
Ki ki mao maos




Beginner Navigator (0)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Small species
02-29-2024, 09:43 PM

Everything around her was so much bigger than she was. The trees, the creatures of Boreas, Oscar… and though he and Nugget had been kind to her, Sucre found herself yearning for feline company. Someone more her size to tackle this big world with. She walked under a tree, green gaze turning up to the canopy above. She could hear birds in the branches, though she wasn’t fond of the idea of hurting them. It felt like a cruelty to Nugget, and Sucre had taken quite the liking to him! Instead she was following the trail of a squirrel.

They were fast creatures… and she hadn’t mastered catching them yet. If it started to climb one of the trees she was just going to have to let it go. Her whiskers twitched, the scent of someone else invading her nose. It smelled feline but… not like her. Uncertain and still wary of other predators, Sucre made a beeline for the roots of a tree and wiggled herself underneath them into the small dip beneath the tree. Widened green eyes would flick back out to the forest. Maybe if she was quiet… it would just walk by…




Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

6 Years
Paleo species
02-29-2024, 09:54 PM

FWUMP! Taiga dropped onto the ground and rolled happily in a pile of red leaves from the trees above. There wasn't much that the giantess needed to be wary of, so her life was fairly carefree. A baritone groan of content left the cat as she stilled. The bed of leaves was comfortable enough to take a nap on. Still sprawled on her back, Taiga tucked giant paws against her chest and closed her ruby eyes.

The sounds of the wood picked back up around her. Birds sang and little creatures skittered here and there, their little claws scraping across the bark of the trees. If Taiga could purr, she would have. Instead, the feline released a long, contented sigh. Her belly was full, the sun filtering down through the trees was warm. What else could a cat want on a day like this?

Taiga is a Panthera Spelaea- a Cave Lion.

She stands 63" at the shoulder and weighs a whopping 700 lbs.



Beginner Navigator (0)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Small species
03-06-2024, 05:33 AM

Though Sucre had been nervous about the approach of a dangerous predator, it did not take her long in her hiding spot to realize that whatever was out there wasn’t a threat. The sounds of the other woodland critters becoming active once more were her main clue. The other feline wasn’t hunting then! Her ears pricked forward and with the realization that there was no danger now, Sucre emerged from beneath the tree. She shook out her coat, the bits of dirt and dust flying away from the orange fur of her back. Whiskers would twitch and her ears pricked upward. She didn’t hear much to suggest a larger creature, but she could still smell the older feline. A female, much like herself. That information added to the bit of confidence Sucre had gained in thinking it was safe to approach the other.

Now that curiosity had washed over her, Sucre let her paws lead her around the big trees in search of the big cat. She had never seen a big cat with her own eyes, but her mother had told her about them. Predators that could rival the wolves that were plentiful here in Boreas. If she was that big, would she be so quick to flee and hide? Or would she feel brave enough to stand up to any creature that might try to hurt her and the ones she cared about? Maybe this big cat was nice and would understand that Oscar and Nugget were her new family, and she could ask her not to harm them. Yeah! She could protect her adopted big brothers by making sure the other feline knew they weren’t food.

After rounding one more tree, Sucre saw her.

A massive cat, bigger than any creature she had ever seen was sprawled on her back, paws close to her chest as she bathed in the sunlight. Well, that was behavior she could recognize! Her sister had liked lying like that. That only encouraged the smaller cat to approach the older feline. She was pretty, with darker colors and white, reminding her a little bit of her brother Bat. Had the other cat noticed her? She had been so in awe of the woman before her that she hadn’t said a word yet, and embarrassment caused heat to flood across her cheeks. “Umm… Hello?” Shyness had washed over her. Besides, this was the first cat she had seen since she had been separated from her family, and yearning for her kind in this wolf-run land made her want to connect with the other feline.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

6 Years
Paleo species
05-04-2024, 10:24 PM

The tiniest voice brought eyes of claret opening to mere slits. The lioness turned her head to the side, gaze falling upon the smallest little cat she'd ever seen. "Why hello," the big cat rumbled, resting her cheek upon the leaf litter so that she could give the kitten all of her attention. "And who might you be?"

A giant, yes, but Taiga was probably the most gentle cave lioness on the planet. The hulking feline rolled onto her belly in leaves and placed her blocky skull between massive snowshoe paws. One of her paws was bigger than the little orange cat, she swore. So tiny. Wasn't it dangerous for something so small to be out in the world on their own?

"Where is your family, kit?" Taiga's gaze swept the area though she never moved her head. She kept her chin on the ground, level with the little cat. "You don't have to be afraid of me," the big cat smiled, giving a little wiggle in the leaves to prove just how comfortable she was and that she wouldn't be moving any time soon.

"Seniorita Murder Mittens"

Taiga is a Panthera Spelaea- a Cave Lion.

She stands 63" at the shoulder and weighs a whopping 700 lbs.



Beginner Navigator (0)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Small species
05-05-2024, 09:14 AM

The massive feline moved, turning her head to the side as she let her gaze fall upon Sucre’s smaller form. The rumble and actions that came from her were so gentle for her size though, things that Sucre picked up on immediately. Her greeting was returned in kind, and with wide eyes on the other cat Sucre spoke up once more. “Sucre.” She speaks her name quietly, still marveling at the size of the much larger cat before her. She was so big her paws were likely bigger than Sucre herself was. The smaller cat moved a bit closer, breathing in the wild scent of the other feline. She considered herself lucky meeting someone that wasn’t aggressive.

The question about her family was asked and Sucre’s gaze slipped to her paws. Her family… She had been hanging around Oscar and Nugget but she hadn’t been able to find them for a while now… and as for her birth kin she never did find any sign of them after they were attacked. “Some wild dogs attacked us some time ago. I… I haven’t found any of them since. I’m not sure if anyone else made it.” That confession made her heart hurt. As much as she wanted to believe that her family was smart and strong enough to make it out alive, she couldn’t be sure. If they had, surely she would have found one of them, right? “I was hanging around with a donkey and chicken but… I started doing more of my own thing and I haven’t found them again…”

Her gaze lifts back to the other feline, her worry slipping away bit by bit. She draws even closer, moving a smaller paw out to set on Taiga’s bigger one. “You’re the biggest cat I’ve ever seen.” Sucre tells her. It is something that Taiga has likely heard a lot. Her whiskers twitch, and the orange tabby decides to turn the tables. “Do you have family out here?” No matter the size, all creatures get lonely, right? Did this cat ever get lonely?

"Speech," 'Thought.'

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1. Ki ki mao maos The Red Forest 09:43 PM, 02-29-2024 12:22 PM, 07-16-2024