
Beautiful itsn't it?


09-28-2013, 01:47 PM (This post was last modified: 09-28-2013, 04:37 PM by May.)
The ivory woman had never been to the weeping woods. She had only ever heard of the willow trees that seemed to be crying. Some said it was beautiful others said it was a waist of their time. Always she would reply with, I'll take your word for it, as she was typically more interested in stalking or killing. Today, however, she decided to do some exploring.

When she arrived at the weeping woods her paws were frozen in place. She had never seen a willow tree before now, and if she had to describe them on the spot she would have said they were beautiful trees. She couldn't help but wonder what they looked like in the winter.

Finally, after taking in the sight, she went to the base of one of the large drooping willows and looked up. The branches were twisted, tangled and just as droopy looking as the leaves hanging from them. One branch was low enough for her to jump on and on another higher up were two squirrels chasing one another. In the next tree she found a birds nest and in the two after that she found hollowed out holes where a raccoon or an owl may have lived at some point.

Most if not all of the trees had branches low enough and thick enough for her to jump onto. A few of them, she found, even had branches large enough to hold her higher up as well. She debated multiple times on climbing the trees, she had decided on no every time except for one. It was the largest willow she had found so far and it had an opening in the leaves where she could look out and see the tops of a few smaller trees that surrounded it. It was there that she decided to rest for a while.



10-05-2013, 10:08 PM

I couldn't help but to love exploring. With all the good things that had happened, with all the old wolves that I had met and found out what happened to them. A new adventure seemed to be unfolding all on itself. Kurai was trotting behind me as my red eyes tried to look over the surroundings. Miharu would have loved a place like this, the smart boy had met his demise the same way his lover had, but I had been there to see him die. Somehow I was supposed to find this woman called May, white in color with a strange necklace on? A lot of wolves had left me with a dying message before, but I hadn't really looked for her until now. I had been too caught up within the thought of my son being in harms way, in which it turned out that he wasn't.
"Excuse me, does your name happen to be may?" I said jumping on the shortest branch. I wasn't the best climber, but I could still do it. I only assumed she was the female I was looking for because of my sense of hearing and the white coat color she had. If she was not I would simply move on. I didn't know who she was, but when a wolf gave me a dying message I had the duty to deliver it I guess.



10-13-2013, 10:49 AM
The ivory woman could hear the wolf moving around below her, yet she did not do anything but lay her head on her paws. She figured the other wolfess would walk by without ever knowing she was up there. Eyes closed and the shine of her necklace was hidden by her thick white fur.

After a few moments words were spoken and light thump, the sound of paws on a branch, rang out. This woman new her name, but how? White ears lay against and equally white skull as May lifted her head and turned till the crystals of her necklace hung over one side of the branch between her front paws and her tail hung over the other.

Icy sapphire blue eyes looked over the woman who was on a branch several feet bellow her. This woman was unknown to her. She had never even seen this lass in passing. "Yes, my name is May." she finally decided to answer and with a seconds pause she spoke again. "But I do not know your name, so how did you come to know mine?"



10-13-2013, 01:37 PM

I pulled my body back a bit, just to get a better view of her. She was pretty looking at least, I wasn't one to judge, but beauty was a nice thing when it came to others. My tail at spine level, as I gave my ears a twist to dig into what she said. Great! She was exactly the she wolf I had been looking for, a happy smile grew around my muzzle as I dipped my head in a respectable manner. "I was a friend of Miharu's, I happened to pass him by. Sadly on his death bed but. I stayed with him until his final breaths and I take it you and him were in the same pack together for some time?" I said hoping that I was right. I couldn't help but to be afraid that I would forget the facts, or even the words he had told me. I wasn't the best wolf when it came to memory.
"He wanted to thank you, and say that if you two had stayed any longer together he might have fallen for you. But somehow was sorry that he didn't." I pulled a paw up to the trunk of the tree. Hoping she wouldn't be hostile towards me, all I was doing was relaying a message after all. One I generally hoped she wouldn't hold offence towards. I was always happy to help others, but I also had myself and family to worry about as well.



10-14-2013, 10:00 AM
The ivory woman watched as a smile grew on the other's face and as she lowered her head in respect. She hadn't been expecting the words that came. She had been a friend of Miharu's, and just as May had feared her lost prince was gone. Not just from Alacritis but from this world as well. Her eyes averted and she looked out the gap in the leaves. Before she looked back to the wolfess below her she found herself wondering if Miharu would have liked this place.

May gave a small sad smile and nodded her head to the question. "You could say that we were in the same pack, we were both Tortugan wolves, sadly not at the same time. We met after he had already left and just before I left as well." her words were soft and kind but on the inside she wanted to rip apart what ever had killed him.

Her next words had caught the woman off guard. She had not expected that the man's last breaths would be used for her. Tears came to her eyes, she wished he had fallen for her. He was sorry he hadn't and he was thanking her. She quickly blinked back the tears and she watched the brown lass below. "I thank you for caring for him when I could not, and I thank you for bringing me his message." her voice was as steady as she could make it "tell me dear girl, what is your name"

She was standing now, making her way down the tree as gracefully as she could manage. When she stopped climbing down she was on the same branch as the red eyed lady she was talking to.



10-14-2013, 09:25 PM

I felt a slight pain in my heart, that reminded me of the same pains from when I lost my mates. Two, and both to the same thing, and as Miharu had died, he had died from the same sickness that had consumed his past male lover. Red eyes scanning over the lady as she gave out her reactions, I could tell she was one of a darker alignment. As long as she didn't harm me or my family, I would rather care less about who she had killed within her past. I had killed before, I couldn't say I enjoyed it since they were people I thought I could trust, but, it was a bit addicting if you were not careful. It was not as if I was looking to be enemies with this woman anyway, all I wanted to do was relay the words I was given. Maybe we'd make some sort of connection, who knew, for those who have been lost. I believed that they were in a better place. She came down from her perch to stand on the branch with me as I gave a small commendable smile.
"I am sorry for your loss, he was a smart man, caught in the curse of those who had tainted him." I said, when she asked for my name I was a little bit surprised. Figuring she wouldn't want anything to do with me, after all I could have killed him just as much as the next wolf. Though, he died naturally, if not, painfully, from something that was far worse than dying from the fangs of an enemy. I flicked my tail, looking at her, she was clearly experienced with age, that was admirable. "I'm Rivaxorus, part of Seracia, my son Hajime is part of the new Tortuga, along with my brother." I explained, and perhaps Tortuga was far from what she and Miharu had seen. But somehow, with Glaciem causing all this trouble, they needed something more to defeat the great evils that threatened their lives and their freedom. Though I wasn't one to judge, and yet this was how things played out.



10-23-2013, 09:25 AM (This post was last modified: 11-28-2013, 03:10 PM by May.)
May returned the small smile, though sadness was hidden beneath it. The ivory woman would not show it, not even her eyes betrayed her feelings. She did not wish for this woman to know that side of her. When the girl spoke again her mask cracked slightly. "Indeed he was a smart man, I only wish I knew who or what killed him."

The ivory woman had noticed the bit of surprise in the other's face at her question. She disregarded the reaction as she had already guessed at the reason for her surprise. Again the younger woman spoke only this time she gave her name and the name of her son. "It is a pleasure to meat you Rivaxorus, if only it could have been under other circumstances."