
a change of tune



Raiders Hollow
The Crow

Master Fighter (450)

Master Navigator (354)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!UnderachieverSamhain 2022
04-05-2024, 10:41 AM

His mother had said something about goats and cows in the west. Go look for them and see if anyone else was looking to take over those lands. He hadn't totally objected, but it wasn't the first thing he wanted to do either. But with a grumbling acceptance, Scald made his way to Vericona plains. Standing atop one of the rolling hills, he looks out over the territory. Toward the south a bit is Ashen, led by his uncle? He's not quite sure what Chimera is to him, but his mother explicitly stated to leave them alone.

Looking around elsewhere, he doesn't notice much. Just some animals, but maybe those were the goats and cows she spoke of? His brow furrows as he picks up a leisurely pace down the rolling hills and through the dewy grass. Keeping a relaxed posture about him, he tries to enjoy his stroll.

Scald Fallen

table coding by bunni ♥



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

3 Years
04-05-2024, 11:06 AM (This post was last modified: 04-05-2024, 11:09 AM by Fiadh. Edited 1 time in total.)

Morning spread in muted tones across the sky, but the light was just enough to rouse Fiadh from her slumber. She had dug out a shallow yet serviceable den to seek refuge within once she got her fill of aimless wandering each day, but it was the second such den she'd crafted - she lost track of the other one. A capable wayfarer she was not, but she also was not at all concerned about permanence and knew her paws would set her wayward at some point. Fiadh was not one to be kept leashed in one place for long. Soon enough, this area would have served its purpose as allowing her to get her bearings and she would be ready to move on.

This morning did not pose itself as the day she would leave the charming Plains just yet. As she extricated herself from her den and stretched to greet the day, she almost missed the figure cloaked in a night's sky descending a hill in her periphery. Rosy ears perked as she shifted her head to follow the form, eyes of lavender moonlight landing squarely on what she could only describe as night made terrestrial. It was as though the wolf borrowed its pelt from the sky, bringing stars and nebulae into itself. Streaks of color broke the expanse of black, akin to the aurora Fiadh had seen in the sky every night since she'd "awoken." How bizarre it was that she would find first a Star and now the sky proper - when night itself was fleeing, no less. Did he deign the balance of day and night?

Her feathery tail bobbed cheerfully behind her hips as she set off in the night-wolf's direction, overall carriage friendly and passive. One of these days she'd find teeth where she expected easy conversation, but that reality did not stop her from treating every meeting of a new face as one between friends.

"Dia duit!*" she cast her voice to him until she could draw to a more comfortable distance, provided he did not widen the gap. The closer she grew, the more abundantly clear it became that he was much larger than herself - but it remained more observation than warning to the tenderheart. "It is not often I can speak to night so directly."

* Dia duit = Hello in Irish

"Common" & "Irish"


Raiders Hollow
The Crow

Master Fighter (450)

Master Navigator (354)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!UnderachieverSamhain 2022
04-05-2024, 11:26 AM

Though the morning is muted, he doesn't mind it. Enjoying the not so bright and cooler temperatures of the plains, he doesn't pay mind to the girl that appears in the distance. She's small, almost obscured by the grass that surroundings the area. Rather, his attention is focused more on the herd of animals up ahead. Their lazy munching distracts them enough that he could probably get close enough...

Until her dainty voice is drawing his eyes toward her. Stopping in his tracks, Scald turns to unashamedly draw his gaze over her petite and rosy form. A light tilt of his head as he tries to decipher what language she spoke. None familiar to him, but he's not deterred either. Thankful that she speaks the common tongue finally as she comes to stop before him, Scald gives her a smile in response. Was she really complimenting him already? That was new. It wasn't often the girls he came across were so forward.

"I s'pose it's a good thing I crossed yer path t'day," he jests back to the girl, his relaxed posture settling down into a sitting position. Why stand when he could get comfortable? "Anyone ever tell ya that yer freckles look like the stars?" Scald questions, his head lilting lightly to the side as he leans a little closer to her face so he could get a better look at the dark freckling that indeed spread across her cheeks.

Scald Fallen

table coding by bunni ♥



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

3 Years
04-05-2024, 12:35 PM

Fiadh is fazed little as he studies her, bearing no shame on her end to be observed. The tenderheart did not think herself unsightly, but she did not often fall into insecurity and the other's gaze does not strike her as anything more than sizing up someone new. Even if she was not everyone's cup of tea, she was not uncomfortable in her body or self-conscious; with sprigs of hydrangeas tucked away in places where they'd stick with ease, she did sometimes indulge a sense of vanity. She'd happily decorate others with flowers if that sat still long enough, though.

His smile lures one from her in kind, the corners of her mouth dimpling gently against her cheeks - clearly pleased he responded in a friendly manner. She was a dreadfully social creature, drawn to contact with others like a moth to flame. Fiadh was not one to withhold compliments nor vet her tongue, very much of the belief that words thought should be words spoken - effusive to friends or stranger alike. While perhaps forward to the man before her, it was as casual as breathing to the small woman. If she was anything, it was forthright.

"Indeed it is - fate, as it were," Fiadh hummed, lending her words a playful edge as she followed his lead and reclined into a sit, plumy tail whisked around her petite paws. She did not balk as he crowded ever so slightly into her space, only maintaining a curious visage. He likened her freckles to stars and earned himself a tinkling laugh from her. She had never thought her freckles to resemble stars, perhaps instead closer to the speckled dots of a quail's egg. "Can't say I have; had I known the night to speak so kindly t' his stars, perhaps I would have made his acquaintance much sooner." Eyeing him expectantly, she added, "Does th' night have a name?"

"Common" & "Irish"


Raiders Hollow
The Crow

Master Fighter (450)

Master Navigator (354)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!UnderachieverSamhain 2022
04-17-2024, 09:30 AM

Scald leans back, enjoying the lilt of her words - a clear sign that she was not of these parts. He continues to assess her and all that surrounds them too. Was she truly considering him to be the night? His colorful coating did appear similar to the blanket that would take over once the sun dipped beneath the horizon. Indeed, it did boost his ego a bit, feathering the vain creature that rested deep in his belly. His lips lift further into a smile as she continues to speak, his attention drawn back to her petite form.

When she asks for his name, he gives a light chuckle. "This night is known to go by Scald, Scald Fallen," his eyes crinkle at the corner, proud of the name he wears. One might not believe he lives up to his name, but a fire only scalds those that tempt their fate. "And do the stars have a name?" Scald asks in return, his head canting slightly to the side, body shifting its weight marginally to try and shift a rock that appeared more a nuisance than comfortable.

Scald Fallen

table coding by bunni ♥

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1. a change of tune Vericona Plains 10:41 AM, 04-05-2024 01:24 PM, 05-22-2024