
The Other Side



09-26-2013, 07:51 PM (This post was last modified: 09-26-2013, 07:51 PM by Isardis.)

Oh how he could have so pleasurably carried on, ripping and tearing as the crimson of his once-son would stain the pallid of his maw. Wasn?t it righteous? To take back the blood he had given him? Oh, but this was only a tiny portion of what could be done, what the albino would strive to do in future. He were far wiser than to let him build his forces, no, he?d not have the chance; the angel would swoop down and take his prize before he had the ability to assemble his defences. Taurig would be eliminated.

It was only this time, after the forceful blow to his chest, that Sendoa?s voice would manage to sway him; to arouse a satisfaction within the damage that had been done to the blue fool. Blinded by his rage Isardis were still unable to survey whatever harm had been cast, but considering the mouthful of hair and blood The King found himself forcing away from his tongue, he was adamant the stupidity would have something to remind him of his choices. He would retract with a sickening snarl, pulling away from the body of the family-exile as strings of bloodied saliva would drain from his lips.

Cautiously he would turn, muscles still reboring with the vigour of his hatred as he would slink towards his Duchess and Sentinel, casting a backward glance to the bloodied mess that was once his son, ?You will never be forgiven, nor forgotten; only when your blood spills from your veins and the life drains from your chassis will you be my son again.? His voice bore a low husk, an eerie sense of lifeless chill crawling free of his pipes like the spawn of a sprite. He would continue, a snarl presented to Sendoa and Argent, a ricochet of his anger as he would aim to thump into the blue woman?s shoulder, to force her return to Glaciem, ?Neither of you will have anything to do with the enemy, you will not seek his presence without consent, if he comes upon our borders you are to kill him; regardless of his intentions.? And with those words of conclusion he would slink, drawing his path back to his Kingdom.

exit isar.



5 Years
Extra large
09-26-2013, 09:32 PM

Glaciem would never be a home to him again, so long as he lived. He was banned from there, hated, exiled. Well at least by his father anyway. He wasn't sure how the rest of the pack really felt about his whole having left them and now starting a pack of his own. He was sure some of them were hurt, to be honest, he didn't care much about what the rest of the pack thought. Though he'd made an effort to try and to get know all the females in the pack, there were simply too many and the titan wasn't one to get attached quickly. So it didn't bother him much what they thought of him now. He was no longer in their pack, so they were not his concern any longer. But Sendoa...what did she think about all of this? Surely she was disappointed in him. He had left Glaciem at a crucial point in time; Isardis had ignited the possibility of war and he being a key tool of protection had now gone away. Surely she wasn't at all pleased with that, but from the way she was trying to call off the pearly ghost, she didn't like what the ghost was doing to him. But maybe on some level he deserved it.

A voice from behind him caused his now bloodied ears to swivel backwards. Gitan, the first man to have arrived at his call was calling out to Isardis to get him to step. What a spectacle he must be at the moment, getting torn to pieces by the Ice King. But it was over now. Taurig had put a stop to it, Sendoa finally haven gotten through to Isardis. The ghost would stumble back, the titan's flesh and blood dropping from his pale jaws. The ghost would slink away back towards the Glaciem's, turning back to spit fowl words at his once-son. He would never be forgiven or forgotten and clearly never allowed back over the Northern border. The titan would stand like an immovable structure, having straightened himself up, ignoring the fact that crimson liquid was oozing down from his left ear and spilling from his torn nose down over his paws. Gaze would remain icily impassive as he watched the man who was once his father walk away and back to his snowy domain. It was a permanent goodbye and one he didn't regret.

He would wait until the Glaciems had left, giving his aunt a lingering look before turning away to face the wolves that had gathered around him, his icy gaze softening as it touched Seraphine's before dancing over to Gitan. I am sorry you all had to see that. Don't fret yourselves, they're only scratches. We won't have anymore interruptions now. Please feel free to explain your reasons for being here, I am all yours. Haunches would fold beneath the titan as he lowered himself into a sitting position, attention completely focused on the crowd before him.

Talk like this



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-26-2013, 09:34 PM

She had heard the howl from the eastern north. Yet again, Tortuga changed paws. And this time, the call was familiar. She let curiosity draw her out, taking her out, and toward it. She arrived in time to hear most of what was said, and to see Isardis once again prove himself the lesser wolf. As the pale male left, Erani stepped forward to stand beside Taurig, eyes watching the retreating form, chilling over with ice. ?That wolf will rue the day he chose to take up the mantle of leadership. The mantle ill fits him.? She turned her gaze to look at Taurig, taking stock of the injuries he?d sustained. <?Congatulations on your claim. Perhaps you are what this land needs. It takes a lot of courage to do something like you did today. That offer still stands you know? I would proudly take you as my son.?

Her gaze fell to study the wolves gathered already to see their new leader. Not one of them was Nnoitra. What had become of the male? Kaien was long dead. Perhaps Nnoitra now shared that fate. She turned her gaze back to Taurig. ?I?ll have to head home soon, but have you a healer yet??

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



5 Years
Extra large
09-27-2013, 02:55 AM

As he sat waiting to see who would be the first to speak up, a flashback would come to the bloodied King. He was back at the battlefield, trying to bargain with the Valhallan beta Cormalin so that they wouldn't have to fight when the one woman he had hoped to not see there had arrived in all her icy, healer/warrior fury. He had never seen Erani so enraged before and he wasn't sure he ever wanted to see her like that. She was such a kind woman and he could only guess that it took a lot to get her past the point of no return. Luckily for him, that rage hadn't been directed at him and he would try his hardest not to invoke that kind of feeling in her. So it would come as a surprise as suddenly her familiar ivory figure would appear beside him, her own azure gems tracking the retreating figures of the Glaciem's, lead by the Ice King himself. Her gentle voice was wrap around his ears, causing them to flicker in discomfort, a pained look taking hold of his features as she turned back to face him. She would congratulate him on his claim. Apparently, it was what this place needed. That was the first positive thing he'd heard about his actions all day and he was glad that it was coming from Erani.

That offer still stands you know? I would proudly take you as my son. The King's careful mask would crack for a moment, his icy eyes glistening over for a moment before control was regained, his mask flawless once again. A mother. His own mother was back at home, tending to his birth pack. Here...he was alone. He had his aunt Sendoa, but she was in Glaciem, with probably more loyalty to the white bastard than anyone else. His sisters, half sisters at that couldn't be trusted either. It seemed that anyone that was from the Ice King's bloodline was forced to be his little slave, to be loyal to him no matter what or they would suffer the consequences like he had today. But he didn't care. He didn't need them anyways. I would be honored to be considered your son Erani... would come rumbling lyrics, only meant for the ivory woman beside him. His mother. She was his mother. She didn't understand how much he needed someone like her at the moment, but in this particular time it wasn't the appropriate time to express that need. Some other time, when he could steal her from Valhalla he would have a good talk with her. For now, he was just glad that somehow she had found her way here.

She would glance around to the wolves that had gathered; Seraphine, Gitan, Maia and the new dame whom he'd yet to meet before turning back to him, asking if he had a healer yet. No I have not, but don't worry about me mother, I'll heal. Besides, scars are cool. A hint of a smile would touch his ebony lips as he allowed his gaze to fall back on the gathering before him.

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11 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-27-2013, 06:41 AM

Taurig accepted her offer, and she smiled, nodding slightly. ?I ask only this. Set aside any anger that you have for Chrysanthe. I raised her when her mother died, and she is my daughter by heart. When her father gave her and her siblings to me when his mate passed, I believed myself barren. Though that has been proved false, she and her siblings are as much my children as if they were my own blood. Chrysanthe is a wonderful leader, despite her young age. She and you are about the same age, in fact.? Deep blue pool were serious as she studied him, watching the blood flow from his nose. As he bade her not to worry, she nodded. The healer?s sense knew he wanted those scars. He would carry them as a badge of victory, instead of a mark of shame as she was sure his father intended.

Rising, she nudged his shoulder. ?I have to get back. Winter and war are coming, and I need to get gathering to stock up my den, and show my pupils some good spots in Valhalla for winter gathering.? She turned her eyes to Seraphine. ?You need to be heading home soon as well, young one. With Glaciems near, it?s not a good idea for a yearling with no training to be wandering alone.? The girl could easily end up becoming a grandniece, and Erani didn?t want her getting hurt. She gave a nod to Taurig. ?Let?s hope this war ahead isn?t too horrible. I?ll let Chrysanthe know of your claim. I?ll let you tend to your new Pack. Walk safely, Taurig.? She cast him a smile, then turned and padded away, heading home.


Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



5 Years
Extra large
09-27-2013, 03:20 PM

She would smile at his having accepted her offer to become her son, but she would ask only one thing of him.I ask only this. Set aside any anger that you have for Chrysanthe. I raised her when her mother died, and she is my daughter by heart. When her father gave her and her siblings to me when his mate passed, I believed myself barren. Though that has been proved false, she and her siblings are as much my children as if they were my own blood. Chrysanthe is a wonderful leader, despite her young age. She and you are about the same age, in fact. Chrysanthe. She was the red-faced queen who had fought against the Ice King. The cobalt titan would dip his head, a silent acceptance of her request. He had no reason to hold ill will towards the Valhallan queen anymore. The man she had fought was no longer his father and the pack that was his was no longer his home. There would be no problem with him accepting Chrysanthe. The only problem would be if she would accept him or not. He would have to travel down to the west in order to speak with her and hopefully make an alliance between Tortuga and Valhalla.

And then his new adoptive mother would rise, nudging his shoulder as she informed him that she needed to head back home and help the healers stock up in supplies. She didn't miss a chance of informing Seraphine that she too had to head home. And with a wish for good luck, the ivory woman would disappear back the way she came, back to Valhalla. A quiet sigh would slip past the king as his attention returned to the wolves surrounding him, wondering if any of them would speak up.

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09-27-2013, 04:37 PM

He didn't understand. This was her home. But before she could open her mouth to speak, a ghostly figure stalker into the center of the meeting, stopping close to this new alpha, Taurig. A frown crossed her features, confusion filling her young mind as he attacked. She expected that th darkly colored alpha woud defend himself, but he didn't. He just stood there and accepted it. Why? Not a muscle moved until the ghost left, taking with him two females that had followed him. It seemed then that they were in a bubble of silence. A pale woman was the first to speak up. But once she left, silence followed, the alpha waiting.

"What are your plans for the pack?" Vocals would ring out, reaching out across the his darkly colored ears. She was just shy of a year, but spoke with surprising confidence and intelligence. She wanted to know what would become of her home. And if there would be a place for her in it. She had been abandoned before, but the land had never let her down, only the wolves within it. Would he let her down too?

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09-27-2013, 11:08 PM

Ignored. She was ignored, and the feeling was certainly not pleasant. Argent was ever-devoted to her master, and yet she had become more and more overcome with the feeling that she was disposable to him. In horror, the Duchess observed the fight, overcome with the realization that there was nothing she could do about it. A blade could only cut what the master?s arm commanded it to, and thus she was frozen, unable to do anything. The sensation of being an item, of being a blade, had never been more difficult to swallow than it was now. Perhaps in another life she would fight and defend Taurig, but in this one she could not.

The battle ended without much resistance from Taurig, and stern orders from Isardis. When her love departed, Argent waited a moment longer, shooting the new Tortuga alpha a look that said it all. It was then that she left, already planning to return, planning to disobey for the very first time. ?exit-



6 Years
09-29-2013, 01:10 PM

Gitan remained tense, every fiber of his being wanting to lunge at the albino monster. He forced himself to remain where he was standing however. He forced himself to stay rooted as he watched the silvery viper snake his way back down the mountain, having said his piece. A low growl slipped past him as he fought the urge to chase after the man. With a snort he sat down again, rather perturbed by the events. Just what exactly had he signed up for? He turned his attention back towards the obsidian male who was voicing his apologies and telling them he would be okay.
As if on cue another wolf trekked up the incline, an older woman who seemed to know the would be alpha. Gitan would sit back, let her tend to his wounds, his time to speak would come, but he would wait. He was nothing if not patient. He even allowed the ebony and ivory girl to ask her question, flicking his ears. He would interject then. ?I would offer you my services, I am not as fast as some but I have already visited much of this land and might make a good messenger and from the looks of it you?re going to need all the allies you can get.? He cast his gaze down the incline towards the retreating figures. He then sat back, would the boy accept his offer?



09-29-2013, 04:25 PM

A familiar red form entered the meeting, speaking gentle words to her. Crown lifted to meet the gaze of her aunt. She got the impression that she wasn't her aunts favorite out of her siblings, but not once had the red woman said anything harsh to her. It didn't matter, its not like she was ever around or even acted as the young girls aunt. They were merely just blood related. And if she were honest, she didn't particularly care for Vi anymore than Vi cared for her.

She watched in blank horror and surprise as the pale ghost that had appeared attacked the new Alpha. She didn't understand why this was happening. Betrayal. Son. Words where tossed around. Their pack endangered. It was all so confusing. From what Taurig had told her before, Glaciem had been fairly peaceful. That must have all changed. Just as quickly as the attack started, it ended. The new Alpha did not fight back, but instead let this name, who was presumably his father, attack him.

Things settled, Taurig tried to get things back on track, refocusing the pack, assuring them. "I-I will offer my services in any way you need." She let her words leave inky lips in firm tones, emerald faze looking directly at the Alpha. What had made her offer to join was beyond her. This was the place where her mother had been killed and now she was offering to join the ranks. It was a fight, but she didn't ever let her expression waiver once her Aunt had arrived, carefully let her masked face go neutral, there would be no reason for the red woman to speak anymore to her niece. Attention was set on Taurig, waiting, hoping that he would offer her a place in his pack.




5 Years
Extra large
10-01-2013, 01:57 AM

He was pretty ashamed that these prospective members had to see the explosion from the Ice King. Had he been able to, he would've spared them the drama, but it seemed that Isardis had wanted to make things public and that's how things had gone. But perhaps it had worked in his favor. They would see what Glaciem was like and perhaps steer clear of it, deciding to come join Tortuga instead. His pack needed the numbers, but he wasn't counting on Glaciem's bad reputation to bring him in new members. They would trickle in on their own, of that he was sure. The first to speak of the group would be the small ebony girl with the ivory stripe going down her muzzle, wondering what his plans for Tortuga would be. My plans are to rebuild this pack from the ground up, to transform it into a thriving family and make it one of the most respected packs in Alacritis. It was possibly a general and probably vague idea of where he wanted to go, but it was something. Would it answer the girl's question sufficiently? He would have to wait and see.

And then Gitan, the first man on the scene would speak up, offering himself up as messenger of sorts, willing to help the new King in any way that he could. Maia, the girl he'd met at the beach some time ago would too offer her help to him, bringing a weak smile from the bleeding titan. I'm glad that little show didn't scare any of you away because I would like to extend an invitation to all those here who would like to become part of Tortuga. You may join as a simple member, but if you have a rank in particular that you would like, please feel free to let me know. There hasn't been anyone I have denied as of late. His icy gaze would touch each wolf individually, hoping to convey something close to trust.

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6 Years
10-02-2013, 12:39 PM

Gitan listened as the man explained his plan for his new pack, and Gitan nodded. In that moment he knew he had made the right decision. He was not one for pack life but perhaps it was time for that to change. He had to laugh at the idea of a clash chasing him away. Gitan might not have been one for fighting but he had seen his fair share of them, and while he had not enjoyed seeing them, he would survive. This had clearly been a family dispute and now the man would need others to fill his ranks so as to fight back against the albino should he ever return.
He would shake his head as the man offered him the chance at a rank. ?I am no warrior, fighting is not within my nature. I am a decent enough hunter, I could tell you of decent enough hunting grounds around here.? That would be all he would offer, deciding it best if his new alpha chose where he would rest. Rank didn?t matter to the man, he would serve his new pack no matter what rank he held.



10-02-2013, 08:15 PM

She would stand in the back as the scene changed within seconds, Isardis appeared and within seconds he lunged at Taurig and inflicted what he wanted. Seraphine couldn't help but emit a low snarl from where she stood, thinking terrible thoughts, labeling him as a pup who didn't get what it wanted, acting out to get attention. And then he was gone, leaving a cut up Taurig standing alone. The girl would glare at the man as he left with his women, then watch as Erani stepped forward to speak to the young man. Seraphine would turn her head to the side, ears folding back. At least somebody in that large pack had some sense and didn't want mindless war.

Erani then directed her voice towards Seraphine, the young girl lifting her head and locking her gaze on the older woman. She should head home soon also, that with Glaciem near it wasn't a good idea to travel alone without any training. She nodded her head, fully understanding.

After she was gone a few would speak, but before she left Seraphine wanted to speak. She would approach the man, her gaze going to his wounds before locking onto his icy eyes. ?I should follow Erani's advice, but before I leave, perhaps I could clean you up?? She would ask in a soft voice.




5 Years
Extra large
10-04-2013, 01:50 PM

Gitan would be the first to speak up, bringing a small smile from the King. He was apparently not much of a fighter, but instead his talents lay more towards hunting. He seemed to know more of the area around here and where the good hunting spots would be, which was good knowledge to have. Then I can see no better rank than a hunter to fit you Gitan. I hope you approve. He honestly didn't need to seek the approval of his pack members since he was their King and could tell them what to do, but he was trying to reinforce the fact that they were all equals and that their opinions were highly valued.

As he waited to see if any of the others would speak up about what kind of ranks they wanted, Seraphine, who should've left already with Erani, came up to him, her bi-colored eyes dancing over his bleeding wounds, her voice a soft whisper as she asked if she could clean him up. A tender look took hold of his icy eyes, his good ear folding back against his head a gentle smile curved his ebony lips. That would be really nice. he murmured to her, his gaze now focused on her own, though still aware of the other wolves surrounding them.

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10-05-2013, 05:41 PM

It was difficult for Seraphim to get a solid grip on what had just occurred. He had watched with a focused eye as the new controller of Tortuga accepted abuse from a wolf who appeared to be an angry father. Deep within his bones he felt shock at the whole event. He couldn't imagine harming his own child that way, at any age. It was abhorrent.

Once the unwelcome entourage had exited, the young male quickly composed himself. To Seraph's surprise, Devya was the one to speak up and ask what the plans for the pack were. He listened attentively, somewhat thrilled at the prospect of rebuilding Tortuga. He wished to speak with the boy, to tell him of his willingness to aid, but he chose to allow others to speak first. A male he didn't recognize was granted the rank of hunter, and Seraphine offered to help the male with his wounds.

He followed behind Seraphine and offered the new alpha a smile. I would like to speak with you while my friend tends to your wounds, if that is alright. He sat back gently on his haunches, wrapping his tail around his legs. Taurig, right? My name is Seraphim, and I wish to assist you in rebuilding this pack.

talk, think