
I Can't Stop, The Dogs Of War



Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (320)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

1 Year
Extra large

03-05-2024, 05:44 PM

Tarnish was on a mission, to obtain his rematch by any means necessary and that meant promptly ignoring Flurry's speech. He was going to have his fight dammit, and if that meant kicking her ass to, he'd do it. It seemed Siduri was of a similar mindset and he smirked as she started yelling. The second time she yelled 'we're raiders' Tarnish yelled out. "Yea, we're raiders!" He let out a cheer and a whoop. They were yearlings now, Ethne wasn't going to know what hit him and all of a sudden everything exploded into action. The leader went for Flurry and was cut off by another Ethne warrior, then the Ethne leader and Siduri met in combat. Tarnish had a sudden pull to join but seeing how fiercely his sister was fighting as well as her call for vengeance he decided this was her fight to fight. Besides… he had his own opponent.

Tarnish actually grinned as he saw the boy he'd fought last time appear. Finally! The boy introduced himself as Jericho and even invited Tarnish over for later rematches. For serious? Ok, sweet, how'd he managed to get the coolest Ethne wolf? "My name's Tarnish and you bet! Let's show everyone how fights are done!"

Tarnish swiftly set his defenses as Jericho charged for him. He kicks off as well, seeking to meet the other boy. As Jericho starts to lift his body, Tarnish lowers his, seeking to slide underneath the other boy, jaws flung wide and aiming to bite onto the inside of Jericho's right hind leg, a few inches above the knee. At the same time he spreads his limbs wider, ready to take on the other boy's weight as he feels the limbs connect with his waist rather than his neck. With his head ducking low he was able to avoid the other boy's jaws, just feeling the teeth nick the top of his head.

Tarnish vs Jericho for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Extra large
Build: Balanced
Offensive Battle Accessory: Bladed Gauntlets
Defensive Battle Accessory: Chainmail Cowl
Companion 1: Crow, Male, Battle
Companion 2: Jaguarundi, Male, Battle
Mutation 1: Mountain lion paws with retractable claws - Offensive
Mutation 2: Quills - Defensive
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Hunter
Specialty: Cooperative
Bard Present

Raider Brats


"You become the monster you fear the most"


Master Fighter (635)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

9 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

UnderachieverLegendarySnake EyesLoserOoh La LaWinner
Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOverachieverSocialiteCritical Observation!Critical Attack!
Ooh La LaScarredCritical Block!Dream WeaverAll Oozed OutDouble Master
Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31KVolcanoValentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019
03-05-2024, 09:51 PM

He hadn't gone to the raid on Ethne the last time the pack went. Nor did he get involved in any of the drama that had been escalating between the two packs over those chickens that the Raiders had rightfully won. He had been hearing whispers of the goings on surrounding that, so when Ethne came to their doorstep, Ignis decided he was curious enough to see what was going on. The attacking party had summoned the pack to the beach. A smart move on their part, he supposed. It saved them the swim, and forced the Raiders to have to swim to the mainland if they wanted to defend their turf. While he knew almost nothing of Ethne other than they were more peaceful compared to the pack he was in, this feud seemed to be about spilling blood and getting revenge. Admirable, he thought.

Or perhaps stupidly foolish. He heard about what Bellamy had done. And while he always considered her a fool, she was even more so for maiming a child...or at least, had maimed the wrong one. Granted, he couldn't say he was innocent himself. Every now and then he did that to his own, and more often than not it was not by his own free will. Did Bellamy suffer something similar? He did wonder that sometimes, and he couldn't recall if she was afflicted by something the way he was, too. He never regarded her as someone to be respected, a similar boat his dead uncle had ended up in once upon a time.

The crimson coated devil made it to shore, shaking the water from his coat as he came upon the scene at hand. Words were thrown around, Gil's little wannabe heir shouting about something or other, and he couldn't help the roll of his eyes at the girl trying to play a martyr. Seriously, when did that ever really work? His own uncle had tried it, and suffered terribly before his death. His lip curled in disgust. Clearly that girl didn't belong here...she was not well suited for this life, it seemed. The young girl that had been maimed, and Gil's youngest brood, however? They were all clearly on board for the chaos that broke out. He was also surprised to see that the young polar bear he had stolen away once before was there, racing across the beach in a fit of rage. Hmm...maybe he could do something with that...he stored that thought away for the time being as he strode up beside Gil, watching...waiting..."They look mad. They must've really loved those chickens," He mused, though his tone was mostly sarcastic. He watched the field, waiting, hoping that Bellamy showed up...and if she didn't? Maybe he'd take the dance to her door later.


Ignis has a pair of Sika Deer antlers that are not depicted in his artwork (yet).
Ignis is unpredictable and may become violent with little or no provocation due to his "demon" schizophrenia inherited in his bloodline! Consider this your warning!
*Ignis' tail is docked, and his left ear has been torn away and now resembles a Battle crop style.



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
03-06-2024, 06:22 AM

There was no more time for doubts or regrets. Bellamy had made her choice, come what may, just as Acere had told her to do with Ignis she would see this through. With the raid ahead Bellamy had worn her snow leopard cape, placed her dagger’s sheath on the outside of a foreleg to carry the weapon into battle. A leader once more, the woman had promised herself she would fight the darkness that clouded her mind when she entered a battlefield. She could not let the weight and visions of her past cause her to make mistakes like the one she had made before.

Especially now, when Ethne would come to show that while they strove to do good, they had no qualms about retaliating when a threat rose against them. To others, perhaps, the Raiders coming in for a resource was normal. But to Bellamy, with the past she had, she saw only danger and those who would come again for more bloodshed. Ethne would now bow before them, or simply give them the satisfaction of victory. If the Raiders truly wanted a win, they would have to work harder against her pack than any other. She was tired of Ethne being viewed as easy pickings… and if it took bloodshed to prove otherwise? So be it.

Bellamy lagged behind the first wave of the raiding party. Her shoulder had healed enough, the injury no longer affecting her gait. On either side of the woman walked her dearest and oldest companions. Ears and Whiskers… the devil and badger were family. An honorary brother and mother figure. She trusted them to guide her if things went south out of the line of fire. But this, this was walking into the fire. The Raiders would not forget what she had done to one of their own. And Bellamy… she would not hide from their retaliation. Nor would she simply let them have it, either. Though she had been maimed once over the incident, Bellamy knew better than to believe they were “even” over the event.

You didn’t simply forgive someone for maiming a child.

…and she did not blame them for that, at least. She was the same, even with older children having been maimed. To judge these wolves for that would make her nothing more than a hypocrite. Bellamy was many things, but she would not hide from her wrongs.

Finally arriving on the battlefield the woman would find that the girl she had maimed was locked into battle with Haydée. Though she had accepted what had happened, it was still hard to look upon the colorful girl. Try as she may to hide it, to be “okay” with what had happened, there would always be a part of Bellamy filled with regret and sorrow for what she had done. As a mother, as another living creature, maiming a child had never been something she wanted to do, especially after she had earned her freedom. She had believed her days as a monster, of being a killer, were over… but had that been an illusion? A lie she told herself in an attempt at comfort?

Gaze would sweep the battlefield for free opponents. Green gaze would land on the man that had led the battle to her doorstep the last time, no doubt one of the leaders by his size, stature, and age… or at least that was the assumption Bellamy made. And… Ignis…

Seeing him, hearing the sounds of the fighting going on around her would trigger that heightened feeling of “kill or be killed” that had been locked within the woman. Battles for Bellamy had always been high stakes, and this one was no different. She sought blood, as did her pack, and no doubt the Raiders would retaliate with similar energy. She watched as sand mingled with soil, no, mud, in the darkness… Salt and the smell of rot filled her nose, the vision of the waves lapping the land beyond the two wolves she looked at suddenly pricked with branches and lilypads in the moving waves…

It was happening again.

She needed to engage before she lost sight of the opponent she wanted.

Bellamy kicked off against the sand, heading in a beeline for the male with the crystals growing from his back. With the armor he wore, a chest or shoulder attack would only be met with resistance, and so Bellamy had to plan her attack to not land there. A snarl ripped from her lips, lunging head on in her berserker style. Ears pinned, eyes narrowed, and jaws parted she threw herself toward the front of her opponent. She sought to lunge into her opponent, jaws going for the left side of Gilgamesh’s neck as she snapped her jaws at him in hopes of chomping down on the area and tearing through flesh. Her companions were rushing in after her too, each seeking to find a spot to attack on either side of the male once the two wolves were entangled.

Win or lose, the Raiders would have marks of the fact Ethne was here today.


Bellamy vs Gilgamesh for Maim (Neck Scarring)
Round 1/?
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Extra large
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Bone dagger
Defensive Battle Accessory: Snow leopard cape
Companion 1: Tasmanian Devil, Male - Battle - Boosted
Companion 2: American Badger, Female - Battle
Mutation 1: Mane - Defensive
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Berserker

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

The Judge


03-06-2024, 07:11 PM

And the winner is...


HAYDÉE must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out, and may no longer participate in the raid. Siduri's maim is successful.


Attack Roll: 89
Defense Roll: 86
Agility Roll: 84
Perception Roll: 60
Total: 319
Attack[89] + 75% Bonus[66.75]: 155.75
Defense[86] + 35% Bonus[30.10]: 116.10
Agility[84] + 5% Bonus[4.20]: 88.20
Perception[60] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 60.00
Total[420.05] + 35% Bonus[147.02]: 567.07

Attack Roll: 68
Defense Roll: 82
Agility Roll: 98
Perception Roll: 50
Total: 298
Attack[68] + 25% Bonus[17.00]: 85.00
Defense[82] + 10% Bonus[8.20]: 90.20
Agility[98] + 10% Bonus[9.80]: 107.80
Perception[50] + 35% Bonus[17.50]: 67.50
Total[350.50] + 25% Bonus[87.62]: 438.12


Raiders Hollow
The Modyguard

Master Fighter (291)

Expert Intellectual (185)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

1 Year
Extra large
03-06-2024, 08:25 PM

This time it wasn't one bear he had barreling at him but 3, and Ken snickered under his breath to see how the others had whipped themselves into a tizzy. He didn't care much for Flurry's words but it was all water off a ducks back to him. He hadn't been the one to try and keep chickens through a season worth of rain. It wasn't the food he fed them that had been spoiled.

He did his best to keep out of the big white bears range but he couldn't dodge all her blows. He felt claws slice across his back and he gritted his teeth, his eyes alight with mirth. "Aww honey yer shouldn' come on so strong, at least let me take yer ter dinner first. We should go catch a seal after this 'ey?" He hoped if he kept his dodging tight enough she might trip over her own feet. There was too much woman there to face this opponent head on.


Kenway vs Saga for dominance (raid)
Round 1/2
Age: over 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Heavy
Skills: Master Fighter & Novice Intellectual
Specialty: Unarmed
Using Lucky Rabbits foot from NachoMumma OOC inventory


Raiders Hollow
The Scion

Master Healer (245)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

1 Year
03-06-2024, 11:53 PM

Teeth grazed across her hip but there would be no lasting damage. With her larger size, Siduri was able to grab onto Haydee's back and then use her superior weight to push the earthen fae to the ground. Without any sort of wait, the pastel girl bit hard into the side of her opponents face in the same place where she'd landed her previous little nibble. Ethne would remember her and their leader would serve as a reminder.

With her opponent vanquished, Siduri stepped away, multi-hued eyes scanning for another body that needed biting. She was still incensed, rage and adrenaline boiling in her veins. It was as if the sweet, playful girl was locked away inside somewhere and something else had taken hold of her. Something dark and ruthless and more than willing to kill if need be. Blood coated the girl's pale face and the busted pupil made her look wild and feral as all hell. Siduri was more than ready to add another body to her pile. It seemed that Ethne had shown up... but they hadn't shown up in full force. Silly rabbits.



"The Bully™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid King

Master Intellectual (635)

Master Fighter (870)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverWordyBest BudsSocialiteCritical Attack!Legendary
LoserRaiderCritical Fail!Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarred
Snake EyesWinnerOoh La LaDouble Master1KAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teethVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Overachiever
Critical Block!
03-07-2024, 06:32 AM
As Ignis comes up to rest beside him, the red man’s words bring a chuckle up through his chest. Ah, yes, the youngins of Ethne did seem rightfully mad. Over chickens? Gil didn’t quite understand the sentiment, but then again, if anyone were to kidnap Jael and upon his arrival, show her dead, he’d be rightfully pissed too. But all was fair in love and war, right?

It would only seem as such when his yellow gaze finds the woman who had maimed Siduri running right for him. A brow raises as he comes to stand, his body flowing smoothly to set his defenses. Was she so sure she wanted to do this with him? He could already feel the fury pick back up as he stands his ground, coming face to face with the woman that had harmed his poor, baby girl.

She lunges for him and goes for his neck. His legs come up and aim to land around her shoulders. Even if her teeth have caught ahold of his neck skin, he perseveres. Head twisting to the side to look back at where she has landed her attack, his own jaws opening wide. Fangs reveal themself from their hiding place, his own teeth seeking to land somewhere on her face, aiming to shred what beauty someone might believe she still had to nothing.

Gilgamesh vs Bellamy for Minor Maim (Facial Scarring)
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1
Size: Extra large
Build: Balanced
Offensive Battle Accessory: Spiked bracers
Defensive Battle Accessory: Gold chainmail cuirass
Companion 1: Barn Owl, Female - Flying
Companion 2: Wolverine, Male - Battle
Mutation 1: Crystal spines - Defensive
Mutation 2: Tufted deer fangs - Offensive
Skills: Master Intellectual & Master Fighter
Specialty: Blessed

gilgamesh is aggressive, don't trust him



Novice Intellectual (20)

Expert Fighter (180)

3 Years
Extra large

VengeanceCritical Observation!1KLoserCritical Fail!Pride - Pansexual
03-07-2024, 01:52 PM
Success, and not once but twice! But Flurry's brief flash of satisfaction was short lived. The other woman was moving beneath her and Flurry struggled to keep her hold on her opponent's scruff. And without being able to clearly see what exactly was happening the older wolf's fangs found their mark. Flurry hissed, part pain, part frustration. With a grunt Flurry tried to rear up, the hoping being she'd either drag the other woman with her and possibly destabilize her or force her to let go. At the same time, with her forepaws now free she lashed out, flashing them out to try and strike at her opponent. Her chest, her throat, her limbs, wherever she could, try to push the woman away, try to just badger her with smaller hits yes but hits nonetheless.

Flurry vs Dagrún for Dominance
Round 2/2
Age: 1+
Size: Extra large
Build: Light
Companion 1: Maine Coon, Female - Battle
Mutation 1: Water Deer Fangs - Offensive
Mutation 2: Pronghorn horns - Offensive
Skills: Beginner Intellectual & Expert Fighter

- | movement | speech  -

code by Cloudy
Updated 01/13/23: I am currently on indefinite scarcity, please be patient and don't remind me of missing tags right now.



Expert Fighter (140)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
03-07-2024, 02:13 PM

There is a lot of tensions, on both sides of this raid but, as Jericho steps forward from the throng of Ethne wolves to answer the challenge of the opposing boy, he realizes that he feels nothing except excitement. Offering his name, he is gifted with the return of his opponent’s and, for a brief moment, his tail wags but it is stopped as he quickly sets his defenses. Tarnish’s enthusiasm is matched by his own and the rainbow marked boy is quick to charge his opponent.

As Jericho plants his back paws to raise his front end off the ground, Tarnish lowers himself and seeks to slide underneath him. Memories of the painful clawing he got last time has the boy suddenly tossing himself sideways just as he feels his opponent’s teeth graze into his right hind leg. Hitting the ground on his side, Jericho rolls away only to spring back up to paws to face the taller boy while gleefully declaring, “Oh no, you don’t! Not this time!”

With that, he once more closes the gap between them and seeks to bite Tarnish’s closest shoulder while making certain to keep all four paws firmly planted on the ground. Jericho does not want the boy to slip underneath him where all his soft parts and important bits are and would much rather face the boy head on. At the same time that he strikes out, he attempts to use his body to try and force the other boy backwards in the hopes of pushing him away and claiming victory again.

No matter what happens, Jericho is happy with the knowledge that he will be seeing Tarnish again for more rematches.

Jericho vs Tarnish for Dominance (Raid)
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Large
Build: Balanced
Offensive Battle Accessory: Steel Dagger
Defensive Battle Accessory: Leather cuirass
Companion 1: Rabbit w/ antlers, Female, Battle
Companion 2: Tufted Titmouse, Male, Flying/Perception
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Intermediate Intellectual
Specialty: Bard from Haydée

"Jericho Agatsuma-Kedieo"


War Chief

Master Fighter (260)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Large species
Dragon Mod

Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
03-07-2024, 06:02 PM

Her giant paw reached her target, claws hitting the Raiders back. She was angrier than she'd ever been before, which was saying something because she had never felt angry before all of this. Perhaps it was what Haydee had said in the meeting back home. She didn't know who was all involved in trying to hurt her brother Gav or her sister for that matter, if this boy she was fighting had anything to do with it at all...all she knew was that he had been one of the ones to come at night and stole Ethne's chickens. Beyond that? She didn't know. And the chickens were dead now. She knew her family was upset about it. Pissed even. So didn't that mean she too, should feel the same way?

It wasn't until the boy she was fighting spoke. Saying something about them going to catch a seal after all of this was said and done. She was...confused. Evident in the way she faltered a bit and paused for a moment after dragging her paw back to the ground. A slight head tilt as she tried to work through the thoughts and emotions swimming around in her head. They were...enemies...weren't they? She should be angry with them. With this wolf for bringing harm to Ethne in the first place. And yet...she was questioning it. Was this right? Or wrong? Was it just the way wolves were? She had been raised among them, and only recently did her companions find her and start to teach her the way of her own kind. Most bears were solitary, and fought when they needed to for resources. And yet here, wolves lived in whole packs and accumulated their own resources...but they still raided other packs for what they needed? Or just because they wanted something regardless of need? It was so damn confusing!

Was it really this particular wolf's fault? Or was he just doing as he was told? She growled and bared her teeth more out of frustration now than anything. She didn't know what to do. She had started this fight...came at him with intention to hurt him. But did he deserve it...? He was helping to protect his home just like she had done. But they were here for something that belonged to them, not this pack. So that was different, right? Frustration bubbled up and she almost forgot what she was supposed to be doing. She quickly whirled around, looking for her opponent who was quick on his feet somewhere around her. In her moment of falter, she had lost track of him. But her companions had an eye on him, and the pair charged in at him, attempting to knock Ken over and off his feet as Saga's own feet kept moving. Maybe if she was lucky, she'd end up stepping on him. But she wasn't even so sure if that was alright...

Saga vs Kenway for: Maim - Back scarring
Round: 2/2
Age: Over 1yr
Size: Large species
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Rhino helm
Defensive Battle Accessory: Leather armor
Companion 1: Mini Polar Bear, Female - Battle
Companion 2: Mini Polar Bear, Male - Battle
Skills: Expert Fighter & Advanced Intellectual
Using Goldfish in a bag from OOC account




Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Extra small

Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualCritical Attack!Double MasterHomebodyCritical Block!
StudentRapid Poster - Silver1K
03-07-2024, 07:43 PM

The bitch made a move to draw up along side her. Jael stopped short, reversed a half step. Trying to remain head to head with her opponent, the same way she'd go head to head with any other cow. Practiced. Grit that runs so deep, it's genetic. Though her opponent's teeth find purchase in the flesh just behind her shoulder, Jael can take it. Fuck, she has to, right? She doesn't waver.

Adrenaline would be enough to keep the pain down, for now. Jael's eyes narrowed, expression ghastly. Savage, a flash of opal and something more. Anger? More. She could be so much more. Though the wolfdog didn't have words for what gripped her system now, she didn't need them. Vicious, Jael strikes. Face, neck, forequarters-- it doesn't matter what she hits, only that she's doing as much damage as she can when she gets there. Raw and violent, she won't back down.

Jael vs Lucette for maim (lip scarring)
Round 2/2
Age: over 1
Size: Extra small
Build: Balanced
Defensive Battle Accessory: Collar
Companion 1: Mourning Dove, Male - Perception
Skills: Expert Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Bard
As her keepers, Gilgamesh and Modesty may join any of Jael’s threads if they deem necessary.



Expert Fighter (186)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

03-07-2024, 09:59 PM
Bae moved in tandem with his raiding party. His wife to his side before she pulled forward. His eyes were narrowed. He set his daughter to her tasks of keeping the herbs on hand before moving further.

He arrived and his eyes scanned for Lucette. Only for anger to come further for these disgusting raiders. Dead chickens. Then there was one gaining his ire. Lucette was locked in combat with one. His lips peeled. His hackles rearing. But he shook his head.

He was here for the purple woman. And so he let it be known. "bring out your purple bitch raiders! She needs repentance for attempting to harm my son!" and so he would wait eyes scanning and tail swishing in anger. He was taking her ear this time. He had decided to rip her ear from her flesh to ensure she remembered why one didn't touch his children.

Art & Code © Rex/Witchdogtor DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.


"You become the monster you fear the most"


Master Fighter (635)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

9 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

UnderachieverLegendarySnake EyesLoserOoh La LaWinner
Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOverachieverSocialiteCritical Observation!Critical Attack!
Ooh La LaScarredCritical Block!Dream WeaverAll Oozed OutDouble Master
Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31KVolcanoValentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019
03-07-2024, 11:36 PM

He watched and waited. Keeping an eye out for his arch nemesis. Would she be here today? Or had she decided to bow out and cower away back at home? He watched as the Raider brats fought with everything they had against the intruding pack, disappointed to see that Diablo had decided to not join in. Maybe he was still on his way...or probably jerking off somewhere else. Honestly, he didn't know what to do without straight up fucking him up to get him to get his shit together. How the hell did Gil and Modesty do it? He considered for a moment about asking them, but honestly, he was old enough and had enough kids that he should've figured it out by now. Oh well.

His attention was drawn finally by a familiar face. Bellamy had arrived at last! Ignis' lips drew back in a snarl, body tensing as he prepared for a fight.....

Only she didn't go for him. But for Gilgamesh! Well...that was a first. He had been looking forward to trying to fuck her up again. He had missed out on his chance when they raided Ethne, and now that she was on his turf, she opted to go for Gil. Why? He didn't know. He didn't really care, either. Irritated, he'd just have to wait for his next chance. In the meantime, his attention turned toward some rainbow fuck shouting his demand for Modesty. Ha! The Raiders knew that Modesty simply didn't work like that...Ignis had been around them all long enough to know how they all ticked. But since Bellamy chose not to fight him, Ignis decided this guy would just have to make up for that.

He kicked off and burst forward, paws carrying him across familiar black sand as he charged toward the colorful male. He may not have been purple, but red was one of the colors that made it, so this guy would just have to deal with him. "You're nobody to be making demands!" He snarled as he sought to slam his full weight into the Ethne male. The Provoker decided, this male would get his wrath today. His head turned toward his opponents, teeth flashing as his jaws opened wide, seeking to bite down and latch onto the male's left ear. They came seeking blood? Then he had no qualms about spilling theirs!

Ignis vs Bae-Syl for Maim: left ear removal
Round: 1/?
Age: Over 1yr
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Skull helmet
Defensive Battle Accessory: Black bear cape
Companion 1: Palm cockatoo, Male - Flying
Companion 2: Wolverine, Male - Battle
Mutation 1: Sika deer antlers - Offensive
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Hunter
Specialty: Mangler


Ignis has a pair of Sika Deer antlers that are not depicted in his artwork (yet).
Ignis is unpredictable and may become violent with little or no provocation due to his "demon" schizophrenia inherited in his bloodline! Consider this your warning!
*Ignis' tail is docked, and his left ear has been torn away and now resembles a Battle crop style.



Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

3 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
03-08-2024, 12:08 AM

As she set up on the beach, hearing the sounds of the fights breaking out, Rivin couldn’t deny that itch, that urge, to be present on the battlefield as well. She was certain that the other raiders were already engaged, tearing through their enemies and spilling blood. As much as she cared for her packmates, and wanted to ensure that they would be whole after this, she couldn’t deny her own desire to fight and sink her teeth into the wolves that made the stupid mistake of calling at their] borders. It must have been written all over her body language, because the moment Sakana came along and saw her glancing in the direction of the beach he offered to take over setting up so that she could go have some fun. Green eyes shining with delight at the opportunity, Rivin shot across the sand in that direction. The swim was going to do her good to get some of her energy out.

The water was cold, but Rivin could feel the burn, that desire as she kicked through the water toward the beach. Snarls, the smell of blood, she could feel excitement bubbling up within her. All she could hope was that her comrades didn’t take all the good fights away and she actually got the chance to spill some blood herself.

As she hit the shore she could see Siduri twisting away from her opponent, and with a big ass grin Rivin called across the beach to the rainbow girl. “Get their asses, Sid, Hell yeah!” After what had happened to the girl she deserved a win in Rivin’s opinion. Not to mention Siduri had been working hard probably for this moment, against some opponents in the next Raid.

…but the realization that this was Ethne filled her the moment she saw Saga. “Oi! Saga watch what you’re doing to Kenway, you got that?!” She still considered the polar bear a friend, remembering playing with her as a pup, but if she hurt one of the Raider kids she was going to have to tango with the bear herself. Better Rivin put her down if Ken lost than someone else, right? Not that those Ethne wolves deserved her. Her father had managed to convince Saga to come hang with them once before, maybe he could do it again!

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.



Expert Fighter (186)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

03-08-2024, 12:24 AM
No sooner than he had stopped on the black sands than did he lay eyes on the red male. Ruby squawks from the air an came diving for the male aiming her feet to grab into the male and to use her parrotlike beak to attempt to bite into the male on top of his head as he came at Bae-Syl trying her best to distract him. Bae waited his lips pulling and eyes narrowing. This was the male Ears and Whiskers had spoke of. He wouldn't allow this red male to stay to take on Bellamy if he could help it.

The male came shouting that he had no right to make demands. "I have every right as Ethne's bruiser and Gavaroche's father!" his own angry shout divulged to the male exactly what he wanted. He was a trusted part of ethne, a protector of his people and the father of Bellamy's reborn lost mate! He was here not just for chickens. And only cowards didnt come when they were called out for trying to harm a gentle soul like Gav's.

The male was wrong if he though bae was letting him have ground. He moved just as his companion did as well. The dog kicked into action and sought to slam into the large male's left haunches, seeking to throw his ass out of the way for bae as bae met this male head on. Bae used his cunning here hackles raised and ears pinning as he danced. His body came in an angle to attempt to make the male miss his bite, allowing the slam to slam into him but his own maw parted, jaws seeking their own target. If he could land he wanted to yank this male's ear right off. He hoped to leave nothing behind.

His eyes narrowed as her met the male's with just as much furry as he saw there. Both were fighting for something important but only one could walk away from this. His legs aimed to wrap around the male's neck, and to hopefully jelp bae keep a good hold and possibly control his movement more.


Bae-Syl vs Ignis for Maim(right ear removal)
Round 1/1
Age: over 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Balanced
Defensive Battle Accessory: Shoulder pauldrons
Companion 1: Husky, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Macaw, Female - Battle
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Advanced Hunter
Specialty: none (bard present)
Using my lucky rabbit's foot here from my ooc account<3

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
03-08-2024, 12:30 AM

Bellamy expects savagery in kind, though she does not realize that the man she faces is the father of the child she maims. Not that it would have mattered in determining her choice. This man was a leader, though his appearance, much like the landscape around her, was bleeding and blending before her vision. Shadows danced at the corners of her vision as her focus tunneled in on her opponent. Bellamy was slipping, but she had chosen her first target, and come what may, she would see this fight through to the end. Engaged as she was, she would miss the rainbow child besting her daughter… and miss the focus as the kid waited for the outcome between herself and Gilgamesh.

She managed to slice through some fur and flesh, though it is not the hold that she has sought. Gilgamesh moves and rears up, forelegs shooting up to wrap around her shoulders. There is little self preservation as his fangs come for her, save for twisting her head enough to avoid them slicing into her eye. They meet the area below and her cheek, slicing through the flesh there easily without thick fur to protect it. A snarl rips from Bellamy in response, but she does not shift her method of attack. No, she seeks to keep coming and push into her opponent now that he has given her an opportunity to try and compromise his balance.

The man is ever so slightly taller, a bit heavier, and a bit younger, but the old wolfess kicks against the ground as she throws herself into her attack and seeks to push him back. Within her mind she saw only two options, but a creative wolf could catch Bellamy by surprise. It wasn’t as if she had seen all the tricks in the book, after all! Fangs open again as she once more seeks to have her fangs find themselves clamped in his neck. She feels his fangs slide across her face as she does so, sacrificing her own visage in hopes of damaging him. The berserker doesn’t care about defense - it is all offense for the woman in this struggle!


Bellamy vs Gilgamesh for Maim (Neck Scarring)
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Extra large
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Bone dagger
Defensive Battle Accessory: Snow leopard cape
Companion 1: Tasmanian Devil, Male - Battle - Boosted
Companion 2: American Badger, Female - Battle
Mutation 1: Mane - Defensive
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Berserker

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.



Expert Fighter (130)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

2 Years
Dire wolf
03-08-2024, 12:04 PM

She watched as chaos soon rose around her, something she saw coming. A lot was in stake. They sought harm to her brother for him just coming to offer peace. But well peace wasn't an option to them anymore. She was here to make them pay. But then before she could see it coming someone came and ramed themselves at her left hind leg. Which did brought her back to the actual task at hand, paint erupted in there. She turned to see a tusked wolf, angry she twisted. But unlike last time she wanted to give more thought into this fight. Going around mindlessly wasn't going to help. Taking note of his armed face going for it would be dumb. So she aimed to go to his left, attempting to bite then trash into his shoulder, aiming for the upper region of it, hoping her coat would help her guard her side.

Nova vs Rexx for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Balanced
Defensive Battle Accessory: Santa Coat
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Beginner Intellectual

code by Cloudy



Expert Fighter (191)

Expert Intellectual (137)

3 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

OverachieverLoserUnderachieverCritical Fail!Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
03-08-2024, 05:38 PM

He was running a little late, but when he finally made the swim over to the beach, most of his packmates were locked in a fight. The hellion's gaze swept from fight to fight, searching for an opening. Searching for an opponent to take on. But it seemed they were all locked in a fight already, and while he could jump into an already ongoing fight, he wanted one for himself. His dogs stood on either side of him, their paws itching in anticipation as they too, were ready for a fight. Growling his displeasure, he spotted Rivin there and so he walked to stand beside her, crimson gaze finding his father locked in a fight with some unnaturally colored guy. "That guy is going to get fucked up. What're you thinkin'?" He asked as his gaze strayed toward the bear that he recognized. Huh, she had gotten a lot bigger than he last remembered...

Diablo has three Doberman companions named Roscoe, DeSoto, & Cujo. Assume they are with him at all times unless otherwise mentioned!
Diablo is a rated M character! He is unpredictable and may become violent with or without cause. Consider this your warning!


Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (320)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

1 Year
Extra large

03-08-2024, 05:54 PM

Tarnish's fangs snagged the inside of Jericho's leg as the boy threw himself to the side and out of reach, thus preventing Tar from getting a grip. Tarnish quickly pivots to the face the other boy with a grin on his face. They start again, the boy once more charging for him head on, Tar can hardly wait as he ducks sharply, feeling the boy's fangs graze the top of his left shoulder. His head lashes out for Jericho's front right leg, seeking to grab the elbow. At the same time he kicks lis left front paws forward, claws out as he seeks to reach behind Jericho's front right wrist and pull it toward him. He hopes the combination of the bite and his jaws pushing forward while pulling the leg back towards him will destabalize his opponent.

Tarnish vs Jericho for Dominance
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Extra large
Build: Balanced
Offensive Battle Accessory: Bladed Gauntlets
Defensive Battle Accessory: Chainmail Cowl
Companion 1: Crow, Male, Battle
Companion 2: Jaguarundi, Male, Battle
Mutation 1: Mountain lion paws with retractable claws - Offensive
Mutation 2: Quills - Defensive
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Hunter
Specialty: Cooperative
Bard Present

Raider Brats


Raiders Hollow
The Modyguard

Master Fighter (291)

Expert Intellectual (185)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

1 Year
Extra large
03-08-2024, 06:41 PM

The boy watched as the polar bears steps faltered and the absurd idea came over him that maybe he should just shoot his shot. Spotting a narrow opening that would bring him directly into the path of the two smaller bears (hell the boy was nothing if not reckless), he changed his dodging tactic and came at the bear head on. Maybe if she stumbled he could use the momentum to throw her to the side, but not before leaning in to plant a cheeky kiss to the side of her muzzle. This had all been blown out of proportion but it didn't mean they couldn't make things work, right?


Kenway vs Saga for dominance (raid)
Round 2/2
Age: over 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Heavy
Skills: Master Fighter & Novice Intellectual
Specialty: Unarmed
Using lucky rabbits foot on nachomumma ooc

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1. I Can't Stop, The Dogs Of War Obsidian Beach 03:01 PM, 03-01-2024 12:55 PM, 03-24-2024