
I tripped and fell, oops



The Hallows

Master Fighter (400)

Master Intellectual (420)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf

1KFestival OrganizerDouble MasterCritical Dodge!Ooh La LaStudent
Samhain 2022
06-24-2024, 08:14 PM

A mission! No, a quest sounded far cooler. Yes, she was on a quest! A quest to venture into Boreas, seek out Insomnia, perhaps some other packs, and create bonds, ties, relations, whatever word one would want to use, and try to get them to join the coalition. It honestly was brilliant to send Bramble. She was personable, intelligent, well-informed, determined, diligent, all the good things needed for an Envoy. Oh, she might be taking her rank a tad too seriously, but no one needs to tell her that. Let her live her life. It has a purpose now that she won't back down from.

Her mind reels with the different topic of conversations she wishes to go through. As if her brain was one of those old card appendixes that can be flipped and spun around through the alphabet until you find the letter you're looking for. She trains on what she does and doesn't know about Insomnia. Which, to be honest, was very little. Their reclusive activity and lack of communication with The Hallows meant that she had much to learn and plenty of information to gather. Was Medu-


Suddenly, Bramble feels her chin slam into the ground. Her eyes squeeze shut, teeth clacking together as she falls flat on her face. Stunned from the collision, it takes her a moment to gather herself and blink away the stars that spun in front of her eyes. Rolling over onto her side, her teal eyes move to look for the culprit. A rock? Where had that rock come from? Wait, there's plenty of rocks here. But that one! Rude. Her muzzle wrinkles as she brings her left front paw toward her face, her right paw touching it tenderly to discover that she's probably sprained her ankle. Scowling to herself, she attempts to sit up and lean against a bigger rock that hopefully won't slip out from under her. What bad luck that would be.


bramble's companions are to be assumed near her unless stated otherwise.



Expert Hunter (195)

Novice Fighter (15)

3 Years
Dire wolf
06-27-2024, 04:07 PM

The air was rich with the scent of damp soil, pine needles, and wood smoke, mingling with the faint brine of the distant sea. Aristaios had been patrolling the outskirts of this territory for a hunt when he noticed the commotion ahead. His mismatched eyes caught sight of a wolf tumbling to the ground, and his ears perked up at the sound of the impact. Damn. Quickening his pace, he approached the scene with his usual bold stride, his curiosity piqued by the unfamiliar wolf, and the incident he’d just witnessed.

The surroundings were formidable, he didn’t blame them for a missed step.

As he neared, the sight of an earthy colored female wolf with accents of green, clearly in distress, brought a furrow to his brow. She seemed to be wrestling with the pain in her paw, her emerald eyes flashing with frustration. Her body was tense, her muzzle wrinkled in a scowl as she examined her injury. Aristaios stopped a short distance away, his presence unmistakable, yet he made sure his approach was non-threatening. You couldn’t just walk up to anyone being the size he was and expect them to take kindly to it.

“Hey there,” He called out, his deep, resonant voice carrying a mix of concern and curiosity. “Looks like you took a nasty fall. Need some help?” His Greek accent added a warm undertone to his words, and he offered them a chance to believe he hadn’t seen the actual tripping as it happened. He took a few cautious steps closer, his eyes assessing her injury. His thoughts briefly wandered to the potential dangers she would face alone in this rugged terrain, even on the way out.

Despite his rugged exterior, there was a flicker of real concern in his pale blue and golden eyes. He knew all too well the perils of the wild and the vulnerability that came with being injured. He watched her closely, the way she had sat herself up and leaned against a rock, her movements pained.

“Sorry to say I’m no healer. That paw doesn't look too good. Mind if I take a closer look?” He asked, his tone straightforward but gentle, ensuring he didn't come across as some creep. His body language was open and confident, his posture relaxed but ready to spring into action if needed. Maybe it would put her more at ease. He stood ready, prepared to offer assistance but respecting her space, waiting for her response.



The Hallows

Master Fighter (400)

Master Intellectual (420)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf

1KFestival OrganizerDouble MasterCritical Dodge!Ooh La LaStudent
Samhain 2022
07-02-2024, 10:57 AM

She's nursing her injured ankle when a deep, resonant voices carries over to her. How had she been so unaware of his approach? Turquoise gaze lifts quickly, the fur along her spine rising instinctually as she first assesses the stranger. His tone is warm, an influence of a background unknown to her causing curiosity to shift beneath the surface. He doesn't appear threatening, his demeanor very much relaxing and open.

Bramble nods slowly as he suggests that she might have taken a nasty fall and needed help. Though she is typically very social and talkative, she is somehow struck silent as he takes a few more cautious steps toward her. With it being her first time out alone in the wide world of Boreas, and now injured, she felt... small and insecure and weak. How was she to defend herself if she couldn't run away? Couldn't stand on her own four paws? Granted it was probably only a sprain, but even that would still hurt right away.

He respects her space though, even as he asks if he could take a look. At first, she's conflicted, unsure if she should trust him, but what did she have to lose? Perhaps he was truly nice and simply wanted to help a fallen maiden. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt anymore than it does now," she offers, a timid and bashful smile crossing her darkened lips as she continues to stare up at the man from her position on the ground.


bramble's companions are to be assumed near her unless stated otherwise.



Expert Hunter (195)

Novice Fighter (15)

3 Years
Dire wolf
07-02-2024, 07:01 PM

Aristaios noted the way her eyes widened, the fur along her spine rising. He paused, allowing her the time to assess him fully. His own gaze remained steady and calm, taking in her every movement and the emotions that played across her features. When she nodded slowly, he took it as a small sign of trust, or at least acceptance. Good enough for him.

As he took a few more cautious steps toward her, he kept his movements slow. The last thing he wanted was to startle her further. He saw the conflict in her eyes, the way she seemed torn between caution and the necessity of her situation. Her words, tentative and accompanied by a bashful smile, brought an amiable smile to his own lips.

“Alright.” He said coolly, fully closing the distance between them with a self assured step. “I'll be gentle, I promise.”

Kneeling down beside her, he extended a paw, allowing her to see it first before he made any contact. His touch was light and careful, as he examined her injured ankle. A careful press here, an attempt to flex the paw there. Finally he spoke, nodding. “Looks like a simple sprain. Had many myself,” The brute murmured, glancing up at her with a reassuring smile. “It could have been worse. All you can do is rest it.” He peered around them, wondering if she was descending or ascending the Fjord.

His mismatched eyes flickered with concern as he looked back down at her ankle. “This isn’t me making a pass at you or anything, but do you want to get out of here?” He offered, his tone light. “I can help you. I don’t exactly agree with leaving a lady out alone while she’s hurt.”

He straightened up slightly, still giving her space to make her own decision. “What do you say? Think you can manage the walk with a little help? Just lean on me and point, yeah?” His offer was genuine, his demeanor open and inviting, showing he meant no harm.



The Hallows

Master Fighter (400)

Master Intellectual (420)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf

1KFestival OrganizerDouble MasterCritical Dodge!Ooh La LaStudent
Samhain 2022
07-03-2024, 11:16 PM

The way he approaches with cautious steps is admirable. Bramble couldn't imagine just any stranger being so careful around well, other strangers. Especially ones who were injured. From all the warnings and stories her parents had told her, they had certainly been successful is placing the fear of danger within her heart. Every turn around the corner could mean death and usually by the paws of someone else.

But once he is fully in her personal space, she feels her breath catch slightly. His musky and earthy scent rolls off of him and overwhelms her senses for a moment. She couldn't deny it was a pleasant scent, one she almost kind of wanted to snuggle up next to a fire with and spend the evening gazing at the stars. And the words he says next do have a breathy laugh leaving her lips. "I'm tougher than I appear," Bramble warns him, her bright turquoise eyes watching as he kneeled down beside her.

Holding out her paw to him, she lets him examine the injury with care. She holds back the wince when he presses on it, inhaling a deep, but quiet breath as she recovers from the way of achiness. "Not quite the place to be resting though, is it?" Bramble inquires, her own gaze peering around them to notice how barren and open the bottom of the fjord was. A sitting duck she truly was.

She won't admit aloud that she's thankful for his offer, but she inwardly she is. Looking at him with her big eyes, one of her brows lifts subtly, a smirk shifting over to replace her smile. "You would be missing out if you didn't," she teases now that she's starting to get a sense of herself back as she becomes more comfortable in his presence.

Once he straightens up, giving her space, Bramble pretends to think on it for a moment. "If you are being kind enough to offer," she starts, slowly shifting herself up into a standing position beside him. "But I don't even know your name," Bramble says, another raise of the brow, a question of is this a ruse or was he a true gentleman. "I'll let you help me if I can obtain that," she states after a moment of hesitant indecision. He had been nothing but kind and cautious so there was yet to be a reason not to trust him.


bramble's companions are to be assumed near her unless stated otherwise.



Expert Hunter (195)

Novice Fighter (15)

3 Years
Dire wolf
07-04-2024, 03:58 PM
Aristaios couldn't help but admire the woman’s spirit as it began to show, a confidence consuming the caution bit by bit. Though he understood why she might be wary of strangers at first introduction, only a fool wouldn’t be. Her being injured would not make that wariness any better, which is why he was taking such care in maintaining her comfort. It was an easy thing to do, and it wasn’t as though he was a devious brute bent on harming others. He was a hunter, a fighter, a thrill seeker; sure. And he just so happened to have a weakness when it came to helping out the less fortunate.

Her breathy laugh at his assurance made him chuckle as well, as though he found that innate toughness endearing. “I'm sure you are tougher than you appear,” He acknowledged with a nod, his mismatched eyes meeting her bright turquoise ones again as the breeze wafted her scent into his nares. He carefully picked out pine, and… strawberry-apple? Focusing again, he flashed her a winning smile to make her feel more at ease as he finished examining her injury; he did, however, also notice her attempt to hide the discomfort. She had fortitude. Or too much pride to let a stranger see her at her, arguably, lowest. He’d have done the same.

As he watched her, he took in every detail: the way her green markings shifted atop her equally sandy and chocolate coat in the light, the willfulness in her posture despite the injury, and the glint of determination in her bright emerald eyes. Pretty woman, he mentally noted. “No, it's not the best place to be resting, landslides and all. Good place to hunt though.” He agreed, glancing around the rocky and perilous terrain. “But we'll find somewhere safer.” Her smirk and teasing remark brought a chuckle to his lips, his appreciation for her growing with each moment. He leaned in slightly, his eyes twinkling with an impish glint. “Oh? I'm missing out right now, sure. But there’s still time.” His voice dropped an octave lower than his conversational tone, those deep greek vocals rumbling from his chest as he returned her tease two-fold.

When she stood up to think about his offer, Aristaios waited patiently, his expression betraying only his interest in helping her. If she refused, he’d probably have a bad taste in his mouth for a while, or a constant bristle along his nape. But her request for his name brought a warm smile to his face, a pleasant turn of events. “Fair enough,” He said, tilting his head slightly to regard her, shoulders rippling as he positioned himself to be her crutch. “My name is Aristaios Praedātiō, but you can call me whatever you like, if you prefer. My name can leave new friends tongue-tied.” A half-grin, one that crinkled the edges of his muzzle as he threw out the notion of friendship, a jest mostly, to keep the atmosphere light.

He moved closer to her, his body relaxed and supportive. He extended his side, ready for her to lean on him. He gave a hum to signal his readiness, pointing his muzzle forward toward the path they’d need to follow as he mentally mapped the way he’d come. “And now that you know my name, I'll gladly help you, if you’d allow me. We'll take it slow. I'll make sure you get where you’re going safely.” His voice was calm and reassuring, his presence steady and reliable. “But you've got me at a disadvantage here. I don't know your name yet. Care to enlighten me? You could consider it my payment, or... maybe my reward?” Another grin, this time one brimming with confidence and a hint of mischief.



The Hallows

Master Fighter (400)

Master Intellectual (420)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf

1KFestival OrganizerDouble MasterCritical Dodge!Ooh La LaStudent
Samhain 2022
07-08-2024, 12:33 PM

Her ears perk, interested in the words he has to say. Being in this close of proximity with the man has her sense overwhelmed and not entirely in a bad way either. Focusing on his words though is rather difficult as his own smoky pine scent washes over her. It wasn't often Bramble found herself up close and personal with wolves of either gender (if she were being honest) and she felt rather out of her realm. Not that she would show that! Her expression would continue to be soft, but determined, a mixture of guarded playfulness that would dance on the edge of danger.

And now that she's steady on three of her paws, the injured ankle lifted slightly off the ground, she willingly leans against his shoulder. For once, a man her height! Color her impressed by the way her cheeks flush with warmth, his lowered octaves speaking breathy words to her. Even his accent was attractive, much different than the stand common tongue or Romanian that she had grown up with. "I am in no rush to my destination so time might just be on your side," she teases again, unable to resist flirting back with the man she had just met. He was so warm and strong, well balanced by what she could tell with how he so easily was able to help keep her sturdy.

"Arist-Aristo, hm," she pauses, baffled by being tongue-tied just as he had suggested. A wave of embarrassment washes over her as she gives him an apologetic look. "No, no, I'd rather get it right," Bramble murmurs, eyelashes practically fluttering in his direction - both that determined nature of herself and well, her trying not to completely swoon over him just yet. "Friends should get friend's names right," she winks, her own smirk wrinkling her muzzle as she leans fully against him now, relieved to alleviate the weight off of her sprained ankle.

She can see it in his eyes too. That mismatched icy blue and warm caramel looking directly into her soul. He's a gentleman, but not entirely... good. Uncertain why she can tell, but Bramble feels safer in his presence, as if anything bad coming her way would easily be banished. Was it truly him and how he was or was it her wanting to seek safety and comfort in more than just herself?

"I hardly believe my name could be a reward," she begins, her teasing tones light and playful, ready for him to lead the way to somewhere safer. "I go by Bramble Carpathius which is by far easier to say than Aristaios Praedatio," his name isn't completely butchered on her tongue, but it's at least a good attempt at something more than finding a suitable nickname. Would he consider Handsome or Devilish? She can see the confidence and mischief that emanates from him and she's drawn to it. A moth to a flame and she's not sad about it either.

table coding by bunni ♥

bramble's companions are to be assumed near her unless stated otherwise.



Expert Hunter (195)

Novice Fighter (15)

3 Years
Dire wolf
07-13-2024, 01:33 AM

Aristaios noted the interest in Bramble's eyes and couldn't help but feel a swell of satisfaction. Her soft, yet determined expression intrigued him, and he appreciated the guarded playfulness she exudes — it made him wonder what lay beneath. As she leaned against him, he could feel her warmth, her scent, that delicate mix of strawberry and apple, mingling pleasantly with his own smoky pine.

When she spoke again, her voice took on a flirtatious lilt that brought a grin to his face. Her attempt at his name, stumbling over the syllables, was endearing, too. “No rush, you say? Well, I suppose that means we have all the time in the world,” He replied, his tone playful and reassuring. She was cute. “You can call me whatever suits you best, but I appreciate the effort.” He chuckled softly, the sound deep and resonant, adding a comforting rhythm to their steps as they began to move. Friends should get friend's names right. Oh? That wink earned her another grin from the man, his tail flicking in mock warning of her teases.

Still she drew a genuine laugh from him. “Well, Bramble Carpathius, it’s a pleasure to meet you. And I must say, you handle yourself well, even when injured.” He continued to guide her, his presence steady and reassuring, a silent promise that he wouldn’t let anything harm her while she was under his care. It wasn’t his nature.

Feeling her lean more fully against him, Aristaios adjusted his pace to ensure she felt supported. “Bramble,” He repeated, savoring the way her name rolled off his tongue. His eyes scanned their path, guiding her through the rough terrain with a careful tread. “It has a nice ring to it. Much easier than my name, I’ll admit.” His eyes sparkled with amusement as he glanced down at her, not noticing the faint flush on her cheeks. He only noticed the glimmer of sunlight against her emeralds.

Aristaios could sense the uncertainty in her, the way she sought safety and comfort, yet remained wary even through her playful jabs. “You know,” He said thoughtfully, “Sometimes, finding someone who can be a source of strength is just as important as being strong yourself. I guess I’ll do, for now.” His voice was gentle, the Greek accent adding a lyrical quality to his jovial words. “And if it helps, I’ll make sure you’re safe. We’ll find somewhere secure to rest and get that ankle looked at properly.”

The way she studied him with her emerald eyes, her expression a mix of curiosity and caution, only deepened his resolve. “Besides, I think we make a good team already,” He added with a wink of his own. Best to keep the atmosphere light, right? “Two wolves against the world. What do you say, Bramble? Shall we continue this little adventure together?” A joke, mostly, entirely. But if it made her feel better, that was fine.

As they walked, Aristaios kept his pace slow and measured, matching her steps with care. His thoughts briefly wandered to the impression he was giving. It was true, he had his flaws and darker edges, but in this moment, his intentions were pure. He wanted to help her, to protect her, and perhaps, to see where this unexpected meeting might lead. The brute believed in fate, to an extent.

“So, Bramble,” He began, a mischievous glint in his eye, maybe he liked the sound of his own voice, speaking her name. Who could tell? “What’s a spirited wolf like you doing out here alone? Surely there’s a story behind it, and I’d love to hear it if you’re willing to share.” His voice was inviting, leaving the choice to her, as he continued to support her with his steadiness.



The Hallows

Master Fighter (400)

Master Intellectual (420)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf

1KFestival OrganizerDouble MasterCritical Dodge!Ooh La LaStudent
Samhain 2022
07-17-2024, 05:58 PM
The way he speaks her name sends a chill rolling down her spine. Her cheeks flush with warmth. Her eyelashes batting like a damsel desperate for attention. Since when did she so easily melt in the mere presence of a handsome fellow? Perhaps its the way he looks at her with amusement, but it's not cruel amusement, no. As if he too believes that she is cute in her own ways. Was the attraction mutual? She wasn't sure, but her brain was hoping it to be true.

While they walk, with her weight leaning against his, her gait limping over the uneven terrain, she still manages to hold his gaze. Listening intently to his words as each one falls from his lips. The laugh that leaves her is light and airy, a sweet noise that is a bit more flirtatious than she normally carries on with. "Yes, I suppose you would do for now," she teases back, her turquoise eyes crinkling at the corners.

There is still that slight wall of caution lingering and she can tell that he notices. How he speaks, the words that he says, they're reassuring. He's telling her to trust him, but after her recent breakup, she's not so sure that's possible. Being left without word did terrible things to someone's heart. But of course, she had already fallen for his trap and she nods in agreement to his question. "Let us carry on," Bramble responds, her expression holding strong through the battle that wages in her chest.

She did enjoy how he said her name. His accent put a pleasant ring to it that made her ears happy. Plus, he's asking about her. Not rambling on about himself as if he was the greatest thing since Carpathian steel was created. Her eyes widen and so does her smile, her tail even gives a few happy wags as she lets him lead the way to a safer location. "My spirit is the exact reason why I'm out and about!" She states, her voice chipper, tail wagging a little harder now. "I am the Envoy for The Hallows and I have been sent on a mission to meet with a pack called Insomnia to see if they will join our Lord of Cinder's coalition," her eyes are bright as she watches for his reaction. Of course, Bramble wasn't going to admit that she was indeed the Lord of Cinder's daughter making her also a princess. Can't go making this a fairy tale just yet.


bramble's companions are to be assumed near her unless stated otherwise.



Expert Hunter (195)

Novice Fighter (15)

3 Years
Dire wolf
07-19-2024, 12:00 AM

Aristaios couldn't help but notice the blush spreading across Bramble's cheeks and the way her eyelashes fluttered. Her response to his presence stirred a sense of warmth within him. He appreciated the lightness of her laugh and the way her turquoise eyes crinkled with her teasing.

“Good." He replied with a playful smirk, meeting her gaze with a steady, reassuring look. “I'll take that as a compliment.“ He said, puffing out his chest in mock pride. Her flirtatious tone wasn't lost on him, and he found himself enjoying the banter. While he could sense the caution in her, an understandable thing. He didn’t expect her to offer her full trust to him upon a first meeting.

As they moved forward, he felt her lean into him more fully, her weight a gentle reminder of the trust she was starting to place in him. He kept his steps measured, ensuring she felt supported. The way she said his name and responded to his questions filled him with a quiet satisfaction. “Envoy for The Hallows, huh?" He mused, his curiosity piqued. He knew none of the packs in the lands. He was a lone wolf, true. A hunter, focused on his own progression for the time being. “Sounds like quite the responsibility." He listened intently as she explained her mission, his eyes reflecting the same brightness and intrigue that hers held. “Insomnia, coalition, lord of cinder. I’m glad to help such an important envoy in her mission. I'm honored. So... I might find you at your Hallows, yeah?" It was a careful question, seeking the location of her home for what reason, he wasn’t entirely sure. Maybe he would visit.

He was careful to guide her through the uneven terrain, his movements precise and deliberate as he moved on. Balancing his weight with her own. Giant paws finding the best footholds, pulling her when her own failed.

He caught the happy wagging of her tail, which brought a genuine smile to his face.“Well, Bramble, it seems we've both got our own adventures," He remarked, deep greek baritones rumbling. “And I'm glad our paths crossed." His eyes sparkled with amusement as he added, “I suppose this means you are my current adventure, while I assist you in your own."

Aristaios led the way still, with purpose, his protective nature driving him to ensure her safety. The trust she was beginning to place in him was something he didn't take lightly. As they walked, climbed, he found himself increasingly curious about the spirited wolf beside him.



The Hallows

Master Fighter (400)

Master Intellectual (420)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf

1KFestival OrganizerDouble MasterCritical Dodge!Ooh La LaStudent
Samhain 2022
08-02-2024, 07:12 AM
His accented words are like honey to her ears. Being so accustomed to the wolves of the Hallows, it made it all the easier for Bramble to enjoy his presence. Allowing him to lead, carefully and cautiously out of the fjord, she almost didn’t notice their journey at all. The night would continue with or without them and she was fine with that. Fully distracted by his charm was an understatement.

“As you should be,” Bramble teases, a smirk on her lips as she lets out another laugh. Was she fully leaning into the whole important role thing? Sure. But when your parents were who they were, she had big paws to fill!

When he poses the question of her home, she nods slowly, a brow raised in question. “Do you intend to come save me from my tower?” She inquires, teasing him some more as her cheeks flush again. “The Hallows resides in Auster in a giant stone castle along the north shore. You really can’t miss it,” Bramble comments, unafraid to tell him the location. If he were to have any nefarious plans, he would regret meeting the steel and claw of her father.

Her eyes do widen in surprise at his next statement. Her heart flutters in her chest as she takes a look around finally. Had they made it any closer to safety or was her injury holding them back? “I do hope I’m not interrupting anything important,” Bramble says softly, the worry obvious in her tone as she turns turquoise gaze back up to his honey and aqua eyes. “I tend to have a strong personality,” she admits, her face crinkling with self-doubt.


bramble's companions are to be assumed near her unless stated otherwise.

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1. I tripped and fell, oops Faller's Fjord 08:14 PM, 06-24-2024 01:45 PM, 10-02-2024