



The Hallows

Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

By the skin of my teethPride - Bisexual
02-28-2024, 10:26 AM

Sitri moved through the ravine until he found a clearing where he could see a stretch of the open sky. There was a humid heaviness in the air that hinted at the fact that a storm was on the horizon, but the question became what kind of storm and how quickly it would get here. While he was usually willing to go with the flow and see what happened, on this particular day, his attention was fixed on the ever-changing dance of the skies above as he embarked on a mission to decipher the cryptic language of weather patterns. With a sharp eye, he observed the shifting clouds with curiosity. He noted the subtle shifts in wind direction, the gathering moisture in the air, and the telltale signs of atmospheric pressure that heralded the approach of a storm.

Armed with his knowledge of meteorology gleaned from his observation and study, Sitri began to piece together the puzzle laid out before him. He knew that predicting the whims of nature was no easy feat, but he relished the challenge nonetheless. To him, understanding the mysteries of the weather was not just a matter of survival—it was a testament to the power of intellect and observation. As the sky darkened and ominous clouds loomed on the horizon, Sitri's senses went on high alert. He could feel the tension in the air, a palpable electricity that signaled the imminent arrival of a tempest. Undeterred by the looming threat, Sitri pressed on, determined to gather as much data as possible before the storm unleashed its fury.

But nature is a fickle mistress, and just as Sitri thought he had uncovered the storm's secrets, the heavens opened up with a deafening roar. Rain cascaded down in torrents, drenching the earth below in a deluge of water. Sitri's fur plastered to his sleek frame as he shook off the raindrops, his blue and lavender eyes reflecting a mixture of frustration and resignation. With no choice but to seek shelter, Sitri made a beeline for his den, the cozy interior feeling even more welcoming with the onslaught of rain as his current alternative. Inside, the air was cool and musty, a stark contrast to the tumultuous storm raging outside. Sitri sighed as he grabbed a towel to begin drying off his fur before he settled himself onto the furs that were spread out over a large portion of the floor as he waited out the tempest.

As the storm raged on, Sitri found himself lost in thought, reflecting on the unpredictable nature of the world around him. Despite his best efforts to decipher its mysteries, nature remained an enigma—a force to be reckoned with, yet also a source of boundless wonder and beauty. All of his studying of the weather patterns and the clues that alerted him to the shift and change that they moved through so quickly clued him in on a lot of things about the world around him, but making those observations fast enough to beat the storm was something he still needed to master. There was always room for growth which in a way he was glad for. He never wanted to stop learning or give up on understanding the world around him better. At the very least nature and the weather that influenced it so heavily would always keep him on his toes.

In the relative safety of his den, Sitri allowed himself to relax, his senses attuned to the symphony of sounds that accompanied the storm. The rhythmic patter of rain against the earth, the distant rumble of thunder, and the occasional howl of the wind—all served as a reminder of the raw power of the natural world. Hours passed in a blur as Sitri waited patiently for the storm to pass. Gradually, the rain began to taper off, replaced by a soft drizzle that whispered of the storm's retreat. With cautious optimism, Sitri peeked outside once more, his keen eyes scanning the horizon for signs of clearing skies. To his relief, he saw a sliver of blue peeking through the thick blanket of clouds, a harbinger of better weather to come. With a sense of quiet satisfaction, Sitri resumed his vigil, knowing that while the storm may have forced him to take shelter, it had also provided him with invaluable insights into the ever-changing dynamics of the natural world.

As the drizzle of rain tapered off into nothing once more, Sitri stepped back out into the dim sunlight, the heavy cloud cover still obscuring most of the daylight. As he looked up toward the sky he could see the thick cloud cover on the move, the wind pushing them along and forcing them to move on to another potion of the sky, allowing more and more of that blue canopy to be revealed once more. The summer storms hit fast and hard, but were also thankfully brief. The leaves of the trees that crowded the ravine glistened and dripped with rainwater, filling the air with the pattering of raindrops still finding their way to the ground. Perhaps the next time a storm began to roll in he would be able to pick up on that fact more quickly so he could avoid the soaked fur he now had to wait to dry.

WC: 882/800

"Sitri Klein-Destruction"

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1. Rainstorm Cryer's Ravine 10:26 AM, 02-28-2024 11:00 AM, 04-10-2024