
I Can't Stop, The Dogs Of War



"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
03-01-2024, 03:01 PM

With her members in tow, Haydée swiftly leads them up to the dark beach where Gilgamesh had maimed her. Stopping before they can cross into the land, she turns to address those who have followed her, saying, “We will announce ourselves and not try to sneak up in the middle of the night like they did. This will probably get bloody so be ready and do whatever you feel is best.” Taking a moment to looking to each individual, the young Leader then gives a sharp nod and turns back toward the beach, inhaling deeply.

With a sudden burst of speed, Haydée charges forward, breaking across the invisible border lines while releasing a long howl, announcing her pack and their intent to fight for what was taken from them. The time for doubt and second guessing herself is gone and, in their place, is steel and fury. Gil’s parting words from the last time they met still ring in her ears but, in her mind, this fight is inevitable and Ethne will not back down.

"Haydée Kedieo"

Art by Moonfin

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.


Raiders Hollow
The Scion

Master Healer (245)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

1 Year
03-01-2024, 03:30 PM (This post was last modified: 03-02-2024, 06:56 PM by Siduri. Edited 2 times in total.)
(Edited for clarity and because I totally misread the time of day.)

Whaaaat was this bullshit? Siduri was still asleep on the isle... so why did a call for a raid come all the way from the beach? Sid cracked an eye and watched a few sleepy feet kick in annoyance as others were disturbed from their naps. Siduri groaned and drifted back off for a few minutes before fully waking. What did Ethne expect? They didn't all wake at the crack of... noon? What time was it?

Once she felt awake enough,  Siduri donned her gear and leisurely made her way to the beach. Climbing off of her raft, the pastel girl shook out her coat before sitting in the sand. A yawn pulled from her and she smacked her lips a few times. Mismatched eyes fixed on the little leader and the girl scoffed. "You're not very thoughtful when you're planning things, eh?" The Raiders had forced Ethne to wait for what felt like hours before they got their shit together and meandered to the beach via raft, boat and bridge. "Ever hear the expression "Bring war to their door?" Well... you kind of brought it to the back end of the guest house."

"What do ye want anyway?" A bit of that pirate's drawl sank into her tones. "All of yer sick filthbirds are dead. Killed 'em meself." Well, with the help of Sakana. The birds had ben too sick to be allowed to live. It was a mercy killing for each and every one. "I brought ye one though." Reaching behind her, Siduri untied a chicken corpse and tossed it into the sand between them. The bird was headless and slightly rotting, but there it was; visual proof of the illness that had forced them to kill the birds. Pustules and feather loss were quite obvious on one while the other showed strange beak bubbling. "Yay, you got your birds back. Now you can all turn tail and go home, eh?" Another yawn pulled from Sid and she sighed after as more Raiders began to take their place on the beach.


Raiders Hollow
The Modyguard

Master Fighter (291)

Expert Intellectual (185)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

1 Year
Extra large
03-01-2024, 04:27 PM

Kenway didn't bother with armour or weapons, but he followed his sister to the pile of birds and tried to hold his breath around the stink of it's rot and slipping skin. He held it by a wing to avoid the black puss filled wounds that littered the birds scaley legs, the bare featherless patch on the back of its head marking it as one the chickens had killed themselves. The poor ones that were left at that point could barely breathe by the time Sakana had given up. They'd wasted so many of their medicinal stores trying to save the damn things and why? So Jael could have something other than decoy doves in her fancy cage? It was a great idea, they'd just gone the wrong direction to get them. They would need to find birds that lived somewhere dryer. That they could look at properly instead of rounding them up in the night.

He stepped off the raft beside his sister and dropped the bird alongside hers. "Poor things kept me up most nights wi' their coughin and stumbling. Even started turnin' on each other in th' end, and the shit that was foamin from their beaks..." The boy made a heaving motion, looking over the gathered opponents. If it was the birds they wanted, well, the Raider's were more than happy to give them back. "Y'know they were sick before they got 'ere right?"




Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
03-01-2024, 05:07 PM
Art & Code © Rex/Witchdogtor DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION

As the raiders came Lucette stepped onto the beach with her sister. It was going about as well as not, but the pixie would not fault her sister for that. When the chicken was thrown her gaze flicked to it. They kept rotting prey? What was wrong with them? And then the nerve they said they were sick. Lucy drew a breath. “They were healthy at Ethne, but you took them away from their shelter on a stormy night to an environment that did not suit them. Unfortunately, they weren't likely to survive.” She hadn’t wanted to tell Haydee that though. Her gaze flicked to her sister. Now what?

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.



Novice Intellectual (20)

Expert Fighter (180)

3 Years
Extra large

VengeanceCritical Observation!1KLoserCritical Fail!Pride - Pansexual
03-01-2024, 08:50 PM
The dominoes set up by that damned raid just kept falling it seemed. For the second time in such a short period of time an Ethne wolf called from the beach. This time it was to demand further violence. Flurry groaned, a foreleg getting thrown over her eyes for a moment. Maybe she could just pretend she hadn't heard? Maybe she could have a break for once? But no. She knew that wasn't possible. With a frustrated grunt she rose to her paws. Probably a good thing she'd decided to go as she picked up the trail of her siblings. Abraxas above! Gritting her teeth Flurry picked up her pace, arriving in time to hear the "conversation" about the birds. The stupid, fucking birds. They hadn't been worth it, they hadn't been worth it even a little bit. A few sick birds for so much fucking strife.

Flurry stepped slightly ahead of her younger siblings, her gaze landing on the little pack leader and her expression softened for a moment, grimacing as she saw the shoulder wound. Sakana had been a whole idiot, the woman hadn't deserved that. "As you can see the prize you sought is no longer here." She began, tone even. "If you cannot return home unsatisfied then I will take anyone who wishes for a fight, I will defend myself but frankly I'm of the opinion more than enough blood has been spilt between us as it is." She cast a glance back at her siblings, a look that said she would not tolerate them starting anything, a look that came from remembering if Sid hadn't gone to maim the bitch in the first place none of this would have happened. "If my blood can be enough to end this back and forth then I give it willingly." She was doing her best to channel her mother, to put forwards the strength Modesty showed. She feared it was a poor facsimile. She also, frankly, didn't think her offer would sway anyone. They were doomed, doomed to constantly starting blood feuds. And one day it would kill one of them.

- | movement | speech  -

code by Cloudy
Updated 01/13/23: I am currently on indefinite scarcity, please be patient and don't remind me of missing tags right now.


Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (320)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

1 Year
Extra large

03-01-2024, 08:53 PM

Tarnish was healing well from his fight with the Hallows boy. There were still noticeable wounds on his face but the flesh was healing and each day the marks were less and less red. He'd even lucked out, for it seemed like he might not have a scar from the fight. He was a bit torn about that. While he didn't much like the placement of the marks on his face he felt a little jealous of Siduri and her scars.

Tar was staring at his reflection, stretching his face into all kinds of contorted expressions when a howl went out. A foreign voice, threatening battle. Wait, wait… was that the Ethne leader? Oh fuck, he was gonna miss his rematch! Tarnish sent sand flying as he scrambled back into his den, grabbing his armor and weaponry then bolting for the source of the call. When he arrived he was disappointed to see the boy he'd previously fought wasn't there. At least not yet. Those that arrived were talking blah, blah, something chickens. Wo cared? "Hey! Where's the guy I fought last time? Tell him to get his ass out here, I want a rematch!"

Raider Brats



Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

5 Years

VengeanceThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverExplorer
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerPride - BisexualSnake Eyes1KDouble Master
03-01-2024, 09:52 PM

Excitement churned in Dagrúns stomach. She was eager for the thrill of battle and the march toward the Raiders territory made the eagerness grow with each step. Dag was not a peaceful woman by nature and ever so often she craved that burst of violence, of teeth ripping through flesh, of blood speckling the ground. With the predators hanging around Ethne she could get her fix there but this was a rare occasion where she could cut loose on a wolf.

She arrived shortly after Lucette, noting the loss of the chickens and the speech of the woman she'd battled before. She sneered at the pup. "I didn't march all the way here just for some chickens. I came here for blood and battle, and I will have it." She fixed her sight on the woman who had offered her own blood to stop the conflict. Dagrún shook her head. "Don't give your blood willingly, fight for it!" With a snarl her defenses flew into place, ears pinned, tail tucked, and hackles and fur raised. Her shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunching back before she kicked off and headed right for Flurry. She wanted her rematch as well as she wasn't going to be so easily denied the opportunity.

Dagrún approached seemingly head on before shifting to her left, body arcing in to for a 45 degree angle with Flurry's right front leg. Dag launched her left shoulder forward, seeking to strike it against the outer portion where the deltoid lay, seeking to cause the muscle to spasm. At the same time her jaws launched for Flurry's face. Her upper fangs sought to land above the eye, her lower fangs under the jawline. Her goal was to gain a hold and to get this party started.

Dagrún vs Flurry for Dominance
Round 1/?
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Large
Build: Balanced
Offensive Battle Accessory: Spiked shoulder harness
Defensive Battle Accessory: Spiked helmet
Companion 1: Cougar, Male - Battle - Boosted
Companion 2: American kestrel, Female - Flying
Mutation 1: Cat claws - Offensive
Mutation 2: Enhanced vision - Perception
Mutation 3: Water Deer Fangs - Offensive
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Tactician


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
03-02-2024, 11:46 PM

They are charging across the Obsidian Beach, devouring the distance between the pack and the group of raiding wolves… when the colorful pup that her mother had maimed suddenly arrives by raft. Skidding to stop, chest heaving from the exertion, fire-filled eyes watch the young one scoff and berate her. The young Leader’s blood boils and she finds she has grown exceeding tired of being told how she should be running her pack and the public humiliation that she has been forced to endure.

The deep, healing wounds on her neck suddenly itch as the pastel girl deposits the body of a bird before her and she fills hate bloom in her breast. Another raider, a boy, steps up beside the girl and deposits another body, showing that the raided resources they had taken were now dead and rotting. Haydée can barely contain the fury that courses hotly though her veins and she turns her piercing emerald eyes to the one who had maimed her mother. They think they can simply turn them away simply because they murdered their chickens? Now, it is the Leader’s turn to scoff.

Frame thrums with pent up aggression, her muscles quivering every now and then as she loudly states, “Prepares you should have done research before stealing something so fragile as chickens. If you had bothered to find out, those fowls were meant to live in Auster weather and not suitable for the conditions up here. The moment you stole them, you doomed them all to death because you did not plan. We traded Avalon for them and we took the time to learn and build a coop and to make sure that the conditions were right before those chicks to be born.”

As she speaks, her gaze sweeps the gathered wolves before turning once more to Flurry, “If your pack had simply asked how to raise chickens we would have helped you. I understand you are guys are all about raids and, while I had expected to be raided, I hope this has been a lesson on how foolish it is to seek resources that you have no idea how to care for. You brought blood to our borders so we will return payment in kind. Since our chickens are dead, we will take whatever livestock you have and, if you don’t have that, then we will take your food. You will not deny us this chance at vengeance.

Haydée was taking a stand, showing how much she distests the fact that had taken animals they had absolutely no idea how to handle. In her mind, this raid is justified and she will not allow them to try and talk it down. With a sharp cry, she lunges forward, intending to attack Flurry but quickly diverting as Dagrún took the charge on her. Eyes flash with hateful intent as she bares down on the pastel girl, who, in her mind, is the cause of this whole mess. She screams her rage, charging the taller wolf with all the abandon of a blood crazed berserker as she seeks to move straight up to the girl and bite her wherever she can reach.

Blood started this mess, blood will end it.

Haydée vs Siduri for Maim (right hip scarring)
Round 1/?
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Extra small
Build: Balanced
Offensive Battle Accessory: Damascus Steel Bowie Knife
Defensive Battle Accessory: Leather Brace/Vest
Companion 1: Male Northern Cardinal, 20" - Flying
Companion 2: Female Fossa, 30" - Battle
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Bard

"Haydée Kedieo"

Art by Moonfin

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.



Novice Intellectual (20)

Expert Fighter (180)

3 Years
Extra large

VengeanceCritical Observation!1KLoserCritical Fail!Pride - Pansexual
03-03-2024, 12:56 AM
It seemed to Flurry she was about the only wolf on both continents that wasn't being led around by her ego. That she was the only goddamn adult who could see the danger in taking everything so fucking personally. As the little alpha spoke Flurry remained where she was, jaw locking and the sympathy she'd showed for Haydee leaving her expression, instead her gaze grew hard. Not anger, not even hatred, just barely disguised frustration that the only fucking wolf willing to give up anything to protect the things they loved was her, least as far as she could tell. No one else would swallow their fucking pride and humble themselves for the greater good. And just as she'd told Sakana that night a bit ago, nothing she did would ever be enough for anyone, there wasn't a single fucking thing she could do to change the course of the disaster they found themselves on. Fine. She'd meant it when she'd said she'd defend herself.

When Flurry had first fought the older woman that charged her she'd been flirting, trying to find the fun in raiding again. Now she met the woman's jeers with a stony silence. She wasn't interested in making anything worse, she wasn't interested in taking her frustration out on anyone but it was clear this fight was more serious this time. She watched her opponent approach with steely gaze, and despite herself, despite her focus did find herself struck in the leg, an involuntary gasp escaping her lungs and she pitched to her left and down somewhat as she quickly worked to counter balance her aching and still twitching leg. As such the older woman's grab for Flurry's face barely scraped along her cheek. No doubt she'd feel sore once the adrenaline wore off but better than getting a face full of fangs. Flurry grit her teeth and planting her right leg back on the ground practically threw herself to her right, hoping to shoulder slam the other woman in the chest. Meanwhile Flurry would attempt to use her height to her advantage (for once, damn giants) and craned her neck to try and grab hold of the other woman's scruff. Much like Dagrún she wanted to get a hold on her opponent, wanted to control her. Okay so maybe she was slightly taking her frustration and her deep feeling of a lack of control out on her opponent. But Flurry wasn't looking to make the fight more than it already was. If she was going to be the only one with fucking principles in this whole mess then she was going to stick to them damn it!

Flurry vs Dagrún for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: 1+
Size: Extra large
Build: Light
Companion 1: Maine Coon, Female - Battle
Mutation 1: Water Deer Fangs - Offensive
Mutation 2: Pronghorn horns - Offensive
Skills: Beginner Intellectual & Expert Fighter

- | movement | speech  -

code by Cloudy
Updated 01/13/23: I am currently on indefinite scarcity, please be patient and don't remind me of missing tags right now.


Raiders Hollow
The Scion

Master Healer (245)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

1 Year
03-03-2024, 08:25 AM

The leader of Ethne starting talking and Siduri mentally checked out for a bit. The girl was too busy staring hard at her sister, Flurry. What shit was she on about? Offering her own blood and whatnot? That was... dumb. In Siduri's opinion, playing the martyr was pointless. "We're Raiders," she growled, hackles lifting as she took a step towards Flurry. "We've all agreed to this life. AND IF ANYONE DOESN'T LIKE IT," the pastel girl practically roared at her own pack, turning to face them, "THEN GO JOIN THE PEACELOVERS!" Gods... their mother and father would be so ashamed.

"We're Raiders!" the girl roared again, trying to instill confidence in the pack's defenders. "We may not be here for a long time, but we're here for a good fucking time. LET'S SHOW THEM!" By the time that she was done firing up her own pack, the leader of Ethne was racing for her. Fucking fabulous.

Siduri didn't wait for Haydee to come to her. The pastel marked demoness launched herself forward racing across the dark sand to meet her opponent. "This is for my fucking eye!" Jaws opened wide and the yearling aimed straight for the face of the smaller wolf, a guttural snarl ripping from her chest and careening up her throat. The force with which she had run forward should have at least slammed hard into the smaller wolf, but she was too focused on landing her bite to even notice. Adrenaline and fury were rich in Siduri's veins. She was a Raider and the Ethne cur would remember that before they were done.


Siduri vs Haydee for Maim (Facial scarring on the cheek and brow)
Round 1/2
Age: Over one.
Size: Medium
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Steel Claw Bracers
Defensive Battle Accessory: Steel Armor
Companion 1: American Badger, Female, Battle
Companion 2: American Badger, Male, Battle
Skills: Master Healer & Master Fighter
Specialty: Knight


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
03-03-2024, 03:12 PM

Everyone on both sides of this fight have their own reasons and beliefs surrounding this raid and the previous one and no one wolf is wrong in what they feel or think.

Yet, to Haydée, as she charges the yearling, bellowing a battle cry filled with all her rage surrounding the events, the only thing the Leader can think of is that she is justified in her actions. The pastel hued girl launches at her, screaming about pay back for their eye and releasing her own guttural snarl as the pair meet on open sand.

Haydée tucks her neck in an effort to keep her throat away from the girl and tosses her head to the side to avoid the worst of the bite. The Raider’s bite lands on her cheek, tearing open new wounds and filling the air with the unmistakable coppery tang of blood.

With a growl, Hay shifts, seeking to try and smack away the girl’s face with a paw while also diving toward her opponent’s right side. She hopes to grab ahold of the girl’s right hip so she can leave the child with yet another reminder of her pack.

Haydée vs Siduri for Maim (right hip scarring)
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Extra small
Build: Balanced
Offensive Battle Accessory: Damascus Steel Bowie Knife
Defensive Battle Accessory: Leather Brace/Vest
Companion 1: Male Northern Cardinal, 20" - Flying
Companion 2: Female Fossa, 30" - Battle
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Bard

"Haydée Kedieo"

Art by Moonfin

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.



Expert Fighter (140)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
03-03-2024, 04:10 PM

The Ethne wolves charge through Raider’s territory and are stopped short by the appearance of a pastel girl who shows them the fate of their chickens. Sorrow tugs at his heart as he glances from his aunt to his mother and then back to the dead fowl that been joined by another of its kind. The dark kid he had fought in the first raid paces the dark sand, calling out for him and Jericho slowly emerges from the gathered wolves.

Striding toward the boy, the Ethne boy amicably calls out, “My name’s Jericho. No matter what happens here, I expect you to find me later for more rematches. Okay?” Brows lift and a small smile tugs at his lips because, while others may have bad blood with the Raider’s, he can appreciate the strength and skills that this wolf has. Quickly he sets his defenses and charges forward, his newly acquired armor and dagger now strapped to his form.

Moving straight at the boy, he seeks to meet him head on and, when he is close enough, Jeicho plants his back paws and raises up in an attempt to wrap his legs around and grapple the other boy. Tail shoots up between his legs, protecting his most valuable assets as he keenly remembers the claws that the dark wolf is equipped with. At the same time, he seeks to try and grab ahold of the yearlings cheek in order to gain control of his face.

Jericho vs Tarnish for Dominance (Raid)
Round 1/?
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Large
Build: Balanced
Offensive Battle Accessory: Steel Dagger
Defensive Battle Accessory: Leather cuirass
Companion 1: Rabbit w/ antlers, Female, Battle
Companion 2: Tufted Titmouse, Male, Flying/Perception
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Intermediate Intellectual
Specialty: Bard from Haydée

"Jericho Agatsuma-Kedieo"


Raiders Hollow
The Scion

Master Healer (245)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

1 Year
03-03-2024, 05:04 PM

Since Siduri wasn't aiming for the girl's throat, her strike landed. Teeth bit into the flesh of the earthen fae's face and the Raider girl came away with blood on her teeth and tongue. First blood was hers! The coppery tang of blood was like ambrosia and it added fuel to the fire within Siduri that hadn't been burning nearly as bright.

The smaller woman tried to smack at Sid's face with a paw, but the pastel fae was much larger and her head barely budged. Still, the smaller wolf slid along her side, biting into Siduri's right hip. It left the Ethne leader vulnerable and Sid used the awkward angle to her advantage, jaws opening with intent to snap down hard on her opponents spine just above the tail.


Siduri vs Haydee for Maim (Facial scarring on the cheek and brow)
Round 2/2
Age: Over one.
Size: Medium
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Steel Claw Bracers
Defensive Battle Accessory: Steel Armor
Companion 1: American Badger, Female, Battle
Companion 2: American Badger, Male, Battle
Skills: Master Healer & Master Fighter
Specialty: Knight


War Chief

Master Fighter (260)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Large species
Dragon Mod

Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
03-03-2024, 10:32 PM

The young bear followed her sister and those who had chosen to raid for their flock to the Raider lands. Although Saga was generally easygoing and pretty laidback more often than not, the Raiders had begun to make a messy bed when they raided Ethne, and shortly after had made a mockery of her sister and embarrassed her. Though she wasn't there to witness it herself, they had slighted not just one sibling, but two of her beloved kin. Gavroche had followed them to try and offer assistance and give them herbs, and they had responded with violence. Haydee had been maimed that same day, and Saga felt that the Raiders could never be trusted. She didn't understand these wolves. Then again, she was barely starting to understand the ways of her own kind with the help of the two older bears that now stood by her side. It was a shame things had come down to this, because she had enjoyed her fight with the brown boy. Her first ever fight, as well as her first raid, and although she hadn't wanted to hurt them then, this time was different.

She didn't know who all was involved in trying to harm Gavroche and wounding Haydee, but today, they were all enemies. She didn't understand the political side of wolf packs, but did it matter anyway? She was a part of one, and while she might not be a wolf, she would give her strength and use her power to help her family. And today would be the first of many days. The polar bear stopped when Haydee did, amber gaze hard and cold like steel as she quietly listened to Haydee. Do whatever was best? That left a lot of room for interpretation...maybe she'd do just that then.

As Haydee charged across the border and announced their presence, Saga followed the lead of her pack. It wasn't long before the Raiders started to trickle in, the first being the little shit that had fought her mom at the last raid, and now stood there with Ethne's chickens...dead. Claiming the birds had been sick. Lies. Saga knew as well as everyone else in Ethne that the flock had been healthier than most, and she couldn't help the rumbling growl that bubbled up in her throat as the brat continued to lay more insults on Haydee. She had never felt anger before. Never felt any of these emotions that she was feeling now. She loved her family to pieces, and the fact that these strangers did everything they could to harm them started to send Saga into a fit of rage, building up more and more until the tower toppled over like a bad game of Jenga.

More dead chickens came. The flock that Ethne had raised with love and care had been whittled down, and she knew how much Haydee loved those chickens. Her lips lifted, showing pearly white teeth as her patience wore thin. The brown boy she fought before tried to say they were sick, but Saga knew he was wrong and bullshitting them just like the stupid pastel girl that kept trying to insult her sister. A wolf older than the brats that had already arrived tried to offer herself to end all of this, but even Saga decided that wouldn't do. So the moment Dagrun went for her, Saga took that as the signal to go.


Unwilling to wait any longer and to continue to listen to their lies, she charged in a fit of rage, black sand bombing from beneath her feet as she roared with rage, a wild light in her eyes as she zeroed in on the boy she had fought back home. Whether or not he had anything to do with this, or if he was telling the truth or lying to appease his family and going along with the first brat didn't matter. He would get her wrath today.

Saga charged at him, teeth bared as she barreled down on the smaller wolf. Her companions struggled to keep up with the massive she-bear, her armor rattling with each heavy step she took. Though she was a big creature, she had been practicing a lot lately, learning how to be swifter. Learning how to fight these dogs. Her goal was to slam into him, knock him into the sand and throw him to the ground. When she expected impact, she lashed out with her right forepaw, sharp claws seeking flesh as she aimed to cut him across his back and cause him to buckle from the force.

Saga vs Kenway for: Maim - Back scarring
Round: 1/?
Age: Over 1yr
Size: Large species
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Rhino helm
Defensive Battle Accessory: Leather armor
Companion 1: Mini Polar Bear, Female - Battle
Companion 2: Mini Polar Bear, Male - Battle
Skills: Expert Fighter & Advanced Intellectual
Using Goldfish in a bag from OOC account




Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Extra small

Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualCritical Attack!Double MasterHomebodyCritical Block!
StudentRapid Poster - Silver1K
03-04-2024, 12:27 PM

Though Jael had thoughts of holding off for Gilgamesh, it's Siduri who catches her gaze first. The girl already well ahead of her, on her way across to Obsidian Beach. It wouldn't be the first time she bled on these sands, and she's pretty sure it won't be the last either. All the speed in the world wouldn't have caught up to her, and by the time the wolfdog makes landfall behind the child, Sid has disappeared into the throng.

Whale-eyed and already escalated, heart pounding in her chest, Jael's opal gaze flickers among the crowd. The kids. Head spinning, Jael can't make them out in the brawl. Instead, she fixates on someone her own size. Quintessential, unsettling, near-mad border collie eye, aimed at the woman. There are no second thoughts. There's only the crouching, creeping gait that takes her closer to her opponent. Head low, chest low, ears pinned to her skull-- this isn't a wolf. This is something much worse, and it's intent on Lucette.

Off like a shot, near manic in her speed, Jael strikes. Rushing for the woman's face, a flash of teeth and among the most unsettling sounds that can come from a dog. A snarl that starts down deep in her throat, breaks through, as she lunges for the vermin's face. It's vicious, raw power that's near deceptive for her stature. Grit and grace. Jael will not withdraw, will not try to harry back-- no. This is one of the few opportunities it seems she'll have at an opponent her size, and she's going to do everything in her power to stay close to her target.

Jael vs Lucette for maim (lip scarring)
Round 1/?
Age: over 1
Size: Extra small
Build: Balanced
Defensive Battle Accessory: Collar
Companion 1: Mourning Dove, Male - Perception
Skills: Expert Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Bard
As her keepers, Gilgamesh and Modesty may join any of Jael’s threads if they deem necessary.


"The Bully™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid King

Master Intellectual (635)

Master Fighter (870)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverWordyBest BudsSocialiteCritical Attack!Legendary
LoserRaiderCritical Fail!Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarred
Snake EyesWinnerOoh La LaDouble Master1KAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teethVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Overachiever
Critical Block!
03-04-2024, 12:52 PM
The howl that rang out faintly reached the leader's ears. It wasn't friendly, but rather... a beckoning a call, a trumpeting blare of warning that they were being raided. At first, he meets Siduri's gaze, a sigh leaving him. Okay so, who wanted a piece of them now? His ears work, the gears churning in his head before he realizes why the call was so familiar. Haydee. Had he not just told the foolish little girl to not come back? That the next time they met would not be on nice terms? Had the scar left upon her neck by him not been lesson enough that he wasn't playing games?

Gil moves to sit, taking his time to stretch and ready himself for the ridiculous onslaught that was about to happen. One might think he would be eager and excited for a raid, but this one? No. He'd rather they just turn tail and go home. Why did Ethne feel it necessary to return for bloodshed? Were they not one of those packs that sought for peaceful options? After all the badgering of Haydee and her followers that if they had "just asked" for help, they would be given it. And now? It sure appeared that they were lowering themselves to the pettiness and likes of those that called themselves Raiders.

Letting out a sigh as he listens to the rest of the group splash into the waters and begin their relatively quick swim over to the mainland, Gil finally gets up. A long bowing stretch of his body as he leans over to plant a kiss atop Modesty's head. "Shouldn't be gone long," Gil murmurs beneath his breath. He knows what they are here for and after the news had recently been broken to him that they had had to cull practically the whole flock, he wondered how Haydee and the rest of Ethne would react to the deaths of their precious pets.

With just about everyone else already on their way to the beach, Gil makes his way via raft. Trailing along near the back, he's curious to see how his members will react or retaliate to the summoning. He won't stop them or interfere. This is their turf too and how they wanted to handle a raid would be on them. A reflection as to where they truly stood among their ranks. As he shakes his coat to rid of the cold salt water that dampens his fur, he walks forward to catch the tail end of Siduri's speech. The slaughtered chickens laying in the sand were an interesting sight to see, but not one that would make his stomach churn, but he was sure it would any of Ethne's soft souls. Kenway jumps in, adding to the horror and Gil almost chuckles when the Ethne girl retaliates. Ah, they had touched a sore spot, hadn't they?

What disappoints him next is Flurry's valiant attempts at peacemaking. Mm, disappointing. Gil's ears flatten, his yellow eyes glaring at Flurry the same way he had looked upon Jack at the last raid. How dare his heir be such... a failure. Even after he had praised her during the meeting, rewarding her for her efforts, and then she does this? Offering her own blood in exchange for a stop on the raid? His fur bristles, fury coursing through him now, paws tensing as they dig into the sand. Gil is about to interject when Tarnish yells first about his opponent and then an Ethne woman stepping forward toward Flurry. Her words ring in his ears that make him proud of her and unfortunately send resentment for his daughter through him. Flurry would no longer be seeing herself as heir to the Raider's throne.

His attention turns next to Haydee. Her searing emotions can be seen all the way in the back where Gil stands. He expects her to come charging for him, but instead her fury is turned on Siduri. Further, his emotions flare, a righteous anger flares across his features as he braces himself. If the leader of Ethne so dared harm a single sliver of fur on his daughter's frame, it would be light's out. How incredibly immature and naive and stupid was she really? Did she really believe acting like this was the proper way to remedy the situation? Vengeance? There was no vengeance to be had anymore and yet, this silly little pack led by a girl who was far too inexperienced to even be leading a pack insisted on continuing. Their efforts were exhausting.

So Gil continues to hang back, his ferocity still evident on his face as he watches the battles happen. Siduri's battlecry is valiant and the glimmer of pride in his eye is obvious. She was right. They were raiders and if they didn't like that, then honestly, they could suck it up and deal with it. And as Jael goes sailing past him, all of the fighters are entangled. Gil stands there, alone, on the beach, eyes blinking now out of confusion. His anger is still there, yes, but where was the rest of their fighting party? Were they really showing up not full to the brim of fighters? A brow raises as he stays on the outskirts, eyes keeping track of who was who and any other stragglers that might find themselves wanting to tussle.

gilgamesh is aggressive, don't trust him



Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
03-05-2024, 09:40 AM
Art & Code © Rex/Witchdogtor DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION

One of the Raiders, perhaps one of the only ones with a mindset to avoid additional bloodshed, would come out and offer herself up to stop things. Lucy felt for her… given the nature of the pack before them it seemed she didn’t belong here. Dagrun did not seem to care for that, however, and launched the first fight. Her sister would follow suit, and the realization that the raid was on washed over her. Alright, so they would do this. While Lucette would have preferred to avoid the maims that were inevitable to happen, she wasn’t against the idea of Ethne showing others that they weren’t just some weak pack that would roll over and be okay with others taking what wasn’t theirs.

A snarl breaks through the air and Lucy twists in the direction of an opponent. The dog, about her size, is lunging for her face. Lucette lets her weight drop, distributing it across her four limbs as she kicks against the ground. She shoots forward, the fangs of her opponent grazing along her muzzle and welling up blood as Lucy attempts to bypass her and come up along the dog’s side. The woman’s attack is savage, and Lucette sees that even she is now involved in what will likely result in a maim. A snarl passes her lips - it is too late to grab her dagger, but maybe she can go for a fierce attack of her own.

Swinging her jaws toward her opponent’s side, Lucette attempts to chomp into a section of flesh between Jael’s shoulder and hip. Fighting is not her strong suit, the best she has done for defense is a few side steps with her back end in an effort to keep it away from the other woman. But a strong fighter or not, Lucy is not going to simply roll over and give this woman an easy win. With a yowl, Lucette hears Ink, her kod kod companion, running in to heckle the dog from the front. From her battle bag, Rush has slithered out and hisses as she rises over Lucy’s back, poised to strike. Together, they could do this!


Lucette vs Jael for Maim (Side Scarring)
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Extra small
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Naval Dirk
Defensive Battle Accessory: Battle Bag
Companion 1: Kodkod, Female - Battle
Companion 2: Viper, Female - Battle
Skills: Intermediate Healer & Advanced Navigator

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.



Expert Fighter (130)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

2 Years
Dire wolf
03-05-2024, 10:09 AM (This post was last modified: 03-05-2024, 10:09 AM by Nova. Edited 1 time in total.)

Nova rushed along her pack ready for battle, at whatever cost. They hurt them for no reason, the chickens were the least of her personal reasons to join the raid, she was here to avenge her father. That was unforgivable and they will pay for it. But this time she came better prepared, with her shiny new coat. One she hoped might shield her better against attacks. She found it and seeing no owner took it for herself. She arrived but didn't see any targets as most were already taken. So she stood there in high alert for any she could bring down. She saw her mother fight and she watched intensely.

code by Cloudy



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (70)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
03-05-2024, 11:47 AM
Better late than never — Rexx burled into the heat of the raid, spikes shimmering in the light of day and uneven tusks sharpened. It had been..well, he’d never actually been in a raid before. He’d left the Raiders way back when before he even had a chance to be in one — and Avalon wasn’t the type to go out of their way to attack other packs, so..he was left wondering what to expect. But he also wasn’t shy — whether the outcome was victory or loss for him, he just enjoyed being there with his father and siblings. Flurry was trying to make peace or something like that — he respected her but that wasn’t his style.

Turning towards an Ethne wolf that was just standing around, Rexx charged at Nova, aiming to ram the side of his tusks into her hind left leg to snap her out of her trance.

Rexx vs Nova for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Extra large
Build: Balanced
Mutation 1: Tusks - Offensive
Mutation 2: Crystal Spine Spikes - Defensive
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Advanced Navigator



Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

5 Years

VengeanceThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverExplorer
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerPride - BisexualSnake Eyes1KDouble Master
03-05-2024, 05:31 PM

Dagrún was proud of Haydée's spunk and resolve, but even so she was eager to have her rematch against the pirate woman, eager beyond all reason. They could talk things out later. The Raiders raided them, now they were returning the favor. Only after this, win or lose, would Dagrún even begin to consider them even. She had no knowledge of who was fighting who or how furious their battle's were, her focus was on her opponent and only on her opponent. She loved the thrill of the pirate attacking her with vicious and serious intent. No flirting, no quips, just two skill women dueling to the best of their ability.

Dag's shoulder collided with Flurry's front leg and the pirate gasped and collapsed, her head moving past Dag's jaws so she only scraped the woman's cheek. In such close quarters there was very little time to react, so when the pirate threw herself to the right she crashed her weight into Dagrún's chest. She grunted as they collided, exhaling just before the blow so she could more swiftly recover her breath. She kicked forward, head rotating to the side, jaws flung wide. She felt Flurry's fangs connect with her scruff, digging in and getting a hold about half way down the top of her neck. Dagrún did not slow down, instead seeking to use their close proximity to attempt to snap her jaws around the taller woman's throat. She sought for her upper fangs to land on the left of the trachea, her lower on the right, a few inches below the jawline. She didn't care if she ripped her own flesh trying, she wanted that hold.

Dagrún vs Flurry for Dominance
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Large
Build: Balanced
Offensive Battle Accessory: Spiked shoulder harness
Defensive Battle Accessory: Spiked helmet
Companion 1: Cougar, Male - Battle - Boosted
Companion 2: American kestrel, Female - Flying
Mutation 1: Cat claws - Offensive
Mutation 2: Enhanced vision - Perception
Mutation 3: Water Deer Fangs - Offensive
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Tactician

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1. I Can't Stop, The Dogs Of War Obsidian Beach 03:01 PM, 03-01-2024 12:55 PM, 03-24-2024