
breath into me


09-27-2013, 10:07 PM

She loved the silence here, loved the heat even in the crisp fall air and loved the feel of the cool stone beneath her body. Languidly she would lay across the rocks, forepaws folded and draped eloquently over the lip of one of the steaming pools so her toes just dipped the surface. She had long since fallen in love with this place, just as the mountain would forever be her home this place would forever hold her heart and all the memories of her childhood that drifted further and further away from her. The stress of yet another wolf claiming her home had been hard so she had slipped away for an afternoon after the pack meeting, avoiding any attentions her brilliant coat might normally draw and retreating into the veil of steam. It was thicker this time of year, the water remaining hot though the air temperature continued to drop. In winter this place would be both a blessing and a curse. Her fur grew damp here, when she left she was normally soaked but the red pelt gleamed and the white sections were amazingly clean. But in the winter she could easily catch her death with the wet pelt... A heavy sigh would be expelled from her lungs, black lined eyes closing as her head tipped back. The steam hurt her lungs, made her throat burn almost but she revelled in it. Sometimes she needed a bit of pain.



09-27-2013, 10:27 PM

The traveling women found her self in a strange place, it seemed to be the source of some kind of hot under water spring or another. Humming a bit as she picked her way carefully through the area, not going to step into the bubbling water when she didn't partially seek to do so. However a scent caught her attention, drawing that frosty blue gaze to a reddish looking wolf not far off. Choosing not to go near them just yet Morgana paid more attention as to where her paws were going then where the other was located right then; perhaps when it got colder or she had a need to tend to wounds this would be a place to visit for it's soothing waters. Despite not wanting to step into the bubbling water, the french women knew it had it's uses. For wounds and colds, fevers as well if one ever happened to become so ill.


10-01-2013, 10:58 PM

Despite the overpowering stench of sulphur another scent drifted towards the red dame, a much sweeter and more enticing one. She would lift her skull, auds flittering to see if they could place a sound that might accompany that delicious aroma. There it was, the soft click click of nails on stone as her new company made it way through the maze of steaming springs. Finally she would turn her crown to see who exactly came to join her, and she was not disappointed. Long legs, silken fur and beautiful lavender eyes. A slow smile curled up the edges of her lips as appraising gaze continued to travel over the sleek woman picking her way through the steam. "Dear, you like a bit lost?" There was a question there as long legs were collected beneath her and then fore paws pressed to the hard earth so she lifted herself into a seated position. After a moment she would lift herself completely and stand, shaking out her blood coloured pelt before turning towards the woman fully. "I've always loved a damsel in distress..." Words came out a purr now as the temptress made her way towards the female, stopping a fair distance from her just in case this was hostel.


10-02-2013, 05:36 AM

Click click, click was all that broke the silence between them as her nails clicked against the stone outlaying the many host spring there. Making her way through the spring slowly approaching the other, or it seemed what was what Morgana was up to. A salmon tongue ran over thin black lips as the french women soon found her self standing but a few feet away, her first words had been noted yet not replied to as she took her time. "No; but this place is strange." A suitable answer for the blood red dame. A brow rose as the dame spoke of her being in distress. "I cannot say I am in distress, perhaps a bit curios." Morgana wondered just what kind of women this was, no doubt one of a different kind; one she didn't meet very often..