
stag night

fighting seasonal, xairo


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Dire wolf
07-02-2024, 09:16 PM
the meme that inspired this thread lmao


Exploring the lands outside the borders was certainly tempting, but today it wasn't tempting enough. Was was, however, was a small herd of deer traveling through the pines. Just a single young male and his handful of women, clearly a newly established herd that probably thought it would be safe traveling through these pines.

Well, they thought anyway.

Dracun had been watching them for a while now huddled behind a bush of some kind. It was hard hiding when you looked like a walking casino. Just about the only thing he had going for him was that he didn't have any flashing lights or loud musical sounds announcing his arrival any louder than his size and coat already did on their own. It was annoying being as colorful as he was; why couldn't he look plain like mom? Or even darker like dad? He didn't hate his looks, but he certainly wished they were less eye-catching.

Though he doubted the aforementioned young bull saw him through the bush as it approached. Perhaps it would be smart to leave the bush, but he was fascinated in the massive animal and wondered why they got to have horns! He wanted horns, too! Although he didn't know that they were actually antlers, his desire still stood. Why did Xairo and Zagan get to have horns?!

Suddenly, the bull was snorting and huffing in the bush. It seemed like it just wanted a snack, but as it's prodding nose swept over the bush, everything started moving too fast. What he could only imagine was a sound of alarm roared out of the reindeer before the bull reared up and sought to stomp the bush.

Shit! Dracun barely made it out of the way before heavy cloven hooves came crashing down to where he was just seated literally two seconds ago. Snarling at the bull, every hair stood on end as he attempted to stand up to the massive herbivore that was already lowering it's head and threatening a charge with it's blunt antlers. A foot pawed at the dirt as the bull snored but Dracun refused to move, his snarl actually doing very little to threaten the animal but if he knew any better, he'd know the herbivore was giving the child a chance to leave.

Dracun was not one to back down from a fight though, even if the odds were so far out of his favor.

Snapping his teeth together seemed to be the final straw for the reindeer though, and one singular and final stomp of its hoof would be his last warning. Dracun didn't speak reindeer though, nor did he care. He lunged forward suddenly, aiming for that foot that was stomped, but instead he was fucking flung a few feet away.

Landing with a soft thud, because he really hadn't gotten that much air or flown really that far, Dracun quickly collected himself and rage filled his bones. Did this dick really just fucking toss me?

The reindeer seemed to be giving him another chance to escape though, to leave with his life. If anyone was going to leave today without their life, Dracun was going to make sure it was that fucking reindeer.




The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (110)

Advanced Intellectual (90)

Dire wolf
07-03-2024, 08:46 PM

In the distance, Xairo could hear the commotion, a sound of conflict that quickened his pulse. His eyes widened in their sockets and his ears pricked forwards, tuned into the indistinct noises. His heart pounded in his chest as he dashed towards the scene, his muscles straining against the cold.

As he rounded a bend, the vibrant colors of Dracun came into focus against the more muted toned backdrop of the taiga. His brother was locked in an unlikely scuffle with a massive reindeer, its antler intimidatingly sharp and threatening. A sudden surge of protectiveness filled Xairo, overriding his usual competition with Dracun. He had always felt competitive with his siblings, but seeing Dracun tossed so easily by the horned beast ignited a visceral need to defend. He let out a low growl that echoed in the sparse pines around them, his fur bristling as he positioned himself at his brother’s side.

"Back off," Xairo growled, fixating his piercing gaze on the reindeer. Despite the sheer size difference, Xairo stood his ground, every fibre of his being screaming defiance. The reindeer paused, its eyes darting between the two young creatures. It seemed to weigh its options, the frosty air crackling with tension. His emerald eyes glinted dangerously as he took a step forward, his own stubby horns lowered in challenge.

His heart pounded in his chest, not from fear but anticipation. He’d never backed down from a fight before, and he wasn’t about to start now. His muscles tightened like coiled springs, ready to leap into action at the slightest provocation. The reindeer seemed to lower its own rack, stomping its hooves as it telegraphed its next attack.

In a split second, the reindeer charged. But instead of fear gripping him, he was filled with an overwhelming surge of adrenaline. His eyes remained fixed on the massive creature, his senses heightened to an almost painful degree. He could hear the heavy hoof beats growing louder, feel the vibrations through the frozen ground beneath his paws, smell the raw, musty scent of the reindeer.

With a vigorous thrust of his clumsy hind legs, Xairo bounded to the side, and then launched himself at the reindeer, a snarl ripping from his throat. His body collided with the sturdy flank of the reindeer, and he clung on with a ferocity that belied his small stature. But damn it if he was going to let this go without a fight. His teeth sank into the reindeer's hide, the taste of sweat, fur, and thrumming hot blood filling his mouth. The reindeer let out a bellow of surprise and pain and bucked wildly to dislodge him. But Xairo clung on fiercely, his body swinging with each violent shake of the reindeer. His teeth bit into the musky fur, the world around him spun in a dizzying blur of color as he clung to the bucking creature- and it was only then did he began to think … maybe he over committed.

1030 / 1500 words
"Xairo Saxe"


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Dire wolf
07-24-2024, 09:41 AM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2024, 11:35 PM by Dracun. Edited 1 time in total.)

For an incredibly brief moment, Dracun hid behind his brother. Not to cower, no... but to collect himself while Xairo growled and snarled at the angry reindeer. The wind was knocked from his lungs and his legs were wobbly, but he shook it off. He had to. Xairo couldn't protect him, he wouldn't allow it. Though he supposed he could allow him to help, to ward off or even kill this damn reindeer that threatened not just Dracun and Xairo, but the entire pack as well!

Shaking off what he could, he growled as he positioned himself alongside Xairo, eyes narrowing as a whole new rage filled him. Fire burned inside of him, but whether it was from pain or fury didn't matter. It was all the same, right? He fought harder when he hurt, it made him angry when someone else hurt him. They would pay.

Xairo was quick to dart off to one side, lunging with open fangs to attack a flank and so Dracun matched him on the opposite side. The Reindeer couldn't attack them both! Bounding off to his side, he landed and quickly pivoted to lunge towards the uninjured flank. Teeth wide and eyes wild, there was no stopping him. This reindeer would die today, he was certain of it. And then they could bring it back home, to prove that they were strong and smart- just as their parents wanted.

Fangs sank into the tender flesh of the animals belly before it's flank. Even better. Using his weight, he pulled downwards to the ground, tearing the animals flesh and making way for its entrails to spill upon the ground beneath it. The animal bellowed, a mixture of rage and pain that made him smile around the meat and flesh in his mouth. The blood spilled and as his feet touched the ground and he regained traction, he violently shook his head, tearing the flesh from it's body once and for all. Blood poured from the wound, but adrenaline still fueled the beast and it continued to fight, though it was noticeably weaker now. It wouldn't take much more to bring it down, if anything really as it could just bleed out but he wouldn't let that happen, no. As the reindeer struggled and fought against them both, Dracun pivoted and sank his fangs into the flesh of the reindeers stomach and tore it open, spilling out its entrails and smiling sadistically as the animal took its last, painful breath and cried out weakly.

"Stupid deer, but it'll make for a good meal tonight! Wanna help me skin it?" he asked before running his tongue over his bloody maw, enjoying the appetizer before the big meal as he looked over towards Xairo. Although the deer had attacked him and part of him believed that he should be the one to prepare it, offering to let him help was his way of saying thanks for saving my ass. He'd even let him have the antlers if he wanted, but Dracun did so really hope that he didn't. How cool would those look hanging up in his future, big-boy den?!
