
The Devils Staircase [joining]



6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-12-2013, 03:12 AM
Sin Armada

Blood tainted paws brought him forth to the kingdom of the one who was spoken about among the winds. Sin, wanting to see the supposed devil for himself. Though he was quite certain that none were more treacherous then himself. His name was screamed from the mouths of the ones who had nightmares of him. Their blood, tainting his pelt in intricate and remarkable designs. He relished in the feel of being in power. And he would do anything to attain. If it meant killing those who stood in his way, then he would not hesitate to strike down his opponent. He was quite skilled in the way of battle, many tricks up his sleeve to aid him. He was always up for a fair game, however, it would only seem so to his opponents. During his travels to reach these lands, he learned to use certain plants to his advantage. The bones of his prey, sharpened upon his claws. Coating them with an extra threat. Sharper then the normal cur who dared go against him. Yes, many tricks.

With a glare of venom, Sin stopped before the lands of the northern villain. His gleaming white teeth glinting in the weak sun light as his lips pulled back in demonic grin. He was here. And those who crossed him would do well to stay out of his way. Throwing his head back in a near neck snapping motion, he threw a chilling call into the air. Calling the monster who was so feared to some. But nothing would care Sin himself...he was the definition of fear.



12-12-2013, 03:33 AM

He was an odd being, a creature of peculiarity and? poor appeal, the markings that littered his pelt somewhat of a shame to his potential faultlessness. Isardis would waltz, somewhat cautiously towards the imposing man; hackles bristled and skull high in a suggestive defence, a warning of his authority as the coral angel would come to hover a conservative distance from the presenting boy. ?Quite the peculiar thing aren?t you, lamb?? he chuckled weakly, extended tail flicking at pale quarters, ?What brings you to my Kingdom? Choose your reasons wisely.?


12-12-2013, 03:44 AM

The call that rang across the land so clearly demanding the presence of Isardis caught her attention, and she felt her body turn towards it almost of its own accord. She moved leisurely, her father could handle himself, and she would arrive just in time to catch the end of his words. Emerging from the shadows of the pines, she would approach the duo, silently coming behind her father and brushing against him with her shoulder, to alert him of her quiet presence as she stared at the stranger who struck some sort of familiarity, though she wasn't quite sure why. Violet gaze would remain impassive, as she waited for the stranger to make his intentions clear, as he clearly set her father on edge.




6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-12-2013, 04:56 AM
Sin Armada

It would not take long for one to approach the daemon's view. Lips curling into a smirk as he noted the wary approach, the male seemingly putting up a defense of insecurity, but Sin would not acknowledge that aspect. Ever curious was his mind as to whether this was the one he sought. He had heard it was an Albino, and this one certainly had the strange colors that did not befit a man. At least, to Sin; pink was not for males to wear. However, he supposed it was genes that gifted the figure before him. He was happy with his own pelt, pure white save for the blood he so chose to paint himself with; a sign of his power and relentless hunting of the souls who crossed him. Surely he would meet them all in Hell. Of that he had no doubt.

It would not take him more then a second to scent another, attempting to approach silently from the shadows but his own trained eye easily seeking her out. A devious grin curling his lips. So, she had made it here as well? This meeting would certainly be interesting. The glance of apparent confusion in her eyes, as if trying to remember some part of her past yet it eluded her. He would speak first to the Albino, and then maybe acknowledge the female that lurked nearby...if he felt like it. "Well, it depends on what your idea of peculiar is. In mine eyes, you are the peculiar one."

Sin was not afraid, did not care if an angry retort was made after his comment. He was never afraid of anything. He was a being that demanded respect, and would give it to those deserving. It was possible that the beast before him might deserve it, depending on the events that unfolded. It amused him, that the one near the pine watched. If she was around watching like an unspoken body guard, then Sin would only assume that her presence meant this male was scared of something. He would continue to assume that, especially with the way she intruded upon the meeting between he and the Albino. After all, he came to see the King. Not her. Such disrespect she intrude when she was not called for. She will learn soon her place, should she cross me. He would think as his venomous glance flicked towards her for no more then a brief breath. He was always the dominant one within his litter, and she would know. Returning mind and sight to the albino, a smirk plain on his face as it spread. Some nerve. What kind of a greeting was that? Was he trying to threaten him? Such a failed attempt. For Sin was never threatened. "I seek the albino king who is spoken of so dangerously. And it would seem that my journey has come at its climax. Tell me, how strong is this pack? I want to know what the values and intentions of this pack are before I even think about considering to join your ranks...Father."



12-12-2013, 05:26 AM

The boy would initiate a motionless strut, an ego overwhelming his bodice that was barely deserving of such a proud stature. Immediately Isardis would grow wary, uncertain, defensive; coral ears flicking back to hug the dainty slopes of his pale scalp, rubies narrowing upon the boy with scrutinizing doubt. Surely he had not covered himself in blood? How foul. Coat would threaten to bristle, and yet Isardis? mind would confide within a confidence of his abilities; yes this boy was a threat, but he didn?t truly have anything to worry about, did he? A reputation was earned, and for good reasons. Roman would come to brush his side, and the albino would find himself leaning into her presence, assuring her of his approval. Something sinister stirred within his amber gaze, and Isardis wasn?t entirely sure how he felt about that just yet. Though his last choice of words would prove somewhat shocking, and just as likely; though The King wasn?t sure he would believe such a claim, at least not upon first meeting, ?And what makes you think I would want you here?? posture would rise, ?It is not your place to ask the questions here boy, regardless of your blood.?


12-12-2013, 05:42 AM

Violet eyes would lay gaze on the man, measuring him up, trying to figure out why his familiarity rang so. She would stand, her head high beside her father, staring down at the wolf she deemed to be lesser. His speech irked her, causing the fur on her spine to bristle. Her fathers touch was reassuring, and at the same time strengthening. The way this oddly marked creature looked at her left a bitter taste in her mouth, a look of disgust fitted itself on her face, breaking her impassive veil. She would not leave her father's side until this atrocity would be dealt with, whether it was a welcome or a denial. She prayed for a denial. The only sound to leave the girl would be a low short growl at the man's words as she felt her hackles rise. She did not like the way he spoke to her father. She didn't get an impression worth having about this creature. Yet she would not speak unless spoken too, for she knew her place. Even if the words this creature spoke made her want to rip its intestines from his body and spread them for the crows to dine upon.




6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-12-2013, 06:00 AM
Sin Armada

He watched the pair with an intent gaze. His grin never fading as he recognized the telltale signs of fear beginning to stretch itself across the soul of the Albino. He could see it, there was no mistaking. It was something he was well acquainted with. The look that most gave him when he was among their midst. He relished in that factor, an unusual emotion of happiness whenever he saw it. It meant he held some kind of strain on the minds of those he met. And they would never forget their encounter with the blood stained demon.

The grin upon his maw grew ever wider, teeth showing faintly as if a smile were peeking from behind sealed lips. He cared not about the empty threats that lied in the air, nor for the presence of the woman. He knew her too well to know that she was the type that was all bark and no bite. And yet...he would simply ignore her. She had no place for him, she was weak. She was nothing more then a fly on carrion to him. His business, after all, was not with her. It was with him.

"Such a pity...and here I thought I would receive a much warmer welcome. That's no way to greet your son. Nephisa would be most displeased if she were here." He would watch with quiet interest at the albino's reaction. Knowing that he stirred something within him, and within the female too. She had always been quite inept at hiding anything from him. He was always good at deciphering a look even within the darkest of eyes. She was no different. "I would think that a King such as yourself would be remotely pleased that one would even decide to approach your borders. Perhaps consideration of explaining what the pack morals and values are, would be most helpful in a decision. Even so, it depended on where in the power grid this pack stood. My skills and knowledge will only serve the strongest...that is, until I become the strongest of the rest." He would speak bluntly. Not attempting to hide any plans, his lyrics emotionless as they left his tongue. He wasn't seeking to dethrone this king in the future...he was seeking to build his own empire. Or perhaps eradicate one of the neighboring packs and take it as his own. Cleansing the lands of such undesirables.