
Life Among The Dead



"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-26-2024, 06:04 PM (This post was last modified: 06-29-2024, 10:13 AM by Cerberus. Edited 2 times in total.)
Cerberus had come briefly to visit his father after his leaving to join Scylla in her new Obscura. He hadn't stopped to make the time to see him after his journey through Auster, so now seemed as good time as any. He had chose to stay a couple nights in the guest dens to see how his dad was doing, maybe have some quality time and with him feeling better go back 'home' to let his siblings know. He truly wondered if he'd really feel like a place was home again.

As the early evening came over the eastern lands of Boreas, Cerberus found himself at the lake outside of the main island of Elysium. Large paws laid near the bank of the water of the lake, a light snow that had mostly melted from the sun of day. Most of Elysium was on a late night schedule, Cerberus had always tended to keep to mornings as an odd one out. One less patrol for them to fight over he assumed. Of course he wasn't working the lands here anymore, and the quiet of the lake had him taking deep, easy breaths as he tried to look forward at what was next for him. What was next for his father, his family. They always came first in his mind. He just had to revel in the tranquility of the quiet and peace of the moment.

"Cerberus Kline"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

06-27-2024, 10:59 AM

It was during the later hours that she found herself gravitating towards Firefly Lake, drawn by word that Cerberus was here visiting his father. She couldn’t help but think about the evening she had spent with him at the Hallows bonfire, how among all the catastrophes that had been happening- one right after the other- that moment had been a breath of respite. One that she couldn’t help but try and indulge in once again.

She moved quietly toward the lake, her figure barely more than a shifting shadow in low lighting. Her silver gaze scanned the tranquil scene, finally resting on the large, muscular silhouette by the water’s edge. She couldn’t help but linger there a moment, watching as Cerberus's dark coat melted into the surrounding dusk.

As she came closer, Mariah could hear his soft breaths blending into the murmur of the lake's water and the whispering reeds. There was a serene rhythm in the sound, a soothing cadence that seemed to weave through the evening air, luring her in. When she finally got the courage to make herself known, she let out a soft sigh that echoed across the placid water of the lake, her voice cutting through the silence with a gentle whisper.

"Cerberus," she spoke, her words softly hanging in the air between them. Her gaze locked onto his, a mix of apprehension and longing at seeing him again.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-27-2024, 11:47 AM
Cerberus, as Mariah had seen him before, was just laying enjoying the serene sounds of the evening critters and view of the clouds reflecting off the surface of the lake, a soft breeze rushing through every now and then not making the colder weather unbearable as it seemed to subside mostly today. He was laying there comfortable maybe seeming like he was lost in thought when Mariah finally came to approach him.

Not startled, he turned to face her more as she spoke his name, his familiar grin coming across his maw when he looked at her. It was easy to look at her, and catch her gaze as she locked onto his. He wouldn't say he didn't think of her in their time apart. She would always hold a special place within him due to the circumstances. But she wasn't a heavy influence in his mind. Cerberus had other things, he wasn't going to drop head over heels and be some love struck teenager. But when he looked at her, he cared for her. And maybe that was all that mattered.

Shifting his legs under him, he moved to lay slightly on his side facing where she had come from, "It's good to see you Mariah." He spoke in a soft manner in return to her single call. He reached out a paw to pat lightly on the ground beside him, offering for her to join him. If nothing else seeming friendly in comparison to wanting to jump on her. He was never bombarding when it came to anything, and he wasn't a brute that held physical desire at the forefront of his mind. "I hope you've bene doing okay since I've seen you last."

"Cerberus Kline"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

06-28-2024, 08:12 AM

His words wrapped around Mariah like a comforting shawl, soothing in their simplicity. She couldn't tear her gaze away from his, silvery eyes reflecting the dying ember of the sunset. The simple invitation he had extended sent a ripple of uncertainty through her. Mariah paused, her gaze moving from Cerberus' calm countenance down to the paw patting the earth. Memories and emotions flooded her mind, reminding her of the passionate kiss they had shared at the bonfire. How could they act so casually now? Slowly, she made her way over to him, her shadow flickering against the ground as she settled down beside him. His presence was calming. She missed this, his quiet company, the soothing warmth that came from their shared silence. "I get on well enough," she answered lightly, lowering herself to the ground as her gaze went toward the glittering lake.

The words seemed to evaporate into the crisp night air, leaving behind a lingering echo of truth. Mariah's eyes met his and she felt herself being pulled in by the calm depths within them. "And what about you? How have you been, Cerberus? And your sister's pack? Have they settled in?" Her voice held a hint of worry, like a stroke of concern coloring her words. She certainly hoped they were fairing well.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-28-2024, 11:55 AM
Cerberus may have been able to tell Mariah wasn't exactly happy in the way she responded. Certainly wasn't jumping with joy to say her life was this magnificent thing. He wouldn't say his was that way either, but he had hoped to see her a little more lively than she was. He wasn't one to prod though. If there was something to say, he was open to the other to talk to him and on their own accord. He couldn't help that bit of twinge in his heart due the her reaction though.

He kept his eyes, all his attention on her as she laid down beside him and asked about himself and his pack. "We've been good." He commented genuinely, though the easy we rather than I. Cerberus wasn't quite sure where he wanted to be in his life at this very moment. But he was at least content with where he was. As long as he had Scylla and Albion, and Ruse, he could look on the brighter side. "It's a lot of my brothers and sisters, some I haven't seen in a while. We are looking to expand soon." Political talk almost, felt a little strange. Like a conversation of weather or something of the sort. He could almost tell that the longing, the tension between them was physical. He was too naive to think that Mariah had their last encounter heavy on her mind when she looked at him, he just wasn't so eager to jump forward. He was happy just being friends with her, in any way it was between them, benefits and all that. He didn't have any guidelines. "Mariah," He spoke softly, reaching out a large paw to place gently overtop of her own, eyes staying locked on her face. "You can tell me anything you feel you need too, I promise you it's safe and judgement free here." Just like he was for Avacyn. But he gave her the floor to talk about what was on her mind, about him or other things. And she had the opportunity to smother it as well. Again, he wasn't one to prod.

"Cerberus Kline"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

06-28-2024, 02:39 PM

"Expansion," Mariah repeated softly, her silver eyes reflecting the shimmering light dancing upon the lake's surface. Turning her attention back to Cerberus, she took in his calm features, studying them for any hint of emotion. "That's a big decision," she remarked, her voice light and airy in the space between them. "It shows growth, strength. Congradulations." Despite her attempts to appear composed- her polite tone- Mariah couldn't help but feel a sense of unease beneath the polite facade. As they exchanged pleasantries, she couldn't shake off the feeling of being lost, wondering how they had arrived at this moment.

Mariah watched as Cerberus's large paw covered her own, his calm mint eyes never leaving her face. She felt a sudden rush of warmth spread through her at his touch, easing the tension she felt subtly building up inside her chest. His words were gentle, a promise of understanding and acceptance, however, she couldn’t help the burn of confusion and frustration as well. She took a deep breath, her silver eyes meeting his steady gaze as she allowed herself to be open- vulnerable.

"I guess I don't know how to read you," Mariah's voice was hushed, almost like a whisper against the tranquil setting. "I've always been able to gauge someone's intentions, motivations. But with you," she sighed, releasing a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding. "I can't tell if you're just being a gentleman or if you're genuinely not interested." Her tone trailed off as she finished, her eyes shifting from his to focus on the placid lake. The weight of her words hung heavily in the air between them, a silent admission of her uncertainty.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-28-2024, 03:07 PM
His expression dimmed some as she went on, not upset though it may have come off as some kind of harsh. But really he was just showing that he was tuned in to just what Mariah wanted to say. He was open to listening to what she had said about him. It wouldn't put a rift between them whatever she was feeling.

He wasn't very good at initiating things himself, at least the more physical things. Subtle touch came easy for him, touching her paw, pulling her chin, but maybe he was a little afraid of being too pushy. He couldn't put his own claw on that idea, because he had never really been scared of himself or the desire that ran deep in his core. But he would have much rather had a closer relationship with someone rather than rush into indulging in them. Maybe he liked being physical too much and that was the problem.

Mariah looked back out at the lake as he took just a moment to gather his thoughts. His motivation, his intentions. It was simple on the surface, it probably dug much deeper than he was willing to find. "I just want to see those I care about happy." If only for a little bit, he would leave out. If Mariah had a bad day, he hoped he could do something to make her feel a little better. A hunt, a stroll, a kiss. It didn't really matter to him. His paw rose from hers to gently trail along the curve of her shoulder, his eyes watching as it waved over her dark fur before he looked back to her ghostly eyes, "If you want something all you have to do is ask." At least she didn't have to tip toe around, wondering what he did or didn't want. Though that may have opened up a whole other realm of questions. How far he was willing to go, and what he had been asking himself for a long time now. What he wanted out of his life long term. It was easier to do things on the whim than to think he needed things set in stone.

"Cerberus Kline"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

06-28-2024, 03:56 PM

She took a moment to process his words, her silver eyes staring out into the horizon, where the golden sun was slowly sinking into the ocean. The tranquil scene seemed to reflect Cerberus' calm demeanor but did nothing to quell the tempest that brewed within her. His words held promise, an invitation of sorts. But it still wasn’t as clear as she wished it to be. It seemed as though he was offering her the world, and all she had to do was ask. But the asking... that was the hard part. There were words that lay just on the tip of her tongue, desires deep within her heart that yearned to be expressed, to be heard. With a deep sigh, Mariah turned her gaze towards Cerberus, her piercing silver eyes meeting his calm mint green ones. Her heart pounded in her chest like a drum echoing through the silence of the dusk-stained sky.

"I want...," she began, her words losing their strength as they left her lips. How to put what she felt into words? How to voice the longing that was both frightening and exhilarating at the same time? Her skin tingled where he traced along the curve of her shoulderblade. She looked back up at him, searching his expression for anything she could find there. “I want to be close to you.” It was a desire that was difficult to illustrate. “I want your friendship.” She began- but that’s what he already offered her. “But I also want more." Your attention. Your affection. Your touch. Your warmth. She felt like a child- a selfish one at that. “But what you want is just as important.” She insisted with a little more tenacity, watching his reaction closely, the tip of her tail twitching nervously behind her. Perhaps she wouldn’t want any of it if he didn’t want this too.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-28-2024, 04:49 PM
It was like she didn't even have to tell him. It wasn't out of obligation, but out of a spur of the moment. Watching her struggle to get out exactly what she wanted to say. What she wanted. It was harder if he was right here doing nothing, and she wanted everything. She needed her confirmation that he wasn't just a silly naive boy. He was, but there was more under that.

Both paws reached out for her, going to pull her in with her back to his chest, just as he had at the bonfire. He felt something more intimate, more primal when he held her like this. For him they didn't need to be face to face, they didn't need to kiss, he could admire her all like this. His nose leaned in against her cheek as he nearly whispered, "I've shared something with you, I won't forget that." At least letting her know it wasn't all in her head. The past, not right now. Though he was remembering it right now.

One large paw roved around her side and a little just under her chest near her stomach as he went to nuzzle into the side of her neck and cheek. Maybe all a little abrupt which is what he was worried about but he still took the jump. She made enough of a point to get him there. "I'll always be here when you need me." Maybe a silly promise to say since he was no longer in Elysium. But maybe it was more meant to be this way. Mariah would find him in a time of need. And maybe he'd actually try to find her when he came by Elysium. He hoped they could cross paths like they did now, but actually seeking her out to do anything but make sure she was alright was hard for him. Whatever made her feel beautiful, and loved, and helped her sleep at night. He would be there for her.

"Cerberus Kline"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

06-29-2024, 08:00 AM

Her heart pounded in her chest so fiercely, she feared it might burst from the intensity of its rhythm. She had not expected him to pull her in, not so closely, and yet here they were, wrapped in an intimacy that set her senses aflame. She needed it. His breath ghosted against her cheek, a warm whisper that sent shivers down her spine, and his words stirred something deep within her.

Her eyes fluttered closed as she allowed herself to sink into the comfort of his hold, her body fitting perfectly against his with an ease that unnerved her. The memory of their shared kiss rippled through her, echoing in the pulsating heat that spiraled from where their bodies met, and radiating outwards like a stone cast into a calm pond. The silence hung between them then, only the sounds of the tranquil Firefly Lake and their own quiet breathing filling the void. She wanted to stay here, bask in his warmth, lose herself in the paradoxical storm of calm that was Cerberus.

Her breath hitched as she registered the movement of his paw, the gentle pressure against her side shooting sparks through her nerves. His touch whispered promises that words could never quite capture, and she found herself leaning into it, craving more. As his muzzle brushed against her neck, the scent of him filled her senses – earthy, comforting, familiar – and she let out a shivery sigh. His promise, while seemingly simple, resonated deeply within her. It stirred a sense of longing and warmth that felt foreign and yet welcomed. A sweet solace that she hadn't realized she had been craving until this very moment. She relished the feeling, the tranquility it brought along seeping into her very bones.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-29-2024, 10:20 AM
He wouldn't even notice as the darkness had surrounded them from the night, all his attention had been on her in the change but it was like the sounds of the nighttime chirps became more prevalent as what was silence filled his soul. Thin clouds rolled over the sky and some stars could have even been seen over the surface of the lake if he were paying attention. The lake loosing it's namesake due to the winter, but none of this mattered to him. His whole being turned himself over to Mariah as he held her close, as she mended to his touch and seemed to have reveled in it. As much as he held back from getting her into his paws like this, he lived for it. He knew soon he'd have to go back home to Obscura, and he was worried about what the time apart would do to her despite what else she had back here. He wouldn't yield for now.

His paw continued to rove around her sides, moving to her hips and back all soft and gentle maybe not showing anymore eagerness to move forward. But really it was just the way he used himself. He was here for her more than he was for himself, maybe that was clear. His paw under her wrapped around between her forelegs and across her chest, holding her tightly close to him as he kept his nose into her scruff, gently nibbling through her fur every now and then. "Is this what you want Mariah?" He questioned her through a heady breath, maybe implying that she wouldn't say no. Parts of him he couldn't hide from her as he pushed his lower end subtly into her back. But he wouldn't ask for any more of her. It was all just the feeling of her between his his paws, the idea of her. He was content just as they were.

"Cerberus Kline"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

06-29-2024, 01:16 PM

The warmth of Cerberus's breath tickled her ear, sending a shiver down her spine that had little to do with the chill in the air. His whispered words echoed in the stillness, lingering like an unsaid promise in the space between them. He was patient, caring – everything she needed him to be and more. She desired this closeness, his warmth enveloping her. The soft, rhythmic rub of his paw against her sent a soothing pulse through her body, as though his touch could wipe away the anxiety and uncertainty that had been gnawing at her recently.

Turning slightly within his embrace to face him, she met his mint green eyes with a gaze that held a world of unspoken words. Uncertainty, desire, and trust melded into one in the depths of her silver orbs. "Yes," she whispered, her voice barely audible, but heavy with conviction. "This is what I want." Her admission fell quietly between them, a stirring cascade of hope and resolve woven into each syllable. It was more than mere words. It was the bare essence of a certain kind of longing.

She slowly tilted her chin up to meet him, reaching to capture his lips in a gentle, tentative kiss. The sensation sent heat coursing through her veins, a delicious warmth that spread from her lips to the very tips of her fur. Her body streched against his, contorting to fit his shape. She felt the bulk of him, the solidity that was Cerberus. And she felt the gentle poking in the small of her back that sent a burst of desire coursing through her- one that she seated against, and pressed back into with a slow, subtle grind of her hips against his.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-29-2024, 02:35 PM
His head raised from her as she spun slightly, accepting the every touch he laid on her through words. He went still for the moment, a near lusted gaze back at her as she drew closer to him, but really eyes as if he was looking at a beauty so pure. One could think he truly cared about her by the way he looked back into her eyes. And he did, but there were limits. Unspoken ones that would stay silent when he had her wrapped up like this. What kind of full expectations the each of them had once they went their separate ways again. It made Cerberus want to come back just for her, and maybe he would. He didn't have to make an excuse to be here to see her.

He met her same ambition as the two of them met at each others lips, something that already felt so familiar despite only being together once before and not seeing each other for a time between. It all felt right to him. He started gentle with her, moving deeper into what would feel like that longing emotion again. Not frivolous, but desire into every move and lick as he pushed himself farther and farther over the edge. His breath pushed into hers as she drove him into a quiet madness with her body against his, at the very least it wasn't one sided with the physical desires he craved. He couldn't hide that. He just wanted it to be emotional too. Mariah wouldn't be for one night, it was already two but he had no intention of leaving her here forever. There would be a next time if he could help it.

He disconnected them for just a second, a paw moved across her stomach to turn her to fully face him now, both forelegs wrapped around her shoulders and crossed behind but he still gave her a freedom between him and his grasp. Honestly she could have still chose to take a step back and he'd be okay with that. But really he just didn't want to smother and trap her. That was the farthest from his intentions. He caught his breath just for those quick few seconds, his chest pounding more than she had experienced before. His nose leaned back down into her scruff to move across her throat in nibbles, trailing up her chin and back to reclaim her lips with his again. All of the light of her coat lost into his own, gods she couldn't feel close enough to him. The flame drew longer than it was allowed at the bonfire, causing some of the needs he craved to show stronger in his mind and before her. Lip twitched when he gently thrust hisself against the soft of her stomach, or a sharp exhale as he continued. Maybe she knew how much pain the primal urge put him in.

"Cerberus Kline"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

06-29-2024, 04:41 PM

Her heart pounded in response to his touch, the rhythm playing a languorous melody of longing and anticipation. As his mouth moved over hers, she let herself indulge in the taste of him, the raw essence that was uniquely Cerberus. She found herself craving more – wanting to explore every inch of him, every contour of his body, the strength and heat of him seeping into her like a heady drink. Her fur pressed against his, their bodies fitting together seamlessly. Her silver eyes met his calm mint-green gaze, a tender mirror of emotions shimmering between them. His body was like a comforting shadow cast by a quiet moon, his firm, gentle touch enveloping her in places she hadn’t remembered to be so sensitive. His every brush sent a jolt of pleasure coursing through her, the kind that made her lean into him, wanting more. Every caress of his lips was a promise of something deeper, an assurance that he was not merely there to quench his physical yearning. His kisses were soft, a gentle assertion of affection that she craved.

Her heart hammering against her ribs, Mariah allowed herself to be turned, until she was fully facing him, her obsidian black and scarlet coat contrasting against his own. As he wrapped his forelegs around her, she leaned into him. There was no need to fear keeping her there, it was as if she relied on him to take her next breaths. As he took her lips again, she responded with a fervor to match his own. His taste was intoxicating, her senses filled with the smell of earth and pine that clung to his fur. She silently begged for his touch, a plea that was met with his own intensity. That’s what she wanted. His need for her. Feeling him press against her, Mariah drew in a sharp breath- or from simply lack there of breathing. His need for her, so blatantly displayed, sent a jolt of desire through her own body. It’s brought a wry smirk to tug at her lips as she was the one to break their kiss this time around, but didn’t withhold contact as she moved to trace her lips down his chest.

His coat was rough under her tongue, a coarse contrast to the tender intimacy of their embrace. Each ridge of muscle and bone beneath his fur was a testament to his strength and endurance - qualities she could not help but admire. She nuzzled into his chest, half hidden in the shadow of his form as she continued her delicate exploration. She could feel his heart pounding beneath the layers of muscle and fur, matching the fervor of her own heartbeat. She trailed her lips further down, crossing the concavity of his abdomen to involuntary twitching. Without hesitation, she parted her jaws to greet him, her breath warm against the sensitive fur there- to gently take him over her delicate tongue, her silver eyes seeking his for any sign of objection.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-29-2024, 05:52 PM
He gave her reign as she moved away from his lips and trailed down his chest and stomach. He wouldn't question, he wouldn't ask her to stop. She had as much rule over him as he may have had over her. It was a shared risk really. When they moved forward it would change everything. He'd still go home, but this is how he'd remember her always. The first time they were wholly intimate. Once any sacred part of him or her was exposed like this, there was never turning back.

As she moved into the more sensitive parts of his stomach he tensed while it wasn't common ground. He had been in this position before, sure, but these were the most intimate parts of himself. He opened himself up to her, easily. Not for himself but for her. He made himself vulnerable to her. As she took him, his neck moved back on a slight arch and he pushed a breath through his teeth. "Mariah..." His call was quiet, hot, almost thankful. The silence of the lake made him forget where they even were, and he only lived in this moment with her just as he had back at The Hallows.

One paw dug into the soil of the hard grounds under him, muddled grunts through a mostly closed mouth as she continued. She wouldn't be left wondering. He was still gentle with her as he sent himself into her jaws carefully, again not to be abrasive. He didn't hold back from her though. He let her explore him a while, a journey for himself too really. A new realm for the two of them combined. Soon he would be pulling back to get her attention. His voice heady, his whole expression glazed over with a lust for her as he looked down at her, "I want you, Mariah." He at least wanted her confirmation that she wanted the rest of him too, he wouldn't otherwise. She had him in a place where he couldn't think she would tell him otherwise, but he was still a gentleman in that regard. There was no denying his desire, his need for an end. But he wouldn't right out claim her. It wasn't in his nature to do so.

"Cerberus Kline"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

06-29-2024, 06:18 PM

She could hear the soft invocation of her name, a quiet murmur that punctuated the silence. His voice was a low rumble, reverberating through his chest and into her senses, grounding her. She looked up to see his head tossed back slightly, a quiet testament to the trust he placed in her. Her heart swelled at the sight, a strange mixture of pride, gratitude, and affection washing over her.

Mariah's silver orbs stayed focused on him as she rocked to a rhythm, committing every aspect of the moment to memory. The way his paws clenched upon the grass as a wave of pleasure coursed through him, the soft glow cast by the early rise of the moon reflecting off his silhouette The more she explored, the stronger her desire burned to understand every inch of this brute who had finally bared himself to her. The taste of him filled her senses- wild, and undeniably masculine. Feeling his muscles tense up and relax beneath her rolling touch was a strange sort of power, a quiet exchange of trust and vulnerability that left her breathless. As she continued, she could feel herself drawing closer to him, a warmth radiating within her. Teasing, with what she hoped to be just the right amount of pressure. The intimacy of the moment was overwhelming.

She truthfully had no intention of stopping, taking her own pleasure out of the grunts that escaped his lips and the way his body twitched and contracted under her touch. His words, raw and laced with desire, washed over her like intense waves of heat. She paused, drawing back to meet his gaze, silver eyes blazing with a wildness that mirrored his own. “Then take me.” Her voice was a soft dare in the cool night air, a statement of her own simmering desire. She watched him closely, her breath hitching as the intensity of his gaze washed over her.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-29-2024, 07:10 PM
The way she almost demanded he take what he wanted nearly put him into a frenzy. Still, he wasn't so quick to jump into the conclusion. He was up on his paws quickly though, moving over her easily picking her up due to the way they had been previously laying. A paw grabbed from under her shoulder as he pulled her up off the ground just enough to steal her lips again. Her back against the hard ground as he took the advantage over her. Nothing else had to be said between them he thought. He took his time as he this time more frivolously kissed her deeply. Moving back to square one but this time with a much more clear outcome. His other paw moved softly over the curves of her shoulder and hip as he still enveloped her tongue with his. He was much different than he had been up to this moment.

He did stop briefly as his paw met her hip, his gaze looking down between the two of them, looking at himself and her slender frame. He watched as he moved to put them together like a perfectly fit puzzle, bringing everything to a halt once again as he looked back up at her. He didn't push all the way, just right at the start where they were ready to be whole together. "Are you alright?" He asked her, maybe again for permission. But Mariah was like a fragile piece of porcelain to him. Partially because of her physical health being so poor, and part of it being because he didn't want to rush her into this if she had changed her mind. He was ready, and he was at her will.

"Cerberus Kline"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

06-29-2024, 07:31 PM

The sudden change in positioning elicited a soft gasp from Mariah, her body instinctively molding to his as he claimed her lips once again. His kiss was needy yet deliberate, a clear indication of the intentions that brewed beneath his calm demeanor. The contrast was intoxicating - the gentle graze of his paw tracing the curves of her body, each dip and rise an intimate exploration, the firm press of his body keeping her grounded beneath him. Mariah found herself responding in kind, a desire that had been simmering under the surface now breaking free. Her paws roamed across the taut muscles of his back, her nails brushing against his coat as the softness of it enticed her fingertips. Every contact with him was a spark, every shared breath a blare of heat. A low growl rumbled in her throat as her teeth nipped at his lower lip, an almost playful retaliation to this brief flash of something almost resembling a more dominant demeanor. She liked it.

Mariah's heart pounded in her chest, a symphony of anticipation and desire that echoed as loudly as the rustling leaves overhead. The stroke of his paw on her hip was tantalizingly gentle, almost teasing as they lay there on the brink of union. His gaze met hers, those mint green eyes holding a question that didn't need to be spoken out loud. The tension between them was palpable as he held her there, just on the edge of indulgence. Ancients she needed him … and he kept hesitating! Almost maddeningly so. She couldn’t help arching into him at the briefest touch, seeking out the contact her body ached for.

"I will be," Mariah breathed, a touch of amused impatience lacing her tone. “If you stop treating me like I might break.” Her silver eyes held his, glinting with an unspoken plea. She wanted this, needed it as acutely as she needed the air to breathe. Her frailty didn't lessen the intensity of her desire; if anything, it heightened it. She held his gaze, half-lidded, and heavy with her own lust- the silent communication between them as tangible as the steam of their breath.

"Mariah Mendacium"


"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-30-2024, 07:47 AM
A part of him wanted to tell her not to misunderstand him, but his rush of disappointment as she had asked him him not to act like she was so fragile was wiped by the way she still looked back at him, still wanted him, she didn't yield against him. He leaned back in to continue kissing her again, one paw into the cold ground beneath her, one at the curve of her hip before he finally took the leap. Extending himself slowly, like he was feeling every part of himself to an extreme level of pleasure. How he didn't imagine his day would end like this. His maw pulled back slightly from hers as he grit his teeth, and bared his claws into the soils below, pushing deep within her until he had no where left to go. The paw at her hip found a strong footing beside her as he regained himself. A state of mind she may not have seen him in before, but he was still the same Cerberus.

As he pulled back, he opened his mint gaze to meet her ghostly eyes again, pushing forward with the same slow extension of himself, savoring every bit of feeling of her around him. Soon he was taking her lips again, taking her more strongly as the moments passed. A deep growl in the back of throat at he let out quiet grunts into her between breaths. Pulling back his face when he was deep within her again, his paw picked up to graze along the fur of her chest and stomach, "God Mariah." He spoke in a hot whisper before he dropped down to cradle around her shoulders from under her arms, leaning his face into the bend of her neck and worked eagerly to make his end. Gentle paws flexing over her back behind her shoulders as he met the burst of unbearable pleasure within her. Pulling every drop until he couldn't anymore. Holding her close as he didn't move for the moment, catching his breath from the release. Soon he was pulling his paws out from under her but wouldn't drop and disconnect her yet. A covet gaze looked back at her, the soft grin she knew all too well as his paw raised to brush across her cheek and neck. He couldn't help thinking of how beautiful she was, hopefully his expression could tell her so.

"Cerberus Kline"



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

06-30-2024, 08:54 AM

As the intensity of their union increased, Mariah surrendered herself to him, her body responding to his with a fervor that was as exhilarating as it was frightening. Each occupation sent a ripple of sensation coursing through her, drawing muffled cries and guttural moans from her throat. A shudder ran through her as she heard her name spill from his lips, a soft plea muffled by the fur of her neck. The way he held her, the way he moved - it was both fierce and gentle. All at once, she felt a mounting pressure rising within. A tantalizing crescendo that promised sweet release. Clawing at the ground beneath them, Mariah swallowed hard, her breath catching in her throat as she tried to brace herself for the impending undoing. It crashed over her in an overwhelming torrent, sending her into a dizzying spiral. Her body clenched tightly around him, a silent cry tearing from her throat as she surrendered to the irresistible force pulling her under.

Mariah’s chest heaved in the afterglow, her senses heightened and tingling. She could feel every brush of his fur against hers, each breath he took as he lay atop her. Despite the primal intensity of their unity, there was a tenderness in his gaze that reduced her to vulnerability once again. His paw against her cheek elicited a soft sigh from her, and for a long moment, she kept her eyes shut, basking in the sensation of him. A tremor passed through her as she opened her eyes, catching his gaze- her own silver eyes softened by exhaustion and satisfaction. In the quiet aftermath, she was claimed by contentment- his large form pressed against hers, basking in the warmth of his gentle touch. “Cerberus,” she murmured, the name like a sweet mumble hanging between them in the still air. Her voice was soft, tender even, barely audible above their ragged breaths.

"Mariah Mendacium"