
I Do What I Want



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
04-17-2024, 03:35 AM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2024, 05:04 AM by Aurelia. Edited 3 times in total.)
Aurelia approached the edge of the territory marker, a breath away from what lay beyond. A leather satchel draped over her shoulder with the intention of not coming back until it was filled with any kind of late autumn scavengings she could recover. Thin tendrils of dawn-light snuck through the evergreen branches that roofed this part of the valley. The soft illumination danced on her fur, catching the icy blues and silvers that speckled her pelt. She tilted her head back, scenting the the crisp morning air as she caught the breeze in her face. The scent of pine was sharp and refreshing. It mingled with the musty decay of fallen leaves and over ripe berries, a sign of autumn's inevitable surrender.

Eager to begin, she bristled with a sense of unspoken determination. Her nails scraped against the gritty soil as she tested her footing intending to ascend the valley slope. She scaled the valley with swift agility, her lean muscles rippling underneath her shimmering pelt as she navigated through the terrain. Her gaze remained fixed ahead, ignoring the cool dew-soaked ferns brushing against her fur or the occasional rustle of small critters in the undergrowth. Time was a nuisance she couldn't afford to indulge.

"Sephiran Saxe" & "Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
05-11-2024, 11:56 PM
Master! Master!  An ear twitches on the Sultan’s skull, his head rising from his paws as the screeching of his falcon fills his den. He’s trained it to alert him of intruders, but on top of that, well… he instructed it to keep a close eye on his possession. All hours of the day and night. Even in the early hours of dawn, his companion is fulfilling its duty, having caught Aurelia lingering near the borders, a satchel over her shoulder as she quickly traversed up the valley slope. Did she intend to leave?

He’s quick to his paws, rushing out of his chambers with fierce determination, anger swelling in his chest as accusatory thoughts fill his mind. Does she mean to betray him? Leave him? Conspire with his enemies? A snarl ripples from his throat, his panther companion rushing after him, ready to aid him in his pursuit. Closing in on her, he’s quick to erupt from the underbrush, leaping directly in her path and forbidding her from advancing further.

His lips are pulled back into a sneer, a low, domineering growl resonating inside of his throat. His jowls are twitching, whiskers moving in pulsatile waves, while his pelt bristles down his nape and spine. “What are you doing?”  Accusatory and bitter, Sephiran snarls in her face, demanding an answer.

"Sephiran Saxe"
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
05-12-2024, 01:00 PM
Aurelia halted as Sephiran's bulky form erupted from the foliage, his snarling form a harsh contrast to the quiet serenity of the autumn morning. The soft cyan of her gaze narrowed at him — his sudden appearance did little to unnerve her. A small growl tugged at the corners of her mouth, her hackles rising involuntarily as she held the Sultan's aggressive gaze. "What does it look like I'm doing?" Her voice was sharp as flint, striking back at him with a challenge in her gaze. She was not one to be trifled with this early in the morning, especially when she had an agenda in mind- one to benefit the good of the group- his group- not just herself.

“Herb hunting," Aurelia answered pointedly, her gaze never leaving his. She held up her satchel as if it were evidence enough of her intent.

"Sephiran Saxe" & "Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
05-12-2024, 10:06 PM
Of course, Aurelia isn’t one to back down from his goading, issuing a growl herself and standing firm in her resolve to leave. She claims to be herb hunting, but how can Sephiran be sure? She has no reason to leave the pack lands, The Polar Sound is a heaven lush with resources and flora. No, she must have had an ulterior motive behind her desire to leave. There was no other explanation.

And then, he smelt it on her; the sensory delight that beckoned to his depravity, evoking a visceral reaction of lust inside of him. He could taste it on his palate, as it hung heavily in the air and increased the tension flickering between them. Was this why she wanted to leave? To deny him of what was rightfully his to claim?

Another snarl ripples from his chest. “You can do that here,”  He says, taking another step in her direction, placing himself firmly in her direct path. “You are a Sidi- my Sidi. You will not leave.”  He’s firm in his resolve, unwavering in his dominant stance as his gaze dares her to defy him further. Turn around and go frolic for your herbs girl. Or there would be consequences.

"Sephiran Saxe"
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
05-12-2024, 10:51 PM
Aurelia barely suppressed a snort at Sephiran's accusation. The Sultan would comb through every petty detail to assert his dominance over her. His obstinacy, however, was as infuriating as it was predictable. She could practically see the gears turning in his mind as he desperately attempted to decipher her motives. Despite the autumn chill settling into the air, warmth rushed into her cheeks as she caught on to his insinuations. Her cyan eyes flashed with indignation at his assertion. "I've already scoured our territory and haven't found any alternatives to what I’m looking for," she snapped back, not caring for the propriety that was expected of her. “Sephiran, even you are intelligent enough to know that different regions grow different flora.” Her voice took on an edge, the icy note matching the chilling wind rustling through the valley. "The herbs I need are not found here." Aurelia kept her voice steady- emphasizing every word, as her eyes never wavering from his dual-colored gaze.

As he reiterated her imposed status, declaring that she wouldn’t be leaving the territory. a mirthless smirk tugged at the corners of her mouth. "Is that so?" Aurelia challenged, the edges of her mouth twitching with barely concealed amusement.

"Sephiran Saxe" & "Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
05-12-2024, 11:13 PM
Lies, lies, lies. Every word that trickled from her maw was perceived as a lie. What alternatives did she need? What herbs were so important, she couldn’t make due with what The Sound could provide? What he could provide? The sneer on his face pulled tighter, saber fangs shimmering in the low, dawn light, as the sun continued its slow ascent into the heavens.“What herbs?” His words are sharp, hazardous, and are meant to slice into her skin, to prickle down into her bones and rattle her core. “You’ve been content with my flora until -” His voice drops off, his eyes narrowing sharper, head tilting back subtly as he searches for any subtle changes in her body language. Any indication of betrayal. Of course, he’s referencing the smell of pheromones rolling off her body, the sweet smell that weeps from every pore and beacons to every male in the vicinity.  

And of course, she’s challenging him, standing firm in her resolve and unwavering in her stance. “You will not leave.” But just as Aurelia is firm, Sephiran is too; only, he’s harsher. Colder. Sadistic. He will tear her into pieces, if it means keeping her in his grasp.

"Sephiran Saxe"
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
05-12-2024, 11:15 PM
A flash of defiance sparked in Aurelia's cyan eyes, challenging the savage growl rippling forth from Sephiran. She held his gaze, her stance unwavering despite the threat looming in his words. Her fur bristled, the blues and greys of her pelt shimmering under the emerging sunlight, while her tail flicked irritably. His challenge, his ownership, grated on her, but how she loved to rile him up, to poke at the beast and watch it snarl. “Cannabis, Sephiran. The herb I burn in incense. There is none of it here, and there is no substitution.” She was practically spitting the words back at him now, her poise unyielding. Her cyan eyes, mirroring the chilling winds sweeping over the territory, bore into his with an icy resolve.

But when he insisted that she wasn’t allowed to leave, she could no longer hold in the exasperated sigh. “Then come with me! Escort me there, and back. It’s just in the Redwood Forest. That’s not all that far.” Aurelia insisted, her voice taking on a tone of impatience.

"Sephiran Saxe" & "Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
05-12-2024, 11:16 PM
Cannabis? To burn as an incense? A luxury, not a necessity; she didn’t need the herb at all, but desired to have it. No, that must be a lie. She’d never mentioned wanting it before, and he’d never smelt it in the herbal concoctions that she burned. This has to be a ruse.  She was lying, lying, lying.

“You are defying your Sultan?” By now, Sephiran is seething. His pelt bristling higher, his shoulders rolling forward and his tail raising as he exudes an aura of dominance. Of oppression. He will not waste his time accompanying her out of the pack lands; perhaps if she had mewled and begged he would have allowed his jaguar companion to keep an eye on her. But she was persistent, defiant, and Sephiran was suspicious. Allowing her to leave was nonexistent now.

He’d suddenly shove his shoulder forward, jutting it straight into her chest, wanting to knock the wind of her lungs and force her back several steps. In his eyes, he issued her a silent challenge; I’ll sooner die than see you leave.

"Sephiran Saxe"
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
05-12-2024, 11:18 PM
Aurelia’s pulse hammered in her ears as Sephiran lunged forward, his shoulder colliding with her chest. Her breath left her in a harsh gust, the impact reverberating through her body and sending her skidding backward. She staggered, the ground beneath her paws trembling as Sephiran asserted his dominance. Yet, she would not break, the burning defiance in her heart searing hotter now.

“My Sultan?” Aurelia sneered, fighting to regain composure, her eyes narrowing at him in a steely glare. His title felt ludicrous spilling from her maw, a mockery of what he truly was. The fire in her chest blazed, fueling her with newfound vigor as she defiantly met his gaze, even as her heart continued to thrash wildly against her ribs. Her muscles flexed with her frustration, every instinct screaming at her to retaliate. She couldn’t contain herself any longer- her better judgment became more and more fleeting by the second. And as soon as she righted herself, she lunged for him- all the tension in her body released like a coiled spring, her lean frame driving forward with careless force. She was heedless of the risks, the potential collateral damage, the sheer foolishness of what she was doing. She was now an explosive mixture of fear and fury, primed to ignite. With splayed jaws, she attempted to snap at his face, her ears flattened against her skull and her own growl echoing through the frosty morning air.

She knew this was a reckless move- it was downright suicidal- but of course, that was exactly what she was. And she had no intention of allowing herself to be tamed or controlled. Not by him, not by anyone. And certainly not without a fight.

"Sephiran Saxe" & "Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
05-14-2024, 10:45 PM
His shoulder slammed into her chest with an audible smack, their impact reverberating through the air, sending shockwaves through their bodies that rattled their core. Aurelia may have been smaller, but she was compact; a steady wall of resolve that refused to bend to his will. Even as she staggered back she was taunting him, her claws scraping against the stone as she struggled to keep herself upright. Of course, Sephiran wouldn’t leave much space between them. As she lunged forward, he was already descending upon her, snarling and snapping at whatever he could grab.

A spark of pain shot across his face, weaving its way down his neck as her teeth sank into the meaty portion of his left cheek. Twisting his head and craning his head down, he allows her to keep her hold; using his height and their proximity to aid him in his assault. He raises a forelimb, attempting to throw it over her shoulder to grapple with her. In sync, his jaws are splayed and he’s snaking his snout towards the opposing side of her neck. He wants to grab her, to pinch her skin between his teeth, to sink his saber fangs deep into her tissue and make her hurt.

"Sephiran Saxe"

Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
05-14-2024, 10:46 PM
Aurelia felt the satisfying sensation of her teeth sinking into Sephiran's flesh, tasting the coppery tang of his blood on her tongue. But satisfaction was a fleeting sentiment as she realized that she was caught in the eye of a storm, the calm quickly being replaced by the fury of Sephiran's wrath. She sensed his movement a split second before he descended upon her.

Pain bloomed from the right side of her neck; sharp, fiery, and agonizing. Her grip on Sephiran's cheek slackened involuntarily as his fangs punctured her skin, burying themselves deep within her flesh. Damn those fangs of his. A strangled yelp escaped her maw as her world spun nauseatingly, pain lashing at her in unforgiving waves. Her vision blurred momentarily, and she staggered under the weight of his body pressing against her own. In a furious struggle, her body twisted and writhed beneath his as she attempted to free herself from his devastating hold.

With an aggravated growl that resonated from deep within her chest, pain-infused adrenaline granted her the strength to retaliate. Her hind claws raked desperately against the ground, trying to find purchase amidst the frost-laden stones. A low whimper escaped from her maw, the taste of Sephiran's blood still coating her tongue a grim reminder of her reckless enthusiasm. And yet, she still fought. Bolting her body to the side in an attempt to throw him off balance, she swiftly aimed an attempted snap at the underside of his throat.

"Sephiran Saxe" & "Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
05-14-2024, 10:47 PM
Blood spilled into his greedy maw, igniting a sensation of bliss that coursed through his frame. She always tasted so sweet, decadent, and intense on his pallet, and like the gluttonous creature he was, Sephiran indulged. He clenched his jaws tighter, piercing his saber fangs deeper. Wanting to intensify the pain.

And as she writhed beneath him, trying to pull away, she elicited a visceral response. The snarl that bubbled from his throat was feral, consuming the space between them as he reflexively thrashed his head around. He felt her release his cheek, shoving her weight forward and snapping her jaws. But with his forelimb over her shoulder, and his larger, heavier mass, she wasn’t able to budge him. In the same breath, he is shifting all of his weight down onto her, forcing her legs to buckle beneath the pressure and her snapping jaws to fall short of their target. She grabs onto his collarbone, puncturing her teeth into his skin and drawing blood to the surface.

Once he has her on the ground, he’s shifting, placing a massive paw on her chest and pulling himself back to force her to let go.

"Sephiran Saxe"

Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
05-14-2024, 10:48 PM
Pinned to the ground, Aurelia felt the frigid stones press against her back, their coldness seeping through her fur and skin, driving out the warmth of her body. The world around her swirled into a whirlpool of noises, scents, and sensations. The heady smell of blood - her own and Sephiran's - was overpowering, filling her senses with its metallic odor. The sound of her own heartbeat roared in her ears, drowning out the world and leaving only the consuming pain that radiated from her punctured neck.

The taste of his blood was getting replaced with her own, mingling on her tongue as a distinct metallic bitterness. Anguish and annoyance burned in her icy cyan eyes. Her body screamed for her to surrender, but her ingrained drive refused to allow for submission. Every gasp for breath she took was a fight, a battle against the crushing force that dared to steal away her consciousness. She could feel Sephiran's triumph over her, the smug satisfaction that emanated from him in waves like heat from a roaring fire. It incensed her, igniting a spark of rebellion within her heart that refused to yield.

Fury coursed through her veins like wildfire, brimming at the edges and threatening to consume her whole. With a primal snarl, Aurelia mustered all her strength and pushed against the paw that held her down, her claws scraping against his rough pads. She twisted her body, ignoring the searing agony in her neck as she writhed beneath him. Instead of the icy fear of defeat, hot anger bubbled within her, fuelling her movements. Her hind legs kicked wildly in a desperate attempt to dislodge him while her teeth snapped at anything within reach. Her body screamed for relief, but she wouldn't - couldn't - allow for surrender.

Her claws found purchase on the loose gravel underneath them, slick with their joined blood, and she used every bit of traction to find the inside of the leg holding her down with her teeth, hoping to taste even more of him. Her actions were wild- desperate. But desperation was all she had, and she was sure to use every last bit of it.

"Sephiran Saxe" & "Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
05-14-2024, 10:50 PM
His mind is reeling, consumed by the burning desire to dominate her, reveling in the suffering of her writhing body beneath the weight of his paw. Gravel is flying in all directions, her claws desperately trying to find the ground. He raises his paw, only for a second, building force and momentum before slamming it back down into the square of her sternum, to expel the air from her lungs and disorient her further. His other paw is shifting, trying to grab her by the shoulder and dig his claws into her skin, to anchor her harder against the ground but with all of her squirming, it's difficult.

Another snarl rippled from him, heightening in tone as she snapped at his leg, sinking her needle-like teeth into his skin. She’d twisted enough until her claws found the ground, having turned herself off of her back, trying to pull herself out of his grasp. But it was no use. Shaking his head again, he’s relentless and vicious, thrashing her with him as he throws his weight forward again. He’d allow her to hold onto his leg, to keep her close.

Shoving his weight onto her, Sephiran moves to place himself over her, dropping himself onto her back and forcing her to the ground again, belly down. His hips are shifting, aligning with hers, his jaws tightening to penetrate his saber fangs even deeper. Another snarl, which fades into a continuous symphony of primal growls and snorting, fills the space between them, deafening her with his oppression. He will take what belongs to him.

"Sephiran Saxe"

Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
05-14-2024, 10:51 PM
Aurelia's vision blackened at the edges as Sephiran's weight crashed onto her back, pressing her face into the cold gravel that bit into her skin. The breath whooshed out of her in a wheezing gasp, the sharp pain in her ribs making her dizzy with its intensity. His fangs were like daggers penetrating deeper and deeper, becoming the only real sensation in an otherwise numbed world. The taste of Sephiran's blood was now a distant memory on her tongue, replaced by the bitter tang of her own.

With each merciless thrash from him, pain coursed through her body like hot electricity but she refused to cry out. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction. Instead, she clung onto his leg, sinking her teeth deeper into his flesh and relishing in the simple fact of returning some semblance of pain to the best of her ability.

Her trapped body writhed beneath him, her claws scored deep gashes into the gravel in her struggle, desperate for some sort of leverage. She bucked and thrashed, every attempt to dislodge him growing weaker as the fight drained from her. She fought, not with strategy or calculation, but with raw emotion-fueled energy as every fiber of her being screamed in protest. Every kick, every convulsive twist, sent waves of pain radiating through her body, and she was intimately aware of the blood streaming from her neck in she sickeningly deep punctures that were evidence of his merciless grasp.

Yet, she clung stubbornly to consciousness- holding on to it until the very last moment she could manage.

"Sephiran Saxe" & "Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
05-14-2024, 10:52 PM
Thrashing, thrashing, thrashing. She was like an injured fawn, trying to claw its way out of the jaws of its captor. And Sephiran, he was a predator through and through, savoring her agony as he revealed in this moment of perverse joy. He could feel her skin tearing in his mouth, blood spilling in pulsatory waves onto his tongue, filling his maw to the brim until it bubbled from the corners of his lips. Dripping down onto her body, tainting that pretty little pelt of hers. Even with her gnawing on his leg, it’s easy for him to ignore her assault; he’s far too consumed by the lust raging through his body, the primal urge to satiate and pillage acting as the catalyst.

She bucked, and he pressed down, the two of them locked in this tango for power. But it was no use; Sephiran was larger, stronger, more durable. Aurelia was a spitfire, she was fueled by anger and contempt but she was sloppy and losing stamina. She’d fight until her last breath, he was sure of it. And so, Sephiran would deliver a devastating blow; repeatedly slamming her head against the ground, until her body started to go limp.

Finally, he releases his hold on her neck, pulling his head up and level with his shoulders; strings of blood-tinged saliva creating webs in the space between them, a steady stream weeping from the deep puncture wounds he inflicted. He raises a paw and slams it into her back, right between her shoulder blades to pin her chest-down into the gravel.

“You will never leave.” He snarls, tongue thrashing wildly in his maw before snaking out to caress his blood-stained jowls. She’s quivering beneath him, clinging to consciousness and he revels in her debilitated state. Bringing his head down, he hovers his lips close to her ear. Breathing hot breath into it, jaws parting to create a sickening sound that would rattle her to the core. “My children will fill your womb- they will feed off you, will fester and consume until there is nothing left.” Her heat was his to claim, and he’d do so every year, intent on keeping her womb full with his offspring and fulfilling her purpose as his Sidi. “Just as I do.” Were his final words before he consummated this act of defilement, already fantasizing of the monstrosities they would bring into this world.


"Sephiran Saxe"

Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
05-14-2024, 10:54 PM
Her vision waned as her face met the ground repeatedly. The words he spat raked across her soul like ragged claws, tearing at the thin veil of sanity that still clung to her. The threat of his progeny germinating within her, feeding off her strength, her spirit, twisted a knot of revulsion and dread in the pit of her stomach. The very thought sent an icy shiver sprinting down her spine as Sephiran imposed his vile intentions upon her frail body. His words were as cruel and merciless as his physical assault, echoing in the hollows of her mind with a sickening resonance. Her mind churned with his atrocious proclamation, every word embedding itself into the deepest parts of her psyche.

My children will fill your womb.

The phrase reverberated through her, each repetition twisting another knife into her already violated soul. The searing pain of his final act was like white lightning, piercing through her every nerve, permeating the very marrow of her bones. His heavy weight pressing down on her was like a vise, the gravel beneath grinding into her flesh. Her essence, her vitality seemed to be draining away with each heartbeat, absorbed by the earth beneath and the predator above. His horrible words had painted a grotesquely vivid image in her mind—a life filled with recurring violations under him, bearing monsters that would tear her apart from the inside out. He was a monster. His children would be monsters. If she had the wherewithal to grieve she would have.

His breath fanned hot and fetid against the matted fur of her ear, his ghastly panting filling her senses. The putrid taste of blood, raw and metallic, filled her mouth as she swallowed down a whimper. Struggling to remain conscious, the world around her seemed to blur and sway, her reality spinning wildly out of control. She was sinking into unconsciousness. Only hanging on by the will of words. “They may consume me … but I- … I pray that your offspring are born monsters … let them be reflections of your true form.” She rasped. Her body was spent and battered. Her voice barely above a whisper, but it didn’t matter. “You will corrupt their minds and souls … I pray to the mother that she may do … the same to their vessels.” It was hard for her to speak more than a few words at a time without hacking up blood, but the words had to be said. “I … I pray they are born hideous … twisted … contorted …. monsters. So the innocent can see through … the … the charm you’ll …. try to … equip them with … that is my …. my prayer.” Her last words were spat with an expulsion of blood, but with that, she surrendered to the merciful oblivion that wrapped around her like a shroud, silencing her world with its cold tranquility. The words had been said. She just hoped her goddess had heard.

-Exit via Fade-

"Sephiran Saxe" & "Aurelia Veratti"

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1. I Do What I Want The Polar Sound 03:35 AM, 04-17-2024 02:42 AM, 06-12-2024