
Fading World



12-13-2013, 08:34 PM
ooc: never rp'ed somehing like this, don't laugh at me! xD

She had been over at the lake thinking, the sun beginning to fall from the sky, casting beautiful colors across the sky. Grey orbs would follow the trails of oranges and pinks, a heavy sigh escaping her lips. There was much to think about now that she was Queen, running a pack. She would have to set her kindness aside now, she couldn't be a pushover, others now looked up to her, she had to make the right decisions that ensured the kingdom was safe.

With a flick of her tail the woman would push herself up, giving a faint grunt as she lifted the extra weight off the ground. Head would swivel around, body following as she turned to head towards the barn where her main herb storage was.

About halfway there she would feel a pain, the muscles within her body contracting then expanding. Loccian would come to a stop, she had felt it before but they weren't much, just small bits of cramps. Now, they were enough to make the woman wince. Eyes would close, head lower and legs spread out as the pains continued. Jaws would part the slightest, breathing in and out heavily. Ears would go from a standing position to laying flat against her head, eyes opening to look in the direction of the barn, a couple yards away. "Just a bit to go." She would sigh, lifting a paw and moving forward.

Walking only seemed to make the pains worse, and after a few steps she started to get a pain in her lower back. Her left foreleg would fold beneath her body, right forelimb spread out in front of her as a whine slipped from her lips. Was this normal? The pain, the slight feeling of the ground beneath her moving? She was starting to get scared, heart racing, she swore it was in her ears from how loud it was! Eyes would grow large, head quickly moving to the left, then right, tail tucking in. She needed someone here, she needed Gerhardt. Lips would pull back to reveal her canines in a low growl of pain, unable to pick herself back up.


Awesome table by Lu <3

posting order please

- silent & faolan
- themisto / gerhardt (both are really important since locc will be scared and have complications with the labor)
- caeto
- anyone else

Silent I


11 Years
12-13-2013, 08:59 PM (This post was last modified: 12-14-2013, 10:47 AM by Silent I.)
ooc: Faolan is going to come after Loccian has the babies. =] I don't want him in the way and he wouldn't know what to do anyway. xD

The ebony female was out and about, searching for food that would replenish the appetites of her children. She knew they were old enough to try and get their own meat, but it was the motherly instinct that had her roaming within the pack lands. As luck would have it, she came across a small snow rabbit who was eating on grass that had survived the winter. Her lips were licked by her pink tongue as she was about to pounce, but a whine broke her concentration. It was familiar, and then again, unrecognizable. Why would her Queen be in distress? Unless...
Silent's eyes opened wide and she abandoned the hunt. Her black paws carried her through the woods and over the obstacles in her wake to bring her to the sight. Loccian was halfway to the ground, pain expressed in her eyes from the early cramps of labor. Silent didn't waste any time making her way to Loccian's right side. A gentle nudge was given to her shoulder as Silent moved to stand beside her. "Lean on me," she softly said as she attempted to help Loccian rise with a nudge beneath her right front leg with her nose.
When it seemed that Loccian was temporarily relieved from the cramps, Silent began to move. They went one step at a time to ensure balance was not lost. Her emerald green eyes scanned the area before she looked back at the Queen beside her. The journey didn't take long and they were in the barn before they knew it. Silent noticed a stall that had been prepared for such an occasion. She led Loccian to that certain stall and made sure she was comfortably laying upon the pine straw and hay. "I'll be right back," she said, and Silent stepped out to raise her head in the crisp air. A lone howl for Gerhardt and she waited until she saw the male to walk back in and keep Loccian company.




12-13-2013, 10:18 PM

All she could hear was her heart beating loudly in her ears, and besides that, she couldn't really focus on anything around her. Eyes would close once again as she tried to keep herself steady, feeling the earth shift beneath her even though it actually wasn't. Suddenly she would feel a presence at her side, head would swing around, eyes opening and expecting to find her mate standing beside her. Sadly though it wasn't, a dark pelted wolf was there, a woman the Queen knew, Silent. A nudge would be given to her shoulder, the Dame's voice telling her to lean on her, nudging her beneath her leg.

Loccian would take a deep breath, forcing her body to move against the sensations running through her small frame. In seconds she would manage to pick herself up and move with Silent, step by step, not rushing thankfully but even then she would have trouble. It felt like an eternity before they finally reaching the barn, walking down the open hallway to her stall at the end. Carefully she would move forward, jaws clenched as she lowered herself onto a bed of straw and hay.

Silent would say something before moving away, her howl slicing through the cool air at the doors. Loccian would have liked to thank the woman but the pains kept her from speaking, her breathing would pick up as she went to lay on her side, eyes closing. The pains were closer together now, giving steady waves of pains through her body, back in a bit more pain now.


Awesome table by Lu <3


12-14-2013, 03:42 PM
Something was amiss. The air was heavier, thicker than usual, the birds weren?t singing, the sky was grey and dull. He picked up his head, having dropped it to the lake?s surface for a drink. Even the lake was glassy and undisturbed. Worry strickened his chest as he pivoted away from the water, moving toward his den ? something was wrong. He could feel it. As he took his first long stride Silent?s call would ring out, beckoning him. It was time. Immediately he would hasten to the call, unwilling to miss this event. Loccian?s scent was strong as he entered the barn, frantically looking this way and that for their bodies. Silent?s physique caught his eye and he neared them, slowing his pace and attempting to calm himself. ?Loccian,? he would say, his attention focused primarily on her. ?Has it happened?? He would look to Silent, unsure how late he was.

No table, sorreh. Mobile post ftw.



12-15-2013, 03:53 PM

Powerful legs would drive the man forward as he followed the alarming call that Loccian had sent out. She had been calling for Gerhardt, but he could tell by the distress in her voice that something was terribly wrong. As a healer it was his duty to check on her despite what the issue could be. Her overpowering scent hit his nose instantly as he drew closer, another woman's scent mixing into it as well, along with Gerhardts. They were stationed within the barn, a large den like structure that had been placed in Seracia before any of them had gotten to Alacritis. "Loccian?" He would gently call out as he moved down the row and to the last stall where the three were huddled close. As soon as he saw her he knew what was happening. Not only could he tell by her busty stomach, but by her actions and hormones in the air. "Gerhardt, ma'am." He would quickly dip a nod to them both before he would stride forward, hoping that the two would get out of the way so he could go to work. "I did not know you were pregnant Loccian, congratulations. I can't wait to meet them within the hour." He would say gently, a smile pulling at his features. Hopefully by saying that she would realize that she was in labor, and he was here to help.




12-16-2013, 03:30 PM

The sounds of heavy footsteps would bring a faint smile to her dark lips as Loccian lay there in her bed, hoping that it would be that of her mate coming to see her, comfort her during this time. Indeed it was, grey orbs would fall upon Gerhardt's form coming around into the stall's opening, her tail lightly thumping against the ground. He would speak up, asking if it has happened yet before looking to Silent. She would give a shake of her head, lifting the front half of her body, limbs holding her up while her back end remaining laying down. "Soon, they... should be here very soon." Voice was low, barely above a whisper.

An ear would perk up at another voice, a brow raising. It sounded familiar, a male that she had not properly met. The footsteps grew near, and within seconds she would see another form approach the stall opening, Themisto. She was surprised, confused as to why he as here. Loccian had talked to a few wolves at the meeting about a way to get their men back, but couldn't come up with a way since he seemed to win most the fights he got into. She was glad though that he managed to get here, she just hoped Bronze had come with him as well.

Carefully she would lower herself back down as the healer approached, wincing at another wave of pain sent through her body. He would comment on how he wasn't aware that she was pregnant, of course, he had been a prisoner the whole time... He would congratulate her, and was glad to meet them within the hour, his smile and tones calm her down a bit, but not by much.

"I... I'm not feeling too good Themisto." She would finally say, ears pinning back against her head, toes curling inward. Was her small size causing issues with the labor? She hoped it wasn't that. "It's hard to breathe... and... and my back and hindlegs feel strange..." Eyes would close, her steady breaths starting to slowly pick up once again. Suddenly she gasped, a groan quickly following, trembles running up her spine from the wave of pain. Her left foreleg would unfold from beneath her body and try to keep her steady as if her world was tilting, jaws clenched. Was this it?


Awesome image by KatG6 <3



6 Years
12-19-2013, 01:34 AM

His poppa had been talking about a woman named Loccian. This woman was supposed to have little babies, just like his momma had had him and his siblings. His father said that Loccian was his grandpa's wife and that her babies would be his aunts and uncles. But when would the babies come? His poppa hadn't told him when the babies would be becoming so the young Maverick look a like had been left to wonder on his own when his grandpa's puppies would be born. What happened when puppies were born? Did it hurt? How many puppies were there going to be? So many questions and no one to answer them for him.

The young boy had been wandering around in hopes of finding his grandpa to talk to him, to hopefully get some of his millions of questions answered. But before he could find his grandpa, the sound of a lady calling would reach his small ears. Who was she calling? Hoping to find his grandfather there, young Caeto would set out towards the sound of the call, azures coming across the giant figure of a big red thing, catching a glimpse of his grandpa disappearing inside the big red thing. Russet paws would carry the young boy after his grandpa, gaze falling across the figures of three other wolves. There was the grey lady on the floor who looked like she was in pain, the black lady standing next to the grey lady and then the brown man standing close to his grandpa. With silent steps the boy would move towards his grandpa's paws, wiggling himself between his forepaws, azures locked on the grey lady's form, watching her quietly. Was she Loccian, his grandpa's wife?

Talk like this



4 Years
12-19-2013, 02:04 AM

and I could speak the language of many

Arian had seen her new younger sibling around here, but nearly lost him. Seeing as he was getting close to Loccian's den or in the area she was in and earlier already seen what was going to happen tried to keep her distance respectfully. But now she was following Caeto, whispering his name nervously seeing as she didn't want to be around the mass of darker fur that was giving birth, despite her being her queen it didn't change the fact of her fear. The only one she had felt comfortable around was pacifica, and even then she couldn't help but to shiver while being mentored. "Caeto, don't go there." She had to call out quietly following the pup and nearly tripping. She fell forward straight into Themisto. Getting up she pinned her ears mildly to the back of her young skull.

"Caeto I told you to stay away from here." she said quietly. The older pup walking over beside her brother. She had helped her mom give birth to him, so this process was nothing new to her, but it was the fact she wasn't sure if Caeto was even allowed to be here. And for the matter she slightly didn't want to be here herself. Pressing herself into Caeto for the slightest bit of comfort.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



12-20-2013, 02:03 PM

He knew that the worst pain was to come, and seeing that she was already having a problem with it now, she would need something to ease her pain. He had no time to think this over, the puppies were coming and he needed to act fast. "Loccian, you are going into labor now. You have been feeling contractions correct? Your cervix is dilated enough to where you can begin birthing your pups. It's painful, but i'm going to fetch you something right now to ease the pain. I will guide you through this, don't be afraid." He would say gently, and then turn away from them and stride swiftly out of the barn. Luckily he had stashes all over Seracia, and they usually went untouched due to no one knowing about them. He would return in a matter of minutes, two buds of marijuana and a bundle of crampbark locked between closed jaws. As he approached he would stop in front of her, setting down the herbs before her so that she could easily grab them. "Eat all of it. One is to ease your stress, and the other is for the pain." He would say, wanting her to eat it. He would flip his head back toward the others. "Someone fetch her some snow or water so she can stay hydrated." He would request before turning back to Loccian, waiting for her to take the herbs. "And then, when you feel comfortable, start pushing."



4 Years
12-20-2013, 03:16 PM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2013, 03:16 PM by Arian.)

and I could speak the language of many

The healer inside of Arian kicked at her when Themisto asked for some water. She knew of a stream nearby clean fresh water she had used that to help her mother birth as well. So instantly her legs were caught into a motion to quickly bolt off forgetting that she had come to prevent Caeto from getting into trouble. The red wolf took some moss balls from her collection of herbs, and better yet a leaf. Grabbing the water needed, she bounded over, shivering slightly near Loccian. She pushed the leaf cupping the water gently towards loccian. "H--here, if you can't drink it, I have some moss balls to give to you myself." She said.

Her phobia was contradicting her nature of wanting to help. Though she bit down on her lip to try and calm herself, the youth pulling her ears back. Just in case Loccian couldn't drink she'd need to use the moss balls. Her tail tucked between her legs. As she waited for a response from the darker colored wolf.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



12-21-2013, 12:38 AM

Loccian would look up to see two figure now standing with the four, Caeto between Gerhardt's legs and Arian coming in right behind him. If she wasn't focusing so hard on breathing steadily she would have asked her mate to take the children away, not wanting them to be around for such a thing, especially when she felt like she was about to have a panic attack and flip out, but she couldn't, so they would just linger till they decided to leave or somebody else asked them to.

Themisto's voice would make the woman look towards him, nodding her head as he explained she was going into labor and that she would be having the pups son by the way her contractions were going. He told her it was going to be painful and that nearly made her jaw drop, she didn't have them yet and it was already painful, but luckily he would fetch her something to ease the pain. He would guide her through this, and she shouldn't be afraid. Easier said than done. She was grateful though that he was being so kind to her in such a state, and that Gerhardt was here which added on to help her stay calm.

Loccian would stretch her neck out, her nose brushing against the man's leg, gaze begging him to come lay with her. Themisto was only gone a few minutes though, and when he came back he dropped a small pile of some strange herb before her, telling her to eat it all, it would help ease her stress and the pain. With a nod of her head she would silently, with the exception of a groan or two from the contractions, reach out and begin to eat the plant, taking them into two by two till it was gone. An ear would swivel towards him as he asked someone to bring water, and from the corner of her gaze she could see Arian turn and run off, then the healer telling her to push when she was comfortable.

Slowly the herb would begin taking effect, some of the stress melting away, able to get her breathing a bit more under control. She would count her breaths, trying to keep them good. IN moment Arian would reappear, shakily pushing a leaf of water towards her, saying she had moss balls she could give if she couldn't drink it. With a small smile Loccian would lean over, her gaze softening the slightest through the pain. "Thank you." She said softly, taking a few laps before pulling away, closing her eyes as she attempted to prepare herself for the pushing.

Then it came. The contractions grew quickly and stronger, she writhed as she turned to roll more fully onto her side. A snarl left her parted jaws as her head lay on the ground, body shifting uncomfortably as the pups were about to be born.

The last thing she would remember was the sound of small squeals, four small pups making their way out of the womb, being born into a world full of wonder and danger. They would move eagerly towards her belly, suckling. Loccian would smile as she looked to them, panting, exhausted. Grey orbs would look to Gerhardt, then to everyone else that stood either in the stall out waited outside of it. But then her head would fall to the side, hitting the ground lightly, her world going black.


Awesome image by KatG6 <3



6 Years
12-21-2013, 03:51 AM

He hadn't been aware that one of his big sister's was already here, his attention too captivated by the grey lady and what was going on with her. He would watch in curiosity as the older wolves around him would go to her, asking her stuff and giving her some green stuff that she would eat. He would look at her with a confused look, unable to understand why she was eating all that green stuff. Wolves didn't eat green stuff. Wolves only ate meat. Was she sick? He would stand quietly between his grandpa's paws, azures intent on the grey woman, ivory and russet ears flickering back as a familiar voice reached him; Arian. Crown would turn away, gaze coming to lock onto his older sister's face, brows furrowing together in confusion as she warned him to stay away from there. But why? Would be his immediate response to her warning, unable to understand why he wasn't supposed to be here. His grandpa hadn't said anything about not coming and none of the other big wolves were telling him to leave. So what was the problem?

I'm not botherin' anyone sister. He would whisper back to her, allowing his smaller body to press against her own as he allowed his attention to return to the grey lady, watching in awe as four tiny little bodies suddenly appeared behind her, moving towards her belly as they started to drink milk. He would see the lady's eyes go up to his grandpa's and he would follow her line of sight, craning his neck around to gaze up at his grandpa before turning back to the woman, his gaze hardly wavering from the tiny bodies for more than a few seconds, fascinated by what he didn't know to be his new family members.

Talk like this


12-22-2013, 07:03 PM

[Image: tumblr_mxlyymVOUz1sh0juuo1_500.png]

Murky warmth, darkness, safety. These concepts were all that he had known, and not a one more defined than a simple speck floating between his small, closed ears. His world was a haze of dull sensations, the occasional twitch of a muscle, a kick. He was growing, growing. He did not understand when his world began to shift and shake. It was no longer him pushing out at the world, but the world drawing in on him. It was getting tight, too tight. He didn't understand. It was squeezing, it was too tight.

All at once he burst forth into existence, into the cold, musky air. His world shattered into a million fragments and was instantly reformed. His life had begun, he had arrived, and the day was his. His body knew what he should do, even if his infant mind could not comprehend the gravity of the situation. Slowly, inch by agonizing inch, he clawed his way across the barren floor. He was so hungry and though he did not know what it was he needed, his nose knew where he could find it. Inch by inch he went. Finally, he latched on and bit, sucking down sustenance. Soft things brushed him, and he was filled with a new scent he would also know and love. Mother...

Daedalus I


12-22-2013, 09:04 PM
In the world of Daedalus, he was floating among the stars, ever discovering their mighty wonders and blessings. The world was sweet, warm, and comforting and nothing could come across and take that away. Daedalus dreamed of this place many times in the night and of course he had questions on how it came to be, but he never asked them as it was not the place to ask the great Creator on why such things were made. However, before Daedalus could enjoy it further, happiness was torn from him suddenly as his world began to move away from him, or he began to move away from it - that was hard to differentiate. Suddenly, his dream world seemed like it was crushing around him and Daedalus could barely move. The dark, moist body ached as it was pushed through a tight opening and Daedalus didn't understand the loss of his happiness and mentally he screamed to want it back.

Eventually, he came to the exit and it was COLD! All at once the air from the outside felt like it froze him solid as Daedalus went into a temperature shock, but it was not a dangerous one. The temperature outside was ridiculous as Daedalus struggled mentally to understand, but couldn't. Instead, Daedalus sent a volley of squeals and chirps everywhere. Something within Daedalus told him that his new life began and that he was to forget the old world, but he couldn't! Daedalus didn't want to forget the old world! However, instinct began to take over his desires, as well as his stomach, and he was forced to move.

The smell that seemed the most familiar filled his nose and Daedalus struggled to follow it. Not heading in the direction on where he came from, he followed parallel to it as his moist body seemed to make the air and his joints that much colder. Eyes were forced shut so Daedalus had to bump into many warm things, and keep moving forward. Using his tiny body to feel around, Daedalus' instincts told him that he was not far from what would satisfy him. This alone made Daedalus push himself to survive that much more, and as he thought his body might give out, he bumped into something warm and pointy, and he could smell what he needed to nourish himself with; milk. Latching on immediately, Daedalus sounded out many whines and squeals in satisfaction as he sucked as much as he could into his tiny mouth, and then swallowed a second later. Two tiny front paws would find the place where the nourishment was attached to, and would grip with clawless paws as if massaging the area. As Daedalus suckled, the smells and sounds filled his mind and it perplexed him. As much as the young pup was afraid of it, he was all inquisitive. The scent that filled his nose the most was one he would never forget as he could sense that it was she that gave him life, she that birthed him. It would be a bond that would never be broken.

516 words



12-22-2013, 09:21 PM

It was warm, dark, and everything she had known and found comfortable. Slowly over time she had been growing, getting bigger within her mothers womb. But one day, everything would change for the young soul. The world around her would grow small, smaller, smaller, her body being squeezed, making her begin to squeal. Then all of a sudden she grew cold, very cold. Legs tucked in against her body, trying to retain the little warmth she had. She could feel other ones too nearby, little paws stretching out, trying to touch them. How many of them there was, the pup did not know, her mind was already on something else. She had to seek the warmth again, her little body squirming, moving towards her mother. Paws would kneed her belly, mouth moving in on a teet and began to suckle, getting to vital milk she needed to survive.


Awesome table by Eldarwen <3


12-23-2013, 12:53 AM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2013, 07:45 AM by Faolan.)

beginning to the end

Faolan had been resting in the den with his siblings when Silent's cry had rung out. He didn't want to leave the warmth of the puppy pile, but knew if she needed something, he would do his best to succeed. With the tiniest bit of regret, he left Jendai's side and padded through the open door. Snow rose in the air into white dust around him as he trotted out and about to the location of Silent.
What caught him offguard was that his mother's scent was intermingled with another. He blinked and realized that the Ambassador -- now Queen -- was with his mother and his pace quickened. Something different was in the air and he knew that he had to investigate. The trail of scents led him to the barn and silently, he slipped in through the halfway open door.
The silvery pup's eyes met the scene that folded out in front of him. Loccian was wrapped around a few bundles of joy, freshly pushed out of the oven! They shivered and quaked against the harsh winds that swept from outside of the barn, but Loccian's warm tail automatically moved to protect them. Faolan looked for his mother -- who was sitting next and behind Loccian's head -- and slowly stepped around the other members of his pack to settle beside her ebony frame. His gaze moved across the pups and rested upon one in particular... "Mama..." he softly said, tail slowly starting to thump, "what is her name?" The young boy had rested his eyes upon Enola and a smile was present on his face. A wave of protectiveness shined from the silvery frame and he made a promise to himself that he would make sure nothing happened to these pups...but Enola in particular. He didn't know why, but it felt right.

Puppy Talk

we are alive


12-29-2013, 02:28 PM

When her mother had called for someone named Gerhardt, it didn't take long for the pup to figure out who Gerhardt was; her stepfather, her mother's mate. With a tiny cry of alarm when she realized her mother was in pain, the pup jumped up from watching a nest of ants carrying food along. Her white paws squished the creatures, except for a few that escaped, but Silveris didn't care. This was too important! MOM! The quiet howl escaped her jaws in a rush of panic. Was this the siblings that her mother had told her about? The tiny pup skidded to a halt outside.....Or tried to. She fell inside just as the last pup came. Silveris watched her mother look at the brown male. Then, eyes would switch to the pups. One had the same brown color as the male. The brown male was Gerhardt. He was her father.

Bi colored eyes looked at the face of her father, taking in every detail. Then her eyes switched to the tiny pup, and she stared at him for a moment. Then, her eyes switched to Loccian as her head hit the ground. Panicked, Silveris tried to meet her father's eyes. Nobody moved, except for her. Why didn't anybody do something? Mother! The cry escaped her lips, revealing that his was the queen's daughter. Eyes watched her mother's head, wishing for any sign of movement. When she spotted Loccian's sides moving, she relaxed. Eyes faced Themisto in a subsiding panic.
Will.....Will mom be......Will mom....Will mom be Ok....Okay? She whimpered, stumbling and breaking off the sentence several times due to a slight fear for her mother.

Her eyes noticed a pup, Daedalus. While Faolan might protect Enola, Silveris would protect this little male pup. He would never feel the pain of teeth biting him, claws scratching him. He would feel the pain of loss, but Silveris would try to help that. Moving towards the pup, Silveris lowered her head and licked his head a little. Then she glanced up and looked at all the wolves. It was time to introduce herself. She stepped away from the pup and glanced at Gerhardt. I guess I should introduce myself already, right? I'm Silveris Latchme, and I'm here because....Because Loccian adopted me as her own pup. She said.

She glanced at the others once more, before settling down next to her mother.

"She speaks"