towards her in acknowledgement, waiting until she was seated behind him to return his attention to the seething pale ghost before him.

Not everything is lost Isardis. I offer you the chance to ally with me, but only under one condition. You must stop your foolishness and disregard your quarrel with Vahalla. In exchange, I will go to them and make peace in your behalf, that way everyone can live safely and without the threat of war. You may continue to take women in, but only those who are rogues, not ones already in packs. If you choose to reject my offer, then I will do nothing in regards to mending things for you and you will find yourself at war with all of Alacritis.

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09-23-2013, 07:14 PM

She followed Isardis like a shadow, a weary soul who had been bound to the den with her little ones for so long. Her nostrils flared, catching the scent of Taurig and strangers as they passed the borders of a foreign land, a land that had been marked by another?s leadership. Legs carried her towards where the confrontation was occurring, ears pinning back as she heard the argument between Isardis and his son. Crimson gaze placed itself upon the new alpha, the man who had finally chosen to come out from beneath the shadow of his father. She felt saddened, as if she wanted to cling to him, for Argent knew she would dearly miss him. And yet, would it be fair to cling to him? The ache in her heart was unfair, because it would never overcome the attachment and loyalty she felt towards Isardis.
?My King, Taurig has just done us a great favor. By taking another pack he has eliminated a potential enemy and brought us a potentially close alliance,? she informed the albino King, coldly as if that was all she was interested in. The briefest of looks was given Taurig, one of sorrow, because they both knew where she would stand if Isardis came to blows. ?Don?t you see how this will help you build your empire,? she whispered, and she feared that he would not listen, because she did not hold nearly the same pull on him as he did on her.



09-23-2013, 07:51 PM

Words would roll off the child?s tongue like poison, staining every last potential of healing his wounded judgment of the foolish boy. His words would fall like knives, slicing his father?s skin to slowly reveal the demon that coiled beneath pale leather; blacker than the hide of a rotting raven. Flesh peeling and falling to coral toes as each attempt at pity would descend upon quaking drums. The anger rising within his throat in fluctuating growls and shudders as the blue would carry on with his mindless bullshitting.

?Who do you think you are to offer petty lectures to a man almost thrice your tender age, little pup? You know nothing of the realities of the world, your mind as clouded by a globe of rainbows and pure fantasies as the majority of this sickening universe,? he spat, tail flicking with rising fury behind tapered quarters, ?And to think I believed you to have half a brain, I pity you! You have no superior to survey your goods; there is no deity that worships your dreary ways, cobalt fool! Get your skull out of the clouds. You do not know me, you never have, and don?t you dare to ever try and convince me you have had the pleasures. I am not your pathetic little stereotype, boy,? To hell if the man had ever spoken of such seriousness before. But alas it would be short lived as he recoiled, a bubbling of rising psychosis crawling from his tarnished pipes.

He needed no more, ?Alas, you have made your choice, and you are no son of mine.? A nauseating smirk would twist his features, crawling from a place sickening and rotted within, writhing with the maggots of his dour intentions. Chin would tuck, rubies narrowed, ears flattening against the tapers of pale skull, muscles rigid as toes dig to back even balance, hackles raised, abdomen tense, tail tucking as jaws would hauntingly crank, it would be clear now what the ghoul had planned. Elbows would loosen beneath him as chest dropped low to the earth, a rumble of anger echoing the chasms of his pulsating gullet. Argent?s approach had been too late, her words falling upon deaf ears as the monster dare not cast her a glance, dare not take his sights from the boy; he would make sure the idiot was never the same again.

He would crawl, his suspicions upon his son that he would remain grounded, low as he attempted to approach from the left-hind of the boy, to angle his own haunches away enough to barely destroy the potential of symmetrical positioning. With no further warning his gaze would pin to his targets, prepared to follow the man should he decide to move, and then Isardis would launch, approaching at a hasty lope, snarling, throat ripping with fluctuating emotions as he thundered for the proximities of the boy; to launch, and to slam his right shoulder into the lambs left blade, to knock his balance. Hopeful jaws would almost simultaneously be sent snapping for the left of the beasts face, neck craned as the monster would strive to hook his canines amidst the flesh of the blue?s cheek-ward lips, several thrashing attempts to contact and shred the skin before he would change targets; hopeful, ambitious to lock onto the lower jaw, to disarm him, hoping the boy?s inexperience would be enough to present him with his goals.

It pained the monster deeply to have fallen to the ways of a child he would have defended, a child who he?d have risked his own health for. To harm his own blood was to harm his own pride, and yet he had no other choice. He had been betrayed. Taurig was an enemy, and he would never be forgiven.

Isardis vs. Taurig ? Round 1 of ??

For permanent maim caused by any or all of the attempted attacks.

Defences: Chin tucked, eyes narrowed, ears flat, muscles rigid/tense, toes digging, even balance, hackles raised, abdomen tense, tail tucked, jaws open, chest low to ground to stay earthed and to prevent frontal access to chest, throat or abdomen (Taurbby is larger and shouldn?t be able to get beneath using this theory).

Attacks: Isardis attempts to approach from the left-hind, to position his body almost symmetrical to Taurig, his haunches slightly faced away. He then lopes and launches slightly to force his right shoulder into Taurig?s left to throw him potentially off balance, while neck will crane as jaws target to hook into the thin skin of the lips (at the cheek area), making 3 to 4 attempted goes at contacting and tearing before he will try to clamp onto the lower jaw, exactly where at depending on Taurigs actions.

Injuries: None, first round.


09-23-2013, 08:43 PM

What was happening here?

This place had been falling into ruin over and over again. Seraphim had been in these lands for only near a year, and yet he had seen Tortuga pass through the hands of now five leaders at the least. Only this time did the change hit home. Only now did it rock Seraphim to his core and raise any concern within the alabaster brute. He had just claimed a place in the pack and settled on his new life - the loss of those things was a hard one. But he would reveal nothing, merely move on and see where this new path lead.

Massive paws carried him again up the mountainside to greet this new wolf who claimed the territory. His eyes would fall on an assortment of wolves there - first the male who was staking his claim over the land, then several strangers including two who smelled heavily of another pack. These last were obviously related to the brute who had made the call in some fashion or another.

Finally, though, he found the only two he would place any interest in. Seraphine and Devya. He came to stand at his daughter's side, offering a nod in greeting to his young friend who also stood nearby, as he watched the conflict unfold. Once this was over and he had spoken to the new leader of the pack, he would inquire as to why she was here. For now, he would only watch what was to unfold.

talk, think




5 Years
Extra large
09-23-2013, 08:50 PM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2013, 05:05 PM by Taurig.)

He knew very well what his words would provoke in his father. Isardis was a prideful man and he had proven it the day at the battlefield. And once again, the pale ghost was proving it now. He just couldn't face the fact that his own flesh and blood was standing up to him. Everyone else seemed to scared to stand up to the ghost but not Taurig. He was tired of how his father had been running things and he wasn't going to spend the rest of his life serving someone whom he disagreed with. It just wasn't right. His mother had taught him better than that. He just hoped that if she were here now, that she would approve of what he was doing. At the moment he had no one; he was utterly alone. Seraphine was here for moral support he supposed, but nothing more. She had her own true family to go back to. He didn't.

To his utter surprise, a familiar silver figure appeared beside the pale seething King; Argent. Had she come to congratulate him? Didn't seem so. She spared him a glance and the now King could feel a piece of the organ in his heart chip away. She wasn't here for him; of course not. She was here for Isardis. She didn't want the albino to fight, not because it was his son that he would be fighting, but because she didn't want him hurt. It was a sad realization but one that Taurig had already come to terms with. The feelings that he felt for Argent never mattered in the first place and he would not let them get the better of him. She would never love him like she did his father and he was fine with that. He didn't need love. He was a warrior and now a King. He had to take care of the wolves that would come under his rule. That would be his main priority now. He could hear Argent try to plead with Isardis, try to dissuade him from fighting, but she was much too late. Isardis had already made his decision.

Part of him had known that one day it would come down to this; the two of them fighting. He didn't want to fight his father, but it seemed that's what the pale ghost wanted. But the grey-blue knight would not give him what he wanted. He was embarrass his father, make him look like a fool in front of this audience, show them just what kind of petty man he was. Taurig wasn't going to stoop to his level; there was no need. He was better than that and he would prove it. The last phrase to drop from the ghost's lips would put the last nail in his coffin. Taurig would never help his father again, never acknowledge him as blood again. This man before him was of no relation to him any longer and he was to be considered an enemy. Taurig would ally with the rest of the packs and aid them were Glaciem to attack one day. He didn't care if the rest of his family didn't come along, that was fine. He only hoped that Sendoa would realize what Isardis had done and consider coming to live with him.

And then it was on. Isardis quickly changed into his fighting stance and Taurig into his defensive. Chin would be tucked towards his chest to cover his throat, ears folding back against his skull, eyes narrowing to slits. Shoulders would be rolled forward, allowing the skin around it to bunch together as added protection to his vital area. Frame would tense, muscles coiling and bunching together beneath his dark pelt. Toes would be splayed evenly, talons firmly digging into the ground for better traction, knees bent in order to lower his center of gravity, plume held between his hocks, well out of harms way. He would watch the Ice King as he would circle around to Taurig's left side, coming at him from his haunches, aiming to barrel his shoulder into the blue King's. The cobalt King would hold his ground, scooting about only an inch or two from the impact, recoiling away only to use the momentum in an attempt to push his left shoulder back against the Ice King's and shove him away. Isardis would snap towards his upper jaws, canines hitting their mark, puncturing the skin there about an inch or two deep. Crimson liquid oozed from the gauges, pain beginning to throb from the wounds. A hiss of a breath escaped from his clamped jaws, but otherwise there was no move of retaliation from the titan.

The bite to his upper lips would only be seconds long as Isardis changed his target almost instantaneously, aiming to grab his lower jaw. But seeing as though his chin was tucked towards his chest, his lower jaw was hard to reach, so instead Taurig simply tilted his head towards his left, allowing the bridge of his muzzle to take the full brunt of the bite, incisors once more digging into his flesh, adding two more puncture wounds to his muzzle. But the man would make no move against the pale king, denying him the fight that he clearly craved.

Round 1 of 2 for Maiming

Defense:Chin would be tucked towards his chest to cover his throat, ears folding back against his skull, eyes narrowing to slits. Shoulders would be rolled forward, allowing the skin around it to bunch together as added protection to his vital area. Frame would tense, muscles coiling and bunching together beneath his dark pelt. Toes would be splayed evenly, talons firmly digging into the ground for better traction, knees bent in order to lower his center of gravity, plume held between his hocks, well out of harms way.

Attack: None

Injuries: Two punctures to his upper lip and bridge of his muzzle and slight bruising to his left shoulder


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09-23-2013, 09:29 PM

It seemed everyone was content to go and leave Glaciem behind to see what Taurig had gone and done. Feeling as if she ought to stay behind, the woman would linger on the border, pacing. However, the fate of her nephew was at hand due to his failing to think of how his actions would affect his father. Isardis was already boiling with rage over Valhalla, and this would likely be the last straw for him. Taurig was in a heap of trouble. Without any more hesitation she would stalk toward the kingdom the boy had taken for himself, not entirely surprised that he'd chosen to leave. She had suspected he wasn't a supporter of his father's antics, and in 20-20 hindsight she could see this coming from a mile away.

As she neared she found the boys in a scuffle, Isardis clearly wanting to do as much physical damage to the boy who he'd just disowned. Argent seemed to think it was a good thing what Taurig had done, and Sendoa found herself quickly leaning toward this sort of thinking - not that she would openly admit that to her brother right away. Sendoa brushed up against Argent lightly, more out of a notification of her presence than anything else. ?Duchess,? she would comment. ?hell hath no fury like my brother scorned.? There was no more certain truth. Isardis had never been good at not getting his way. Jaws would part and the Sentinel would let loose a call for her brother king, hoping he would call off this madness before he killed the boy. It seemed that Taurig had no intent to fight back. ?Isardis please,? pleading tone would pierce the air, hopefully weaving its way to his ears - and perhaps even his heart. If he only knew how much she cared for him and tried to look out for him - for them both.



09-23-2013, 10:19 PM

The red woman had never left, despite the constant changing of hands her pack had gone through the lithe red woman had remained, slithering through the shadows and open avoiding the new leaders who came to claim her home. But this day an interesting young man had slid into her lair and florescent yellow eyes followed his journey through her home. The giants had left and with their departure she had remained. The thought of claiming the lands for her own had strangely never crossed her mind, the woman knew that she needed a leash, knew she needed a handler to direct her rage and violence. Would this male be a suitable leader? There really was only one way to find out and without Morphine or Nnoitra to reign in her the female had been running rampant. She needed focus, needed a job...

She lay in her section of the bushes for some time even after the claiming howl, watching a few wolves file in along with her niece. Funny that she might show up here. What about Rune? Vixe had been in Glaciem even the last time she had seen him so she wasn't worried much about him. An albino hurried by and the red temptress would lift her head, skull tipping curiously as a distant memory of an albino pup floated to the forefront of her mind. But that pup had been a female. Almost as soon as it had appeared it disappeared and she found herself lifting herself to her paws, long limbs propelling her after the albino.

She came across anger and rage, father and son fighting with friends trying to pull them apart. Chaos... She drank it in, allowing it to ebb and flow around her as she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. It felt nice to be around a chaotic pack once more, the russet woman paying no mind to the fight that was breaking loose. Long limbs would carry her to her niece, devilish smile slithering across otherwise easy features. "Dear child, I thought you would be long gone from this pack by now..." She would coo, something about her tone distant even as she looked towards the fight. Who were these wolves? What were they to her and who would she be better suited to? She would follow the one who would put her to use...



09-24-2013, 07:29 PM

The boys returned thud towards his shoulder would manage only to prevent the success of Isardis? own shove, to collide the pair in a unisoned equality. At first the man was sure Taurig would do what any other wolf would do, defend himself, fight back, attempt to at least prove that he was as great as he seemed to so imagine. But alas he was as idiotic and stupid as he had suspected, willing to die at the hands of his father in a brittle attempt to command peace. Hell, if he wasn?t going to fight back Isardis would just take sheer advantage of it; rip him apart even more so than he had originally planned. Fool! How shameful it was to bare a son who knew no wisdom, that was incapable of physical defence and seemed entirely devoted to the idiotic words that seeped his lips. He wouldn?t last a day as a leader. And if he did, the pallid monster would tear his ranks apart.

Sendoa?s arrival would be marked by a plead to cease, a begging to stop any further harm. Her words would coil within his chest, beg at his heart to listen to the woman he so cared for; but it was too late now. It was only instinct to eliminate the weaker target, he would not impede. The thrilling sensation of a successful blow to the bows cheek would spur him onwards, attempting to remain at his side, though losing access to the lips. But alas he was presented with the bridge of the nose, and if that was no cause for celebration, what was? Siezing the opportunity he would attempt to tighten, to clench around the fragile bone until his canines hopefully drilled into thin skin, or more. Ambitiously he would loosen, attempting to rake left-wards down the snout, to potentially make contact with the soft cartilage of the nostrils and to shake his head violently.

But he wasn?t done; Taurig needed something to remember him by, something that would arouse interest in personalities, encourage forth a simple ?What happened?? And what could he say? As his mind swirled with the memories of his mistakes, ?I betrayed Isardis and he ripped me to shreds.? Good. By rotating his jaw Taurig had exposed the top of his head more so, and without any further hesitation the man would re-aim for the tender flesh of his left ear; jaws agape as they were sent rushing towards the base, incisors ambitious as he would hope to clench his jaws so hard no beast could pry them open; this was his prize. Again, eager he had made his target, the King would shake his head side to side, fluctuations of enraged growls vibrating his pipes as he would pull backwards, attempting so violently to shred the boy?s ear, or hell, even pull it from his scalp.

He was useless. If he didn?t fight back now he had willingly given his father a victory. He doubted it, convinced the child had no nerves to stand against a being he should have known to be greater, but alas his defences would remain; tail tucked, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, abdomen tense, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, limbs square, balance equal. This was the end of his face as he knew it, and yet it was only just the beginning. The assault but a minor suggestion of what was to come, of what evil would plague the child for the entirety of his pathetic little life. And little life was something Isardis would also assure. If he couldn?t have his son, nobody could.

Isardis vs. Taurig ? Round 2 of 2

For permanent maim caused by any or all of the attempted attacks.

Defences: Chin tucked, eyes narrowed, ears flat, even balance, hackles raised, abdomen tense, tail tucked, jaws open.

Attacks: Isardis takes advantage of the successful blow to Taurig's snout, tightening around the bone in an attempt to puncture skin or fracture bone. Then, he attempts to loosen lightly, to rake his jaws down towards the tender nostrils where he would tighten again, radically shaking his head side to side. Then, he re-aims for the left ear, to grasp at the base and whilst shaking his skull, rip upwards at the cartilage and skin; hoping to completely shred, or wholly remove.

Injuries: None.



5 Years
Extra large
09-24-2013, 07:52 PM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2013, 05:06 PM by Taurig.)

He should've fought back, should've torn into his father and ripped the petty ghost limb from limb. After all, it was what he so rightly deserved after carelessly putting the lives of his fellow packmates in harms way. But Isardis didn't care. He would keep endangering the lives of Glaciems as long as there were things out there that he wanted. They would only be safe once his hunger was sated or he was dead. And he should've been. If not at the jaws of the red-faced queen, then at the jaws of his own son. But what kind of man would that make Taurig? He would be no better than his pathetic selfish father and he didn't want that. He wanted to the better than the petty man who was now tearing him to shreds. He was struggling not to fight back, to defend himself. Every instinct in his body was screaming at him to do so, but he wouldn't. He wouldn't stoop to the Ice King's level. He would be the bigger man and simply take it. He probably deserved some of it for having gone back on his word, but it was time someone stood up to Isardis.

His icy gaze would see the approaching familiar figure of Sendoa as she came to stand beside Argent, another witness to Taurig's maiming. His aunt would try and plead with the white man, imploring that he stop the maiming, the as expected, the ghost didn't care. He only cared about retribution. The canines of the ghost would pierce the bridge of his muzzle, burying themselves in his flesh before dragging down towards his nose, splitting the velvety skin, causing more crimson liquid to flow freely. Taurig would twist his muzzle away, ripping Isardis' jaws from his face, worsening the already bloody tears, blood beginning to pool at his ebony paws. His father wanted to make him bleed and he was succeeding. But he wasn't done there. The enraged man would abandon his muzzle to aim for his left ears, daggers burying themselves in his ear. A snarl of pain would erupt from his jowls. He could feel the blood begin to seep from the wound, trickling down the side of temples. But that's where the cobalt King would bring an end to it. He wouldn't fight back, but that didn't mean he would stand around and let himself be killed.

Muscles would tense as the titan would push away to his right, ripping a chuck from the base of his left ear before ducking down, using his left shoulder as battering ram. Knees would bend, talons digging into the soil as the titan would attempt to slam at his father from the bottom of the chest, looking to knock him over or at least get him to stop. Ears would flatten against his skull, shoulders rolled forward to bunch around the sensitive area of his nape, eyes narrowed to slits, toes evenly spaced out, tail flagged for balance as he moved in towards the white ghost. That was enough.

Round 2 of 2 for Maim

Attack: Attempted slam into Isardis' lower chest

Defense:Knees would bend, talons digging into the soil as the titan would attempt to slam at his father from the bottom of the chest, looking to knock him over or at least get him to stop.Ears would flatten against his skull, shoulders rolled forward to bunch around the sensitive area of his nape, eyes narrowed to slits, toes evenly spaced out, tail flagged for balance as he moved in towards the white ghost.

Injuries: Bruised left shoulder, puncture wounds to muzzle on cheek and bridge, torn nose and torn left ear at the base

Talk like this



6 Years
09-24-2013, 09:14 PM

Gitan would allow the woman?s grimace to roll of his back; he shrugged and turned his attention back to the man, who asked him a question before he could answer however the woman spoke up. Forest orbs would snap to her, taking in her question. This man was of Glaciem then? He had spent some time up north but had steered clear of the scent boarders he had found there. The pack?s reputation however had reached even him. He would swing his direction back towards the man and with another little dip of his head begin softly. ?I would simply offer-? He was however cut off as another wolf made her presence known, demanding to know who the man was.
Then he arrived like an angle drifting across the stone he rose up the incline towards them. Fangs bared and fur lifted the albino would storm towards them, clearly angered. Gitan pulled his ears back as the newcomer spoke, his voice dripping with venom. It was chaos, more wolves would arrive pulled for unknown places. The dark male would deign to respond to the albino, clearly both hurt and somewhat angry. His father? Audits would perk, attention snapping back to the albino, this then must be the new ruler of Glaciem. Words were spoken, wise and promising but the silvery man would have none of it, his voice rising into a growl. Venom dripped from those pale pink lips, words tarnished by hatred. Gitan couldn?t help it as his lips pulled back some. Just who did the ghost think he was? The male was not eager however to involve himself in what was clearly a personal dispute. Things did however seem to be about to take a turn for the worse as the silvery viper began his approach.
This time a growl did rise from his throat, though he remained where he was. His body however tensed, hackles raising. It shamed Gitan that he was forcing himself to remain seated, but this was not his fight and as much as it seemed that the silvery attacker was very much in the wrong he would need to see how this would play out. An eyebrow would raise as the would be alpha allowed his father his attacks, not moving to retaliate. Then a call would pierced the scene and Gitan lifted his gaze to look upon yet another newcomer. The cobalt male was being torn to pieces by the ivory snake and he found himself rising to his paws. Even as the would be alpha pulled away and rushed towards his aggressor, Gitan felt words escaping his now parted maw. ?It is only a coward who fights one who won?t fight back!? His voice was forceful, taunting some. Really he was looking for anything that might make the silver man stop.



09-26-2013, 01:55 PM

This was a pitiful display, but not one that surprised her in any form or fashion. Isardis' mind was very childlike when it came to his pride and his possessions. He couldn't help himself, really and truly. All he knew was to acquire what he wanted, and hold onto it with every fiber of his being. That was what he was doing now. He had acquired his son and given him status and rank, but he had seen this move as a betrayal - and he knew no other response besides retaliation. She expected this much of him, and almost required it. He simply wouldn't be her brother if he didn't act this way.

Although she wasn't fond of his choice in victims.

Admittedly, Sendoa had a soft spot for Taurig - and to see him exposed to this side of his own father was hardly enjoyable. Not to mention she was now torn between the two of them. She expected Isardis to act like he was, but that didn't mean she liked it or approved of it. However, Taurig had gone behind their backs and left them during a crucial period right before an anticipated war. As the boys squabbled she watched, thinking over these things until Taurig's form was marred enough to bother her. Again she would plead with her brother, this time more forcefully and intentionally.

?Isardis, enough! He has made his bed, let him lie in it!?

Words were cool as ice, imploring him to listen for once in his life. She would step forward, bringing herself closer to the pallid brother and his night-colored spawn. A growl would rumble in her chest as an ear - then two - flickered back warningly. Enough was enough, the boy had been marred and it was time for Glaciem to go home.


The Judge


09-26-2013, 02:04 PM
Based upon the fact that this fight isn't really a win or lose situation due to the fact that Taurig was semi-willing to take his punishment, I'm judging based upon injuries alone.

Taurig - two puncture wounds on upper lip/bridge of muzzle, mild bruising on his left shoulder, nose ripped/torn, left ear torn at base. Injuries to the nose and ear will be unable to fully heal and will have moderate-severe scarring as well as missing flesh, all other wounds will heal in one OOC week (puncture wounds will mildly scar) None of the injuries inflicted will disable Taurig in any future fights, as they are mostly superficial in nature.

Isardis - Given Taurig's intent in his last post to push Isardis away, Isardis will receive only mild bruising to the lower-center of his chest to end the fight.

The fight will end here with no more injuries/attacks.