
if i get too fucked up, promise you'll hold me down

korona - fighting seasonal winter 20


Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
06-26-2024, 07:50 PM
Calliope is not the nicest sibling. Well, she's not the worst, but she's also not fond of puppies. Their teeth are sharp, their barks are high pitched, and they were persistent. No matter what she did, it was like one of them was always following her. Plus, there was... nine? Nine of them always willing to tag along. No wonder she was spending most of her time out in her treehouse along the estuary's shore. Tonight was different, kind of.

She had been wandering back toward her mother's treehouse when she'd come across the most Modesty-looking pup, Korona. Compared to the others, Korona happened to be quite a bit more rambunctious. Confident? Reminded her of herself honestly when she was a pup. Not that she was even a full grown adult either, but besides the point! Calliope came across Korona who was unfortunately for her not up to anything - good or bad. So instead of continuing on up into the treehouse to convene with their mother, Calliope offers to take Korona out for a little adventure through the ravine.

"Ever gone out to the Fjord?" Calliope questions, a devious smirk lingering on her pale lips as she leads the colorful patchwork pup through the worn path of the ravine. Long and dark shadows fall across them, covering what little sun was left as it dipped behind the horizon, shrouding them within the oncoming night. Guided by the full moon and cloudless sky, Calliope doesn't falter, but continues. If they made it out of the ravine to the fjord, they would have a good look at the all stars. Maybe Korona would like to see them.

They near the edge of the territory when Calliope begins to feel as if they're being watched. Her fur stands on end, pastel eyes flickering back and forth, trying to sense where exactly the entity was coming from. She can't shake the feeling and unexpectedly steps protectively toward her sister. "You feel that?" She whispers to Korona, continuing their walk, but staying vigilant in case a predator were to pop out and try to snag the pup.

word count 352 / 1500

Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.


Raiders Hollow

Expert Fighter (180)

Advanced Intellectual (90)

Dire wolf

Snake EyesOoh La La
06-27-2024, 08:14 PM
Korona trotted along beside Calliope, her small paws making little sound on the worn path of the ravine. The older sibling's sudden invitation had sparked a thrill of excitement in her, her vibrant amber eyes reflecting the fading light as they moved deeper into the shadows. Calliope's question about the fjord had piqued her interest, the devious smirk on her sister's lips not lost on the pup as she tried to mimic it.

“The fjord? No, but it sounds awesome! What is it?” Korona replied eagerly, her tailless rump wagging with anticipation. She absolutely loved the idea of an adventure, especially one that might set her apart from her littermates. The promise of leaving the territory with her big sister only added to her excitement.

As they walked, the darkening sky overhead began to fill with the first glimmers of starlight. Korona couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for Calliope. Despite her aloof demeanor, Calliope had a way of making even the most mundane of activities seem like a grand adventure. Korona hoped she could be just as cool and confident someday!

The further they ventured, the more the shadows seemed to deepen, wrapping around them like a thick blanket. Korona's ears pricked up, mirroring Calliope's heightened alertness as she saw it. She felt a chill that had nothing to do with the dropping temperature. When Calliope whispered to her, she nodded, her own young instincts sharpening as best they could.

“Yeah, what is it?” Korona whispered back, her voice barely audible for once. Her eyes scanned their surroundings, looking for any sign of movement in the encroaching darkness. The thrill of the adventure was now mingled with a hint of fear, making her heart pound in her chest. But the girl was overconfident at worst, and feisty at best.

Despite the unease, Korona felt determination. She wasn't going to let anything spoil her moment with her sister! Squaring her shoulders, she stayed close to Calliope, her quills bristling as the fur on her spine rose. ”I’m not scared Callie, I have you.”

As they continued, Korona's mind raced with possibilities. What could be out there? A predator? Another wolf? Or perhaps something more mysterious? Whatever it was, she was ready to face it with Calliope by her side! The thought of backing down never crossed her mind. This was their adventure, and she was determined to see it through to the end.

wc; 405


Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
06-28-2024, 06:59 PM
Calliope admired Korona's bravery. As reckless as the pup might turn out to be one day, she reminded Calliope of herself. Unafraid of the world and its dangers, even if her heart was telling her otherwise. Their fear mingled together though Calliope's was more for the fact that if this pup were to be killed or severely injured tonight, the wrath would directed toward her. Why had she agreed to take the punk on a walk again?

"I'm not sure what it is yet," she whispers back, her own hair along her spine rising as the shuffle of leaf litter catches her attention. Bright pastel eyes turn to look, but are only met with deepened shadows. For a moment, she believed she saw the glare of eyes against the moonlight that drifted down between the gaps in the canopy, but it wasn't there after she had blinked. Maybe it was the spookiness of the ravine at night that was getting them riled up. Surely no one was stupid enough to stalk them...

Her attention is drawn back to the pup for a moment, the encouraging words from Korona making her smirk. Even a little chuckle warms her throat, but she refuses to let it out for fear of drawing more attention to them. Or maybe that would scare their stalker off. Just as she's about speak aloud, mouth opening wide, something darts from the brush with quick movements, low to the ground. Beady amber eyes zone in on Korona. The thin body screams emaciation, each rib could clearly be counted. There is desperation in those movements, Calliope can see it clear as night.

As the fox darts in toward the pup, Calliope is conflicted. The predator is small enough that she could handle it on her own, but she also wants to see how Korona will handle it as well. It takes but a second for her decision to become final. Taking a step away from Korona, leaving the pup vulnerable to the fox, she nods head toward the predator. The fox even pauses for a moment, confused on why she isn't stepping in to protect the pup, but it wouldn't matter, it wasn't going to see morning.

"Kill it, Korona," Calliope says firmly. "As you said, I'm right here. You have nothing to worry," she keeps her eyes on the scene that will soon begin to unfold.

word count: 398

Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.


Raiders Hollow

Expert Fighter (180)

Advanced Intellectual (90)

Dire wolf

Snake EyesOoh La La
06-28-2024, 07:33 PM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2024, 07:35 PM by Korona. Edited 1 time in total.)
Korona's heart pounded with excitement and fear as she noticed the fox darting towards her. Calliope's words echoed in her ears, urging her to take action. Her eyes locked onto the beady amber eyes of the predator, and she felt a surge of emotion rip free from her jaws. A snarl, as powerful as she might be one day.

Without hesitating, Korona squared her shoulders and bared her teeth, trying to make herself look bigger and more intimidating. Her mind raced, recalling the lessons, recalling what she had observed from her elders. Instincts took over, and she crouched low, ready to pounce. If she had a tail, it would have been lashing, instead her quills bristled and stood on end.

“Okay, Callie, I got this.” She whispered to herself, more for reassurance than anything else.

As the fox paused, confused by Calliope's lack of intervention, Korona seized the moment. She lunged forward with all the strength her young body could muster, aiming for the fox's throat. Her movements were not yet as refined as her older sister's, but they were filled with determination nonetheless.

The fox snarled and snapped, trying to defend itself, but Korona's youthful energy and bulk gave her an edge over its emaciated form. She bit down hard, feeling the fox's thin, wiry fur and the sharp tang of blood in her mouth. The fox struggled, but the little Kraken held on, using her weight to pin it down. It scrabbled at the ground, snapping its jaws at her shoulder; succeeding in a bite which drew a whine from Kor’s clenched jaws, but she shook and dislodged the pathetic attempt with ease.

“I won’t be beaten by a mangy mutt!” She growled through clenched teeth, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and exhilaration.

Calliope's presence gave her strength, knowing that her sister was watching, eager to prove herself here and now. Her young muscles burned with the exertion, but the galactic coated pup was made of stardust and power, ambers burning bright like the sun. The struggle was brief but intense, and soon, the fox's movements slowed, then ceased altogether. Korona released her grip, panting heavily, her body trembling with the adrenaline rush.

She looked up at Calliope, her eyes wide with a mix of pride and relief. “I did it, Callie! I really did it!” She exclaimed, her voice breaking with emotion.

Korona's chest heaved as she caught her breath, her fur still bristling. She felt a wave of pride wash over her and a newfound sense of confidence. She had faced a real threat and emerged victorious, all with her sister by her side. It was a moment she would never forget, a step towards becoming the brave and confident wolf she aspired to be.

wc total; 1,617

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1. if i get too fucked up, promise you'll hold me down Cryer's Ravine 07:50 PM, 06-26-2024 12:36 AM, 07-03-2024