
Winter Grey Ocean Bay



Advanced Navigator (90)

Master Intellectual (240)

1 Year

05-19-2024, 09:41 PM
Arachne stepped lightly upon the soft sand of the winter beach. The cold did nothing to deter her curiosity, even as the harsh breeze rolled in off the endless expanse of the ocean. And as she looked back over her shoulder from the way that she had come, she couldn’t help but allow her crystalline gaze to linger on the delicate paw prints in her wake- marveling at how the same held onto each imprint. But of course, she never slowed, and eventually, she would return her attention to the endless horizon where the sea met the sky.

The sound of waves crashing into the cliffs was a constant hum in the background, a lullaby that seemed both comforting and ominous. The cliffs loomed over her on either side of the inlet, providing a serene sense of isolation. The steep, grey stone juxtaposed against the white froth of each wave as natural force reached the point of collision.

Arachne followed the curve of the bay, tuned into the ebb and flow of the water. She made a mental note of anything unusual, from the shells scattered in peculiar patterns on the sand to the starfish clinging to some washed-up driftwood. Of course, it was a dreary winter day, but this was her attempt at making the best of it, and she was happy to have done so.

"Arachne Klein"



Master Intellectual (240)

Advanced Fighter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - Polysexual
05-20-2024, 03:27 PM

Setekh wandered along the winter beach, his thoughts dark and consumed with plans to torment his daughter, Absinth. The cold wind bit at his skin, but he barely noticed, lost in the depths of his twisted imagination and the obsession that chewed away at his psyche. He considered various ways to break her spirit, to remind her of the power he held over her., to remind her of what she’d done. A cruel smile played at his lips as he relished the thought of her suffering. And really, it was all her fault. She had abandoned him, gotten herself a lover. Oh he knew, he knew everything. She was not as careful as she thought she was. Not at all, and for shame he had not taught her well enough. But that would change in time.

As he walked, his gaze wandered over the sand and sea, the rhythmic crashing of the waves serving as a lovely ambiance to the horrid thoughts plaguing him so deliciously. Perhaps, if he captured her, beat her down; and kept her bound within a cavern… she would see reason. And the God, oh he would finally have her full attention again. Emeralds locked onto his own crimson orbs, and he would discover everything about her that she had cultivated.

Setekh would let a giggle free from his lips, maw splitting in a delighted smile.

Until his attention was suddenly drawn to a figure moving gracefully along the shoreline towards him. A girl, but he was not close enough to take in more details of this sudden siren. She followed the curve of the bay, carefree, so wide eyed; curious. She was young, new to the world. The possibilities excited him as they began to thrum in his mind, and for the moment, he forgot about his daughter, his focus entirely on the girl before him.

Setekh stood in her path, watching, waiting for her attention to fall on him. He placed a curious quirk of his brow onto his own beautiful face, stifling the mad gleam in his eyes for something... friendly. When would she notice him? The longer he watched, he noted how she took a moment to observe all of her surroundings, all of the peculiarities, a trait that fascinated him. Where was her fear? Suspicion? Did she have any to offer?

"speaking" | voices

Rated R for mature themes, gore, violence, and abuse.



Advanced Navigator (90)

Master Intellectual (240)

1 Year

05-20-2024, 03:56 PM
Arachne paused in her wanderings, a sudden sensation of being watched washing over her. Her gaze was drawn to a figure standing ahead on the beach. Beneath the brightened sun, it was hard to see his alabaster form standing against the bleached sand. But as she narrowed her eyes, he was certainly there. Uncertainty gripped her but she projected composed confidence. As she looked toward him, the man’s curious expression mirrored her own. He held a certain charm that veiled the edges of his hardened features, a trickle of something unsettling lurking beneath his friendly facade- but perhaps that was just her imagination.

Her pace didn’t falter, her path didn’t change. Arachne continued directly towards the stranger, her mind suddenly a whirlwind of thoughts. The silence was punctuated only by the rhythmic crash of waves and the sharp cry of a distant seagull. The man still did not move, but she could see his eyes following her, bright crimson orbs locked onto her own. She swallowed hard, maintaining eye contact with an unwavering gaze of her own.

“Hello,” Arachne murmured when she was close enough to speak without raising her voice. Her tone was collected, soft yet unwavering in its stoic calmness.

"Arachne Klein"



Master Intellectual (240)

Advanced Fighter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - Polysexual
05-20-2024, 04:21 PM
Setekh watched the girl, intrigued by her demeanor and grace as she approached him. Pretty thing. Lovely, really. He noted her cautiousness, and allowed a faint smile to grace his ivory visage. She was not like the others – timid and easily swayed. This one had spirit, it seemed; a potential for challenge and a delightful prospect regardless of how true his initial impression rang. Setekh's mind raced with possibilities as he spoke, calculating how he might weave her into his web of control.

“Greetings,” Came the God’s low and steady tone, his voice smooth and warm all the same. He inclined his head slightly, a gesture of polite greeting in return, maintaining his friendly facade through the common pleasantries. “It's rare to see someone out here, especially on such a cold day.” A dreadful, dreary day! But now that she is here, it is a beautiful, wonderful day!

He studied her crystalline gaze, settling on the clarity reflected in her eyes; eyes like jewels. “What brings you to the beach? Fancying a swim? I must warn you my dear, the cold will take hold of your flesh and bones quickly. It is not at all a joyful activity!” He asked, curiosity coloring his tones as he began to banter lightly. His goal? To know more about this intriguing figure who had momentarily diverted his attention. For now, he played the part of the courteous stranger, a wolf in sheep's clothing.

"speaking" | voices

Rated R for mature themes, gore, violence, and abuse.



Advanced Navigator (90)

Master Intellectual (240)

1 Year

05-20-2024, 10:28 PM
Arachne studied the stranger before her, taking note of his peculiar demeanor. His eyes were so intense, the deep crimson shade hardly straying from her own eyes. It was somewhat unnerving, yet she did her best to maintain an exterior of calm indifference. His words, however, only served to perplex her further.

"I see..." She murmured, a thoughtful look crossing her delicate features. "I felt drawn to explore this place," she admitted, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she glanced briefly at the waves rolling in and out rhythmically. "It’s pretty, isn’t it?” She asked, a touch of wonder in her voice as she gestured towards the vast expanse of ocean.

She felt a pang of curiosity prick her heart as she studied her new-found acquaintance. "I'm not exactly fond of the cold- I don’t think swimming would be a good idea." she joked lightly with a soft chuckle, pulling her gaze back to meet his. She hoped her light-hearted nature might put him at ease, or at least make him more receptive to conversation. Or perhaps … that was just his normal demeanor. Who was to say? “My name is Arachne.” She offered, allowing that naive grin to broaden ever so slightly.

"Arachne Klein"



Master Intellectual (240)

Advanced Fighter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - Polysexual
06-15-2024, 01:01 AM
Setekh observed Arachne with an intensity that could pierce through stone, his crimson eyes fixed unwaveringly on hers. The slight unease he detected only fueled his interest, making her all the more intriguing. Her attempt at maintaining calm indifference was admirable, and the God relished the challenge it posed. But in the end, it was but a small challenge.

“I see…” Her voice, a murmur of thoughtfulness, broke the silence. “Drawn here… How curious.” Setekh mused, the faintest hint of amusement playing at the corners of his lips. “It is indeed pretty.” He conceded, his gaze following her gesture to the endless expanse of the ocean. “There is a serenity to it, don’t you think? The way the waves dance to an eternal rhythm, never ceasing, never tiring… It’s quite captivating. Nature at it’s finest.”

Her light-hearted joke and soft chuckle did not go unnoticed. Setekh allowed a chuckle of his own to escape, a sound both warm and cold, as if humor was a foreign concept he had decided to entertain for a moment. The brute’s tail swayed behind him, flowing like a white banner of surrender. “Swimming in this weather would indeed be unwise,” He agreed, his tone carrying a hint of mockery laced with genuine amusement. “But sometimes, the allure, the thrill of testing one’s limits, can be irresistibly tempting. They say cold water can reset one's nerves. Good for your health, mind you.” You, you, og, you. Molten orbs eye her, twinkling interest and warmth.

When she offered her name, his smile broadened, though his eyes retained their predatory glint. “Arachne… a name steeped in myth and mystery. How… fitting.” He inclined his head slightly, a gesture of acknowledgment as he tasted the name on his tongue. “I am Setekh. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Arachne.”

Setekh’s mind raced with possibilities as he spoke, calculating each word, each gesture, weaving his web with delicate precision. He would know her. He was certain. “So, Arachne, what other places have drawn your curiosity? What other mysteries have you sought to unravel?” Unravel, unravel, ignore the rabble. His tone was conversational, even friendly, but beneath the surface, his true nature lurked, ever calculating, ever planning. He wanted her to be comfortable, calm in his presence. So he plopped to the ground, stretching his sultry figure out against the sand.

Setekh paused, letting the moment stretch, his eyes never leaving hers from his position on the ground before her. "What do you seek in your explorations, Arachne? Is it adventure, knowledge, or perhaps something more elusive?" His voice dropped to a murmur, as if sharing a secret. A laugh caught in his throat.

He watched her intently, every fiber of his being focused on drawing her in, aiming to make her feel seen and understood. His mind raced with the possibilities of how he could ensnare her, how he might twist her spirit to fit his designs. For now, he played the role of the enigmatic stranger, his true nature masked by a veneer of charm and intrigue. Come, join me. Be free.

"speaking" | voices

Rated R for mature themes, gore, violence, and abuse.



Advanced Navigator (90)

Master Intellectual (240)

1 Year

06-15-2024, 11:44 AM
Arachne listened intently to his musings, appreciating his eloquent description of the ocean's rhythm. She found herself nodding in agreement, her gaze softening as she looked back out at the vast body of water. Her heart ached with the beauty of it all, the serene symphony of waves a soothing balm to her soul. "Captivating indeed," She murmured, her voice barely audible above the whispering wind. "There's something... magical about it, don't you think? The way each wave is both separate and part of the whole at the same time." She glanced back at Setekh, her silver eyes reflecting the light as it danced off the sparkling sand.

Listening to his chuckle, Arachne felt a warm ripple of delight. His sound was contagious, causing her to chuckle softly again. "Testing one's limits," she echoed, finding the phrase intriguing. The idea was slightly terrifying, but she could also see the allure he spoke of. Perhaps it was an aspect of

life she had yet to explore, a new journey to embark on. "Cold water for the nerves," she repeated softly, her tone thoughtful, "I'll have to remember that." Her soft gaze turned back towards the ocean. Could she understand its depth, its endless expanse of unknowns?

This was a side of Arachne that for some reason, was comfortable with this friendly stranger encounter. Their conversation continued, her silvery gaze occasionally drifting back to Setekh. He was enigmatic, an intriguing blend of cheerfulness and solemnity; a contradiction she found oddly captivating. His words about testing one's limits resonated with her, reminding Arachne of her own tendency to gravitate towards the safe and familiar Instead of diving headfirst into the turbulent seas of uncertainty. Yet the more he spoke, the more she found herself intrigued by the prospect of challenging those boundaries. As her thoughts jumbled, she listened to the lapping waves, their soothing rhythm acting as a calming balm for her racing mind.

"I suppose," she began slowly, her voice almost drowned out by the symphony of the sea, "there's a certain beauty in testing oneself as well. If you look at it like that.” Arachne contemplated, her gaze fixed intensely on the silvery surface of the ocea

A fresh gust of winter wind licked at the edges of her fur, inciting a shiver to pulse through her lithe form. The chilling effect however, was swiftly met with warmth as Arachne brushed off the white frost clinging to her charcoal coat. “The pleasure is mine, Setekh.” She replied, her voice as steady as the rhythm of the ocean's ebb and flow.

Arachne listened to Setekh's words, her ethereal blue-silver eyes watching the bigger wolf's body languishing against the sand. The wolf was large and imposing, his words laced with an undercurrent of danger she couldn't quite put her finger on. But Arachne was not one to allow apprehension to dictate her actions; instead, she focused on the soft murmur of the ocean nearby and the occasional cry of a seagull overhead. This beach was alive with its own rhythm, a soothing lullaby to her senses that somehow softened the veiled threat in Setekh's tone.

"I've always been fond of exploring,” Arachne responded, her soft voice barely rising above the whisper of the wind as it curled through the cliffs above them. “Though I don’t think there is any one place I favor above the rest.” Truth be told, Arachne was not given to favourites. Her interest lay more in observing the delicate intricacies of every little thing around her. The soft rustle of leaves as a squirrel scampered through a tree, the calming hush of water lapping against the shore, and the way the sunlight would dapple through the forest canopy creating magical little pockets of light and shadow. Each place held a unique charm that she found herself irresistibly drawn to.

Arachne found herself drawn to Setekh’s words, leaning in, and hanging on each syllable. There was something magnetic about him, something that held her attention. His words were like a web, intricately woven and captivatingly beautiful. She reflected on his question, her ethereal eyes thoughtful. "I seek peace," she finally admitted, her voice soft as a whisper, yet clear and sure.

"Peace in knowing I have tread on these sands, peace in knowing that I am a small part of a much larger world." She gestured to the sweeping bay before them, her eyes taking on the far-off gaze of someone lost in memory. "Every new place I visit, every strange creature I encounter...they all remind me that there are so many stories untold, so many lives lived beyond my own. And somehow, that brings me peace." She trailed off, falling into the ruby pools that were Setekh's eyes; there was a strange comfort there, like she'd found an unexpected sanctuary within their fiery depths.

"Arachne Klein"



Master Intellectual (240)

Advanced Fighter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - Polysexual
06-19-2024, 01:54 AM
Setekh listened to Arachne's musings with eyes like lava, their intense gaze fixed on her with a predatory focus veiled by a facade of gentle interest. Her words resonated deeply within him, each syllable drawing out a curiosity that bordered on fascination; fixation. Her blue-silver eyes mirrored the brilliance of the ocean, reflecting the depth of her thoughts like twin mirrors of the soul, and it stirred an acute amusement in him, though his expression remained carefully neutral – friendly, especially.

“Mm, magical indeed.” The Ivory God rumbled in reply, his voice carrying a smooth cadence, that of softness and knowing. He observed her closely, noting how she seemed drawn to beauty, to the natural world around them. Her soft chuckle in response to his mention of testing limits elicited a slight, imperceptible widening of Setekh's smile. Her openness to pushing boundaries was a vulnerability he could exploit – like a thread waiting to be unraveled and manipulated to his advantage. “Exploring new sensations and experiences can be enlightening.” He mused thoughtfully, his gaze drifting out to sea in a deliberate gesture she would surely notice, before returning to lock onto her own.

Arachne's contemplative gaze held his, and in that moment, Setekh allowed himself to imagine what it might be like to unravel her spirit completely, to see her defenses crumble under his careful prodding.

“Peace,” The God echoed softly, his tone weighted with a hint of deeper understanding, or perhaps a mockery of it. “A noble pursuit, to find solace amidst chaos.” His eyes bore into hers, searching for any flicker of doubt or vulnerability that he could exploit. “You seek stories untold, lives beyond your own... It's a sentiment I can appreciate. Have you heard of the theory that life is neither lost nor gained – it is only transformed?”

Setekh, still stretched gracefully against the sand, his posture relaxed yet every sinew coiled with potential energy. “It is said that when we die, our lives, our energy, our bodies – they transform into something else.” He continued in a murmur, his gaze never leaving hers. “Never lost, never destroyed. They persist, here and now, in different forms. When we consume the flesh of a deer, its energy becomes ours, and that energy is passed on, time and again, through different living souls.” He let the weight of his words settle between them, like the shifting sands below them, the rhythm of the ocean's waves echoing against their exchange.

"speaking" | voices

Rated R for mature themes, gore, violence, and abuse.



Advanced Navigator (90)

Master Intellectual (240)

1 Year

06-21-2024, 11:16 AM
Arachne followed Setekh's gaze out over the tranquil sea. His words hung in the still winter air, twining around them like a silk thread - delicate, yet strong. His subtle shifts of emotion did not go unnoticed; she was observant, perceptive to the delicate dynamics of their conversation. She found herself drawn to him, to the cadence of his voice and the mystery in his eyes. His words unsettled her, the notion of exploration and new sensations sent a thrill through her lithe form that was both confusing and exciting. She was used to safety, to predictability. Yet here she was, talking with a being who held an unpredictable quality to him, who spoke of exploration and moving boundaries. The idea was thrilling and intimidating. Her eyes returned to his, an echo of the inexplicable fascination she found in them mirrored in her own."Enlightening," she echoed, her voice soft as a whisper against the salty sea breeze. "That's an interesting way to put it."

Arachne was silent for a moment, thoughtful as she analyzed his words. It was like he was speaking in riddles, attempting to weave a web of intrigue around her. She wasn't quite sure what to make of it all, but she was intrigued nonetheless. "Life transformed..." She murmured softly, the faint echoes of his words lingering in her thoughts. Rainy's gaze drifted off towards the horizon, eyes tracing the curved edge where the sky met the sea. “No, I can’t say that I have.” The mysterious quality of his words seemed to be mirrored in the soft lapping of the ocean against the shore, the shadows cast by the cliffs over the bay in the mid-winter light.

Arachne absorbed his words, her gaze remaining steady on his as he spoke. The theory he proposed was both captivating and intimidating in its scale, it was an idea that caused her to glance inward, to reflect on the cycle of life and death she had witnessed in her own time. She found the concept somewhat comforting, a reassurance that even in death, life was somehow sustained. Her gaze dropped to the sand beneath them, taking in the multitude of tiny grains and contemplating their own journey from rough stone to fine sand. "So we are all connected then?" she finally said, raising her eyes back to meet his. Captivated by his words in a way she had never been before.

"Arachne Klein"



Master Intellectual (240)

Advanced Fighter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - Polysexual
06-21-2024, 08:57 PM
Setekh's lips curled into a brief, knowing smile as he watched Arachne deep in thought. Her fascination was palpable, her eyes mirroring the horizon’s vastness, drawing him in deeper. She sees, she knows. He sensed the thin threads of trust beginning to weave between them, an opportunity he relished. His voice, when he spoke, was soft and reverent, as if sharing a sacred secret. “Yes, connected,” He affirmed, his tone imbued with a quiet intensity. “In ways both seen and unseen. The energy that flows through us, that binds us to the world, is an unbroken circle, a dance of existence.” Would she understand? This girl, seemingly enraptured by the world around her, would she grasp the deeper meaning behind his words? She will follow, she will see.

Setekh shifted slightly, his posture remaining relaxed, yet the subtle movement conveyed a sense of readiness, of potential energy coiled and waiting. His mind raced, plotting each word and gesture with precision. A serpent poised, a viper's charm. “Consider the ocean before us,” He continued, his gaze flicking to the sea and then back to her, ensuring she followed his line of thought. “Every wave is unique, yet part of a greater whole. It ebbs and flows, constantly changing, yet it is always the ocean. So too are we – individuals with our own stories, yet intrinsically part of a grander narrative.”

He let his words settle, their weight carried by the rhythmic sound of the waves. He leaned in slightly, his eyes never leaving hers, the intensity of his molten gaze seeking to forge a deeper connection, to ensnare her completely. Her mind, her soul, yours to bind. “Your spirit, Arachne, is like the sea – vast, mysterious, full of potential.” His voice softened further, becoming almost a whisper, carried by the breeze. He relished the control, the way he could draw her in with mere words. Setekh paused, letting the silence draw her in, the gentle pull of his words an invitation. “Trust in that connection, in the continuity of life.” She trusts, she bends, a willing end. He let his words linger, the promise of shared discovery and enlightenment hanging in the air, as tangible and delicate as the silk thread that wove between them. Inside, he reveled in the manipulation, the subtle power he wielded over her. A puppet's dance, a lover's trance.

"speaking" | voices

Rated R for mature themes, gore, violence, and abuse.



Advanced Navigator (90)

Master Intellectual (240)

1 Year

06-26-2024, 01:51 AM
Arachne's eyes remained locked with Setekh's, entranced by the depth of his words. The world around them seemed to momentarily fade into insignificance as she processed his words. "A dance of existence?" She repeated a soft echo of his profound statement. Her gaze drifted away from him, wandering back towards the tranquil scene of the bay. The soft lullaby of the lapping waves suddenly took on a deeper resonance, a transitory note in the grand symphony of life. The way the wind whispered through the cliffs, the glistening sand beneath her paws, each grain a testament to a time long past and yet still alive in this moment. She felt a sudden surge of connection, an understanding that she, too, was part of this intricate web of life. She turned to look at him again, her silver-blue eyes shining with newfound understanding and wonder. "I see it now," she whispered, her voice barely louder than the wind, "It’s a cycle. Like life and death? Is that what you mean?”

Arachne’s gaze followed Setekh's, casting out to the ocean's vast expanse. The waves, so seemingly individual, yet part of a much grander entity. The thought was overwhelming but grounding all the same. She nodded slightly, her expression thoughtful. "Each wave born from the previous one," she murmured, her gaze lost in the ocean’s ceaseless dance. The ocean's cycle.

But as her silver-blue eyes returned Setekh's gaze, her expression softened as she absorbed his words. Mystery and potential swirled together in her mind, the same way the waves churned and folded on the ocean's surface. Just as the sea was both finite yet infinite, so too did she feel herself expanding, her spirit reaching out towards the horizon, embracing the vast expanse of possibilities that Setekh's words presented. Each syllable he spoke was like a drop of rain on her consciousness, rippling through her being and shaping her understanding of the world. "I do trust in continuity," she whispered softly, the breeze carrying her words out to the sea. Her gaze was steady as she turned to face him fully now, her eyes reflecting the tranquil ocean. “But I think I trust in change as well.” Her voice was soft, dappled with shadows of hesitation, but resolute in its confirmation. The depth of her conviction was evident in the delicate tremor that ran through her words She felt her heart flutter like a bird taking flight for the first time, teetering on the edge of uncertainty but propelled forward by a desire for growth. “Is that wrong of me?” She asked lightly, as she began to seek his input- his convoluted thought process as she began to crave.

"Arachne Klein"



Master Intellectual (240)

Advanced Fighter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - Polysexual
07-03-2024, 11:39 PM
Setekh’s molten gaze never wavered from Arachne, his expression an exquisite blend of earnestness and allure. He saw the curiosity in her eyes, the spark that ignited when she encountered the unknown. Those inquisitive eyes that took in her surroundings, from the heavens above to the dirt with the worms. She sees, she knows. He must draw her further into the web he wove. This he was focused on. The hook, line, and sinker.

“There is a place,” He began, his voice soft, almost reverent, the Ivory God rising to his paws, moving to circle her with a soft chuckle. “Where the river diverges into countless streams, forming thousands of little islands before it surrenders to the ocean.” His words painted vivid images, each syllable meant to be a brushstroke on the canvas of her mind. He pauses, tail like a banner in the air as he meets her gaze, tipping his nose down to show the awe-inspired expression on his face. “This delta is a place of beauty and mystery. The waters host a wide variety of species, both from the fresh and salt waters, mingling in a dance as ancient as time itself… There is much to be seen. Much to be discovered.”

He paused, letting his description seep into her consciousness, binding her thoughts to his vision. Yes, see it, feel it, let it consume. Does she not hunger for more? “Doesn’t that sound like a fun adventure to be had?” He continued, a hint of amusement in his tone. He leaned in slightly, the subtle shift conveying intimacy, a promise of secrets and discoveries. Molten orbs glittering as he maintained eye contact, careful to keep the curl of his lips charming and not veer into devilish. “If… one has the courage to visit.” Mud and blood, life and death, all there for you to take.

Setekh straightened slightly, the movement a graceful thing, no energy wasted. He exuded an air of readiness and anticipation, offering her a cock of his skull and an outstretch of one of his paws towards her. “I invite you, Arachne, to explore with me. To learn from me, and to discover the wonders that lie within this world.” He paused, letting his words settle, the invitation hanging in the air like a silken thread. A trap, a snare, where dreams become nightmares, where she will be yours.

“Meet me there in three days' time,” He said, his tone imbued with a quiet command. “At the delta, where the river meets the sea.” He let his words linger, the promise of adventure and discovery enticing, the allure of his voice a siren call. Or a Devil-God’s melody. Her mind to twist, her will to break. Every step, every breath, yours to control. Inside, he enjoyed the power he wielded, the subtle manipulation that drew her ever closer. And oh, how she wanted to be closer. To his intelligence and knowledge, and he was so willing to give it. At the cost of her soul. Trust, yes, trust, and then the fall. The sweet descent into the abyss.

“Will you join me, Arachne?” He asked, his voice a soft caress, his gaze unwavering. There it was, his offer, his invitation spoken aloud. “Will you take this journey with me, and see the world through my eyes?” Eyes that see what you want, a soul that dances to your tune.

She will follow, and she will fall.

"speaking" | voices

Rated R for mature themes, gore, violence, and abuse.



Advanced Navigator (90)

Master Intellectual (240)

1 Year

07-04-2024, 10:14 AM
Arachne was quiet for a moment, her ethereal eyes reflecting the molten orbs of Setekh. She studied him under the soft gaze of her silver-blue eyes, the quiet calm radiating from her in waves. A soft breeze rustled through her soft smokey grey coat, making the delicate marbling patterns dance in the limited light. The invitation hung heavily in the air between them like an unbroken thread, tugging at the corners of her reflection. The undercurrents of his words sparked a strange sensation within her, like the hushed whisperings of an impending storm. She craved it. She wanted to know what he knew, to see what he saw. She didn’t hesitate for long before offering him a nod. "I will," she responded softly, her voice barely audible over the crashing waves. The decision, for all its heaviness, was made with serenity. It was like deciding to swim along with the current instead of battling against it - an acceptance that felt almost natural. “I will follow you, Setekh.” She offered with a grin, the corners of her mouth turning upwards into a gentle smile.

Reflecting on the description he offered of the Delta, it sounded very alluring. Setekh had painted a vivid landscape with his words, she could almost smell the brackish scent of the river that diverged into countless streams he described. Continuing her nod, she continued. “I will see you at the Delta in three days then,” She acknowledged, allowing her gaze to fall from Setekh to the terrain around her. The land that was once so familiar had suddenly turned alien, imbued now with new possibilities and dangers. But it didn't scare her; it invigorated her. With on last lingering glance, she’d bid him farewell. “Until I see you again.” She finished lightly, offering him one last friendly grin before turning to leave the way she had came. Her heart already racing in excitement for their next meeting at the Delta.

-end thread-
"Arachne Klein"

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1. Winter Grey Ocean Bay Fontamo Bay 09:41 PM, 05-19-2024 03:56 PM, 07-04-2024