
Curiousity and Adventure!



Raiders Hollow

Novice Healer (15)

Intermediate Fighter (40)

06-11-2024, 10:48 AM

The little las known she shouldn't be all the way from the safety of her pack, the sound of adventures rang in her ears. And the frog she was chasing didn't help either. Deep within trying to catch the frog made her end up at wolf paw lake - without realizing until it was too late. Oh how pissed her mama and papa would be if the caught her here without a sound. A devious little smirk crossed her lips as she continued on, only too loose track of the frog.

She spun around trying to catch sight of it once more with no luck, no luck at all. Stamping her all to big of a paw into the marshy like land causing mud and water to paint her coat, ears swiveled against her cranium. Now for sure they would catch her, seeing the mud. But she could make up a little lie? Right. She snorted at herself, knowing she wasn't one to lie.

But wolf paw lake was the place to capture these slippery frogs, although the avian estuary was also a good place to hunt and fish, she wanted adventure damn it, and for sure she would find it here.

Sagittarius Fallen

Moon Divider


Judilian Band

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Healer (230)

1 Year
Dire wolf

WordyOoh La LaRapid Poster - Silver
06-11-2024, 11:22 AM

Foreign soil always felt strange under her yearling paws, not accustomed to traveling away from her homelands. There was no choice this time, the horrors that faced her and her family at home...No, it was no longer home. Her mother was gone to the Summerlands beyond this realm, and her father had joined her shortly afterward. The demonic king's betrayal would never be forgotten, nor would she forgive whatever forces allowed such evil to exist. Her entire family lay scattered to the winds by the dark forces that had wanted their lands and resources. Atreyu washed up on the shore of this foreign place, traveling inland to see if she could find anyone that could help her. She had family members to find, brothers and sisters she needed to collect.

The metallic, spotted woman moved forward, holographic eyes searching for any sign of life as she kept her steps even and straight. Eventually, she came upon a massive lake, this one looked like a wolf paw and Atreyu caught herself smiling. How odd for a lake to end up shaped so specifically. Stopping by the shore of one of the smaller pools, setting her dalmation bag down by her side and lowering herself down to take a desperately needed drink. Holographic silver to lavender eyes searched around, the black of her sclera highlighting the unique color of her iris. Landing on a small, bouncing pup, Atreyu watched the girl for a moment before politely clearing her throat. Maybe the younger lass would come say hello, children often knew more than they let on. And, if the girl couldn't tell her where she was, maybe she could take her to someone that could.

Open your wings, Evil Angel!
'Thinking.' || "Talking." || 'Hearing.'

Atreyu can be rated M for mature, not always, but expect it to pop up.
Her companion, Bigs, is assumed to be with her unless otherwise mentioned.
As her betrothed, Azriel is allowed in any of her threads, regardless of tag or label.


Raiders Hollow

Novice Healer (15)

Intermediate Fighter (40)

06-11-2024, 08:27 PM

Sagittarius had wandered a little to far into the lands, not realizing that another was close by, excitement raced threw her entire body, as she continued to circle, laughter rumbled out from her throat. Tumbling into the water before catching sight of the stranger. Her tail continued to wag back and forth, watching her. Sagittarius puffing out her chest to look or appear much bigger than she actually was. "Chu can sware someone" Her vocals of innocence slipped out, allowing the other to know that she could have scared her. Although she actually did, Sagittarius would not allow the other to see it.

Her yellow hued pools looking to the other, Looking like a pink and white leopard or some big cat like that. "Itty?" She asked, wanting to know if the other was of a feline heritage, but a cat didn't have a wolfs tail.... did they? Cocking her head slightly in confusion.

Sagittarius Fallen

Moon Divider


Judilian Band

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Healer (230)

1 Year
Dire wolf

WordyOoh La LaRapid Poster - Silver
06-12-2024, 05:47 AM

Eventually, the young pup made it over to the pool she was drinking from, her not-so-graceful tumble into the water bringing a smile to Atreyu's face despite herself. She may be hopelessly lost, but the pup had already brightened her day. The pup's little tail swung cutely behind her as the little being chastised Atreyu a little. Standing to her full height, the massive woman looked down at the baby with a wave of her own tail. "It was not my intention to scare anyone, little one." She gave a wider smile to the girl, hoping to put her at ease. "Are you alright?" Asking this felt strange, the girl seemed fine, but she supposed she could ask anyway.

'Itty?' The young girl asked her, and for a moment, Atreyu had to figure out what she meant. Kitty...she means kitty. Atreyu nearly laughed at herself, though her circumstances made it difficult to think of anything other than trying to figure out where she was. "No, little one, I am a wolf. I just look like a kitty." She smiled as she said this, flexing her retractable claws in the dirt to wow the tiny baby. The girl was a cute one, and Atreyu was a sucker for pups anyway. "Where are your parents?" Concern flitted through those holographic eyes, scanning the land around her for an adult that matched the girl.

Open your wings, Evil Angel!
'Thinking.' || "Talking." || 'Hearing.'

Atreyu can be rated M for mature, not always, but expect it to pop up.
Her companion, Bigs, is assumed to be with her unless otherwise mentioned.
As her betrothed, Azriel is allowed in any of her threads, regardless of tag or label.


Raiders Hollow

Novice Healer (15)

Intermediate Fighter (40)

06-12-2024, 07:23 AM

Still on guard. There was no way that til female was of a wolf, but her ears and tail told Sagittarius otherwise. Her coat matted against her body since falling into the water, listening to the woman speaking, Sagittarius tilted her skull just slightly. Understanding the words that fell from the others lips. Her tail of ebony still dancing around behind her. "Is otay." Although she was happy the other asked. Being a pup still she was curious as to everthing around her. "Why wake shape wike dis?" Cocking her head to the side as she lowered so she sat, much smaller than the stranger.

Her eyes scanning over the other. "If chu not itty, then why has marks wike one?" Maybe she was being rude, then looking to her strange coat, the red that fades into the black with little flecks of white that would become more once she grew older. If she told her where her parents were she'd get in trouble. So she said the best thing she can. "Home" Her tail moving into the direction of home. Wondering if it'd be alright to invite her? But deciding against it. Although thoughts of the other becoming part of Raiders Hallow wasn't too bad of a idea. They were colorful especially mama.

But she didn't know how the pack would take to the little girl bringing home a stranger, a sly smile crawling across her muzzle.

Sagittarius Fallen

Moon Divider


Judilian Band

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Healer (230)

1 Year
Dire wolf

WordyOoh La LaRapid Poster - Silver
06-12-2024, 12:17 PM

There was a guarded look to the young pup, and Atreyu could understand why. If she was truly away from her parents, then she could be in danger. Predators were everywhere, be it bear or another wolf. When she was assured that the girl was alright, Atreyu gave a smile and a nod. "I'm glad you're alright." She felt a surprising amount of worry where this stranger's pup was concerned, though it would be that way if any pup seemed all alone. Drawing her attention from her thoughts, the pup asked her a question. At first, she couldn't quite make out the words, but she eventually translated.

Why was the lake shaped like this? Atreyu could only guess it was the geography beneath the lake, perhaps it was an oddly shaped crater. The ocelot-spotted giantess wasn't sure she could explain such complex geographical subjects with the pup, but she could try. "Well, something crashed into the ground and made that shape, or at least that's what I believe happened." A smile formed then, and she gave a mischievous look to the girl. "Or maybe a giant wolf left his paw print on the ground and it filled with water to make this lake." Her tail waved behind her, the girl may not know she was only joking, but she couldn't help it. The girl was just too cute.

Once again, Atreyu was subjected to an up-and-down scan from the girl. Her next question brought a light peel of laughter from the dire woman, "I got lucky, I suppose. I was born like this." When the next question Atreyu asked was answered, the girl only remarked with a simple 'Home.' It was less than ideal, but Atreyu could understand. Either the girl didn't know where home was, or she didn't want Atreyu to know. Either way, the massive lady felt obligated to make sure the girl made it home safely. There was no intention of joining a pack, she already had one of those. Maybe not here in this land, but she had her own family to find. She hoped her family had made it out safe, whatever remained of them. "Do you know how to get home?" Atreyu asked curiously. Maybe there was no need to worry, but she couldn't help herself.

Open your wings, Evil Angel!
'Thinking.' || "Talking." || 'Hearing.'

Atreyu can be rated M for mature, not always, but expect it to pop up.
Her companion, Bigs, is assumed to be with her unless otherwise mentioned.
As her betrothed, Azriel is allowed in any of her threads, regardless of tag or label.


Raiders Hollow

Novice Healer (15)

Intermediate Fighter (40)

06-12-2024, 08:42 PM

Glistening of bumblebee pools take in the womans flashy rouge and cotton and strawberry with oil markings. Wondering how hard it must have to be to hunt, although her own scarlet and coal bodice didn't make the job any easier for herself. Well for her family, but when they would hunt together, it made everything easier.

Buttery gems flash with curiousity and wonder, as Atreyu spoke of a possible giant wolf that made the lake how it is. Midnight tail slicing threw the air. Wondering if she'd ever be able to get as big as that. Stamping her paw down into the water, causing a slurping sound, knowing that she hit some of that syrup like mud and giggled.

Maybe even under the ground there was a deep ocean that roared and caused it too fill. But the water was not brackish or have that all too familiar salt scent, but water you could drink from. She liked the idea of the giant wolf. Lifting her head and letting out a small howl filled with joy and respect to this massive unknown wolf.

"Do chu dink he is wike us but spooky and and and gwosty?" Flashing a smile. Hearing the other laugh, causing that of Sagittarius to laugh. "Broders and sistews would wike dat. Da giant wolf. Maybe daddy or mommy can know?" Curiousity would once more bubble over and make the young girl bounce with sloppy water like mud splashing around, scaring all the smaller prey away.

Others looked towards the commoction. Probably wondering what the hell was going on. Almost like a toddler with ants in their pants. Wait! She was that toddler. "Waiders Hawwo is home." Stated with a smile, flashing small canines of ivory.

Sagittarius Fallen

Moon Divider


Judilian Band

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Healer (230)

1 Year
Dire wolf

WordyOoh La LaRapid Poster - Silver
06-13-2024, 07:52 AM

Worry for the little one was hidden behind a smile, for the younger wolf's sake. When the pup threw back and howled for the joy the thought of a giant wolf brought, Atreyu gave a small laugh and grinned wide. Her speech was hard to follow when she spoke so fast, but Atreyu had spent enough time with babies her age that she could translate what she said for the most part. "He might be ghosty, I wouldn't know that one." Her little laugh was infectious and Atreyu found herself giggling along with the babe. Atreyu watched as the little pup bounced and splashed in the muddy water, a small smile playing on her lips as she could remember being so young. She was only a year old after all.

The girl's bubbly nature was hard to ignore, and Atreyu could honestly say she couldn't help but to join her. Though the mud would soil her metallic coat, Atreyu figured she could always just wash up in one of the bigger pools later. "Waiders Hawwo is home." The girl finally answered as they frolicked in the water. The feline-painted dire wolf had no idea what she meant, what was Raider's Hollow? She could only guess that was the name of her pack, but as a newcomer to these lands, Atreyu had no idea who or where she should be looking. "Could you get there on your own? I am new here."

Atreyu didn't want to leave the pup on her own, but she needed to go and look for her siblings and family. The massacre at home had left their numbers scattered, she had no idea how many managed to survive or get free from capture. "I could walk you home, but I am not sure which way to go." Atreyu was not so lofty as to admit that she had no idea where to go, how else was one to learn how to navigate new surroundings? What kind of pack did this child come from? Would they try to imprison her? Would they hurt her? Atreyu prepared herself for any outcome, but she was ready to make sure the babe got home safely.

Open your wings, Evil Angel!
'Thinking.' || "Talking." || 'Hearing.'

Atreyu can be rated M for mature, not always, but expect it to pop up.
Her companion, Bigs, is assumed to be with her unless otherwise mentioned.
As her betrothed, Azriel is allowed in any of her threads, regardless of tag or label.


Raiders Hollow

Novice Healer (15)

Intermediate Fighter (40)

06-14-2024, 08:34 AM

Sagittarius wondered if her father or mother had ever meant the ghostly giant wolf that made the print so hard into the ground it would be filled with water. Tilting her head she listened to Atreyu, knowing that there was a chance she should return home, but she was honestly having way to much fun. She was learning constantly. And that is what happens when you grow up, you are always learning by attempting and doing new things. Just as daddy stated.

And her parents would not steer her wrong. Would they? She shook the thought quickly from her mind. Hearing the woman speak she giggles out. "It not far." Her tail danced around behind her much smaller frame than the dire wolf before her. She felt a little strange around her other sibilings. Some of them more edgy than she was, and sometimes way to full of energy Tarius didn't know how to deal with it.

Tarius didn't know about many of the different lands, but always listened to the adults of the pack talk and communicate although she known better. "West Boweas." She stated with a wide smile. "Come..." Little legs set into motion as she ran as fast as her little paws could carry her. Before stopping at the edge of her pack. It took a little while, but she lead her, to the boarder. "Dis Waiders Hawwo." Giggling as tail wagged quickly.

Sagittarius Fallen

Moon Divider


Judilian Band

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Healer (230)

1 Year
Dire wolf

WordyOoh La LaRapid Poster - Silver
06-15-2024, 08:49 AM

'Come...' Atreyu watched as the pup rose to lead her toward Raider's Hollow, following along without much problem. Even though the pup was running full tilt, Atreyu found herself only doing a brisk trot, those short puppy legs were doing their best. By the time they arrived at the border, Atreyu could feel her legs burning from exertion and she was panting lightly, her body still exhausted from exodus. The scent of pack lands almost brought a tear to her eye, she missed her family and her pack. She resisted the urge to cry, however, keeping a stoic mask neatly in place. This was not the place for her, she had already made her mind up about that. The pup was all that mattered here and her safety. 'Dis Waiders Hawwo.' The little pup said, giggling and waving her tail. "I'm glad you knew how to get home, little one." Atreyu knew better than to step into pack lands, she was no idiot. She would not be stepping foot in pack territory without an invitation or a pack name like Raider's Hollow. Choosing to wait at the line, Atreyu watched for a moment as she looked around to make sure they were safe.

-to be continued at Avian Estuary-

Open your wings, Evil Angel!
'Thinking.' || "Talking." || 'Hearing.'

Atreyu can be rated M for mature, not always, but expect it to pop up.
Her companion, Bigs, is assumed to be with her unless otherwise mentioned.
As her betrothed, Azriel is allowed in any of her threads, regardless of tag or label.

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1. Curiousity and Adventure! Wolfpaw Lake 10:48 AM, 06-11-2024 11:14 AM, 07-25-2024