
To a room with some lace and paper flowers




Beginner Navigator (10)

Beginner Healer (10)

1 Year

Pride - Bisexual1K
05-15-2024, 06:31 PM

Mae walked gracefully along the grounds of Aspen Dam, winter already feeling mild. The ocean waves crashed against the shoreline, creating a soothing soundtrack to her stroll. Lost in her own thoughts, the young girl wandered aimlessly, unfazed by her unfamiliar surroundings. Despite her tender age, Mae found comfort in solitude and the peacefulness of her own company.

With her obsidian ears perked forward and soft eyes scanning her surroundings, she carefully watched where her paws would land. Her black nose pressed to the ground, picking up the scents of those who had passed through the aspen dam. A simple ebony dorsal ran along her spine, seemingly blending into her tail tip. As she stepped aside to let a small chipmunk scurry past, it was surprising to see that the little creature was unfazed by her presence.

Mae smiled softly, her ivory teeth peeking through. The chipmunk scurried away into a tiny space in the ground. Mae didn't let this bother her, but she felt a twinge of loneliness. She wanted to explore every bit of this unfamiliar place before moving on. The breeze rustled through her fur as she lifted her cranium, letting it brush against her entire porpoise physique.

Gentle coral and sapphire jewels glanced around once more, the slightly overcast sky hinting at the soothing sound of rain soon to come. This could help the young woman unwind, as she has been under a lot of stress. Mae was not oblivious to potential dangers that could be hiding in the shadows, she was not completely ignorant of any danger. However, she had a tendency to be overly friendly, which was a weakness.

It was a beautiful day for a leisurely stroll, as the young belle noticed some thyme and rosemary growing nearby. Happily trotting towards the thyme, she took a deep breath of the herb, hoping it was sage, so it could have its benefits. The rosemary would stimulate her creativity, which she always appreciated. However, she might also consider using ground ivy with a simple touch of rosemary for a different effect.

The gentle sound of flowing water caught her focus, causing the young deer to skip towards the source. Before long, majestic aspen trees loomed overhead, with dew-covered grass creating a shimmering carpet over the landscape. Tipping her head to the side, her ears twitched as she playfully splashed in the sparkling water, sending droplets flying in all directions. Her fur became speckled with water, creating darker patches in certain areas of her coat.

She knew she looked like a puppy, and honestly, she couldn't care less about what others thought if they saw what she was doing. As she continued to make splashes, some other animals observed her with curiosity. Laughter bubbled up from within her as she let out a playful yip. Mae was just too excited!

The butterfly now desired a companion, someone to share moments with the carefree and kind-hearted youngster. As she let her paws hit the wet ground, she spun around and accidentally tumbled over, soaking her whole body. After regaining her balance, she tried to shake off the excess water from her frame.

Quiet laughter escaped her muzzle, audible to anyone in the vicinity. She observed a squirrel in the distance, chattering away energetically. Whether the squirrel was cursing or laughing at the sight of Mae, she didn't know and didn't concern herself with. Mae playfully barked at the squirrel, causing it to puff out its tail and wiggle it up and down for a few more moments.

Despite the squirrel alerting any others around, little Mae could attract unwanted attention. A soft whine escaped her lips, momentarily distracting her. Her tail returned to its resting position against her back legs as she stood still, listening for anything amiss. Was something lurking nearby? Surely she would notice, wouldn't she? Mae prided herself on being able to spot a stranger from a distance. The area wasn't that heavily populated with trees, after all.

A male stood not far away from where she stood, the bird was huge! And the tail was beautiful as he danced, his feathers in a display of fan like motions. His dark blue head watching the wolf as shot his attention towards a few females. All the while a few water buffalo came into view, causing Mae to yip out in surprise. She would slowly begin to back away, leaving room for the huge cow like creature.

She observed attentively, easing her stance so as not to intimidate the buffalo. She was aware of the danger they posed, capable of swiftly overpowering her. The woman pushed aside those thoughts, staying vigilant and gradually retreating from the group.

She carefully positioned herself nearly fifty yards away, lowering her head to lap at the water with her tongue. Her eyes followed each member as they grazed and drank their fill. Aspen Dam relaxed once more, allowing the female to unwind without causing disturbance, staying alert and cautious with the nearby buffalo.

Mae whined, the pains of hunger taking over soon enough, she would not allow herself to hunt here. Not being so close to the horned mammals, but would take her chances else where. Somewhere that was a little safer, somewhere that she could be more camouflaged in a sense.

She lifted her cranium and licked at the water droplets from her muzzle before turning away slowly to find a dry spot where she could relax and observe the unfolding events.

After a few moments, she finally found a spot to relax and enjoy the afternoon. She watched as other animals came to feed on the lush plants around her, smiling once again. Today was shaping up to be beautiful, and Mae had no complaints. She splashed and danced in the water to her own tune, ignoring the judgment of the pesky squirrel in the treetops.

She soon settled down on the soft grass, her ears perking up. She began to lick her front paws, enjoying the warmth of the afternoon sun spreading through the area. Mae let out a slow, contented sigh as she lay there in silence.



Expert Fighter (135)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
05-15-2024, 07:08 PM
One minute he was standing on the shoreline of Seether Carnage, feet dipped into the ocean. The sky black above him, but he paid it no mind. The next, he was underwater. Thrashing, struggling for air and stability. Somnium, his vulture in Seether Carnage, desperately tried to claw and pull him up to no avail. He had been in this type of situation before, his sister Araoi had saved him from drowning when he was a boy. Only she wasn't here this time to be his savior and the waves soon claimed him.

Everything faded to black.

Now he laid unconscious on the beaches of an unfamiliar continent. A large raven landed before him, squeaking curiously at the motionless body. The raven stepped forwards and poked with its beak at the white muzzle of the male wolf. Moments passed before a sudden surge of energy made Reaper sit up, vomit up water uncontrollably, and look around warily. Where was he?? This wasn't Seether's land. He looked over at the raven, who stared at him curiously. He cleared his sore throat and stood up, shaking the water from his pelt. Suddenly, the bird hopped away and returned flying with a familiar sight clutched within its claws. A crown of black thorns, washed up just a bit down the shore. Reaper recognized it immediately. It was the same corner of thorns that the High Priestess Siberia had gifted him, the same that she herself wore in her position.

His family. Oh, his family must be worried sick. His father Malice especially. His siblings had left Seether long ago and he thought he'd never part with the lands until now. Reaper took the crown and began scribbling in the sand. A shaky ‘Thank you.’ was written in the sand before it was washed away entirely. He placed the crown evenly upon his head. His body was sore all over, his muscles ached for rest. Hey, he was too adrenalized to rest. He didn't know where he was or if rest was even safe to take.

Before the shore was a forest of aspens. He dared to venture in. The raven seemed to follow him, Reaper found this odd. A companion so soon? Somnium would be jealous no doubt. The two were inseparable and yet by some stroke of fate, separated is what they became.

Venturing deeper into the forest, Reaper came across a dam. A small river flower from its build up. He drank at the freshwater greedily, feeling the effects of dehydration from his vomiting and sea water he ingested. The raven perched nearby, watching the wolf curiously. Reaper was so distracted he didn't know the new face in the area. That was until their scent entered his nostrils. He immediately perked up in alert, his seagreen eyes focused on their ashen pelt once he spotted it. He tilted his head curiously, raised his red front limb, and waved a greeting.

The raven let out an annoyed caw and flew from the branch straight into Reaper's hind with it's sharp claws. Reaper let out a gasped “Oww! You damned bird-” The sudden shock of hearing his own voice first the first time made his sentence cut off abruptly. His eye grew wide with wonder. Tears brimmed near their edges. He looked to the stranger, as if asking for confirmation that he did indeed just speak. “I can talk! I can talk!” He spoke with joy. For the first time in his life, Reaper Malice Bloodjaw spoke. His voice was soothing and elegant, just as he was, only hoarse from lack of use.

When he realized the scene he was causing, he cleared his throat and straightened his posture. “I'm sorry for my outburst.” He told the stranger. “I appear to be lost. This isn't my homeland. Do you know where I am?” He asked curiously, with politeness to his tone. He then shook his head, nagging at himself. “I'm sorry, I forget myself. My name is Reaper Malice Bloodjaw. Please call me Reaper for you. May I ask who you are?”



Beginner Navigator (10)

Beginner Healer (10)

1 Year

Pride - Bisexual1K
05-16-2024, 07:10 AM

The young woman rested there for what felt like a while. Her twin peaks twitched as she drifted off to the sounds of various animals nearby. Suddenly, she picked up the scent of a stranger, causing her eyes to slowly flutter open. She let out a quiet yawn.

As she stood up, the salty smell of the ocean surrounded the brute. The female stretched her paws and let out a yawn. His voice was calming, despite sounding rough for some unknown reason. Mae couldn't help but smile back at him, her paw raising in a friendly wave.

As she listened, she quickly remarked, "It appears that bird enjoys your presence." Soft giggles escaped her as she greeted the raven, who seemed quite intrigued by the person in front of her.

"It appears we can all communicate here. Is this related to magic, perhaps?" She asked, her tail dancing with excitement. "I believe the enthusiasm is justified - given the circumstances," she added, pausing to collect her thoughts. "This place is new to both of us, it seems."

Grinning, Mae graciously accepted the bloke's name and bowed, her tail wagging from side to side. "I'm Mae," she chirped, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Reaper Malice Bloodjaw. But Reaper it is." Softly padding around him, she then turned her focus to the raven. "And what about you? Do you have a name?"

The young woman smiled at the bird and said while turning back to Reaper, "I wish I knew our location." A hint of disappointment tinged her voice. "Maybe we can explore together and figure out where we are. I wonder if your friend knows..." Her gentle eyes turned once again towards the raven.



Expert Fighter (135)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
05-16-2024, 11:37 AM
Reaper noticed how amused the woman seemed to be by the bird. To which, his maws twisted up in a large awkward grin. “I seem to attract such friends, yes.” He told her. Black birds such as raven and vultures, were the sacred animals of the God of Death in his homeland. Zarren. Who also happened to be his great great great grandfather. He felt warm at this reminder. His God's had not forsaken him, even if this new land the connection seemed somewhat there.

“I could never speak before.” He admittedly with a hint of shyness, his grin fading into a soft smile. “I used to write to communicate.” He told her with some pride. He had to be a good writer in order to be heard, so he learned it much faster than his siblings did. This was such an odd grant him the ability to speak. The woman suggested magic, to which the thought definitely intrigued him.

Then, finally came the girl's name. Mae. “Mae.” He spoke out loud, committing the name and scent to memory. When it came to his own signature scent being washed off from the ocean, he could only feel annoyed at best. He didn't want to smell the thing that nearly killed him. He wanted his cologne back. He took a mental note to find the nearest dead thing and promptly bathe in it when he could. “It is a pleasure to meet you.” he responded with a slight dip of his head.

Mae asked about the raven's name. Reaper hummed lowly, thinking of one. “Moloch. His name is Moloch.” He replied to her. The bird cawed in approval and landed promptly on a branch nearby. When she asked about exploring together, Reaper perked up noticeably. He gave an enthusiastic nod of his head. “That would be a lovely idea.” He replied. In terms of his first day, it was shaping up to be rather pleasant. “We seem to be in the southern region of the continent. It was winter back home, so it should be winter now.” He noted out loud as he began to walk, taking in his surroundings. It was still warm and sunny here for winter. He knew logically the more north they went, the colder it would get.

He turned to her and flicked his green striped tail. Tilting his head ever slightly, he spoke. “Did you want to stay in the southern region of this land, Mae? I'm quite keen on exploring myself.” He gave her plenty of time to reply before letting out a longing sigh. “I've never lived without my family. My pack. I'm not a hunter. I was a sentinel back home. So I'm afraid my survival skills are not the best equipped when it comes to providing food for myself.” He explained, almost regretting the choice of never learning to fully hunt for himself. In Seether, each branch was specialized to their own doing. He was a crafter first, creating beautiful jewelry and art from the dead. Then he changed ranks to sentinel, a warrior, as he wanted to make his father proud.

Perhaps he was speaking too much. But he couldn't help that he was in such great company. It felt nice to be understood and welcomed in the continent with friendly arms. Reaper thought he had lucked out. He disliked the idea of running into wolves who were less friendly. He could defend himself, he always had been able to, but generally avoided it if he could.



Beginner Navigator (10)

Beginner Healer (10)

1 Year

Pride - Bisexual1K
05-16-2024, 05:29 PM

Her tail twirled, her ears perked up. The joy within her was palpable as she tried to contain herself. Admittedly, she longed to let go and embrace her inner child, letting the exuberance take over. It was truly a sight to behold, seeing him smile broadly and hearing his voice. "It's wonderful to have friends gather around you like a raven, or any bird for that matter."

She drifted away in thought, imagining the sensation of flying on feathers and gliding effortlessly on the gentle breezes of Auster. As he spoke passionately about teaching himself to write, she couldn't help but be impressed by his dedication. It truly was quite remarkable, in her opinion.

The young woman couldn't resist smiling at the name Moloch, and she replied softly. "I'm also pleased to meet both of you. I believe Moloch was accepted the name as well.."

Suddenly, she beamed at Reaper. "Company is always appreciated, and absolutely essential for banishing the boredom or loneliness." She let out a slow sigh, her gaze falling to the ground. The familiar pang of loneliness washed over her, making her feel like she didn't fit in. Being the new girl in town had a way of doing that to a person, and it certainly wasn't enjoyable.

"May I ask where you consider home? If it's not too personal," Mae inquired, glancing at Reaper as she approached his side, maintaining a respectful distance. She took in his scent, committing it to memory and keeping it securely locked away in her mind.

Being alright at hunting, maybe the duo would be able to work together to take down some prey, or hunt and gain energy. "We can if you'd like too, I enjoy wandering and traveling. Trying to get the feel of this land that is." Happy that the thoughts of home which she vagily remembered was pulled from her own mind.



Expert Fighter (135)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
05-17-2024, 04:45 AM
Reaper continued to walk further and further into the Aspen forest, Mae near his side and Moloch in the skies. He listened to her intently while his eyes were fixated on taking in his surroundings. She asked about his home, to which the Bloodjaw lit up enthusiastically. "My home is a far one from here." He told her with a sigh. He missed it already. "My pack was called Seether Carnage. My mother Viso is Red Lady of the pack, my father Malice at her side but not ruling with her." He began, taking a moment to allow it all to sink in. "Seether Carnage is not like other packs. We have rituals, initiations, and expectations different from most standards packs. We are...quite the violent bunch." He explained briefly. To him, the violence was normal. Spilling blood was just as normal a task to Reaper as hunting. He was used to it.

"What about your home?" Reaper thought he might as well return the favor and ask her about her own home. He paused in his tracks and turned his head back to face her. He would wait and listen to her patiently.



Beginner Navigator (10)

Beginner Healer (10)

1 Year

Pride - Bisexual1K
05-17-2024, 08:10 AM

She hung onto every word spoken by the mysterious man beside her, her interest piqued. As he sighed and uttered the name Seether Carnage, a chill ran down her spine. She reminded herself it was just a name. But as his words trailed off, his voice fell silent. "However, you do not appear to be violent, for which I am grateful." Gently, she spoke to him. Offering the masculine a warm smile.

The question was asked moments later. What about your home? She remembered her family, but very little else. She recalled that all the wolves had specific tasks to master. She particularly remembered the fear in her mother's eyes when fire ravaged everything, followed by the storm that brought rain to extinguish the merciless flames.

She stopped walking next to him and he came to a stop in front of her. Bending her head down, she could feel a tear trickling down from her eyes. "I can't recall much, apart from my parents teaching us skills we had to perfect, and a fire that destroyed everything. Then came the rain." Taking a deep, trembling breath.

"I came to my senses here, unsure of how I ended up so far from home. My family must be worried sick. It's like a sickend trick."

Reaper may join any threads that involves Mae All Titles to Threads are from Fleetwood Mac songs



Expert Fighter (135)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
05-18-2024, 03:27 AM
"I'm not violent without reason." Reaper reassured her. It was true that he was capable of great violence. He had preformed many Carnages and a sacrifice. He had participated in many spars. This didn't make him a bad wolf in his own eyes. It was just another part of life to him. But he wasn't violent without cause, he didn't drive pleasure from causing others pain unless they truly deserved it.

When Mae explained how she ended up here and her home, Reaper tilted his head curiously. She had also been separated from everything she knew. He could tell she was taking it hard by her bent posture and the tears leaving her eyes. He moved closer to her, offering her a gentle nudge with his muzzle. His nose pushing the tear away from her cheek gently if she allowed it. "You're not alone in this." He told her. They were the same in their situation. He understood how she was feeling. "I'm sure your family misses you as much as you miss them." He cooed softly. He already missed his family deeply. He knew she had to as well.



Beginner Navigator (10)

Beginner Healer (10)

1 Year

Pride - Bisexual1K
05-18-2024, 06:33 AM

'I only resort to violence when necessary.' she listened with a weak smile, still thinking about his question. She knew her family must be worried sick, that was a given. Mae felt him move closer and gently nudged her. She felt his damp nose gently wipe away her tears, comforting her and letting her know she wasn't alone. As she cried, she realized she wasn't just crying for herself, but also for Reaper.

"I can't help but wonder what I did to be separated from my pack. Was it the gods and goddesses who took me away? Or the storm?" She pressed her skull against his, feeling a sense of trust in him. Despite some doubts, she knew Zelina wouldn't play games like that. Her pack and family had entrusted Zelina with their final farewells. In a sense, she was like a grim reaper.

Soon, Moloch caught the attention of the onlookers which concisted of mammals that the wolves hunted. They watched him in the sky as Mae had for a few brief moments. His presence triggered memories in her mind, making her wonder where she had heard the name Seethers Carnage before.

However, she pushed aside these thoughts, fearing that they would consume her. "I can sense that I am not alone, but it feels like a piece of me is missing," she admitted, before turning her focus back to the man beside her. "I'm certain that your family misses you just as much, Reaper."

Her voice was soft and tender, her heart ached for the both of them. "I guess one day we might find our way to our homes." Although Mae surely hoped not, but in a sense, she honestly did.

This was a new chapter, a new beginning. Yahto, her brother came to her mind. Her best friend. "I will say I am lucky to have such a pleasant family. Cheveyo, my father was kind but strong. And mother Doli was one of the best at medicines and healing with plants and almost every thing she could." A smile once more brushing along her facial features.



Expert Fighter (135)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
05-20-2024, 04:36 AM
Reaper felt Mae pushed back against his skull. He pulled away briefly and offered her a reassuring yet sad smile. "Maybe we did nothing deserve such a cruel fate. Maybe this world is simply too chaotic for us to understand and it just...happened." He replied. He knew he could not have angered the Gods in such a way that they would've been this cruel. He was sure of it because of how habitual and respectful he was on them. No, it had to be the chaos of the universe working. Not them.

When Mae mentioned finding their way home, Reaper did not seem too quite optimistic. However, he kept those feelings to himself. He didn't want to undo any hope she might have for getting home. He just realistically couldn't fathom a way in the current mindset he was in. "Perhaps one day." He nodded quietly, now changing the topic.

"Your mother was a healer? How odd. So is mine. Well, before she became Red Lady she was." Reaper explained, his interest piqued. "My father is a bully. A type of rank within our pack that deals with the initiation process of the pack. A carnage, it is called." He explained once more. How he missed both of them. He let out a small laugh. "It seems we have more in common than I thought."
Reaper has a black raven named Moloch who is with him 24/7. Reaper will send this bird to stalk and report on his love one's well beings.

Reaper also ALWAYS smells of dead, rotten, corpses. He rolls in them daily to preserve his signature scent.

Reaper's voice claim is Stolas from Helluva Boss.

Mae Torres may enter any of Reaper's threads at any given time.



Beginner Navigator (10)

Beginner Healer (10)

1 Year

Pride - Bisexual1K
05-20-2024, 07:12 AM

Reaper was correct, perhaps they did nothing to deserve this. Maybe it was just a odd happening that took the duo away from everything they knew and loved. Perhaps to start a new life, it wasn't honestly something to be saddened over, a fresh new beginning. Turning her head to look at him as the masculine spoke.

She began to smile. "My mother would always learn different ways to heal others and their wounds. It was a beautiful thing honestly. She was so sweet and kind." Mae looked to the sky, for once knowing that they weren't alone. That no matter where they went, they weren't going alone.

Red Lady, her eyes widened not in a bad way but a surprised way. Then looking to his face and seeing the marking that laid there next to his eye. "Fathers only want what is best for their young. He may be a bully, but maybe in a sense he was trying to teach you show you that there are dangers in the world, dangers that you need to be ready for."

Tail dancing behind her as they spoke with one another. "My family always spoke about stories of others. Others that we had helped in times of need, and mother was allowed to learn more from a older woman. Never saying were she had went off too. But always knowing that a goddess was with her, guiding her." She couldn't remember the names of who she went to meet, but never the location.

Mae thought of Liacye and her offspring. Wondering and pondering if he would know the goddess, after all she was the bringer of life. A woman that Mae believed that if Liacye was not around, others would not experience life and the wonders.

The young woman was excited now, excited about the new chapter and journey. Turning the Reaper. "Sorry for being a downer. We were brought here for reasons right?" Laughter as she looked to the sky she would softly speak out. "Thank you." With pleasant tones.



Expert Fighter (135)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
05-20-2024, 05:20 PM
Reaper noticed how Mae was looking at the infamous C scar that encircled around his left eye. He gave a soft smile. "The scar you see is from my father. It is a symbol of our pack. It is carved into your skin in a style and location of your choosing during one's carnage initiation." He explained proudly. He was proud to have underwent such a old tradition, by his father none the less. So he saw the scars as a symbol of his blood, his dedication, something to pass down. He listened to Mae explain more about her mother and a goddess that had guided her. He flicked an ear curiously. "Who was the Goddess, if I may ask?" He questioned lightly. He never heard of any Gods outside of Seether. So he was curious to know if there were any that Mae may know of that he didn't.

"It's no problem. Given our situation it's ok to be a little down." He admitted with a small shrug. Her laughter made his features twist into a smile. "I'm lucky to have ran into you. Who knows who else roams these lands." He didn't like the idea of running into unsavory individuals, even if he was capable of violence himself. He knew there were a lot worse than himself. He didn't have family to rush in and help, like his father would. For the first time he was without their support and protection. He wasn't sure he liked it all too much.
Reaper has a black raven named Moloch who is with him 24/7. Reaper will send this bird to stalk and report on his love one's well beings.

Reaper also ALWAYS smells of dead, rotten, corpses. He rolls in them daily to preserve his signature scent.

Reaper's voice claim is Stolas from Helluva Boss.

Mae Torres may enter any of Reaper's threads at any given time.



Beginner Navigator (10)

Beginner Healer (10)

1 Year

Pride - Bisexual1K
05-20-2024, 06:12 PM

Just noticing how his eyes were, the color almost like a teal color. The C scar adding some character to his own facial features, he offered a tender smile. "Doesn't it hurt?" She just had to ask, Mae's curiousity beaming threw. He had asked the question of those her and her own pack believed in. As she looked towards the skys then to Reaper, a smile crossing her maw. "Theres three, well ones a Goddess of Mercy who goes by the one whos like a decision maker in a sense. One God would uphold taking the sick and ill. Then without death who was the one I just mentioned, there wouldn't be no life and creation the first and foremost Goddess." She smiled, but paused. Drawing a line with her paw in the muddied dirt.

"My fathers pack Celestial Skies as I stated. But the main Goddess I remember mother speaking stories that grandmothers stories when she was just a pup when she and her mother would go to her. To learn, to help. The Goddess was also a healer, a well known healer." A smile brightened her facial features. "I know it began with a L -," she would think it over for a second then it came to her, excitedly she spoke out. "Liacye, she was the Goddess of life. And a well known healer that my grandmother when she was a young pup went to see a few times." Excitement raced threw her.

Looking up towards the sky above. Her tail dancing around behind her as she thought of her father and the pack. "I think we are both lucky, I mean who knows what others roam these lands. Maybe it's time to figure out by chance?" The young lass tilted her head then bounced a few feet ahead.



Expert Fighter (135)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
05-20-2024, 06:22 PM
Reaper nodded. "A carnage does hurt but one must endure it for the sake of loyalty and dedication for the pack. The scar doesn't hurt anymore. It's simply there." He told her with a soft hum. He listens intently as she explained the Goddess that her mother knew. The mention of life and death. Of healing. Of her grandmother visiting such a healer that was renowned for her healing. It reminded him of his own pack's gods. That's when he heard the name. Liacye. His blood ran cold and a look of pure shock spread across his face. "You know of Liacye??" He asked in disbelief. How else would she know if such a name? He looked utterly flabbergasted. "She is my great great grandmother." He admitted. He followed behind her, his steps quiet. He was in thinking mode now, his facial features twisted into one of thought. The Celestial Skies pack. He'd never heard of them before. His father never mentioned them. He wondered their history with Seether Carnage. There were numerous packs that were once allied and enemies of Seether. Maybe more than most probably remembered.
Reaper has a black raven named Moloch who is with him 24/7. Reaper will send this bird to stalk and report on his love one's well beings.

Reaper also ALWAYS smells of dead, rotten, corpses. He rolls in them daily to preserve his signature scent.

Reaper's voice claim is Stolas from Helluva Boss.

Mae Torres may enter any of Reaper's threads at any given time.



Beginner Navigator (10)

Beginner Healer (10)

1 Year

Pride - Bisexual1K
05-20-2024, 06:40 PM

Mae happily listened to him, relieved to see that he was no longer in pain. "I understand why it holds such deep meaning," she replied, her tail still wagging behind her. His calming voice filled the air as he listened attentively to her words, something that she truly appreciated.

"My great grandmother and her mother visited her seeking knowledge. Ever since I was young, my mother would talk about Liacye and other family members," she said, watching him with wide eyes filled with disbelief. "I recall a few tales that have been handed down through generations," Maes own vocal cords softly echoed.

She turned to face him, observing how he seemed lost in thought. She didn't want to interrupt him, but she couldn't resist. "Are you alright?" Her voice was barely a whisper, her eyes meeting those of a deer nearby. "Shhh," she said almost silently, trying not to startle the animal. It was a small doe, but enough to provide them with food. She circled around, crawling on the ground, feeling her underbelly grow damp from the water.



Expert Fighter (135)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
05-22-2024, 04:27 AM
"Yes I am alri-" Reaper's words were cut off by the shush, causing him to stop abruptly in his tracks. When he focused, he saw the deer. Before he could say anything, Mae had already began to stalk the creature. 'How charming.' He couldn't help think with a smile creeping up on his maws. He watched her for a moment or two, observing the way she moved. He decided to help and lowered himself to the ground of the forest floor. He would go on the other side of the deer while she went to the one she was currently going in. That way, the deer would be startled into someone one way or the other, cornered. He kept his paw steps quiet as he moved, his seagreen gaze focused intently. This was one of his first real hunts. He was determined to get it right.
Reaper has a black raven named Moloch who is with him 24/7. Reaper will send this bird to stalk and report on his love one's well beings.

Reaper also ALWAYS smells of dead, rotten, corpses. He rolls in them daily to preserve his signature scent.

Reaper's voice claim is Stolas from Helluva Boss.

Mae Torres may enter any of Reaper's threads at any given time.



Beginner Navigator (10)

Beginner Healer (10)

1 Year

Pride - Bisexual1K
05-23-2024, 08:00 AM

The woman waited and watched carefully, the deer unaware of her and Reapers presence, which in turn helped out a bit, the wind was in their favor. Twin peaks shifted slightly to listen to were the brute was moving off too. Eyes of powder azure and blush pink watching him.

Allowing herself to creep slowly, with careful and thought out steps. One paw in front of the other, hardly leaving the ground, placing silently. Drawing her closer, She'd come to a stop. Her shoulders rolling, excitement racing hard threw her heart.

Making it seem that any minute it would rip from her chest. She known that she and him were completely hunger, anyone would be. Watching him come to a stop, the duo would be able to eat. And be full.

She wondered when the last time that he had eaten, but now today. He would. Her mouth dripped, as slowly once more creeping silently, covered by underbrush and the shadows casted from the trees.

The doe caught scent when the wind changed, not in the wolves favors no longer, now was the time. She leapt up and charged. Her body rippling with the muscle, her paws out reaching to have the doe trip slightly, regaining it's balance.

Jumping to a boulder, she would launch herself towards the doe. Her teeth sunk down into the hind quarters, the sweet taste of blood trickling into her mouth. Clamping down tighter, the doe cried out from the attack, Mae released from a kick trying to injure Mae and get her from the it's body.

The mammal was bleeding pretty good, Mae known that as once more going for a back leg, careful and watching for the kicks.



Expert Fighter (135)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
05-25-2024, 05:07 AM
Reaper watched intently as Mae took charge and began attack the doe. She was going for the hind quarters of the deer. Reaper decided while the deer was distracted he would go for more upper choices of the body. The throat. He lunges forwards and attempted to grab at the throat, only to be kicked at by the front leg of the deer. He missed it by mere inches and went in for another attack. Moloch swooped down from the skies and started to attack the deer's face with his claws. Perfect. The deer was far more distracted now and Reaper managed to get a secure grip on the throat. His fangs met flesh and he burrowed them deep within the hide. He pulled down the deer, trying to get it to the ground so both wolves had better chance of ending it's life and feasting.
Reaper has a black raven named Moloch who is with him 24/7. Reaper will send this bird to stalk and report on his love one's well beings.

Reaper also ALWAYS smells of dead, rotten, corpses. He rolls in them daily to preserve his signature scent.

Reaper's voice claim is Stolas from Helluva Boss.

Mae Torres may enter any of Reaper's threads at any given time.



Beginner Navigator (10)

Beginner Healer (10)

1 Year

Pride - Bisexual1K
05-26-2024, 06:14 PM
Hooves lashed out as the doe kicked, trying to get rid of the two who had attacked her. Allowing herself to release her grip, she once more grabbed a hold of the back leg, the sharp calls which made Mae twist her ears back quickly, she bit down harder on the leg, feeling a tendon give way around her teeth. The doe wouldn't go down easy though and give one last chance of a kick to the females chest, which wasn't a harmful impact, but made her wheeze threw gritted teeth.

Claws gripping into the ground, holding stead fast, watching to where Reaper was, So that no injure would come to him. The doe called out muffled due to the wolf upon her throat, the doe gave way though. Blinking in horror at the unknown. It was a part of life, along with life came death. A circle of life in a way. Mae's tail danced around as eyes glanced to the masculine. "wes has fell belli tonite" She stated although unknown of how she sounded. But honestly she didn't care.


Reaper may join any threads that involves Mae All Titles to Threads are from Fleetwood Mac songs



Expert Fighter (135)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
05-28-2024, 06:30 PM
The doe was successfully brought to the ground. Reaper's maws clutched the windpipe and jugular harder. He shook his head violently, trying his best to quickly end the thing and get this over win. Blood poured from the wound and painted his white face and maws. The deer let out a final dying below as it's sides heaved no more. It fell limp before him and he looked over to Mae, who was trying to speak with her mouth full. He gave her a cheesy grin. "Yes I guess we will." He nodded back to her, his attention back on the doe. He gave it a sniff, his maws watering with hunger. "You may eat first." He told Mae, sitting down patiently. He was trying to be polite. She did help take the doe down afterall, it was the least he could do.
Reaper has a black raven named Moloch who is with him 24/7. Reaper will send this bird to stalk and report on his love one's well beings.

Reaper also ALWAYS smells of dead, rotten, corpses. He rolls in them daily to preserve his signature scent.

Reaper's voice claim is Stolas from Helluva Boss.

Mae Torres may enter any of Reaper's threads at any given time.

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1. To a room with some lace and paper flowers Aspen Dam 06:31 PM, 05-15-2024 10:10 PM, 09-14-2024