
No Evidence Yet


09-24-2013, 11:07 AM

He was making a plan for his realease, and in a few days the wounds he had gathered would be healed. When they were he would press for his freedom, hopefully going after Isardis. He wanted to wreak havoc, go home, and start over. He wasn't done here, and he had every intention of causing pain to all of the insufferable whores that had found safety beneath him. Beneath Isardis. Why they yearned for his touch he would never know. It was grotesque. Though, it was concievable that he was jealous of what Isardis had, that was not the case in the slightest. Gideon had no qualms with the way he had chosen to live his life, for it was the way Gideon himself was going to live, but regardless of these 'chosen' lifestyles, Isardis was pulling in women and breeding them with no true devotion to them. They were not his wives, they were his concubines. He had no doubt that he could throw them aside without much remorse. And, to be honest, it was repulsive.

Night was close to falling and Gideo nchose then to move around. He liked the idea that most of the fool's land would be asleep. If they were asleep he had little to fear, and he certainly wouldn't hide from Isardis. The man had lost and nearly passed the hell out the day on the field. Actually, no, he had. A smile encumbered Gideon's lips and the man continued on the prowl. The cold wintry mountains were to be a home to him, non? It was only appropriate that he learned about his home.


09-24-2013, 11:38 AM

Slowly but surely she had begun to gain her strength back. She still bore a mild limp, but it too would be gone soon enough. An ear twisted toward the sound of someone pacing nearby. Curious, as most of Glaciem ought to be sleeping at this hour. She too would be slumbering away had it not been for a sharp twinge in her left side as she'd wriggled unknowingly into a position that no longer suited her. The woman shifted, rolling onto her belly and subsequently forcing her weight upward. She wavered for but a moment before twisting and exiting her den, noting the distant figure of the prisoner moving away from where she stood. With haste she would trot toward him, the bounce no longer as fluid as it once had been. She brought herself to his right side, jowls clicking once before she spoke. ?I do hope you're not planning to escape,? that simply wouldn't do. Glaciem had fought hard for their prize, and they weren't the best at getting their toys taken away from them. The Sentinel's tail twitched restlessly as her gait became more and more smooth with motion - even now it hardly appeared as if she were limited in her movements at all.



09-25-2013, 04:54 PM

Silence suited these mountains well, and oh how he adored the moment that he could just sit and settle and love his solitary confinement. Still, something was missing and that missing component was choas. After all, he had come here with every intention of imposing as a hell raiser of sorts. Though, perhaps he would seek his freedom and be on his happy way out? Was that not the more preferable thing...he wanted to go back to Chrysanthe more than he had originally thought he would. A figure would slide up beside him. A figure that had defeated his wife, but ah, she had already been through one fight. A Smile slipped over his maw as her body slid in front of him due to the fact he would halt all movement. words would slither from her lips and he would cock a wry grin, "Is it my body you wanted me for? I'd get sick of seeing Isardis too. His hips are too narrow, lack the proper...anatomy to settle this place," wicked laughter sprang from his lips and a brow would rise, "I'll get out of here when it's my time, babe,"


09-26-2013, 05:27 PM

She halted only moments after him, gladly allowing her bodice to advance a foot in front of his own. He seemed to think himself clever, but his words would only receive a dull chuckle from the Sentinel. He also seemed overly confident that he would get out in his own precious time. If it was his decision, why not leave now? Oh he truly had a lot of gumption. Her tail weaved between her hind legs, flickering up occasionally before falling back. ?If its anatomy you worry about, you should count yourself as lucky.? She would let him think she was complimenting him, if but for a moment. ?Had it been me fighting for you, I would have assured that you would be lacking before it was said and done.? Ah, to remove his family jewels would be undeniable fun.. if only for the looks on the Valhallans faces when they found out. ?You'll get out when we're good and ready to let you go, if that day ever comes.? Sendoa would refrain from saying anything about his own skills, because he had only narrowly been bested by the duchess. In truth, had he been anything but valhallan blood, she probably would have found herself attracted to him for his skills - but alas, it wasn't meant to be.



09-26-2013, 07:44 PM

What did he have to fear in the white man's lands? Absolutely nothing. With his death Valhalla would only be angered and Glaciem would be purged of its false idol. Where was the time where Gargoyle lead with such beauty? Where had it all gone... everything lay in shambles and he was hard pressed to understand where the alacritian turmoil was rising. His eyes stayed trained to her, watching her with perfect resolve and waiting to see what it was she would whisper to him, "If you wanna get that close to my business be my guest baby; I love a biter." the smirk grew on his lips, she would never know a soul as ornery as he. Tail would flicker as though he had won this battle of tact and he would flick his maw to the side in dismissal. He didn't need the word of a woman to sway him. It held little notice to him. "I'll get out when I'm done destroying your infrastructure, when I'm done tearing down your walls, and when i'm done seeing what it is this place even holds that has any levity," Glaciem was...nothing in the grand scheme of things. A fad that would come to pass, and he had a feeling it's duration was going to be short-lived.


09-30-2013, 04:34 PM

At least he had a bit of an edge to him, unlike so many that were claimed by Glaciem and turned out to be nothing more than sniveling swine. What fun was a prisoner or slave if they submitted willingly to anything? This man at least had gumption enough to act as if he had a chance at freedom. He would jest with her, daring her to get close as he did love a biter. Jaws would click shut audibly and then fall back slightly agape. ?Then you'll simply adore me,? she would chime in, joining his banter out of the mere fun of it all - and certainly not to agree with him. He began to tell her of his plans leading up to his escape. He would destroy their infrastructure, tear down their walls.. oh did he think it was that simple? ?Well then you're in for the long haul, pretty boy. Glaciem may cease to exist, but its spirit can never be felled.? Isardis' reign might end, but it would never be completely over, not while those faithful to him remained.



10-03-2013, 11:05 AM

"Don't tempt me sweet. Chrysanthe may be my heart, but it doesn't mean i'll not make your head spin 'round," the words were thick and full of sway and persuasion, but he shrugged them off idly. He had no interest in this wicked witch of the north. the man pushed himself up and forward aiming to brush past her and shrug her off. her words held nothing more than biased contempt in them and he wasn't all too fond of her insanity and her bantering antics. She forgot that her king had been beaten by his queen. Valhalla was not as weak as they were trying to peg them to be. if they were trying to make things so that they could feel more confident, and trying to swindle the situation to where so many believed the lands were weak, well they would come to find that, overall, they would be wrong and they would be throw into the ground like any other dirty partition, "Everything ceases to exist at some point. Glaciem will. Valhalla too. Nothing is constant," it was rare that he was truthful, but even the strongest empires could last no more than a few years. Corruption was far too fluent a language in the races. They were all made of greed.


10-08-2013, 09:48 PM

?Oh I look forward to that day, dollface.? She would murmur in response. Like he could ever dream of making her head spin around. He brushed past her suddenly, seemingly done with their conversation. Oh pity, just when it was getting good. Alas, she was getting rather bored with his mouth and lack of action, so the Sentinel was fine with parting ways so long as he didn't wander far. He muttered on about all things coming to an end, apparently he didn't know the Armada family and their determination. She would offer him nothing, rounding to turn her tail to him - ears flipping back to catch anything he might utter before she was out of earshot.

Exit Sendoa unless stopped, something happens



10-18-2013, 09:23 AM

he had inadvertently taken up a more serious attitude and to be quite honest he hated it. he didn't like acting as though things mattered like they did and it was going to take him some time to adjust to how things had matured. perhaps it was time for him to do so as well...though he liked the idea of not doing so. her words flooded his ears and he shook his head. he pittied her, for while he wasn't in the best circumstances, at the least he wasn't delusional. A roll of the eyes and a twist of the body and he pardoned himself. In no time at all he would have his freedom.