
One life, one shot, give it all you got

Raid healing thread



Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

3 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
03-06-2024, 11:15 PM

The call for the Raiders came in the night when most wolves would be asleep. Rivin sleepily lifted her head, a scowl crossing her lips. Damned wolves, didn’t they understand that it was the Raiders who did the raiding and not the other way around? With a grumble she would rise, a yawn passing her lips. She was still trying to get her shit together by rearranging how she was caring for her herbs, and the ones she had salvaged from the garden that weren’t harvested for their seeds could very well be needed tonight. Green gaze would sweep over the organized bundles, beginning to gather what she would need to treat their fighters when they came back. Whoever was at their borders would be met with hell though, of that Rivin was sure.

Rivin’s movement would gain the attention of her companion, Lark. The bobcat was quick to get to his paws, moving to grab Rivin’s bag and several skins of water that the woman had prepped. Then he would grab the half skull and antler end she had - an idea given to her by Siduri for mixing the herbs she would need to treat her patients, before depositing them into the bag as well. No one had better come back with maims this time, or so help whatever pack that left their wolves with such damage. She’d request an audience with Gilgamesh and Modesty about going to give them a little “present” and stir up some shit if they did. Rivin could care less about herself getting hurt, but knowing Sid and some of her siblings, they were going to be there too.

With bundles of herbs tossed into the bag, along with a blanket to set them out and organize them for what would be needed on the beach, Rivin gave a thankful nod to Lark and left the room with the bag slung over her neck. It was heavy, but she wasn’t going to let Sakana do all the healing this time around. She had a mistake to make up for, and she planned to use the healing after this raid to start making good on that. But she wasn’t the only one, was she? She’d pause, moving to Jack’s room and pushing in before giving a sharp bark. “C’mon Jack, you’re going to give me a paw. If we hurry we can get everything set up before the first Raider comes back injured.” From what she understood he had messed up too, but she wouldn’t let him face that alone. They would try to atone for what they did together.

Rushing out of the dwelling, Rivin would move to a spot on the beach. She doubted the wolves who came to fight them were going to cross the water in the middle of the night, unlike her packmates, and if they did, well, if Jack came along she trusted him to tear them a new one to protect their own. Blanket was quickly laid out, supplies dumped as she began to sort, organize, and set up a healing station. To her relief, Lark had thought ahead and brought equipment in case she needed to apply stitches too… Her practice with that was still a work in progress… but, hopefully, Sakana would show up if any were needed and she could peek over at him to observe how it was done before needing to do it herself.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

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1. One life, one shot, give it all you got Daager Isle 11:15 PM, 03-06-2024 04:46 PM, 05-12-2024