


09-26-2013, 07:11 PM

She missed him, far more than she cared to admit. She hadn't truthfully spent any quality time with him since he'd been injured - and understandably he hadn't been in the best of moods just then. With half a smile she would grunt and exit the den Taurig had placed her in for her recovery. Somehow with him gone she hadn't been able to bring herself to go anywhere else. It was a decent enough den, and it held memories of Taur - she knew she'd never find any of those in Glaciem again. All of his memories would be created and stored in Tortuga, and though she had plans to visit there, she knew it would be some time before she got to see him.

Part of her thought it best to just forget about him altogether. It wasn't as if she'd known him that long to begin with, but he'd tugged at her heartstrings the moment she'd met him and she knew that he would be unforgettable. She shook her head, nostrils flaring to hopefully catch the familiar musk of Isardis. It was time she spent some time with him, cultivating their own relationship. She knew they would need to be close if she were to serve directly beneath him with the upcoming war. Valhalla would not know what hit them. She would bark twice, hopefully summoning the king and no one else. It was an audience with Isardis that she sought first on this morning.




09-27-2013, 01:12 AM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2013, 01:13 AM by Isardis.)

Still wounded by the traitorous ways of his once-son, the pallid angel had been pacing in thought; watching closely as Satis and Impra made their ways about the pack, unwilling to lose the duo also to such things, unprepared to fall blind to their plans as he had his elder son. Satis he wasn?t worried of, the strange marked girl had sworn her loyalty- hell, so had Taurig. His skin would shudder with rage, jaws clenching as hatred seethed his pores. Valhalla was no longer the pack?s only enemy. He would rip the blue?s ranks apart in an effort to prove his point; there is no safety outside of Glaciem Service, outside of loyalty. No less could be expected.

He would approach Sendoa with a stiffness that was uncommon within the angel, his elegance stained by the obvious pain that would shudder his bones. Give it a day and he?d be past it, raw fury replaced by dedication, but for now it would be all that haunted his mind. He would crawl to her direct contact, to lower his skull and butt pale crown firmly into her dark chest, to lower his haunches to the earth as his would attempt to draw his cranium up to the crest of her gullet. ?My adore,? he would greet her, tenderly.


09-28-2013, 06:45 PM

He crawled toward her, craning his head to butt up against her chest. A smile bloomed on her features, a small one - but present nevertheless. She would lower her bodice toward the earth, bringing her bosom to rest upon the cool dirt and grass. Head would tilt toward him as he spoke, his affectionate terms bringing pleasure to her ears. ?My leige,? she would croon gently near the innards of a coral-lined ear. Pink tongue would sweep toward him, aiming a gentle kiss upon his pallid cheek. ?I have missed you,? she murmured so that only he could hear. The tender side of her was rarely experienced by those she wasn't emotionally attached to. He appeared physically unscathed from the fight with Taurig, but she knew he had been bruised ever so slightly. Soon enough it would ebb away and the king would be back to his viral and vital self. Isardis would accept no less of his health. He was a man in his prime, and all too soon he would be demonstrating that with one of his broods. Already several were pregnant - exactly how many, she was unsure - and she wondered how many more would birth litters fathered by the king this year. But these weren't the things she wished to talk about just yet. All she really wanted was to be with Isardis, to smell him, taste him, feel him.




10-01-2013, 06:50 PM

Her tongue would reach ambitiously for his ear, The King finding himself leaning into her touch, savouring the adoration she so exuded. Isardis didn?t need to feel loved to be happy, before his reunion with Argent and Sendoa he had lived quite the satisfactory life, alone. Though the pleasantries his two favourites would gift him were always hungrily engaged. She would lower her body to the earth and he would move to stand his forelimbs over her shoulders, rising from his haunches as pale nape would crane, jaws gnawing affectionately at the flesh of her scruff; pulling and kneading at her being somewhat boldly.

?I miss you every moment you are not by my side, Sendoa,? and oh, wasn?t it true? How he craved the woman, virtually as equally as he craved his queen. If he could, he would choose to have them both by his side every moment of the day; they made him truly feel like the King he knew he was, they fuelled his powered desires, brought through a tenderness no others would be gifted. He would retreat from his stance over her shoulders, moving to roll onto his spine just in front of her cranium, a playful swipe of his left forelimb sent for contact with her nape.


10-04-2013, 07:26 PM

He would rise as she lay, though this wasn't surprising. Though she were the older sibling, Isardis always sought to stand firmly on solid ground and present himself as strong and powerful. She didn't object, and graciously allowed his gentle kneading upon her nape - finding it to be pleasurable and enticing. His jaws, though threatening in their own right, knew how to be gentle and affectionate - heaven forbid those intentions ever change and seek to harm her as they had Taurig. Sendoa was sure she would have difficulty ever raising tooth or claw to her brother's pale hide.

He would speak, words droning into the fabric of her ears. ?Those moments are far too large in number, angelic one.? She often thought him an angel, particularly when he'd been a child. Oh how precious he had once been, how marvelous. He was a sight to behold now, but she remembered fondly what a tiny, adorable thing he had once been. Isardis shifted then, bringing himself in front of her and lying down on his back. He would swipe at her playfully, to which she would extend her neck as far as it would reach, aiming to nibble upon the thick fur on the side of his neck. No doubt this would be a sensitive area that any warrior would seek to protect, but he would surely know she could never dream of harming him.




10-09-2013, 05:56 PM

She would reach to press at his nape and a low growl would vibrate within his gullet, feeling his vulnerability as she would lavish him with her attentions; but oh how he loved it. The King would lean to her touch, pressing into her jaws as he would rotate his skull to the point where his jugular would beat against her lips. Thrilled by the potential of death, so humbled by the effortlessness it would take her to steal his life. But alas he knew she wouldn?t, or rather hoped, for it would break his heart to be offed by one of the ones he most loved. He would snarl, but not in anger, rubies gazing towards the depths of her emerald lanterns, ?I do admire you, Sendoa; and I would hope you are forever devoted to our Kingdom. I?m not convinced I could reprimand you as I had my once-son, I would only be hurting myself.? Every word was true, although his thoughts may have suggested a minor sense of gloom; he did so love his little blue.


10-10-2013, 04:04 PM

He would shift so that the vein of life beat strong against her fangs, reminding her that although he was a king and a legend - he was very much mortal. It wasn't often she thought of him in this way, though it was a decent thing to remember. Gently, ever so gently, jaws closed in a fraction of a centimeter, if only to tantalize her kin further. He seemed to like living on the edge - for he had placed his very life in her jaws - and she would have no problem obliging him. His snarl startled her, though she did not move for fear of accidentally injuring him. Eyes locked with his own as he began to speak his adoration of her, and his fervent hope that she would forever remain loyal to him. It would take an act of some foreign deity to ever sway her from her brother's side, even if there were times in which she wholeheartedly didn't agree with him. This was the man she had raised as a child, this was the man she adored more than any in the entire world. With extreme caution she would recoil her jaws from his flesh, swiping her tongue across his beating jugular and meeting his gaze once more. ?I do not foresee that happening, Isardis. My loyalty does not waver from you.? She would bring her cranium closer, seeking to tuck it beneath the throat she had been so deathly close to before. ?I love you,? she would murmur once settled, a phrase not often voiced - but always meant.




10-16-2013, 09:51 PM
Isardis Armada
He would thrive beneath her touch, shuddering as his spine would jolt with the electricity of her tightening grasp around his throat; ruby gaze fluttering closed as he would deepen his breathing, allowing his pulse to weaken beneath her pallet, chin pushing backwards to expose it to her even-more so. Emotions would writhe within his core, of burning desires with a sinister twist, a new sense of passion aroused for the woman as he would shiver beneath her. A weakness her would show to her, and perhaps only one other more. She would sweep buds against his gullet as she would retract her jaws; a sigh of near relief fleeting from his pale lips, despite the sensation of mild disappointment that the contact hadn?t grown even more threatening, even more ominous. Her words however, would pleasure him greatly, so glad that he needn?t worry for her loss.

However it seemed her mind would wander pushing her dark crown beneath the width of his nape as raw sentiment would depart from the surface of her tongue. He would ponder it for a moment, not entirely convinced he was willing to show such a weakness, but the sensation that over-powered body and mind was enough to push him over the edge, ?I love you.? He returned the speech far more coolly that one may have expected, though voice box would still threaten to shudder with the vibrating of relentless passion. He would maneouver his shoulders and neck in a way to prop his elbows against the ground, and coral jaws would sent for contact with her orifice; aiming to clasp over the structures of her muzzle for a few vital moments, before he would lick so affectionately at her ebony lips, as if cleansing them of any impurities that threatened to tarnish their elegance.

This is the grace that only we can bestow.

original code by kia


10-17-2013, 11:58 AM

She hardly expected him to voice his affections, though she knew them to be true simply by the way he was acting. So as he said it she froze for a moment, wondering if she had merely imagined it or if he had truly said those three words. Alas, she knew her ears had not betrayed her, and a heavenly purr of recognition would bubble in her trachea. He would lower himself, forcing her toward the earth where she would happily settle in a laying position, head cradled beneath him still as he maneuvered. His canines closed over her muzzle, gripping it in such a manner that drove her absolutely wild. A snarl would seep from tightly closed jaws, slipping through the cracks and into the open air. The mere vocalization would be enough to affirm her approval of his dominating grip. All too soon it ended, as his coral tongue swiped across the same place where indentations of his teeth still remained yet to be filled in with blood and fluid. Head and neck would fold at an angle, turning back to catch a glimpse of his angelic form out of her right eye as he kissed her. Her own tongue would sweep out, hoping to catch his just once before falling back into place between the ivory bars that were her fangs. Moments like this made her wish he was entirely hers, body, soul, and mind, but she knew that would never be the case. Though his loyalties never left her completely, they were spread far too thin. He would never be completely hers, though that didn't mean she would ever stop trying to make him so.
