
There are thoughts in every little stone



09-16-2013, 02:58 PM

Rivaxorus yawned as Kurai showed up at her side with two mice in his jaws. The fox gave a chuckle as he began to dig into their flesh bugging the larger canine next to him. "Can you eat any louder Kurai?" She asked the red fox, her eyes looking over him. The fox flicked his tail happily and shook his head. Making Riv smiled and take in a large sigh. She couldn't blame the fox for wanting to enjoy his meal, but at times it felt like all he wanted to do was bug the crap out of her in the first place. The girl rolled her eyes and looked away. She had been relaxing near one of the sheds in this old place. While she had never met a human she had heard plenty of stories about them and even seen an old photo. It was weird how they could do such things and even humans looked weird as well.
Rivaxorus was relaxing because the past few days she had spent looking for her lost kin had made her sore. Although it simply meant she had been over working herself as usual. When she used to do it, Denki would be the one to tell her to stop. Kurai was here to do that now. While he wasn't a wolf Riv wasn't picky with creatures when it came to friends and family. After all her mentor had been a white tiger.


09-17-2013, 04:37 PM
After being accepted into his new home, Crucible knew it would be best if he accustomed himself to the surroundings. It was interesting to see all of the human remnants still standing in the place. He wondered why they had come up with the designs they did. It seemed to detract from the beauty of the land in the places that they stood. Surely they could have build their dens underground like his kind does? Well whatever their thinking was, it was wrong for they were dead and gone and the wolves are still here.

Peeking into a smaller shelter, Crucible came face to face with only other pack member he had seen after meeting with his king. "Why hello," His voice was still higher than the average grown wolf, but it would change to a low timbre by the end of this year. "I new to this land and would like to introduce myself. My name is Crucible." His yellow eyes stared at her with what he thought was a pleasant and welcoming look, though he often had a facial expression that was much more serious than he thought it was.



09-26-2013, 12:49 PM

Kurai lifted up his head from his meal after he finished and the wolf came near them. He wasn't too alarmed since they were all part of the same pack. The fox jumped on Riv's back as the girl offered a kind smile to the young male and stretched before getting up on her paws. "It's a pleasure to meet you Crucible, I'm sort of new as well I was accepted a few days ago. This is my companion Kurai. My name is Rivaxorus, but you can call me Riv." The lady dipped her head towards the male. It was nice to meet new wolves. Sometime she would never give up was getting to know each and every wolf in the kindgom. Though, she enjoyed watching things change and grow and reflecting on what they used to me. A few times, this had gotten her into some trouble.
Riv flicked her pure black tail and looked at the few bones Kurai had left from the mice. The fox gave a chuckle as the thirty six inch tall woman turned back to Crucible. "Would you like to join me on a hunt?" She offered stepped a little bit away from the den and a few feet closer to him. A hunt was a good way to bond in her kind. It was better than fighting at least.


10-08-2013, 07:12 PM

Crucible nodded slowly at the wolf and the fox. "It is a pleasure to meet you both as well." He was especially curious about the fox Kurai. The young man had never conversed with a fox before. "Where do you both hail from? I am of the snow rogues in the northern territory." He wasn't sure exactly what to say to the woman and her fox, but he would try to make some conversation. Unfortunately, he had never been the overly social type of wolf.

"Would you like to go on a hunt?" Crucible nodded his head slowly. He always had an air of sincerity about him. It was almost startling in such a young wolf. Picking up his feet he came closer to his elder and waited for her to lead the way.

ooc: sorry I wasn't sure how to work this one



10-14-2013, 10:52 PM

I gave the boy a smile, Kurai only went off to do his own thing. I walked alongside, and a bit in front of Crucible. My black tail flicked behind me as I caught wind of a deer, in a group as they usually were. There was one in the back, seemingly injured in the leg, in which that was perfect. My instincts were kicked in as I looked over at Crucible, hoping he had learned how to hunt by now, as I headed towards the back of the heard. I waiting to get as close as possible, the taste of meat was already within my jaws as I crouched down.
I loved hunting, but sometimes it showed more than I wanted, it showed the scars of the past and the anger that I built up. I explained the sad part so easily, but if I was to reveal the past in which I took the lives of the innocent in my own anger, it wouldn't go so well. It was the entire reason why I tried to avoid it, and use other things to make me forget.
I shot forward at the deer, clamping my jaws on one of the back legs to trip it backward. My head jerked up to the left and I twisted it left dragging the deer down. It flipped and was flailing on its side as I quickly tried to grip onto its middle quarters. Waiting for Crucible to come finish the creature, my powerful legs planted on the creature. As for my head trying to tear at the creature making is scream.



10-16-2013, 08:48 PM

Following the woman eagerly, Crucible kept pace with her. Their target was obviously the injured doe in the back of the herd and he easily zeroed in on it. Rivaxorus shot forward. She was vicious in her skills and it caught Crucible off guard. Why she had thought to drag the poor creature down by its hind end and make it suffer more than it already was, he had no idea. She seemed so pleasant when he had just been talking to her. Oh well, he would not miss his cue.

Dashing up to the doe's head, Crucible clamped his jaws down behind her pole. With a sharp twist of his head, she was finished. Snapping the doe's neck would make the kill quick and painless, much less so than what he thought Rivaxorus had in mind, but he would not judge. Crucible was never one to want to cause pain and suffering in anyone. Though he didn't go out of his way to correct pain and suffering either, he would just never be the hand of it. Some would call that hypocrisy, but the boy was never one to care about other's opinions.

Blood coated his teeth where he had punctured the deer's neck to hold her, but that was the the extent of it. Quickly he licked it off his teeth. Sitting back on his haunches he waited patiently for her to begin eating. Crucible knew it was polite to let his elders eat before him, and who knew, maybe she was a higher rank than him too. He cocked his head at her and waited for his time to eat.



10-19-2013, 01:53 PM

I could have been more gentle with the creature couldn't I? I was thinking far too much about the past in these moments, catching my breath my red eyes flashed to crucible who seemed to be waiting to eat. I gave a bit of a smile before sitting down next to the animal and lowering my head. "Thank you for the food lord, its life won't be wasted." I said before turning towards Crucible. This was the least I could do, for pulling the prey into pain, I could always just give thanks. In the end, it never amounted to much though.
"There's no need to wait to eat around me Crucible. you are an equal, not some slave." I said, as I lowered my jaws to start tugging at the meat. It was savory that was for sure. I hadn't been able to have a hunt like that since my family left me behind. My black tail flicked back and forth behind me. Reminding myself, not to think too much of the past, for lords sake.
