
Slimey, Greasy, Gopher Guts



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (270)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

1 Year
Dire wolf
03-22-2024, 06:45 PM


Marrow went head first into the decaying, bloated bison with little concern for the smell. Growing up scavenging the smell of decay was nothing short of inviting and it was how she'd found the dead cow in the first place. Already there were ravens and crows picking at the carcass as well as an eagle but soon enough she made a place for herself at the table, ripping into the bison's cut. She ate as she worked, burrowing deeper to get to the stomach. Her leucistic raven had assured her there was a way to cook food using a bison stomach. Well that sounded way to fun not to try.

Marrow ripped out a piece of the pancreas and stepped out long enough to toss it to her raven. "Here, have some, can't work on an empty stomach." The raven pecked at the pancreas but tossed it aside for a crow. "I'll pass, thanks."

Marrow scowled. "I'm slaving away in a sweltering buffalo carcass and you aren't even going to try it?" Typical! The white raven flew up to settle on one of the bison's horns. "I prefer the tongue, you let me know when you have the stomach free."

"Yea, yea, physical labor, all I'm good for." She snorted before burrowing back into the carcass, coating her pale coat in blood and gore. Finally she managed to rip the stomach free, spilling the stinking green contents and rumen about the place as she pulled it out. It was a weird stomach, four chambers and way bigger than she'd expected.



Novice Fighter (20)

Beginner Hunter (0)

2 Years
Extra large
03-29-2024, 12:36 AM

just a wolf in wolf's clothing,

seems like he wasn't the only one with good taste; checking ahead to see plenty of birds and a wolf go to town on a carcass. he stalks forward with a silent tread, his shoulder blades protruding out his outline as his head lowered slightly. with an erect tail, Vadim continued on until a bovine's pancreas sat at his larger paws. without hesitation, Vadim opens his jowls to proceed in a graphic chew with the audible sounds of knocking jaws & lapping licks. his ears remained alert as he ate it greedily within what seemed like seconds- before coming to stare at the impressively larger female. a pale beast that ripped and burrowed deep inside the dead animal- it's body covered in crimson ink. "mmmmh.." he hummed and licked his salivating lips. he stepped slower now, coming to a stop near the bison's rear. beady indigo eyes glance at the albino raven before coming to rest on the savage below. "I could just lick you up.." he chuckled with his questionable joke, his voice deep & baritone as he continued forward when his nose pressed near the bison's skin, ravshing the rotting stench with shameless delight.
lifting his head some, Vadim intended to feast with her. without the care of considering any conflict about it, Vadim was one to often times 'invite himself' at the expense other others. he lacked proper etiquette and manners in the world of wolf. "Do we eat the birds too? Yes, hmm?" his eyes shot up at the wolf with a hungry glare, his jowls hanging open loosely as pools of clear saliva dripped over his maw like a primal creature. his disturbing excitement was approach a climax.

"Talk" 'Think'

table by scarlet, art by nelsa
Vadim's proclaimed wife is Iris, therefor she may intrude any threads regardless of their tag.

Vadim is a character that is entirely rated mature for too many reasons to list. Viewer discretion is advised with any of his posts & threads.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (270)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

1 Year
Dire wolf
03-29-2024, 09:41 AM (This post was last modified: 03-29-2024, 09:41 AM by Marrow. Edited 1 time in total.)


Marrow dropped the stomach, letting its contents ooze out onto the ground while she shook her coat out, sending a splatter of blood into the air. It was then she spied a large, dark-pelted male prowling to the back of the bison, making a questionable comment that was either aimed at her or the bison, she couldn't be sure. Marrow was to busy riding the high of finding such a fantastic kill and with so much food she had no issue sharing. She chuckled. "I bet you could… help yourself, to the bison I mean." She grinned wickedly at the man before grabbing the base of the stomach and tipping it to help drain out the rest of the rumen. The absolute stench was attracting more and more scavengers, namely crows and ravens. She was fine letting it drain a bit before she decided how to go about doing this. The issue with the stomach was it was massive and really she only needed one chamber for her project. She supposed she could just chew off what she wanted.

Marrow lifted her head at the mention of the birds. "All but the white one are free game. Why? You thinking of starting with some fresh appetizers?" She chuckled, willing to follow his lead in taking after the scavenging birds. She knew her companion wouldn't mind. The leucistic crow had been terribly treated by her own kind and would probably relish in the idea.



Novice Fighter (20)

Beginner Hunter (0)

2 Years
Extra large
04-06-2024, 12:57 AM (This post was last modified: 04-06-2024, 01:00 AM by Vadim. Edited 2 times in total.)

just a wolf in wolf's clothing,

her less than graceful demeanor was attractive to the brute in it's own way. she was impressive, independent and all on her own, beastly. an animal in her own right. he couldn't help but whirl forward, his body wanting to be near her when she splashed remaints of the carcass, a macabre type of play. he grins, delighted with his chosen company. two peas in a pod. "Do you need assistance with that?" he inquired with a tilt of his crown, analyzing her previous efforts to break into one of the many stomach chambers and drain the animal. she was after something specific. Interesting. "Fresh is best is it not?" he gave a cavernous smile, happy to talk morbidly with her. a hobby he would indulge in anytime.
he took advantage of her willingness to share, not that it really mattered,- wasting no time to settle near the bison's rear. he hangs over it with a looming height, his ears flattening before he digs in, jowls parting as he begins ripping into the taut muscle of the unlucky bison. greedily, he took his fill, careful not to interrupt her own session. and before no time, he emerged with a full belly, & a face only a mother could love. soused with blackened blood that slicked his fur back to perfection. he ought to wear it that way sometimes, as he took no time to clean himself. "I'm Vadim, your friend. What's your name, girl?" he asked casually, adoring the contrast of red on her own pale body. he aimed to make a superficial acquaintance, so as long as she let him feed off her findings. his treason waiting for her another time as he named her friend for now.

"Talk" 'Think'

table by scarlet, art by nelsa
Vadim's proclaimed wife is Iris, therefor she may intrude any threads regardless of their tag.

Vadim is a character that is entirely rated mature for too many reasons to list. Viewer discretion is advised with any of his posts & threads.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (270)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

1 Year
Dire wolf
04-14-2024, 08:55 AM


Shadows of incoming buzzards flitted across the wolves, adding a macabre ambience to their day. Marrow considered his words then grinned and nodded. "I only need one chamber of the stomach. I can take one in and you can take another and we can rip it." She looked forward to the sound of ripping flesh, a melody that thrilled her. Morbid though it might seen, it meant food, it meant security and she was glad the man was not off put by her disassembly of the bison carcass. Many might chastise her for playing with her food or not showing proper respect for the life that had been given to feed her.


Marrow licked her lips, wiping the blood off her darkened maw and smearing it down her chin. "Oh yes, I always prefer fresh… when I can get it." Being a loner so far limited her hunting options unless she had the luck to stumble across another hunter. At least for now. Soon she'd reconnect with Wendigo and join his band. Soon she'd have a reliable group with which to hunt and feed. With the stomach now removed she set to finishing her own meal, gulping down great chunks of liver while the man finished his own meal. Around them the birds gathered and plucked at what they could get. When both wolves were sated the man introduced himself as Vadim.

"A pleasure, Vadim. You can call me Marrow." She gave no care for her birth name, her cursed name. "Care for a game of tug o' war?" She grinned wickedly and gestured to the stomach.

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1. Slimey, Greasy, Gopher Guts Algoma Prairie 06:45 PM, 03-22-2024 09:06 PM, 05-27-2024