
Away where I can pretend I'm alright




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
05-25-2024, 02:03 PM

Bellamy had tried to go home, had wanted to speak to Saga, but in the end she hadn’t been able to bring herself to speak to her daughter. She had gone into the lands long enough to speak to Acere and let him know they were leaving. It was nothing against her family, no, the fault was her own. If she had been a better mother, if she hadn’t been so broken, if she hadn’t taught her daughter the wrong things and let her own anger rule her, then maybe Haydee wouldn’t have made the mistakes she had made. The more she thought about her daughter’s leadership, and the broken pieces that her children had needed to pick up, the more guilt Bellamy felt. She couldn’t face them… and so she headed toward Northern Boreas with Ace. Back to familiar lands… back… home.

Bellamy had hoped for some peace to find her in coming back here. It was cold here… and since coming here Bellamy had hardly wanted to leave the warm nest of blankets she had brought into the room for herself and Ace. He had less of a need for them than she did, but still Bellamy wanted him to be comfortable for familarities sake. She snuggled into her cloak as well, knowing that soon she was going to have to hunt. They had been there for about a day and half and she hadn’t eaten since they arrived. The woman reassured him she would get some fish or something once she was feeling a little more herself… which his presence helped with.

She had cried… but curled next to him, having companionship of that sort again helped more than she realized. She thought of her daughter too, hoping that Haydee could find that same sort of comfort from someone back at home. It shamed her that she couldn’t face her daughter… but after the headaches she had brought to Haydee she figured distance would be best. A lot of the journey had been Acere reassuring her, offering comfort. And now that she had spoken her heart to the man she loved, she felt like she was starting to feel better… if only slightly.

It was mid morning by the time Bellamy’s eyes flickered open. The woman stretched, the bundle of blankets making her feel cozy even against Ace’s cooler form. His touch was different, but she could hold him, touch him… it was something she hadn’t realized how much she had missed. A grumble from her belly caused the woman to give a soft whine. “We should have looked for a fishing net.” She told the man as she glanced over at him. A small smile touched her lips.

“The blankets are nice… maybe we can steal some pillows from the other rooms and really make a cozy nest for ourselves.”

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
07-30-2024, 01:53 AM

He had traveled North with Bellamy. Though he would have preferred her to stay home in Ethne - or Polaris - as it was now called, he would not deny her what she wished to do. She was a headstrong and stubborn woman, and he knew that there was no changing her mind. She was set in her ways, and so he'd simply do his best to be there for her as best he could and offer his comfort to her. He had done his best to reassure her. Everyone made mistakes. Nobody was perfect. And he always thought she blamed herself far too much for her own good. It was unhealthy, and it seemed to tear away at her emotional and mental wellbeing. Still, there was only so much he could do. But he'd do what he could regardless.

He snuggled up with her in the warmth of the ship, the furs and blankets and whatever else she had gathered for them was of comfort to him, even if it was physically of little use to him. Still, he appreciated the sentiment behind it, and it did help him to feel a little more normal given his state of being. Since they had arrived, however, Bellamy had not eaten. And he felt bad that he couldn't really do anything for her in that regard. His companions too, were long gone. So they couldn't help fill that physical void, either. While he was capable of making himself a little more physical for short bursts here and there, it did take a lot of energy for him to do so. Unfortunately, he couldn't keep it up long enough to chase and bring down any prey. Not yet, at least. He was still learning and figuring out this ethereal form of his, after all. Even so, he was at least able to mostly keep the energy up enough for Bellamy to be able to physically feel him. A comfort both of them appreciated greatly, he was sure.

Ears perked at the sound of her voice as she stirred after her belly rumbled with hunger. Crimson gaze lingered on her as he sighed. "I know where we can find some," He chuckled. At least, he hoped they were still around...or at the very least, needed very little mending. "I think our little nest here is cozy enough," He rumbled as he pressed further against her, head resting over her shoulders with a content sigh. "But if you insist, we can get more pillows...and get you some food. You need to eat, Bellamy. We've had a long journey."

speech action



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
07-31-2024, 08:37 PM

Acere stirred at her voice, focusing on her and sighing when he realized that she was hungry. He wasn’t upset, if anything he had likely figured this would happen. The woman was set in her ways, stubborn as all get out. She would have asked for Ears and Whiskers to help her hunt but she had them lag behind to let Haydee know she had gone North. As much as Bellamy wanted to distance herself from what had become of the pack and their relations with the Raiders, she knew that realistically it would continue to trouble them all. The last thing she needed was for her daughter to believe she had left because of her. Bellamy didn’t want to make things worse and, reactive as she was, she knew she would defend Polaris tooth and nail even in their wrongs.

And she could not give Haydee up to the Raiders either. Haydee was young, naive, and though lines had been crossed Bellamy shuddered at the thought of more of her pup’s blood being spilled than had been already. As much as she wanted to, Gilgamesh had made it clear it was not her crime to bear the punishment of. At least not alone. She had no doubt that one day they would return to the borders of the pack. Would Bellamy be brave enough at that point to come back to Polaris for her family? Or would she live out her remaining days as a coward, on the run from everything… including herself?

Her trailing mind is brought back by Ace, who comments that their nest is cozy enough, and Bellamy smiles at that. Even with all that has happened, she feels genuinely happy to be with him. His touch, even if it is not the same as that of a living bean, has provided her with more comfort than she had realized she needed. His mention of her needing to eat makes her frown some, however. “Probably…” A soft sigh escaped her lips. She really didn’t want to lift herself from the blankets, but the longer she went without food the worse it would be.

“You know… It’s nice being back here in the north.” She rose, stretching her front paws forward with her rump in the air. “It feels like home, quiet and cozy… maybe I needed a little vacation from pack life.” Though she was making light of the situation, she was happier here. This was home… although the scent of a pack lingered dangerously close in a territory that had once been part of Winterfell. Bellamy turned her green gaze to Acere, arching a brow as she rumbled. “If you know where we can find some nets, I’ll have you lead the way. My memory of this place is a bit fuzzy… haha, maybe I’m getting old, eh?” She teased. She still remembered the ship, but she’d take an excuse to follow after the dire male.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-27-2024, 09:39 PM

"Mmm...I agree," He remarked as he waited for her to get up before he followed suit. Unlike his living years, his bones were no longer creaking and cracking. His vision had been restored within the realm of Somnium, and yet, he preferred to keep it so that the eye that Ignis had damaged remained. Regardless, it's not like he needed both eyes anyway. He had learned to adapt with the one when he was alive, and it had not become much of a hindrance for him even in his past life. Still, to feel every bit as normal as he could, the large male stretched and yawned, rolling his shoulder and shaking out his fur as he listened to Bellamy.

He chuckled as he nosed her shoulder, "Ha! Old, but not quite there yet. Let's go find out, shall we? I'm sure much has changed since we were last here, but maybe we'll be lucky." With that, he quietly left the room and made his way down the corridor, peeking into each room he passed to see what all had changed, or maybe if things had been moved around. Clearly they had been, and whether it be by one paw or many since he had passed away, well, suffice to say he wasn't sure.

Claws clicked almost eerily on the ground as he moved, making his way toward the broken hull of the ship where he remembered storing some nets once upon a time. Trekking the short distance through the snow on the side of the ship, he found the yawning hole and he motioned to Bellamy before he slipped inside, emerging a minute later with a net in his jaws. "Looks like it's our lucky day after all! Nobody's touched the nets I put here, though they will need a bit of mending."

speech action



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
09-12-2024, 10:50 AM

Bellamy smiled, her little tease earning her a chuckle from the man she loved. Yes she was getting old, but they both knew as stubborn as the woman was she wasn’t about to kick the bucket yet. Time was an uncertain thing, and though there had been trials for the femme, some self inflicted, she had survived them all. That was, in part, a small reason for wanting to leave pack life behind. Though there was safety in numbers, packs brought with them eventual drama and dangers of their own. She wanted to savor the little bit of time she had left with Acere… and she couldn’t think of anywhere more fitting than here in the north. Not that she wouldn’t go back to visit her family of course. Bellamy still loved them and wanted them to thrive… and, perhaps without her influence and lack of proper judgment, they would.

Stepping across the floorboards Bellamy trailed after Ace, letting her own gaze shift over the rooms. It was clear others had been here after them, though how much had changed from when Winterfell was here she couldn’t say. It was a bit strange though, just having the two of them here. She almost expected to hear Avalon and Felicien’s pups running down the corridors… goodness, they’d be having children of their own now… possibly their second or third litters. How time had flown. Bellamy frowned, the memories causing a little pang of sorrow in her chest. She longed for those simpler times… There were so many “what if”s that nagged at her mind…

The snow was frigid as her paws moved across it, making her flick her ears back some. The sooner they got the nets set up the sooner she could go back to snuggling with Ace. He’d lead her to the broken hull of the ship, disappearing into the hole while Bellamy peered inside. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust, taking note of some various things still within. Life vests upon the floor, a damaged raft, bits of wood that had once been part of a larger object… The creatures who had made this thing were strange ones. Bellamy was thankful for what they left behind though.

A couple of moments later Acere had emerged and Bellamy smiled, her tail wagging back and forth as she took the other end of the net to spread it out. They were going to need to see exactly where the damage was so they could fix it up, good as new. “This is a relief. I wasn’t looking forward to trying to fish in these icy waters without one.” Her green gaze flicked back to Acere, a smile tugging up at the corners of her maw. “I wonder, will you still be able to the taste of food even if there isn’t a need to eat?”

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.