
Press play walk away, I'm your laptop dj


09-26-2013, 01:52 PM


Fall made it much more cooler here than it usually was. Lova loved the snow, and the feeling of the cold. Due to her coat being so thick she had no problem with it. She had been born for the cold and had been raised in it her entire life. Isar was simply lucky the lady enjoyed the cold and he had chosen to put his kingdom here. That and that she had decided she liked him, so she had given herself out. She was here to be protected, she could pull her own weight she simply didn't feel like it unless it was needed. In all reality, she simply loved to be out and about with others. Judging on personalities that she enjoyed to be around or not. Though the concept of love may have been foreign to her, as long as her breeding rights were reserved by Isar she honestly had no problem with anyone. The beauty stretched herself and made a small laugh as she flicked her black tail from left or right. The favorite part of her life, was probably the amazing coloring that she had received from her mother. To top it off, her father gave her cyan eyes just to match with her light, different pelt.
Snow would come soon, with the coming of Winter, her birth season. She was ready to live out another season. Her favorite one with snow, and the most difficult to survive if you had lived like she had. Lova was certain this place didn't have as much difficulty though. They didn't have a faulty fake king, who had never set a paw in a fight. It was wolves like that, that could really make her clock tick. Pressing the right buttons would make the girl lash out. She wasn't as innocent as she made herself off to be.



09-26-2013, 07:20 PM

Silver and grey tinted paws touched down on the cool surface of the ground. Snowflakes and frost had collected upon his sleek coat, the mans tail curled high above his haunches as he stalked the lands. The scent of a stranger was strong in the air, and he knew it was the scent of a woman. Changing course, he followed the scent with bouncing confident steps. He hadn't been long in these lands, but determination was set into him as he sought to join the ever powerful kingdom of the ice wolves. Perhaps this was his chance to meet a girl from the kingdom itself. Though whether or not it was for love, he could care less about that. Never had he met a girl he'd actually fall in love with. To him, so far only using them for personal purposes was more to his liking. He couldn't be bothered to deal with the dramas of an actual relationship, and the women who thought they were in a relationship with him were sorely mistaken. Without a second thought he would cast each one aside like a piece of trash, breaking hearts and stealing innocence. Yes, that was his preferred method.

At last after a few minutes of following the tantalizing scent, he came across a beast smaller then he with the curves of a feminine bodice. He approached with a confident air about him, his stare never wavering as he placed himself slightly to her left. "Hello there little lady, what brings you to these parts?" His voice fell from ink lined lips in a most seductive and curious manner. His intentions were well hidden...for now anyway.

Talk like this


09-26-2013, 08:26 PM

The male that presented himself towards her made her give out a small girlish giggle. It was one of those men? Well, she loved those sort of men, if she could love anyway. Lova flicked her black tail as she looked him over, bigger, well that didn't amount to much. Her father had been the same size as her faulty king when she was younger, and he had been a lot more than the king himself. Though his question was kind of drab. What was she doing around these parts? What else would she be doing she lived here. She was here to be taken care of. Though Lova was definitely a woman who did not enjoy being told what to do unless she was in favor of them. At the moment, he wasn't really impressing her like Isar first did when she had entered Galciem. He wasn't her master, and if he did anything she'd report it to isar that he was trying to steal her away. Lova's acting skills were well enough off, and she hoped that Isar would believe her over the gimpy male.
"Just relaxing in the evening light is all. I haven't seen you around are you new?" She asked. Her voice with the slight Russian accent moved the same back. The seductive tones rolling over her tongue as she smiled and laughed at the male in a playful way. Two could play the game, and she was a perfect actor. At times, males didn't even know who she really was. Though this was how she was usually, when someone bothered her. Well, males like this anyway. Lova would wait to get to know him a little before furthering her judgement however. You could never tread lightly on another's paws.



09-28-2013, 12:10 AM

A smirk would play onto his lips as he watched the woman with guarded regard. He flashed pearly white teeth in a "friendly" gesture. Audits peeked at her as she spoke, questioning him. Her words coming out with an accent he had rarely heard, though he knew more or less where it was from. With a firm nod, aqua infused stare sought out her form as he made to reply, "Yes, I am new to these parts...and Alacritis itself. You are a part of Glaciem yes? Your scent is similar to that of the borders of the Ice Kingdom. So why is one such as yourself away from your wondrous king at this time?" He didn't really care what her answer was, didn't care about anything except to fulfill his own needs. This woman he was sure would be a tough one, though certainly not a him anyway.

He would move forward, circling the ice woman as his orbs moved over her bodice. She was a treat, though he had met more exotic women in the past, at least this one was worth a look. It was definitely worth keeping her on his good side...perhaps to use her in future situations as an ally. Though it all depended on what would happen now and in the future. He wasn't interested in love in the least, always deterred away from it. Breaking hearts was his game, and he thoroughly enjoyed it. He stopped on her left, just barely out of her sights. Though closer to her then he had been previously, and then lyrical words would escape into the air. "So, let me ask you...what is it that a woman desires nowadays? The world seems forever changing, and with it the lives that caress the earth. And you? What do you think?"

Talk like this


09-28-2013, 12:57 AM

He was a fool this one, she knew it. Lova could simply laugh at his acts, he was thinking fairly high of himself somehow it ticked her off. The way he circled, was like he knew how to control her. He knew nothing of it, and right now he was not coming off on good terms with him. Her own white canines showing off in a grin. Her intentions were totally concealed there was nothing pointing to her otherwise. It was nearly as if she had fallen head over heals for him already. Though hardly the case, her tail curling around the back paws of hers. While her markings weren't overly different, there was still no one on Ala with it. Not yet at least, not until she would give birth to healthy Isar children. Jet could change her mind by becoming stronger more apparently so than the king. Yet at the moment, she was fairly and highly unimpressed by him.
As Jet came closer, her head turned towards him. Ears perked high as she felt his presence fairly well against her. He was a dangerous head on player, so he better think fast. Before someone came to tear his ego down before he could even think about starting his own harem kingdom. Power was everything in the world, but if you could maintain a good relationships within being strong. Then you played the game with plenty of cards on the rim to hand out. That, was how she saw it. But not everything was set in stone, it never was when there were hearts and flesh to lay across the table. "I may be Isar's woman, but I am not a slave to be at his side on every whim. I am not too worried about other males trying to steal me away either." She spoke softly through her snout sniffing in oxygen. Lova decided to raised her muzzle and get closer to Jet, she sat it on his own. Hoping that he wouldn't snap at her, if he did she could go play damsel in distress to Isar. The boy would certainly be punished for harming her when she had no intention of doing anything to harm or to woo with him.
"I think women who think the world revolve around them are fools. Running into males like the word love can just fall to their feet on a silver platter. The word love itself is a lie. Every woman has different tastes but I will never understand those who consider themselves to be of the greater good." Lova smirked at him. "I am not a toy boy, but your skills are fairly well polished. You best keep in mind that your paws are in another's kingdom. Unless you quickly get up and running, you best keep yourself at a walk. Though I do not know much about you so I might be wrong. Forgive me if I am. Though I always do enjoy males who are willing to play a game." She then moved away from him. Her side shoving off towards him as she looked out into the pines. Taking in a deep breath and shivering her shoulders as she taunted the boy a bit.
"The world may ever be changing, but nature's habits stay the same. We play the game of life, and those who are not strong, will never survive." With a slight nod of her head. She sat herself down cyan eyes scanning over Jet. Nice coloring, and well muscled, it was at least something to show off for. She certainly hoped he hadn't taken any offence to what she had said. If he did act aggressively she would feel rather upset. Though she honestly had no intentions of listening to him if he wished to order her around. "My name is Lova, and what is yours?" It was a good way to break the ice at least. By this point she was convinced she had played a card to make him angry. Although, it was his own fault, for being himself. Lova only hoped he beat her expectations. One day she would enjoy to either see him at the top, or his head on a stick that someone had implanted into the ground. She wasn't hinting anything though. He could be like her playing a game. And totally throw things around. That would make things a little bit enjoyable for her at least.
