


12-11-2013, 07:52 PM

Soleil made the long trek across the open plain of Valhalla to go see her daughter. Her mind buzzed with a million little lines of thought. Overjoyed for her child's homecoming and heart broken all at once. She had not expected to be made a grandmother so... soon. Especially by her daughter. Honestly, with the way Gael followed his lady around, she had half expected him to show up at her den with a confession.

The aging female could tend to be a bit of an airhead at times but to her it was no question who had done the unspeakable to her daughter. Rape in the first degree only her daughter had no one to defend her honor as Soleil had had Collision. The white dame was quite certain that all her children were saints, incapable of sin and above temptation. They were better than she, that was how she had raised them.

She found the den easily, following the scent of her child as well as only a mother could. It was a scent she had known for two years now, who else was better for the job? "Azalea? Azalea, I'm coming in."

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6 Years
12-11-2013, 07:59 PM

"Azalea? Azalea, I'm coming in." The sound of her mother sparked swift alarm in the young female. Her ears drew forward and then back and her head swung around nearly fast enough to snap her own neck. "Mother! Wait-" She stood up, protesting her mother's intrusion but was too late.

Hanging her head with a heavy sigh as her mother entered the den, cheerful and nosy as ever. A rough embrace was followed, to which Azalea gave a "kill me now" glare while silently hoping her father was there to rein her crazy, psychotic, over bearing mother in. Her mother's rich blue gaze was full of light as the shorter woman peered down at the puppies with an adoring smile. Frowning heavily, she sat down to the right of the pups, watching her mother wearily.

Her mother was exhausting. Since giving birth Azalea had managed to cling to her sanity quite well. Certainly someone knew that and had purposely sent her mother to drive her batty. "Mother, these are Soren and Kismet."


12-11-2013, 08:06 PM

Azalea was there to greet her as she entered the den and she quick to hug her child close. It was tricky business but Soleil wished to hold all her children. It would be much easier if they all stayed small, then she could easily sweep them up and hold them to her. Her darlings, her world, her everything. Or was that Collision she was thinking of?

She shook her head lightly as she released Azalea, who was brushed to the side. Wide blue eyes locked on the bundles of joy that lay on the den floor. "Oh, how precious!" She could hardly be bothered to listen to Azalea until she realized she was giving their names. Part of Soleil was rather surprised her wild child had even given them names yet, for Azalea could be quite clueless too.

"They are absolutely darling! Just like their mother." She smiled to Azalea before lowering to the floor to curl around them as though they were her own. "Oh, come here babies. My little grandbabies. Lovely, lovely children." Her voice had lowered, nearly mush as she spoke to the infants. "And what of you, my child. Are you well? I'm told you did so good. I just wish you would have sent for me, you know I would have helped."

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6 Years
12-11-2013, 08:31 PM

"Oh, how precious!" Her mother's exclamation made Azalea's head drop and ears fold back. Eyes narrowed to the pain of Soleil's excessively loud tones. Why? Why did she had to practically scream? No one was deaf here. Well... maybe the puppies right now but that didn't even count.

"They are absolutely darling! Just like their mother." Azalea forced a giddy smile that looked just about as fake as it could with how her eyes always gave away her emotions. As soon as her mother looked away she went right back to looking down right miserable. Over reacting was kinda Azalea's thing, and who knows, maybe she got that from her mother too.

Then suddenly her mother was lying on the ground, pulling the puppies into her. "Mother! The red headed girl stood mouth open, not entirely sure what to make of her mother acting like they were her babies. A hot flame of jealousy rose in her to see her own mother curled around them like a seasoned pro. Her body was itching, itching to flip her shit. But this was her mother. Her small, feeble, sensitive mother. With a loud huff she attempted to let it go. "Oh, come here babies. My little grandbabies. Lovely, lovely children." She rolled her eyes. "You know they can't even hear you, right?"

"And what of you, my child. Are you well? I'm told you did so good. I just wish you would have sent for me, you know I would have helped." Her mother cast her hurt gaze upon her and Azalea stifled a growl. "First, I didn't want ANYONE'S help. Second, I didn't even know I was in labor. So yeah."

"Did you need something?" Her tone was polite as possible as she began to try to persuade her mother to leave.


12-11-2013, 09:25 PM

Soleil shook her head at her daughter's expressive reaction to her lying down with the puppies. Two boys. Boys, something Soleil had wanted more of. In many ways, though, she had grown to love her husband's choice. She was allowed time to enjoy the children she already had. And now the grand children too. On top of that she got to enjoy quality time with her husband. Just the thought warmed her up. Her mind wandering to thoughts of Collision. She had only eyes for him, of course. A faithful wife and nothing less.

As her mind leaned to more sexual thoughts, Azalea was quick to steal her mind back from the gutter. "You know they can't even hear you, right?" Soleil fixed her daughter with a stern look that hardly made the two-year-old flinch. It didn't last though, Soleil looked away, losing her muster. "You wouldn't be half as smart if your father were here." She muttered before nuzzling into the puppies.

When she went to guilt trip her daughter she could see the anger there below the surface. Azalea had always been a little spitfire, set off by nearly everything. "First, I didn't want ANYONE'S help. Second, I didn't even know I was in labor. So yeah." The freshly dubbed grandmother wolf looked truly hurt at first and then she laughed. Out loud. "Ha! Azalea, you must learn eventually that it is not wrong to accept help. Help is good and can forge alliances." She gave her a pointed look before sitting up.

"Did you need something?" She sighed very slowly, showing the duress her child put her under. "To see my baby and my baby's babies but if you'd had enough of me then I suppose I shall go." She stood then, giving Azalea one last stern look. "You really should considering moving den. The caves are just as good and you're a lot closer to the rest of the pack if you need anything."

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6 Years
12-11-2013, 09:41 PM

Her mother was muttering and Azalea couldn't string the words together well enough for her words to make sense. She waited as patiently as was possible for her mother to do something... like leave. "Ha! Azalea, you must learn eventually that it is not wrong to accept help. Help is good and can forge alliances." The miss grew defensive, standing up and pulling the squealing pups to her. "Of course I accept help. If I didn't then Erani wouldn't have been able to tell you about me having the damned things."

Even as she said it, her temper raging out of control, Azalea felt a deep regret for it. She lowered herself to the ground then, stomach churning. "Come on. No, it's okay. Drink up so you'll have sweet dreams." Her tones were a light coo. She didn't look at her mother, feeling bad about lashing out at her like that but too stubborn to apologize. "You really should considering moving den. The caves are just as good and you're a lot closer to the rest of the pack if you need anything."

"No. I'm fine here and its not like I'm broken, I just gave birth. I can function just fine." The fiery she-wolf listened to her mother cluck her disapproval before leaving the den. Her absence making Azalea only feel worse about it.



12-14-2013, 03:18 PM

Today was the day, or so she thought. It was not the day for exploring past the borders- no, she knew that more adravendis had be brought into the world. Wasting no time Guinevere would slink in and out of the shadows, meandering swiftly around all objects that fill the trail of the pathway. The scent of her mother led the way, and oh god we all knew how soleil could exaggerate. The youths head would be held up high and the honey pools would target the den. Was she allowed in?

A small smile would increase upon her thin lips, at the little whimpers heard from the den. The tail would sway side to side and before long guin would poke her head through the entrance. " Hello? Can i please see the dumplings?" She'd whisper, not wanting to create to much noise to disturb the little whelps.



6 Years
12-15-2013, 12:40 PM

Soleil had gone. Where? Azalea really didn't care to go look. It was not like she was in danger here, it was Valhalla. Peace would slowly settle back over her as Azalea pushed up against the back of the den and let the puppies go to town on her breasts. "Hello? Can i please see the dumplings?" The voice was unexpected, ears ticking forward and head lowering a bit.

Guin, come to meet her nephews. Azalea frowned at the thought, her sisters too young to be aunts. She was too young to be a mother. "Yes." It was one word to welcome her sister, though the tension in her voice was clear. She knew her family were the last wolves who would ever harm the pups but instinct dictated her caution.

"Keeping warm, Guinevere?" Was the first thing she asked, her own special way of making sure her sister was well. "These are your nephews, Soren and Kismet." She motioned from the black and white pup to the caramel and white pup.