
If We Don't Leave This Town



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

03-14-2024, 05:27 PM (This post was last modified: 03-14-2024, 05:29 PM by Mariah. Edited 1 time in total.)

Mariah strolled through the serene grove of willow trees, her senses becoming highly attuned to the tranquil whispers of nature that surrounded her. The gentle caress of warm currents from the nearby hot springs swept along the elegant roots of the willows, causing them to sway in a graceful dance. Every tree seemed to possess a natural charm, their long tendrils forming a delicate canopy that created secluded nooks beneath their sweeping branches. The air was thick with the sweet scent of late-season growth and the gentle rustle of leaves, creating a peaceful ambiance that embraced Mariah as she wandered through this arboreal sanctuary.

Even though the scenery around her was peaceful and beautiful, Mariah's mind was elsewhere. She walked with determination, carefully scanning the area for any trace of the rare herbs she was searching for. But beneath her composed exterior, a sense of eager anticipation coursed through her body.

She was genuinely searching for Caedes, unsure of his whereabouts. Today she had travelled a little further out than she had in the past, holding on to the hope that she would run into him once again before having to leave. There was imporant information she needed to discuss with him, a significant choice that had been made since their last meeting. As she ventured deeper into the forest, Mariah's heart quickened with anticipation at the thought of reuniting with Caedes. She brushed away any lingering doubts and devoted all her energy to finding him, letting fate be her guide through the winding paths of the grove.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
03-14-2024, 06:33 PM

He felt a magnetic pull drawing him into the willows, along with her scent trail. He'd been waiting, patiently, for the elusive figure to grace his senses again, yearning for her to pull him closer, to coax the beast within him out into the open where she could weave her enchantments.

There was something he needed to tell her. His kin stirred, calling for his aid, a new empire was on the horizon. It was important that he divulged the truth to her. So he moved with that silent grace, impossible and yet there it was. His bulky form was charged with anticipation, driving him nearly to the brink of madness as he pursued her. With each passing moment he welcomed the challenge of finding her, relishing in the hunt as it brought him closer to the woman who held his soul in her hands. He had managed, for a time, without her presence, but like an addict deprived of their vice, restlessness ate at him. His thoughts were all consuming, driven by the singular desire to be at her side once more.

Her scent, bewitching and intoxicating, guided him deeper into the depths of the willows, away from prying eyes. This was unusual. She seldom strayed so far from her usual haunts. He had spent enough time observing her to detect the subtle shifts in her behavior… Redoubling his efforts, he pressed on, the fur along his spine bristling with anticipation as he imagined countless scenarios. Was there trouble? And then, as if fate itself had arranged for their meeting, Caedes caught sight of Mariah through the tangled foliage ahead. Flawed yet perfect in her own right. A surge of exhilaration surged through him, a wicked smile gracing his lips. Ah, that haunting beauty.

"Mariah," The brute called out huskily, that deep rumble filled with longing. Caedes drew nearer, his massive form cleaved through the foliage like a blade, his steps purposeful yet rife with a sense of urgency. "Don't you know, there are monsters lurking in these woods?" His gaze locked onto hers, conveying mischief and anticipation.


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

03-14-2024, 06:49 PM

She felt him before she saw him. The shift of the air, the stillness that seeped into the grove, all were telltale signs of his arrival. Her heart skipped a beat and she turned, her sterling eyes meeting the dark depths of Caedes'. He was truly a sight to behold, his large form radiating power and raw magnetism. His smile sent shivers down her spine, and not of fear but of excitement. She had searched for him and found him, right where she hoped he would be.

Stepping gracefully from the willow's shadow, her face softened with an affectionate smile that slightly parted her lips, revealing faintly blushed cheeks. Her gaze lingered on him with uncertainty and hope before she closed the gap between them. "Caedes," she greeted him softly as if welcoming an old friend.

A small, amused smirk played at the corners of Mariah's lips. "I know, but your words only excite me more," she said in response to his warning, her voice carrying a playful lilt. She held his gaze, her eyes twinkling with a mixture of joy and relief. "It seems as if some monsters aren't as fearsome as they make themselves out to be." she replied, her voice rich with quiet fondness. "But you were the very monster I was hoping to find," she added, the corners of her mouth curving into a teasing smirk. Her heart throbbed in her chest, matching rhythmically with the pulse within the grove. The wind rustled through the sprawling branches above them, singing a melodious tune that echoed within the secluded nook.

"I have news," she began, her tone growing serious, hinting at the weight of her next words. Her eyes glanced down to the ground between them before they returned to meet Caedes' expectant gaze. She couldn’t help but wonder what he could possibly be thinking in that moment.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
03-14-2024, 07:28 PM

Caedes stood before her, utterly captivated by her. Every movement she made, every word she spoke, only served to deepen the infatuation he harbored for her. As she greeted him with that soft, melodic voice of hers, a rush of warmth flooded through him, igniting a heat he could scarcely contain. Though he would try.

A rough chuckle escaped his lips at her playful response to his warning, his eyes drinking in the sight of her with obsessive hunger. "Mariah, always finding excitement in the face of danger." He remarked, admiring her silvery eyes and the way they glinted at him. Yet, beneath the surface of his somewhat composed exterior, Caedes battled with his thoughts of Mariah, her body and soul haunting his every waking moment. The curve of her smile, the sparkle in her eyes, the graceful sway of her movements – each detail of her etched into his mind like sacred scripture. He often found himself trailing the sharp lines of her ribcage, and the fragility of her framework. Then her visage, again entranced by those intricate markings, framing the delicate contours of her face, and he yearned to touch her now more than ever. But he refrained. Oh, how he painfully bridled his desire.

Her confession, that he was the very monster she sought, sent a thrill running through him, his mind racing with fantasies he could hardly articulate. Thoughts of reminding her of his bestial nature. "A creature lacking in frightful qualities? Perhaps I should remedy that by giving you a taste of both – assuming you're bold enough to handle it." He whispered the challenge, looming over her with predatory intent. If she wanted to tease him, he would return the favor two-fold.

As she began to speak of news, Caedes found himself hanging on her every word. Her tone had turned serious, the playful banter set aside for the moment as he delivered his undivided attention to her. “What is it?” He took a step back, affording her the space to compose her thoughts as he watched on. The duality of the brute shining through.


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

03-14-2024, 07:54 PM

Mariah laughed lightly at his teasing threat, her heart pounding at the promise it held. "You’ve only seen a fraction of what I can handle," she countered with a mischievous glint in her eyes. The tension between them was palpable, a silent battle of wills and teased threats. The underlying challenge wasn't lost on Mariah, and it only served to fuel her excitement further. It was another one of those moments where she simply couldn’t resist touching him- being near, feeling the thrum of his heartbeat in the extension of her touch. She was certain that it matched the rhythm of her own, and it was an intimate reminder of the powerful creature before her.

Mariah took a deep breath, her heart stilling as a more somber tone was adopted. It was a heavy matter, one that bore the weight of an impending change. She had always known that there would come a time when they would need to move. However, she just hadn’t anticipated how abruptly it would come. "I'm leaving Valta, the pack I’ve been staying with since we’ve met." she said, her voice even though it teetered on the brink of breaking at the impact of her own words. She saw his eyes widen momentarily before they masked with an unreadable expression. "I've been studying healing here. But the agreement always was that I would visit multiple Elysium allies in my time spent abroad." She paused for a moment, watching his face as she continued, "I'm going to the Hallows. They reside in Auster- the southern continent." Mariah explained, her voice steady despite the trepidation that was ceaselessly coursing through her veins. She observed his reaction keenly, hoping to decipher any hint of sentiment lurking behind that impossibly emerald gaze.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
03-14-2024, 08:21 PM

Her laughter was like music to his ears, muddling his thoughts, his brow cocked at her counter; a feral smile cracking against his lips. The spark of mischief in her eyes mirrored his own, and he found himself eagerly anticipating the next exchange in their game of wits. It was the tension between them that crackled in the air – a familiar dance, a dance of challenges and defiance that only served to fuel the fire burning between them.

But then, as the mood shifted and Mariah's tone grew somber, Caedes's heart clenched with a sudden sense of foreboding. He listened intently as she spoke of leaving Valta, the pack she had been studying in. The weight of her words hung heavy in the air, and Caedes began to contemplate what this would mean for their connection. She explained that she was to head to the Hallows, to the southern continent of Auster. The term was not foreign to him, and it perfectly aligned with his own news he had yet to share. Caedes watched her closely, searching her face for any hint of doubt or hesitation. And despite the trepidation that undoubtedly gripped her, Mariah remained resolute, her voice steady and unwavering.

Caedes's mind raced with a flurry of emotions, his thoughts swirling like a tempest within him. He wanted to reach out to her, to hold her close and reassure her that everything would be alright. But as he met her gaze, he saw the determination shining in her eyes, and he knew that she was capable of facing whatever challenges lay ahead. Still, you couldn’t blame him for desire, could you?

The brute nodded, his hefty frame sinking closer to her own, muzzle brushing up against the side of her neck and breathing in deeply. "I understand. I also have news. My kin are mobilizing, taking action now. I am being called to fall in line. We are headed south – to Auster as well. Norad will fall.” He breathed out, uncertain if he wanted to see her reaction or not. He was admitting that he and his brethren were planning a hostile takeover, after all. Gods only knew if her pack was aligned with the one they were targeting. The brute sighed, pulling back as he sought her gaze. “I am preparing for combat and, if necessary, to ensure their surrender by any means." He waited, watching to see the recognition flash in her eyes. Would she understand?


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

03-14-2024, 08:46 PM

Mariah's stomach twisted into a tight knot as she hung on every word of Caedes' revelation. Her heart raced in her chest, the rhythm almost drowning out his urgent voice. His kin, powerful and cunning, were mobilizing their forces towards Auster - the same continent that Mariah was bound for, but under entirely different circumstances. He spoke of a hostile takeover and preparing for combat, his words sending a cold shiver down her spine. The weight of unease settled upon her like a ravenous wolf, its hungry teeth gnawing at her gut.

As her gaze met his, the flicker of worry in her silvery eyes was reflected back at him. It wasn't for herself, but for him - for what he was about to say, for what it could mean. Her voice was soft and barely audible as she processed his words, her thoughts racing a mile a minute. "Will there be war?" she whispered, her voice trembling with fear and uncertainty. She hesitated before speaking again, instinctively moving closer until their bodies were almost touching. The tension between them was thick- like a dense fog that threatened to suffocate their hopes and dreams. "Caedes..." she said his name with a mix of longing and apprehension, knowing that whatever came next could change everything.

Each word he spoke landed like a physical blow, each one striking her gut with the force of a clenched fist. She felt the weight of his words, heavy and burdensome, amplifying the decision she had made earlier; leaving Valta was necessary now more than ever. Despite the pain, Mariah forced herself to keep her composure. She swallowed hard, fighting against the lump in her throat as she began to speak. "I understand,” she said, her voice trembling slightly. “But I want you to promise me something," she continued, her tone almost pleading as she locked eyes with him, desperation evident in her gaze. "Promise me you'll be careful." Mariah leaned in close, seeking some sort of solace in physical contact. She traced the line of his jaw with the tip of her nose and down his neck, the warmth and familiar scent of his skin providing a small comfort amidst the turbulence of their conversation.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
03-14-2024, 09:20 PM

Her whispered question cut through the silence like a dagger, its fragile timbre betraying the fear and uncertainty that gripped her. Caedes met her gaze, his own eyes reflecting the gravity of the situation they found themselves in. "There is a possibility. If they do not submit." He admitted, his eyes carrying with it a sincerity that mirrored her own sorrow, but his voice was cool and detached. He did not care what happened to the pack, its members, but he did care about how it made Mariah feel in the moment. It was his duty to obey the call of his family, to lend his strength, it was a given.

As Mariah drew closer, their bodies almost touching, Caedes felt warmth flood through him, a sinful longing he forcefully suppressed for the moment. Her whispered plea, uttered with a mix of longing and apprehension, tugged at his patience, stirring a fierce protectiveness within at the same time.

With a nod, Caedes reached out to gently press into her cheek, his touch a tender reassurance. "I promise." He vowed, his voice soft yet filled with conviction. "Anything to return to you. My altar of worship." He cooed, gaze never wavering from hers, his eyes reflecting the depth of his commitment to his promises. He had never had someone ask of him to be safe before, and it was strange. As strange was his affection for her. He could not stand to hear that desperate tone in her voice, he wanted nothing more to ease her worries.

As Mariah leaned in, seeking solace in their physical closeness, her nose tracing his jaw line and down his scarred neck, it became too much contact for him to ignore any longer. Caedes closed the distance between them, his fores enveloping her in a protective embrace. He savored the warmth of her touch, the familiar scent of her a calming drug to him. "I fear I may lose my sanity if I am deprived of your touch for too long." His mind reeled with the broken distance between them, limbs itching to explore her lithe body. Caedes let a huff of air escape him, shuddering at the feeling of her soft figure against the hard exterior of his ruined hide. Ah, insanity.


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

03-14-2024, 09:44 PM

Mariah's heart ached with the desire to melt into Caedes' embrace, seeking the familiar warmth and security that only he could provide. As his forelimbs wrapped around her, she felt a sense of protection wash over her, easing the knot of worry in her stomach. Closing her eyes, she allowed herself to be enveloped by his touch, finding solace in the steady beat of his heart against hers. "Caedes," she whispered his name like a prayer, her voice trembling with emotion as she pressed closer to him, "I cannot bear to think of you in danger."

Amidst the dire circumstances, a strange sense of comfort enveloped them. The air was thick with tension, but she took solace in their shared predicament. She trusted him implicitly, and believed wholeheartedly in his promise to protect himself for the sake of returning to her side. His words echoed in her mind, each syllable laced with determination: anything to return to you. Her heart swelled with an unfamiliar strength, one that came from the sheer force of their impossible affinity for one another. For a fleeting moment, Mariah allowed herself to revel in the comfort of Caedes' embrace. It was a strange feeling, being so close to someone she barely knew yet somehow felt so familiar with. But as quickly as it came, her mind snapped back to the harsh reality of their situation.

With a reluctant sigh, Mariah pulled away from his embrace but not before tracing a tender finger across the hardened surface of his scarred skin. Each mark held a story, a reminder of the battles he had fought and the trials he had survived. Her touch was like a feather against his rough exterior, offering a soothing balm to his battle-worn soul. As she met his gaze once more, her lips curved into a faint smile, hinting at the playful glint in her eyes. "Is that truly what you are? Deprived?" she teased, her voice laced with gentle affection.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
03-16-2024, 03:57 PM

As Mariah nestled closer to him, Caedes experienced a curious sense of solace that enveloped him completely. It wasn't long before it seeped into his mind, igniting a possessive impulse that urged him to keep her here in his embrace. But he didn’t want that. He wanted her free and defiant. He was not like his cousins, he was quite at peace with their games of wit and willpower. With her psyche whole and resilient, especially with the fragility of her physical condition — it was transfixing. Unnatural and wonderful. Though he doubted he had a choice in the matter at all, it was the very reason she held his affections as wickedly as she did.

Her soft whispers resonated deep within him, stirring a protective instinct that had been reserved solely for his kin in the past, meticulously nurtured back in Saffron. With a sly grin, he realized she was sinking deeper than just his thoughts; she was reshaping the very essence of his being with every single clash of emotion. "Do I often portray myself as the underdog in my battles?" Caedes mused, his voice a confident rumble tinged with playful teasing as he reciprocated her closeness, relishing the sensation of her slender frame against his.

As they lingered in their embrace, Caedes was captivated by the way she could so silently affirm his devotion, this woman and her spells. Her touch on his scarred skin sent a shiver down his spine, reminding him of the battles he had fought and the scars he bore, yet none compared to the challenge she presented to him. He found himself drawn to her despite the pain she could evoke simply by overtaking his thoughts, craving her like a masochistic addiction. He briefly wondered how good it would feel if she did seek to harm him. Crimson ribbonry of blood and all, splicing through old scars and whatnot. What a fantasy to have. He was burning alive.

Mariah's teasing remark elicited a playful smirk from Caedes, a glint of amusement dancing in his emerald eyes. "Oh, greatly," He conceded with mock indignation. "You are intoxicating, Mariah, both a poison and an antidote I am eager to indulge in, regardless of consequence, as you know." He said with pride, bold ardor seeping into his tone as he extended his hand, aiming to gently caress her cheek. A pang of regret surged within him at the thought of being unable to see her until his task was complete, fueling a sense of envy towards those who could freely gaze upon her in the meantime. That unsettling sensation churned in his stomach as he briefly entertained the idea of sneaking away to be with her, only to swiftly dismiss it upon considering the risk of his family discovering her… prematurely.

"I will have my Third Eye, my raven, deliver a message to you once my cousin secures his crown," The brute declared earnestly, gesturing to the bird perched in the willow over head, within it’s claws it clutched a mask of bone, feathered at its edges with two jewels strung from the temples — obviously belonging to Caedes. His gaze returned to her, fixed with unwavering determination. "In return for easing your worries swiftly, I ask that you make me a promise as well — To remain unharmed and intact, won't you?" Caedes beckoned her closer, to savor the time they had against the uncertainty of the coming days.


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

03-22-2024, 09:59 AM

A soft chuckle slipped from her lips, the sound resonating in the intimate space between their bodies. "No, I don’t doubt your capabilities- not for a moment." The words slipped out tinged with affectionate rebuke, her nails trailing a comforting path along his scarred skin. She leaned in closer, until her breath was a gentle whisper against his ear. "But since you seem to hold little concern for yourself, it looks like I’m going to have to be concerned enough for the both of us." She pulled back then, meeting his gaze with a teasing grin. The weight of their dire circumstances seemed to recede a little, replaced by the comforting familiarity of their easy banter and shared moments of intimacy. Despite the chaos that encroached upon them, they both found a brief respite within the confines of this stolen moment. The world beyond them could wait. At least for a little while longer.

At his words, Mariah felt a thrill rush through her veins, electrifying every nerve and every cell of her body. His touch ignited an insatiable desire within her, a hunger for his presence that was both intoxicating and terrifying. There was something about him that drew her in irresistibly, like the scent of a flower leading a bee to its pollen. Yet, at the same time, there was an underlying threat, a looming catastrophe that could crush her if she was not careful. Now that she had him- he was a fixture of her life, she couldn’t imagine what it would possibly be like without him.

She met his gaze with equal intensity, searching the depths of his emerald eyes for any sign of insincerity. There was none, only undeniable truth. Caedes' admission of his desire for her, no matter the cost, was a palpable force between them. His boldness made her heart flutter in helpless delight. She regarded him with a mischievous smirk, fully aware of the power she held over him. "Well then," she said, her voice oozing with sarcasm, "I suppose I should continue to deprive you – for your own good." His hand on her cheek sent shivers down her spine, its roughness a stark contrast to her smooth skin. Mariah couldn’t help but lean into his touch, reveling in the sensations that it stirred within her. Perhaps she was a little deprived as well.

Mariah's heart quivered at his words, his promises. The stark sincerity in his eyes was disarming, melting away her defenses. She felt a flutter of anticipation as his fingers danced across her skin with an intimacy that both thrilled and terrified her. His touch was a dangerous remedy, beckoning her to the edge of a precipice she feared to fall from yet yearned to jump into.

Her gaze shifted towards the raven with his gesture, it was magnificent and daunting with a mask that was grandeur personified. Much like Caedes himself. The promise of his message brought a glimmer of hope in her eyes, a comforting thought amidst the chaos. His request though, was a heavier burden than he could possibly fathom. She found it far easier to ensure his safety than her own. Yet the intensity of his plea, the firm grip of his hand around hers, and the deep, inalienable concern in his eyes stirred something within her – a will to survive, an unyielding determination to keep herself safe for him. "I promise," she said, an ironclad resolve stealing her voice. The corners of her mouth quirked upwards in a wry half-smile. "Although I must say, it's rarely my intention to find myself in harm's way at all. But then again, you likely won’t find me on the initiating side of a hostile takeover.” It was meant out of amusement, but even still, she felt she was speaking a genuine truth. It wasn't like she was in any danger of storming the front lines any time soon.

"Mariah Mendacium"

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1. If We Don't Leave This Town Weeping Woods 05:27 PM, 03-14-2024 06:30 AM, 04-11-2024