
The Summer Bonfire Festival (Year 20)

Open to all friends of the Hallows


Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
06-12-2024, 12:48 PM

She would never admit aloud, but being a loner was not for her. As much as she thought the freedom would be amazing and fun, it honestly was really fucking boring. Most anyone she came across was either lame or didn't care for her attention. There were a few boys she had her eye on, but nothing really stuck. So instead, Calliope went home to her parent's open arms and found herself tagging along to the bonfire. After being filled in on anything she'd missed, she was eager and itching for some excitement.

Bringing up the tail end of their posse, Calliope's bright gaze wanders over the growing crowd of wolves. Not many she recognized except for the younger black-coated boy who she had googly eyes for once upon a time. While her gaze may have lingered on him a moment longer than others, it full stops when her nose catches scent of them. How had not-Ethne scum been invited to this shindig? Calliope's hackles raise instinctually, teeth grinding together as she moves around her lounging parents to wander closer to the excited puppies.

Any move toward the pups or even her parents and Calliope would be on them. Hell, even if they didn't try anything, she just might.

Calliope Fallen
table coding by bunni ♥

Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (295)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years
Dire wolf

Double MasterStudentRapid Poster - Bronze1K
06-12-2024, 02:40 PM
Dread was on edge. Not forgiving himself for leaving Deluge alone, in the short time he had... the things that had transpired. Tension in the house is normal, reasonable-- he knows that much. But he should have been there to diffuse it. He should have been on hand to calm nerves, to take some of the fire out of the situation. The show must go on.

Joining the rest at the bonfire festival felt... weird. Though he shared blood with so many in attendance, many felt like strangers to him now. He'd surrounded himself with Raiders, and they'd taken him in. At least there's less tension now, with bigger fish to fry. Offering a cordial nod to Artorias, Dread crosses to place a small offering (two seashells, that reminded him of the curve of his mother's horns) for Zee on the pyre, before moving to find somewhere to settle.

A shift in the breeze carries a stench that sends his hackles up along his spine. Acutely aware of his brother in law's rules, but oh boy, things were about to get interesting. He recognized the loudly colored fuck from the last few raids. Tipping his head to Deluge, Dread's words are soft. "This'll be good." Words quiet, tense, hanging off his tongue.




Advanced Fighter (100)

Beginner Hunter (0)

5 Years

Pride - Gay (MLM)Pride - PansexualThe Ooze ParticipantWinnerSnake Eyes
06-12-2024, 03:00 PM
The invitation from Shaw had been entirely welcomed by Sore, who has been lingering somewhat close to the Hallow’s land for some time now. Shaw has stolen his heart and the monochrome male spends even second that he can beside the seasoned warrior. With the directions drilled into his memories, Sorcerer set about the task of making himself presentable, going so far as to acquire scented oils for his bath water and a special cologne that is meant to entice the darker man.

Once his coat is thoroughly brushed and said cologne applied, Sorcerer then sets off to the festival and his waiting boyfriend. Luckily, it doesn’t take him too long to get to the plains and he hustles toward the gathered wolves since it seems he might be just a tad late. Finding the familiar oil-slick of a coat among those milling around, he slips through the crowd until he is beside the other man.

Amusement sparkles in his eyes as he brushes his scented coat against Shaw and purrs, “Well hello there, handsome. Fancy meeting you here.” It is a tease, a way to stir up the darker man as he turns his eyes up to Grimshaw and grins. Settling in beside his boyfriend, Sorcerer leans into the larger form and hums contentedly as they wait for the festival to kick off, together.

"Sorcerer Vyle-Klein"

code & art © skelle


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
06-12-2024, 03:02 PM

The news of the Bonfire Festival had reached the ears of Polaris and Haydée had yearned to go. It was for those who had left, who’s physical forms are now gone from the arms of their loved ones and the small woman knew she had to go. With the loss of her nephew and the disappearance of her mother and sister, the russet wolf has been feeling absolutely lost and had shut herself away from the world.

To make it worse, Haydée knows that Bae-Syl, her loyal, trustworthy brother-in-law, has done the same, blaming himself for things beyond his control; a mirror into herself that she distinctly ignores. Maybe that why she had seen this as an opportunity to drag him back into the world of the living, to pull them both out of the shadows and allow some form of healing to begin and she knew the Raiders had been invited which made her extremely nervous to see them.

Of course, he had agreed to accompany her and, as the sun began to sink below the horizon, the pair had struck out of Polaris land toward their neighbors and Hay carries with her, a small leather satchel. It doesn’t t take them long to reach the grassy plains where there is already a throng of wolves that have gathered and she finds Artorias standing in the front, by the unlit pyre.

Taking a breath to steel her resolve and completely ignoring the Raiders in attendance, the small woman winds her way up toward the front with Bae-Syl and greets the Lord of the castle softly, “Hello Artorias, sir.” A respectful dip of her head is given before she turns to the stacked logs that would soon light the world with their blaze and she withdraws the small item from the satchel that she brought.

It is a child’s toy, one that Baecette would have loved if he had ever been well enough to play with it; it is the form of a tiger that carved from wood and made with great detail. With her nephew on her mind, she places the item among the logs and softly whispers, “Be at peace Baecette. I will see you again, one day.” A sad smile is offered to the memory of her ill nephew before she steps back and turns to where her former Bruiser sits.

Walking up to him, she brushes her coat against Bae-Syl who has been sitting close by and whispers, “I will be sitting with Eltrys. If you need me at all, just call and I will come running.” A wobble of lips before Haydée moves off, spying the large earthen man and beelining it for him while giving a wide berth to any wolves that belong to the Raiders Hollows.

Coming to a stop beside him, she fidgets nervously for a moment before stepping into the man’s space and immediately plops her butt down beside him. Heart hammering with anxiety at being in such close proximity to the wolves that hate her face, Haydée leans into him for support as they wait for the festival to begin.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.



Intermediate Intellectual (30)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

2 Years
06-12-2024, 05:37 PM

Poor Finch. Unfortunately for her, Magpie was either always late, or always early. She was never just "on time." And today it was late. The small yearling, nearly a fully grown adult bounced her way after the fading scent of her sister. Their parents might have taught them better but Maggie simply hadn't been able to part with anything she felt valuable enough to give as a gift, so she hadn't brought anything. Well besides her cheery smile and bubbly personality. Hopefully that would be good enough.

It was probably a good thing Magpie was quite as social as she was, as it seemed there were quite a few wolves already gathered and she watched for a moment wide eyed and curious as some of them trailed up to the absolutely massive blue wolf and the antlered woman beside him. (Antlers!!!!) Though others still seemed to hover at the fringes and she idly wondered if they were shy. Then she spotted her sister. If it was expected of her to go and introduce herself to the pair of wolves Maggie was ignorant of such an expectation. There was a chance she'd been told and her mind had simply been elsewhere at the time. Either way the yearling bounced her way to her sister's side, where she settled beside Finch with a wide grin.


Art by Beau!
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
06-12-2024, 06:51 PM

While Clove worked beside her father, an array of wolves approached him. Most came to say hello, and others introduced themselves. Clove quickly assessed them, noting their appearances and scents, not thinking much of it. Until. Her nose twitched, paws full with a plate of dried meats when the scent of Tojo-Kai danced in the breeze. Akito? She stops, her eyes scanning the bustling plains but she can’t see much with all of the moving wolves. Another worker bumped into her, and she nearly dropped the plate of meats. Gotta finish this first. She continues to help set the food out, wondering if more Tojo wolves will be arriving.

Having just set down another tray, Clove’s ears start to twitch on her head, picking up a familiar voice. Ember! Spinning around, she watches her sister and… Erik? That was his name, right? Glide across the plains and walk up to their father. Wagging her tail, Clove waits patiently for her turn to say hello to her sister, smiling warmly and wrapping a paw over her shoulder to hug her. “Ember!” She said, nuzzling her and enjoying their reunion. “I've missed you so much.” Still looking at her sister, she motions toward Erik and Artorias with a sly flick of her muzzle. “Is this his first time meeting Tati?” She whispers, assuming they’d met before but she wasn’t sure. Man, having Tati meet your crush would be so nerve-wracking! Wait, had she introduced him to Akito yet? Did Tati even know who Akito was? Now her mind was spinning. Oh well, she had time to figure it all out.

She, in fact, did not have time.

Clove smells him before she sees him- that familiar, masculine scent she could pick out in a crowded room, flooding her with a rush of emotion and drawing her attention. It wraps her in a sensory embrace, igniting a spark of recognition that flashes within her eyes. Akito. “Ember, he’s here.” She whispers again, keeping her sister close. “Akito is here.” She doesn’t dare to turn around and look for him just yet. “How do I look? How’s my hair? My necklace?” She raises a paw and starts nervously fidgeting with the pendant, making sure it’s sitting square on her chest. The depth of her crush on him was so obvious. Just his scent made her all jittery and nervous.

And as Ember looks at her sister, they share an unspoken message between them. He’s walking up now. Straightening up, Clove continues to pretend she’s talking with her sister, but really, she’s making some final touches to her appearance. Ember gives her a silent thumbs up, and Clove slowly turns around just as Akito nods to Artorias. Clove nearly melts where she stands, watching as he gravitates toward her to greet his brother and her sister. Clove waits patiently for his gaze to turn towards her, aligning her contrasting eyes with those endless pools of celestial grey. She feels heavy beneath his warm smile, the magnetism of his well-groomed appearance drawing her in like a gravitational pool she can’t resist.

“Hello, Akito.” She says, smiling sheepishly. There is an electric charge between them, a palpable tension that those around them can feel. “Thank you.” She receives his compliment well. “It was a birthday gift from my Mother and Father.” Oh yeah, her Tati. Now would be a good time to introduce them formally; a lot was going on, and it would be easy for them to slip away with Ember and Erik while Tati was preoccupied. Taking a breath, she decided to do it. “Oh, have you formally met my Father, Artorias?” Hopefully, she wasn’t making him feel even more awkward. “Tati,” She calls for Artorias, who is still close by. “This is Akito- he’s from Tojo-Kai.” She says, keeping it short and simple. She didn’t want to call him a friend. Couldn’t quite call him a boyfriend. He was somewhere in between- so for now, he was Akito from Tojo-Kai.

After Artorias greets Akito formally, Clove moves in to pull him away. “Are you hungry? Thirsty?” She says, motioning for him to follow her towards the larger layout of foods and refreshments.

"Clove Carpathius"


Raiders Hollow
The Nightmare

Master Fighter (290)

Master Navigator (400)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

3 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!Island HopperWinnerUnderachieverOverachieverStudent
Double MasterCritical Observation!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
06-12-2024, 07:09 PM

Deluge hadn’t allowed the small scrape on her side to affect her anymore than a bugbite, but it had instilled in her some begrudging respect for her mother. She always assumed the woman didn’t fight because she couldn’t, not because she just couldn’t be assed and had plenty of other wolves to do the fighting for her.

Dreads tension was palpable as he caught the scent and a broad grin crossed her face, morphing to a sneer as they fell on the bright pelted male that hung by Haydees side before moving off. The audacity of showing up to a party you weren’t invited to and showing up kitted out to fight. Her hyena like snicker would be audible to anyone close enough, a raised brow offered to their host and mischief dancing in her eyes. Just how did they think this was going to end? Perhaps it was fitting, attending a festival for farewells with a death wish. "No money on whether a fight’s gonna break out, s’ jus’ a matter’a when…" and whether her father snapped first or her sister.


Due to distance kept from her Raider kin and her regular travelling taking her out of pack lands, Deluge smells and acts like a loner. The only noticeable scent other than her own is Dread who may join any of her threads at any time.



Master Healer (256)

Intermediate Navigator (45)


3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - PansexualSamhain 2022
06-12-2024, 11:13 PM

To say Crux expected this to be awkward would have been an understatement. This would be the first time he'd likely be seeing a few faces he could anticipate since the fateful day he'd seen his father off. He didn't really have any anger anymore, just a sadness that a line had been crossed, one he couldn't ever forgive. And to an extent he had to be grateful, if it hadn't been for the broken leg it was less likely he'd have finally just gotten his shit together and decide to be with Triss. Or at least it would have likely taken longer to get there. Crux had let Triss know where he was going, though he hadn't outright asked her to accompany, for a few reasons. The simplest one was that he wasn't even sure if he'd be welcome. He was Armada no longer, but he hoped at least being family would count for something. The second was harder to explain. He was starting to realize he needed to face this, had to finally let himself process and grieve over his mother's death. He needed to do that to become a better man, one closer to what Triss deserved. He wasn't sure he wanted to face this by himself but he also didn't think it right to ask Triss to join him, it was his burden to carry until help was offered and not a moment before.

Crux swallowed down the lump that had formed in his throat and he made his way into lands that brought back too many memories. He searched for a moment, scanning for something he hoped would be familiar. But he was left at a loss. All Crux could do was hope he'd found the right thing to offer to the pyre, his memory still so hazy. Crux kept his gaze on his brother-in-law as he approached, familiar scents telling him which of his family had made the trek and he wasn't sure if he made eye contact right now that he wouldn't chicken out, assume he wasn't welcome and beat it back home. So he focused. When he made it up to his brother-in-law and older sister he gave a small smile and nod. "It is good to see you both." He began, unable to hide his nerves. He was almost certain it would be obvious up this close, he no longer smelled of Armada, but carried a scent that was not likely to be too familiar to many, so new was the pack. Crux awkwardly shuffled himself out of the way, carefully looking for any sign he might be chased out before he finally turned his attention towards the growing pile of offerings. Crux fished out his own offering. Small white flowers with curled petals. The ones his mother had told him she liked all those years ago, at least he hoped they were the same ones. He gently placed them and ducked his head for a moment. "I miss you every day mom." He whispered to himself before finally turning.

His gaze landed first on his brother, who was busy whispering into the ear of his raider girlfriend and despite himself he smirked, not unkindly. He was moving again, making his way through the crowd to find his own place to sit and take it all in. He found his nephew next and after a falter in his step he gave the new warlord a respectful nod. Finally it was his father whom he gave a soft smile as he passed. He knew there was likely much they'd need to discuss. But after. For now he found himself a space where he could sit comfortably and wait, letting his mind turn to memories.

Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

Crux has a 6 inch long burn scar on his throat, most of his art does not reflect this.


Raiders Hollow

Expert Fighter (210)

Advanced Intellectual (90)

Dire wolf

Snake EyesOoh La La
06-13-2024, 02:29 PM

Korona burst forth from the saddle bag with a joyous bark, her paws moving in a blur of excitement. She darted in circles around her family and siblings, her boundless energy a boisterous thing compared to the serene plains that stretched out before them. She skidded to a stop momentarily, her nose twitching as she took in the myriad of new scents that filled the air. The freedom of the open space invigorated her, and she leapt forward, nudging her siblings with playful enthusiasm. Without a moment’s hesitation, she sprinted towards a distant rock, her sleek form a streak of light and galactic charm against the green expanse, heart racing with the thrill of exploration.




Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

1 Year
Extra large

Rapid Poster - Bronze
06-13-2024, 07:04 PM

It's a long trip for Dominus, but he doesn't mind it. There's an excitement about it... and maybe a hope that he could see her again. Sure, she lived right next door, but being able to visit with Lumine out in the open would be nice. Maybe he could even introduce her to dad, and see if she'd be allowed to visit like a normal... regular visit.

Offering polite, cordial nods where he feels like they should go, Dominus realizes that he's a bit out of his depths. Okay, more than a bit. There are so many strangers out here, man. Taking a minute to scan the crowd for anyone to cling to-- Lumi! Not wanting to look overly eager, trying to play it cool, Dom wanders as casually as he can to her side. "Is this seat taken?" Tone warm, a little smile playing on his lips.

dominus mendacium

table coding by bunni ♥


Judilian Band

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Healer (230)

1 Year
Dire wolf

WordyOoh La LaRapid Poster - Silver
06-14-2024, 07:16 AM (This post was last modified: 06-14-2024, 08:01 PM by Atreyu. Edited 1 time in total.)

Exploration had never been Atreyu's strong suit, the trailblazers of her old pack had been the ones to go out in the world and find new territories, along with the resources they carried. In this new land, Atreyu found herself getting better at navigating her new world. She moved south, wondering what all this world had to offer her and her family. Coming upon a land bridge at the very tip of the continent, the spotted woman made her way across it. It was a surreal experience to be surrounded by water on both sides but yet remain relatively dry. Not long after she made it to the lower continent Atreyu noticed that there seemed to be a migration of sorts going on.

Following the others, Atreyu made her way toward the invisible border of The Hallows, though she was unaware of the name she could make out the boundary line. Stopping for a moment, the ocelot coated giantess waited to see if anyone else would show. They did and they walked right across the border, shocking Atreyu. Still, she followed them, coming up to a massive stack of wood and burnables. What was going on here? She chose to sit on the fringes of the group to watch the interactions between wolves and find out who ran this gathering. It was a dark black and blue male who everyone seemed to greet first. Walking up to him, Atreyu made to introduce herself, ensuring she wouldn't be seen as an intruder. "Hello, I hope I am not intruding on your gathering." She may be rather brutish sometimes, but she did have respect for pack wolves.

Open your wings, Evil Angel!
'Thinking.' || "Talking." || 'Hearing.'

Atreyu can be rated M for mature, not always, but expect it to pop up.
Her companion, Bigs, is assumed to be with her unless otherwise mentioned.
As her betrothed, Azriel is allowed in any of her threads, regardless of tag or label.


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
06-14-2024, 02:19 PM

Wolves from all walks of life began to gather as twilight crept over Auster, bathing the world in navies and indigoes as the golden sun bid its farewell to the world for the day. Armadan wolves, Elysian wolves, Hemlock wolves, Raiders and Tojo-Kai alike. Artorias looked to Sirius when his father-in-law stepped up to join him and leave his offering for Zee on the fire. The Lord of Cinder greeted each wolf that came to leave offerings on the fire for their lost loved ones, grateful for their presence. When Modesty and Gilgamesh arrived and let loose their latest litters upon the Hallows, Art couldn't help but break out into a smile. He was such a dad and just loved puppies so much! Seeing the little balls of fur go tumbling about as they explored the unfamiliar territory stirred something instinctual inside the dire brute. Perhaps next summer would call for more Carpathians...

Identification: A pale golden fae approached him, one he did not recognize and who bore no scent of a pack on her. She introduced herself as Identification—a curious name—and thanked him for his hospitality. Artorias dipped his head back to her in greeting. "A pleasure to meet you, Identification," he replied in his low rumbling baritone voice, a warm and welcoming smile on his muzzle. "Thank you for joining us tonight. Enjoy the festival."

Clove: The soft footfalls of paws coming up beside him caught Artorias' attention, and a quick glance down found his smallest daughter coming to join him. Smallest, but certainly not a little girl anymore. Clove looked so beautiful and grown up with her makeup and Carpathian pendant hanging around her neck. Artorias couldn't help the swell of pride he felt fill his heart as he admired the young woman his Clove was turning into. Smiling brightly at her, Artorias craned his head down to nuzzle and kiss his child's forehead. "Good evening, Clovie," he spoke affectionately to her, his voice warm and full of love. "Arăți frumos în seara asta, micuță prințesă."

Dusk and Sitri: As he and Clove continued to put out the last of the libations for their guests, Artorias felt a nudge against his side and neck. Amber eyes turned to find the matching fiery jewels of his eldest daughter, greeting her with an affectionate smile. He leaned down to plant a tender kiss upon Dusk's crown, noting Whisper gleaming in her tail, as it always was. "Încearcă să te relaxezi în seara asta, copila mea. Totul e bine." Looking up to Sitri,

Ember and Erik: As Dusk and Sitri walked off to find a place to sit, Artorias' eyes glimpsed movement approaching from across the plains. The familiar dark coat of his daughter was unmistakable, and it looked like she had brought some friends from the north with her. Artorias couldn't help the happy wag in his tail to see her again, a smile naturally finding its home on his muzzle, but he restrained his enthusiasm for now. Was Ember still mad at him? Should he remain passive? Art moved to greet Ember as the Hemlock group joined the party, and when his daughter smiled at him and nuzzled his shoulder, the Lord of Cinder was awash with relief. His smile widened as he nuzzled Ember back, placing a kiss upon her forehead. "Bună, fiica mea. Mi-a fost foarte dor de tine." Amber eyes raising to meet Erik when Ember directed his attention over to him, Artorias marveled at how much the boy he'd met on the mountain had grown. Well well, was he trying to court Ember now...? Erik is polite and well-spoken, thanking him for allowing Ember to aid Hemlock. Artorias gave Erik a lopsided grin and chuckled. "You're very welcome, Erik. Your family and your pack are always welcome here." But on a more serious note, Artorias had a concern he hoped the young brute could help put to rest. "How are your father and mother? Is there anything we can offer to help them?" Víðarr and Tenshi were friends to Artorias; if he could help them in any way, he would.

Akito and Clove: While Ember began to immediately catch up with Clove, a dark-coated lad approached and bowed his head respectfully. Artorias recognized the yearling from the previous Harvest Ball, and the smell of Tojo-Kai on him tipped him off that this was one of Hattori's children. Artorias turned his attention away from the boy for a moment—until Clove's call for him brought his attention right back to them again. Clove was at the boy's side, a brightness emanating from his littlest daughter's expression that he hadn't seen before, but one he definitely recognized. She introduced the boy as Akito, and Artorias met Akito with a smile and intrigued eyes. "Pleased to meet you, Akito of Tojo-Kai. I'm very glad someone so important to Clove could join us tonight." Art shot his daughter a playful look, clearly teasing her to get a rise out her like any father would. Clove had never introduced someone to him before; this boy must be incredibly special to her to get that kind of royal treatment. As Clove led her "friend" away, Art watched the two of them with a knowing smirk, seeing the blossoming affections between them. He'd have to keep an eye out for Akito around more often...

Mae: Another loner approached the Lord of Cinder—a dark-coated fae who introduced herself as Mae. For a moment, Artorias was almost struck dumb. She reminded him so much of how Laeta had shown up to their bonfire one year, just out of the blue. It was almost like reliving deja vu. Except Laeta was gone; just another memory and a branch on the bonfire now. Artorias offered Mae a welcoming smile and dipped his head to her in greeting. "Be welcome, Mae. I'm glad we can bring you happy memories of your home."

Venom and Maverick: As Mae moved away to mingle with the crowd, Artorias' eyes saw the forms of two familiar wolves coming to the festival. Their appearances almost seemed like ghosts coming back from the dead, but the joy they filled his heart with assured Art that they were very much real. Artorias broke from the group after Venom had left her offerings on the bonfire and intercepted the Klein woman in a tight embrace, just thankful to see her again in the aftermath of everything. "You had us all so worried," he spoke softly for Venom's ears only, reveling in the presence of his friend and longtime peer. "I'm so glad you could come." To the man Venom had bound herself to, Artorias offered Maverick a thankful nod, the gratitude in his eyes resounding.

Cerberus: A face from his long distant past approached after he let Venom go to get comfortable. Artorias would remember the russet and black brute anywhere, though he was so much larger and grown now than when he'd last seen the boy! "Cerberus, welcome! How is Chimera doing?" Art was always concerned for his friend's wellbeing, especially since he'd never seemed to be able to shake his illness from the Long Night. More and more, Artorias worried that this time might be the end of his friend. He sincerely hoped not.

Briar: Turning to meander through the crowd and greet some of the others that arrived, Artorias spotted a flash of tawny brown and turquoise that was worn by the most beautiful fae in all the world. Amber eyes fell upon his wife and lingered on her, the Lord of Cinder gazing at his Lady with nothing short of pure love. He watched with quiet reverence while she left her offerings to her mother and their lost wolves amongst the kindling. Artorias just followed her with his eyes while Briar went around greeting each of their children, then her father, and then came to join him, by then a wide and affectionate smile painting the dire brute's face. She kissed his cheek and Artorias intercepted her lips with his own for a tender kiss before she could pull away. He couldn't help it; he just loved his Deer Girl so damn much.

Bellatrix: After he'd given his wife a bit of affection, Artorias turned his head to look over the crowd of wolves once more and was met with the familiar magenta galaxy of Bellatrix. The elder alpha's eyes lit up with recognition and he welcomed her with a smile. He showed no disappointment in her, for there was none to show. Fate had dealt her an unfortunate hand, but a loss was not defeat unless she allowed it to be, and he knew she wouldn't be kept down. "And you as well, Lady Bellatrix," he greeted her in turn, "Thank you for joining us tonight."

Deimos and Kintsugi: It was impossible to miss the Mendaciums' arrival with their bright galactic furs of violet and blue. Artorias met Deimos with a welcoming smile. He still didn't know the new alpha very well, but there was always time, and the Hallows and Elysium had always been close. "You and your family are always welcome here, Deimos," he replied to the King's gratitude, then smiled to Kintsugi as Deimos introduced his daughter and bowed his head. "A pleasure to meet you as well, Lady Darika. Please, enjoy the bonfire!"

Haydée: The presence of Polaris wolves at the bonfire was not unexpected, but it was cause for Artorias to keep a watchful eye about. In the aftermath of the alphas' meeting, it was still unclear where Polaris stood in relation to the Hallows, given their new alpha had yet to come entreat with him, but he assumed they were still in the friendly category for now. Not allies, but not enemies either. Art had told Modesty the Hallows would remain cautiously neutral to the pack until such a time that diplomacy occurred, but so far it had not. Still, Artorias met Haydée with a rueful smile. She had lost much over her short life—she had a reason to make offerings to the fire. "Hello again, Haydée. Be welcome." But the look in his eyes told her the second part of his message unspoken. Be careful. With this many Raiders about and one of Polaris' wolves showing up armed, Artorias had concerns.

Atreyu: As the time to light the fire came closer and closer, a wolf clad in vibrant pink and red-speckled fur approached. The young woman bore no pack scent, nor was she someone the Lord of Cinder recognized. But on this evening, all who came in peace were welcomed. "You are not, my dear. Welcome to the Hallows. If you have any dead you wish to honor and remember tonight, feel free to place something in the bonfire for them." He dismissed her with a nod of his head to mingle. He'd have to find out who she was at some point tonight. The Lord always made it a point of knowing who all the wolves in his lands were.

As dusk swallowed up the sky and stars appeared in the moonlit heavens with bands of rippling auroras starting to form overhead, the time finally came for the bonfire to be lit. Standing and taking his place before the giant pile of wood, kindling, and reverential offerings, Artorias turned to address the crowd. The biggest turnout they'd ever had. "Thank you all for coming tonight! Our annual Bonfire Festival is a time for us all to come together to celebrate life, and the lives of those we have loved and who have passed on. This bonfire is a symbol of the light we all carry inside ourselves; special, unique to us. It keeps the darkness at bay and reminds us that we are never alone in the light. I look at you all here tonight, wolves from all over the world, from different packs and sects, of different origins and creeds, families together again for the first time, all here to celebrate life. This night is special thanks to each and every one of you."

With his speech done, Artorias picked up the lit torch staked into the ground and faced the fire. Gazing up at the pile of kindling, the Lord of Cinder tossed the torch into the pile, watching as the oil-soaked wood immediately began to catch, the flames spreading fast and hot. Light and heat immediately began to blaze, chasing away the dark of the night for several hundred yards around the bonfire as the sun finished disappearing below the horizon. Artorias smiled to himself and stepped back to admire the fire as it grew, the symbol of his family burning intense and strong. Turning back to address the party, backlit by the massive fire, Artorias swung his paws open wide with a grin from ear to ear. "Be welcome, friends and family! Eat, drink, revel! Live for tonight and share your light with the world!"

ooc: The Bonfire Festival is now in full swing! No post orders needed from here on out. Feel free to continue posting in this thread or make alternating branching threads in the Starlit Plains or Wildberry Grove as you all wish!

"Artorias Carpathius" | "Carpathian" | "Corbin" | "Eira" | "Argent"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.


"The Bully™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid King

Master Intellectual (635)

Master Fighter (870)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverWordyBest BudsSocialiteCritical Attack!Legendary
LoserRaiderCritical Fail!Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarred
Snake EyesWinnerOoh La LaDouble Master1KAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teethVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Overachiever
Critical Block!
06-14-2024, 08:03 PM

Gilgamesh lounges beside Modesty, content to watch the festival unfold before him. Most of his attention is on the pups that wander away and between the legs of others. True to their personalities, most of them aren't afraid to introduce themselves and make friends. Though they're young, the socialization would be good for them. No reason to shelter them when Hallows territory was supposed to be friendly territory.

More and more wolves arrive, coming and going from Artorias to greet him and offer their own tidings to the bonfire. If he had anyone to mourn, he would have done the same. Alas, with Sparrow still alive, Gilgamesh had no knowledge of anyone passed that he cared to remember. It's an interesting concept, one he commends Artorias for. The Aegis could have kept the ceremony and tradition to his family, but to open it to friends and strangers alike was more than Gilgamesh would ever do.

Now, it was safe to say that after all that had transpired, Gilgamesh would be honest in saying he was surprised the Raiders had been invited. What more is that he is surprised that Artorias had also invited wolves from Ethne (he refused to acknowledge their newly adorned name). His yellow gaze lands on the colorful bloke donning fighting gear. Paranoid, hm? He thinks to himself as he watches to see if others arrive. Shifting his weight so that he's resting on a hip, alleviating his ribs a bit to ease the soreness, Gilgamesh stretches and relaxes until an all too familiar form peaks out from underneath other's legs.

"Had I not warned that old bag I would be coming for the girl?" Gilgamesh lets out a reverberating growl, his eyes narrowing and ears flattening. With gaze locked upon Haydee, the world around him disappears. No longer did he hear the din of the crowd around him or Artorias begin to speak out to the gathering. He didn't notice the pups or Modesty or Jael. No one else would exist except for the ex-alpha that he had sworn would learn a lesson.

If Gilgamesh was anything, he was a man of his word.

He does his best to be patient. As his blood continues to boil, piercing glare and low snarls all on Haydee as she cowers next to her little boyfriend, Gilgamesh waits for Artorias to finish. There was no sense in ruining the festival completely over scorned emotions. Tonight was still about The Hallows and their traditions, but Gilgamesh was not missing his chance. Not when she was stupid enough to show up. Had no one thought to warn her? Had Bellamy nor Saga not informed her of his threat? Of the impending doom that would soon befall her? Why was he surprised?

As soon as Artorias' voice died over the crowd, Gilgamesh was standing to his paws. "Gather the pups and return home," Gilgamesh sternly murmurs to Modesty and Jael, his eyes darting over to Sakana who was already corralling Pythia and Lyra away from the growing flames. Without another word, Gilgamesh moves silently through the crowd. Relaxed, nonchalant, not a single emotion upon the blank slate of his features. Not a soul would guess what was about to happen until he comes to stop before Haydee.

"You can either come willingly or I will use force. Your choice," his voice is low and threatening as he lowers his head closer to Haydee so that no one but her and the man at her side would hear his words.

Gilgamesh vs Haydee for FORCE CLAIM
Round 0/?
Age: (Only include: over 1 year, under 1 year, or under 6 months as applicable)
Size: Extra large
Build: Balanced
Offensive Battle Accessory: Spiked bracers
Defensive Battle Accessory: Gold chainmail cuirass
Companion 1: Barn Owl, Female - Flying
Companion 2: Wolverine, Male - Battle
Mutation 1: Crystal spines - Defensive
Mutation 2: Tufted deer fangs - Offensive
Skills: Master Intellectual & Master Fighter
Specialty: Professor & Slave Master
Items: Lucky Rabbit's Foot - Bunni OOC

gilgamesh is aggressive, don't trust him


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
06-14-2024, 09:51 PM

Mercury was there to enjoy the bonfire and participate in the packs event. But first and foremost, he was a Commander in the Hallows and it was his duty to uphold the pack's laws and neutrality in the bonfire event. With so many different packs here, he was keeping a close eye on the interactions in case of trouble. When one of the Raiders made his way to one of the Polaris wolves, he paused what he was doing and watched. Knowing there was bad blood between them. But this was the Hallows, and both packs were allies to Artorias. He wouldn’t-- he would.

When Gilgamesh issued his challenge, he glanced at Artorias, and his Alpha gave him a subtle nod. Permission to act. He moved forward. “You're disturbing the peace of the Hallows, you need to leave.” He ordered, his measured voice soft. He pushed against Gil, attempting to move him back so he could escort him out of the pack.

Mercury and Sirius vs Gilgamesh for dominance/expulsion of the Hallows
Round 1/?
Age: Over one
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Balanced
Offensive Battle Accessory: Creepy Contact Lenses
Defensive Battle Accessory: Leather bracers
Companion 1: Cormorant, Female - Flying
Companion 2: Silver Fox, Male - Battle (Boosted)
*Companion 3: Silver Fox, Female - Battle (Boosted)
Mutation 1: Cat claws - Offensive
Mutation 2: Thicker fur - Defensive
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Weaponsmaster


[Image: dg62nk4-76f92f5f-869b-474b-8882-b89098d6...nlMae_v5_o]



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
06-14-2024, 09:51 PM (This post was last modified: 06-14-2024, 09:52 PM by Sirius. Edited 1 time in total.)
The old Warlord’s thoughts were heavily on his family as he greeted Basilisk, caught a glimpse of Dread, and thought of the wolves he had left behind and lost along the way. When he saw Gilgamesh, he realised it was the first time he had seen the other wolf since he had caught him trespassing in the Armada territory, chasing Hanako through the caves as he attempted to harass her under the Warlords protection.

Now, here he was, attempting to harass a wolf under the Hallows protection. All wolves that entered the Hallows should expect safety while they enjoyed themselves. He caught the look between Art and his guard, and gave Artorias a wink. He would run support.

While Mercury confronted him, Sirius snuck up behind him, cutting off his exit so he couldn’t try to cut around and cause further mischief.
“You heard him.”
He murmured, his voice full of warning.

Sirius and Mercury vs Gilgamesh for dominance/expulsion of the Hallows
Round 1/?
Age: Over 1
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Balanced
Offensive Battle Accessory: Front leg bracers with knife
Defensive Battle Accessory: Back leg bracers
Companion 1: Black Vulture, Male - Battle - Boosted
Companion 2: Snow Leopard, Female - Battle - Boosted
*Companion 3: Spectacled bear, Female - Battle
Mutation 1: Cat claws - Offensive
Mutation 2: Fangs - Offensive
Mutation 3: Thicker fur - Defensive
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Hunter
Specialty: Bloodletter



"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
06-15-2024, 12:20 AM

Artorias’s words pull a sad smile to the small woman’s face and she dips her head in gratitude before placing the wooden tiger that she had brought onto the stacked wood. Soft words are given to her nephew before she turns and moves to where Eltrys sits, gently leaning into his side as she waits for the Festival to begin. Eyes are on the Lord of Cinder as she pays no mind to the Raiders wolves, trusting in the neutrality of the pack’s traditions as a space for her to make an appearance and enjoy the night.

When the tall alpha speaks, Haydée listens with rapt attention and he talks about celebrating life and the light they carry within themselves. Hope begins to buoy her spirit as she starts to allow herself the chance to enjoy the night, the company, and the celebration taking place. As he welcomes them and tells them all to revel, a dark shadow suddenly looms over her and all the smaller woman’s hopes are dashed.

He speaks, no threatens her and Haydée refuses to look at him, remembering the promise she had made not to interact with wolves of the Raiders Hollow and to keep the peace of the Hallows. Gilgamesh’s stance relays his intention but she keeps her eyes on the grass between his paws, refusing to look up at him or to be intimidated by his rude behavior. Gaze flicks up to find Artorias and she silently begs him for forgiveness, knowing that her presence has ruined his event.

Two big males’ step into the line of sight of the angry raider, one in front and one in back and she darts her eyes over to Bae-Syl and catches his lavender gaze that is now inflamed with rage. A subtle shake of her head tells him not to intervene before a small incline of her head tells him that they are all leaving, with him hopefully following to offer support. With a soft sigh, Haydée stands and murmurs to Eltrys, “Sorry I ruined everything.”

Those are the only words she offers before turning away from the blazing bonfire that was supposed to a be a chance for her to get some closure with the deaths in her life and instead sets out back to Polaris lands at a quick trot. Head held high, tears burn in her eyes as the small woman realizes that she will never safe as long as the Raiders continue to hold a grudge.

-exit Haydée-

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

WinnerCritical Observation!Critical Fail!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Rapid Poster - BronzeStudent
06-15-2024, 12:21 AM

Eltrys saw the large male sidle up to them out of the corner of his eye. In order not to alarm both girls with him, Alexandrite and Haydee, he did not react, he simply wrapped his dark tail over Haydee's side and kept the pup between his paws. With icicle eyes, he glanced at Artorias and saw an imperceptible nod. Was he behind this? Did he set Gilgamesh on them? Quite the opposite, two ink black males came through the crowd and opposed Gilgamesh. Eltrys thought it was high time to slink away with Haydee and Alexa. While Gilgamesh was distracted he leaned in to Haydee, "Let's go."

-Exit Eltrys-




Advanced Healer (105)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

1 Year
06-15-2024, 12:21 AM

Alexa was enthralled with the stars, and the flickering flames of the bonfire. She couldn't wait to tell Copper all about it. She felt the brown male hug her close to him, and she was delighted to see Haydee with them. But it seemed the grownups were somehow stressed about something. She didn't understand why suddenly a large male was looming over them, it frightened her. She hoped Eltrys and Haydee would keep her safe. She heard two other large males intervene, and Eltrys whispered something to Haydee while scooping Alexa up. They seemed to be making a quick and quiet exit. She wasn't one to complain when the grown-ups were dragging her around. She was used to it by now.

--Exit Alexandrite-


[Image: 20Rva1y.png]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (242)

Advanced Navigator (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
06-15-2024, 12:30 AM

Kea watched his father step up to light the flame and say his piece as the bonfire festival truly started. So many wolves had arrived, and the sheer volume of the crowd flared his growing cautious nature. He didn’t have the same confidence he once did. He understood now how easily he could die. The heat of the deep lava had almost consumed him, and he would never forget the pain of it against his coat.

He looked about for familiar faces. His siblings, his family, trying to draw a little confidence from them. Instead, his eyes fell on the hint of drama just starting to form to one side. He moved, drawing closer to his father. He wanted to say to offer his Alpha protection, but really he was just seeking comfort from the strong, imposing figure of his Sire.



The Hallows

Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf
06-15-2024, 08:37 AM (This post was last modified: 06-15-2024, 08:11 PM by Nelu. Edited 4 times in total.)

Nelu rested near his open window, eyes closed as he listened to the birds chirping in the evening air. A cool breeze filtered in, stirring his fur and easing the soreness that still plagued his body. He was growing stronger by the day but he still wasn't back to full health. Tonight would be the Bonfire Festival and he debated whether or not he would go. He wanted to get back to normalcy, to spend more time with his family. Yet at the same time he wished to lay there and continue to recover. Dare he spend his scarce energy? He didn't want to be set back but at the same time this was an event that only happened once a year.

Opening his eyes and taking a deep breath Nelu got to his feet and set about trying to make himself look presentable. He was still thin but not as emaciated as he had been upon his awakening. He tidied himself as best he could, staring back at himself in the mirror, taking a moment to acknowledge how different he looked and noting it would not always be this way.

With that he gathered his companions and headed to the festival. He arrived just as the bonfire was lit and quietly moved closer to the fire, trying not to disturb the crowd as he settled down to take a brief rest. Though it seemed in need not have worried for a fight soon broke out. One of the raiders alphas, he assumed the man that had supposedly been killed but clearly hadn't been, moved for the former Ethne alphess.

Immediately two Hallows wolves moved for the man. Nelu remained where he was but watched intently, taking mental notes at how the older warriors tended to these matters. While Nelu's focus would be his crafting skills and pottery he wanted to know how he could contribute as a warrior as well. Clearly, this was an example. He could help enforce peace at such events. He filed that away as a future duty to make sure he was prepared for and then focused on his fellow warriors to take note of their form and technique.

Thread Move Log
Thread Forum From To
1. The Summer Bonfire Festival (Year 20) The Starlit Plains 04:02 AM, 06-07-2024 12:26 AM, 07-14-2024