
I really fucked it up this time

Triggering theme possible



Expert Fighter (186)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

07-01-2024, 12:57 AM
Bae-Syl sat amongst the sands, eyes on the waves. He had come out here late last night, but now the sun was kissing the water. He hadn't slept, merely sat watching the waves. Saga would forgive him for shirking his patrol this morning he felt. He hadn't spoken with the bear since his attempt at the bonfire, before he had to stop the young raider from attacking Haydee. He sighed at the thought.

Things were out of hand and were getting worse. His own feelings on the situation were irrelevant though. Gilgamesh was being childish, and Haydee shouldn't have to bend to his whims because she was smaller. Though a deeper wound troubled Bae-Syl. Bellamy was gone, disappointment was his feelings on it. If she wanted to go then fine but he wished she had at least told him. His ears pinned.

Then there was Lucy being kidnapped and Beauregard with her. He wasn't even sure where to ask help from. A group had taken them. And he didn't know who, or for why. He'd felt sick at the thoughts of for what once. Would she return? Would she be broken? Should he begin looking for groups of slavers and looking for things to use to buy the freedom of the two? Would Bellamy forgive him? He had lost her daughter.

He closed his tired eyes and lowered his head. He hadn't cried since his mother was murdered in front of his eyes, but he wanted to. He wanted to break down and cry. His entire world was Lucy. He had broken down last night though. It was why he hadn't returned to the falls. His den was empty, the scent of rotting herbs his only companion now. Ruby had flown off some time a few nights ago to search more, and his dog had left to find Bellamy. He wanted Bellamy to know, he had fucked up.

His face held the evidence of his sorrow. As well as the dried blood and scrape on his unarmored shoulder from him throwing himself at a rock to give himself some other feeling other than emotional pain. Physical pain was something he knew how to deal with. He was silent this morning though. He let the tears flow but refused to give this pain a voice. Alot had been taken from him in his short life, and he wasn't even allowed to feel, he had to be the rock. These moments were when he allowed himself to break. Breaking was dangerous though. But he stood on the cusp. He'd been giving his pack a glimpse of it, but refused to tell them it was anything but a sour mood or a bad day.

Eventually he would fall though he knew. There was two sides and he felt he was leaning towards that darkness that was reaching for him before he met Lucy..... she had been his light. Should he mourn her? Believe her to never return? He didn't want to.


As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.

Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Healer (85)

1 Year
Toy size
07-11-2024, 09:02 PM

Gavroche had lingered longer than he would have liked at Cedar Falls, but clearing his head had been necessary. He hadn’t realized that sleeping in the flowers could coat him in their pollen which unfortunately triggered an allergy like response. Though he had washed it away he still felt like his throat was on the scratchy side. His eyes had stopped watering and his headache was gone though, and for now that was enough! He pressed on into the morning light, praying that he was heading in the right direction. He had never been great with them, and when he passed through an unfamiliar land the night before he could only hope he was approaching Polaris still…

…and then he found himself at the beach. Eyes widened in wonder at the big stretch of sand. He took small steps, gaze flicking toward the open stretch of water. The bag he’d been using had fallen apart, so he had lost the charcoal he used to mark the map… but the map itself was rolled up and pressed against his neck under his collar. He refused to lose it. Not with what it meant. It was important he returned and found his father. With any luck he could avoid getting yelled at for disobeying the man.

To Gavroche’s surprise… he saw his father on the beach. Alone, in emotional distress. His posture betrayed him. Gav approached quietly as his ears fell. He’d never seen his father look so crestfallen. He didn’t say anything until he was beside the man, speaking up in a quiet, but sure tone. “Mom wouldn’t like seeing you like this.” He said softly. “I know you’re going to be angry with me dad, but I found her.” Gavroche tensed, preparing for his father’s reaction.

"…and they’re far from breaking her.”

"Speech," 'Thought.'

table coding by bunni ♥



Expert Fighter (186)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

07-11-2024, 10:05 PM
He'd expected his morning to be spent in silence. Not for his son to join him. He wasn't stupid. He had noticed the boy's absence, though he chalked it up to that young girl he'd smelled around. Bellatrix wasn't it?

Though his son's voice had him turning his ear to him. He sat silent for the moment. He knew his kids never had seen him break before. Never had seen him close to becoming an Asmodeus. He'd forsaken his mother's family name for so long. But the voice that came from him for his son lacked the anger he should feel for the disobedience.

"You shouldn't have left boy.... I should yell, scream, ask you what the hell you were thinking...." but another emotion ran across his face as he turned to his small son. Relief, relief he hadn't been also taken. Hadn't been captured by the raiders. Hadn't had to witness the horrors of slavery yet. But Bae-Syl knew those horrors. Being beaten was kind compared to some of the horrors they could do.

He pulled his son to his chest and gave him a brief hug. Though the next words would make Gav upset he was sure. So instead he released him and turned to walk a flick of his tail inviting the boy to follow.

"You will tell me where she is. And after that go straight home and keep your siblings home and safe. If your girlfriend is around you keep her there as well. And you will tell Saga where I have gone, and that I wont return without every single slave on my heel and the slavers dead. Or I'll die trying." his words were stern, orders not suggestions. He knew Gav had a knack for disobeying, but if he gave him something more important than the revenge he sought he would hopefully follow those orders.

His eyes flitted to the paper on the boy's collar. Perhaps he was smart enough to get Bae-Syl there without tracking where Gav had been. He could only hope.

Art & Code © Rex/Witchdogtor DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.

Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Healer (85)

1 Year
Toy size
07-31-2024, 09:28 PM

His father should have been angry, hell, had every right to be angry with him. But as Gavroche had hoped it was calmed by relief. Gav gave a solemn nod, pulled to his father’s chest and hugged. He spoke softly, acknowledging what he had done. “I know… But I had to do something… at least get you info.” He had other siblings his father needed to watch out for. Other family members. His dad would be divided in hunting the raiders down otherwise… but by getting him the information of their camp Gavroche could cut out the guessing work. His father could help his mother, bring her and Beauregard home. There was a chance… a chance that needed to be taken.

His father pulled away and Gavroche followed after him. He swallowed hard at the words that came. He knew his father would insist on him not going, and with a heavy sigh the youth spoke. “I knew you weren’t going to let me come.” He confessed. He picked up the pace, moving alongside his father as he looked up at him. “...and that’s part of why I went out first. I’m small, I was able to scope the area without detection. As much as I want to be there, getting caught wouldn’t help you or mom.” His gaze flickered to the sand at his paws.

“It's a northern territory, held by rogues without a proper border. There is a big structure, similar to a mountain and yet not, that reaches toward the sky. There is an arch too, like an overhanging cliff that faces the ocean. That is where their camp lies. Toward the ocean are one set of cages, I think for the more passive slaves, and the others, where mom is, are more toward the heart of their camp.” Green eyes flicked back to Bae-Syl. “She looks thinner, but I couldn’t see any injuries on her. Mom must be fighting them on their advances.” Something else he was sure would give his father a little relief.

“There are guards positioned at both ends of the camp from what I can tell. The ones to the west of the structure were dozing when I was there, probably not the best at their jobs. That would be your best entry point. I made a rough map... here on my collar.” Gavroche flicked his ears back, his voice becoming quiet, and he did not dare to look at his father as he spoke next. “There… appear to be about a dozen of them… are… are you sure you’re going to be okay? Even if you don’t take me and my siblings… that is a lot of wolves for one man to face.” Gav’s voice wavered.

“I don’t want to lose both of you…”

"Speech," 'Thought.'

table coding by bunni ♥