
cruel intentions




Novice Fighter (20)

Beginner Hunter (0)

2 Years
Extra large
04-08-2024, 04:22 AM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2024, 05:37 AM by Vadim. Edited 4 times in total.)

I eat wolves like you in the night ,

he took his freedom for granted, wanting to stir up trouble & weasel his way into the bad graces of far too many. one would say he begged for it- got off on others in pain. he adored ruining things, breaking them and molding them into his favor. and very, very soon.. Vadim planned to sedate his itch to corrupt. he held no followers, no assets yet. no one knew his name. & while it frustrated him to wear no stripes in the land of boreas- to bear no fear before his name, it did well to make way for his more shadowed plans. patience, that which he still struggled to have.
in due time, Vadim would obtain what he wanted: a harem and power to abuse. but first, a pack to join. 'But what of my whims?' he ponders, conflicting ideas in his mind as he went over his agendas. he sighs, unsure of why he was the way he was; never staying in one place too long & growing bored rather easily at the mention of responsibility. he was not law abiding & his lying was getting difficult to keep up with. & while he was power hungry, he was not politically concerned in any facet. "then perhaps a rank of power?" ahh.. his eyes relaxed. something in-between for the complexity of Vadim Dieudonné. he had specific aspirations and needs.
after a long day of assessing and critiquing his plans, Vadim was satisfied. he earned the time to lounge, and to enjoy himself. and so the brute crept, his large dark body coming to loom over an edge of a hot spring pool; its vapor soothing and hot as he took no time to venture inside-, one step after another, the water caressed around his rounded girth & toned arms. to his chest, the water rippled then stilled. he released a sigh of relief, looking upwards at the indigo sky as stars twinkled above him, thinking of how the gods in the sky judged him for his barbarities.. & cruel intentions.

"Talk" 'Think'

table by scarlet, art by ashon
Vadim's proclaimed wife is Iris, therefor she may intrude any threads regardless of their tag.

Vadim is a character that is entirely rated mature for too many reasons to list. Viewer discretion is advised with any of his posts & threads.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
04-08-2024, 05:00 AM

Steam was a lovely thing. A blanket that shielded but couldn't be touched. The scent of sulfur, bubbling up from the earth below, aided in hiding ones own fragrance. Scylla was so very small, only her head remaining above the heated liquid of the pool. These three things came together perfectly, allowing the slate and cream woman to remain unseen, even to one so close as the brute that padded into the neighboring pool.

Mismatched eyes of blue and dark grey watched with mild interest as the obsidian man sank down into the healing waters of the spring. Well, she hadn't expected to have company today, though... did she really mind? He looked handsome enough. She'd bedded worse. Ah, but she wasn't ready for that sort of thing. Not just yet. Soon though.

Only recently Scylla had given birth. She'd played surrogate and got to enjoy quite a bit of nice fucking before popping out a trio of puppies which she'd quickly bundled off to their new parents. So long kids, see ya. Raising kids wasn't really her thing. Scylla was too selfish. Too... too many things not compatible with child rearing. For example... One of her first thoughts upon seeing the dark man enter her vicinity was whether or not she could and should stick a dart in him. The only thing that stopped her was that she wasn't sure if she could drag his big ass out of the spring. It would be a waste of sedative if he drowned. The stuff wasn't easy to make. Ah, well... it was his lucky day.

In the end, she decided to speak. Might as well since her mind had gotten a bit of juice. "Lovely day for a soak," the diminutive fae purred in husky, sultry tones. She made no move towards him, no gesture to give away her location. She simply watched from her resting place and wondered just how he would react.

"Scylla Klein"

Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]



Novice Fighter (20)

Beginner Hunter (0)

2 Years
Extra large
04-08-2024, 05:35 AM (This post was last modified: 04-12-2024, 12:56 PM by Vadim. Edited 3 times in total.)

just a wolf in wolf's clothing,

he hears her first; tones like honey and pure gold dancing on the very steams before his eyes. quickly, he adjusts his angular head, turning to his left to see a pair of glowing eyes looking back at him. Vadim's ears flatten as his brows furrow, making out her image that laid behind the thick sulfuric vapors. she makes him look rather bland, wearing a mix of colors with strange markings. a striking visage, presumably the one that belonged to the wench that dared to disturb him.
in his chest, he began to hum a threatening song that vibrated out his barrel-wide chest; a sort of growl that suggested many things. she surprised him mostly.. "Lovely indeed. Enjoying the view?" he taunted her partially with accented words, allowing himself to bask in her undivided attention. "How long have you been watching me, волк(wolf)." he confronted her with less of a question and more of a demand. vadim's tone was inflexible, gruff & throaty with a masculine depth to it. she was of lame size,- and it seemed the smallest wolves had the biggest balls. he couldn't be sure of her motives let alone spare her of his anticipations.

"Talk" 'Think'

table by scarlet, art by nelsa
Vadim's proclaimed wife is Iris, therefor she may intrude any threads regardless of their tag.

Vadim is a character that is entirely rated mature for too many reasons to list. Viewer discretion is advised with any of his posts & threads.

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1. cruel intentions The Hot Springs 04:22 AM, 04-08-2024 12:33 PM, 07-16-2024