
sic semper tyranis


04-20-2024, 12:12 AM

A titanic violet figure cut through the blinding expanse of white, thick fur buffeted by biting winds. Striding across the northernmost tip of the continent with a scowl, lilac gaze narrowed against the icy shards of snow swept from the hard packed drifts beneath his paws. There was a massive structure outlined against the horizon that he sought at the moment, a lone figure of ice and stone amidst the sprawling expanse of coastal plains. Long legs carried the young male forth, his elegant crown held low between his shoulders and muzzle canted to one side as he fought against the prevailing winds.

Nearly the instant he found himself within the shadow of the ancient cathedral, the winds ceased. The temperature in the shade of its immense bulk dropped several degrees. Grunting at the sudden chill, the amaranth male blinked away the flakes of snow and ice from his lashes as he tipped his skull up, up, up to examine the sheer size of the building. Encased in inches-thick ice, which was frosted over to obscure the details of the masonry. Slowly he pivoted, catching sight of the leaning archway that faced the northern sea. Another quiet, contemplative grunt. Off he went, moving in a slow circle through the shade as he sought a chink in the frigid armour, hoping to gain entry into the ancient cathedral and examine its interior.



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

3 Years
05-01-2024, 08:28 AM (This post was last modified: 05-01-2024, 08:28 AM by Chesna. Edited 1 time in total.)
For quite a while now she'd been a loner. Exploring the vast structure of her new surroundings since being left her. Taking time throughout the days to hunt, sleep, and rest. Even now, she rested within the warm structures of the Cathedral. A small seal carcass just at the very base of the entrance itself. Its weight a bit too much for her to drag fully inside. The biting cold outside had become too much for her. Temperatures dropping as if the current season did not matter here. Perhaps it didn't at all. As snow still clung to the terrain with an iron grip. Her steps long disappeared from the night's previous snowstorm. And yet, the sun still shined brightly in the clear skin. Its blaze did not melt the snow; however, leaving a small amount of heat to not freeze over any inhabitants that may come through this place.

Her tongue licked over an itch that appeared at her side. Using the front of teeth to scratch the spot for relief. Chesna having just woken up from a nap. There wasn't much of anything to do. After leaving Ashen and no longer living the life of a slave, the Russian woman didn't have much of a direction. Not even a destination as to where her life should be led. She always had an owner. A master to tell her what to do and what not to do. So, it felt quite odd that she now did things on her own accord. Did she miss it? Some part of her did. Ches still craved the need to be useful to someone. Anyone. But, she wasn't in any rush to do so. Choosing for the moment to enjoy her temporary freedom.



05-18-2024, 07:26 PM

With the eventual discovery of the entrance of the cathedral came an entirely unrelated surprise. A violet marked fae, carefully grooming herself just beyond the doors. A low rumble of intrigue bubbled up in his throat, but died on his tongue. Instead, he slowed his pace, widened the circle of his approach. Best not to frighten her off before he could get a proper look at her. The strange damsel had managed to drag a juvenile seal from the shores for a meal, which was a display of rather useful skills. Hunting had been his calling, though his prey was far too variable to put to names. The silver tongued yearling was eager to brush up on his skills, to woo a captive into his thrall. No time like the present.

"Would you care for some assistance to bring your meal indoors?" gravelly baritones spoke ever so gently, those pale lilac eyes drifting between the girl and her kill. With carefree, languid movements, he took a few steps closer. "Or were you aiming for dinner with a view?" there was a hint of humour there, the barest flash of fangs to mimic a smile as he tipped his chiseled cranium inquisitively. Ivory tipped tail swept loosely across his heels, head held low between sharp shoulders as he fixed the weight of his fathomless gaze upon the unfamiliar fae.

Melchior Saxe

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1. sic semper tyranis Cathedral Point 12:12 AM, 04-20-2024 12:21 PM, 07-16-2024