
Whisper Into My Ear


09-24-2013, 07:49 PM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2013, 11:05 PM by Liberty.)

The amount of idiocy the woman held was almost unreal. One would think they would learn to stay home when hell's ghost was after them, but the woman found herself farther and farther from Valhalla every day. What was she to do there anyway? Lay around and wait until something interesting happened? No, she loved to adventure, she liked the taste of danger- and so she would find herself here, deep within the caves that seemed to whisper stories into her ears. At first she had assumed she was alone, but after traveling deeper into the cavern she could sense another source of energy around her. His scent was intoxicating, the perfume of testosterone drawing her in like a home sick puppy. With her climbing age she had become more and more curious in the opposite sex, and tonight she was sure something interesting would happen. Something had to happen or she might just go crazy. She followed his musky scent, trailing it around like a blood hound until his essence was almost too much to bear. "Hello in there." She would say, hoping the man was near enough to hear her honey dipped words. She could not see him, but she assumed he was somewhere in front of her, deeper within the cavern. The way the walls played tricks on her audits made her assume if the man did not hear it from her then he would hear her voice whispered along the walls of the cavern.




5 Years
09-25-2013, 01:12 AM

crisp, clean. the chill of the baron's confinements was refreshingly welcomed in contrast to his usual setting in musky marsh. an escape route previously made by one of the upright apes the elder's spoke about cast light upon the man's silver threads, blinding him only temporarily as he passed by. he strode carelessly, flawlessly. confident. he wasn't one who usually carried so much pride.. but he couldn't deny that odin had chosen him for the obvious reasons. to say that he wasn't worried would be a lie, and although jaeger's suave tongue often did let a truth slip often, he would not deny this. however, he was not worried of failure. failure, quite simply, was not an option for jaeger. it did not exist. what brought nightmares to his sleep at night was not pleasing the aesir and vanir enough to be acceptable. while they were fair and just, they were also very high maintenance. his lean, athletic figure was once more shrouded in darkness, as were his thoughts.

all his worries were replaced by desire as the pleasant tones of a young woman pressed gently to his ear, bouncing lightly around him. he knew from experience that she was fairly close from the few moments it took for her voice to echo, and such close contact without a visual appearance brought out more than just curiosity in the man. just another corner and they'd be nose to nose. grey fur crinkled into mischievous lines as the man allowed a one-sided smirk to slip over his penciled lips. how fun could he have with such a young thing? could he drive her over the edge? could he have his way? perhaps even after playing chaperon to her madness? he leaned toward the walls of the cavern, beginning to take on a zigzag path. he would take advantage of the acoustics. "my, my." he allowed his raspy tones fo drag along, refusing every muscle in his body which wanted to deny relishment. he forced a gentle concern into his words, "what a naughty little thing you are, playing where you shouldn't be." a theatrical act, no doubt. he lingered around the corner, bleached audits tuned in for her sweet, delicate song.

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself


09-25-2013, 01:34 AM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2013, 01:37 AM by Liberty.)

She would inhale him, taste him, want him. Her desire peaked as she realized he was so close, yet so far. Just around the corner, yet she felt like she would have to walk miles to reach him. As he spoke she tried to fit a face to his husky voice, but not even her imagination could fathom his beauty. Little did she know that the man was far more gorgeous than she assumed, but she would not be graced by his looks tonight. The caves were far too dark to see in, so his touch and determination would be the only things she could rely on. "A naughty little girl I am, hmm?" She would purr, her tones drenched in a venomous honey. She would not be taken advantage of, no, she was more than willing to allow this faceless man to steal her innocence. If not him she was sure the ghost would try, and she would rather be destroyed than pure when he tried to take her.

And so the woman would come forward, temping him, taunting him to come closer. She wanted the ebony to envelop them, she wanted the man to take her in complete and utter darkness. She did not want to see his face, and she did not want him to see hers. She wanted this to feel like a wet dream she had while her father was out and about and she was napping. She wanted this fantasy. "Where does the king linger hmm? Why is it out of my reach? Doesn't he know that a king must pleasure his queen?" She was no queen, but he did not know that, just as she didn't know if he was a king. But, this was their fantasy, and only they could decide their characters.




5 Years
09-26-2013, 10:46 AM

his rusty vocals danced and fell around them, a second and third time. he loved the sound of his own voice mocking him; it brought a tingling sensation down his spine. to say that he worshipped himself would be an understatement - if a clone rose from the ground beneath, he would kiss his very feet and gladly die before him. he made his own skin crawl with desire. he was perhaps the only thing he cherished more than the gods. but when opportunity called, he willfully put his egotistical tendencies behind.

and call she did. he let the walls of their temporary prison carry his amusement to her ears, a simpering chuckle. first impressions went a long way for jaeger, and already this woman was nearly bringing him to peak. "so daring, too." he would answer, like rough gravel from his throat. his body quivered and shook, yearning to be close to her. her smell beckoned him closer, taunted and teased his every fiber. who was he to deny his desires?

so he crept, like the creepiest of crawlies; holding his breath as a sliver of drool slithered from his jowls. he froze as she spoke once more, their distance much closer. a cavernous grin spread his lips apart to reveal those always lubricated canines that begged to meet flesh. he closed the space between them - he couldn't see her but he could feel her; her hot breath spiraling into the chill atmosphere of the hole in the mountain they were in. his tones came out as a whisper centimeters from the woman's ear, "oh he knows, my voluptuous little queen." he paused to take in her sweet, candied scent. "but i'm afraid thy king is not here.. and i'm not inclined to bring pleasure to your royal snatch." he leaned forward, just so that she might feel the contours of his chest on her shoulder. "you see, the only thing i am inclined to do, is to take what is offered." he smirked to himself. if they were to play a game, it would be on his terms.

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself


09-27-2013, 01:19 PM

To say the least the woman was starting to grow restless. Her vision was starting to blur due to the darkness, her mind was in flames, and even her desirable organ was starting to throb. Not once has she ever felt this way before, and the fact that a man was here to satisfy her immediately drove her wild. His voice was deep and husky, she could tell he was older than herself, and she loved it. She had a liking for older men, boys her age just weren't interesting enough for her. They had no back story, no experience, and most of them had just stopped sucking off their mother's teats. They weren't men, and a man was something that Liberty thought she needed, not some little boy.

Her legs morphed into jello as the man silently crept toward her. She could not hear him breathing, but she could hear his paws kiss the eroded earth below them. Did he not posses a heart? Did he not have organs or lungs? Was he a figment of her imagination? No, he wasn't. Her doubts subsided as a whisk of warm breath kissed her inner ear. Chills rolled down her spine, and she couldn't help the moan that split the eerie vibe between them. She was inexperienced to say the least, and was starting to lose control of herself. She wanted him now. He spoke, and she listened to his sweet symphony. He claimed to be no king, so perhaps he wasn't catching onto her little game. Though he did call her a queen, and her ego boosted to it's peak, her head raising high. She could not see him even at their close proximity, but she had no doubt in her mind that he was ready for her. His chest pushed against her shoulder, and without hesitation she would come forward, attempting to run her snout along his lower neck and throat. "Wise man." She would whisper, exhaling her words so that her warm breath would kiss him gently. In the chill of the night any warmth felt amazing. "And if the queen offerd the man something he cannot refuse, say, her innocence, would the man steal it from her and destroy it? Only one man gets to claim a queen at her purest peak. It wouldn't be wise to deny such a generous offer."




5 Years
10-04-2013, 10:37 PM
wow, i'm so sorry my love. i didn't mean to make you wait so long for a reply

the demented jester had to supress a chuckle as the younger woman, if she could be called that yet, seemed to be struggling to control herself. never before had he been with such an inexperienced one... at least not one who wasn't screaming for mercy. it was in a way refreshing. it almost made him consider not tearing into her skin. almost. and as her delicate skull rested against his narrow cavity and her heated breath sent chills of temptation down his spine, he found it difficult not to delay his dissection. but her words ticked an inspiration within him.

slowly he moved, allowing his ribs to remain in constant contact with her. he would trail his moist button along her hind leg, inching painstakingly toward her innocence. "only a fool would reject such an incredibly generous offer, my queen." his raspy tones disapperated into the darkness as his velvet tongue slipped from skilled lips and into her royal cavern. he would not linger long, only give enough time to asses her condition and edge her on. with conformation that he wouldn't become daddy to some devil spawned heathens and his own organ begging for a release, the pretentious man lifted himself and with effortless ease took his position atop the queen. he pressed groin to tail, less than gentle jaws searching to hold onto her petite neck. he had no intention of being a fumbling prom date or a cautious lover.

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself


10-14-2013, 02:24 AM

Not a muscle would twitch as the man went instantly to work. She would not move away, no, she would allow him to take the reins, and she would love every minute of it. She adored power, she craved it, and despite her obsession with becoming a queen she couldn't help but enjoy being dominated. She was so young, so fragile- how else would her innocence be taken besides force? If not Isardis then it would be another careless male with only one thing on his mind. Men were so easy to read it was almost like a game, yet she still made her own pieces to play with. After all, boys were just play things. She would fight the cringes as her body screamed to move. She could feel his heat burning against hers as they intertwined. His moist nose trailed along her hind quarters, and she would bite her lip to hold back her moans. She had already slipped up before and she wouldn't do it again. She was a queen after all.

"only a fool would reject such an incredibly generous offer, my queen." Lips would curl into a smirk as she closed her eyes tightly. She wanted to say something, do something, do anything, but she would not. She would allow herself to be taken by a complete stranger and she would not defy it. Though her body would tense as the man made a daring move, one she had never heard of before being done. Lyrics would drip thirstily from her maw as she moaned, her desperate noise echoing throughout the caverns. fuck she would punish herself in her mind, but she still would not breath a word. Suddenly he would move onto her, and she would brace herself for what was to come. Legs would stiffen, and she would slightly adjust her weight to bind with his. She had never had a male on her like this before. It was odd. Then, without warning, the mans teeth would piece her scruff, and her head would be pulled back as the man grabbed a hold of her. Her tail would move to the side, which was a better signal than any words she could whisper. With another thirsty moan, she would beg him for release. She wanted him to devour her, she wanted him to have his release, she wanted him to ruin her.

-faaaddeeeee before this gets intense-
