
In the Moonlight



The Hallows

Intermediate Fighter (40)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years
Extra large
07-17-2024, 02:17 PM

Even though she had been living in Auster for a couple of seasons now she had yet to really see all that the continent had to offer. She let her brother know that she would be gone for a few days–which of course protective Ezra had a bit of an issue with, but eventually relented–and set out to see just how far this continent went. She had heard plenty of stories about the Hallows castle and the lands immediately surrounding them and even tales about portions of Boreas, but a good majority of Auster was still a mystery to her. She was determined to make herself better acquainted one way or another.

She set out early in the day and by the time she reached the far tip of the continent it was very late. She was disappointed to find that most of the lands she encountered seemed to be claimed by various packs and everywhere she turned she was blocked by scent markers. By the time she reached the coast she was more than a bit frustrated and found herself longing for the wide open freedom of the wild, unclaimed lands her and her father had lived in when she was very young. She wouldn't trade her time in the Hallows for the world because of all she was learning already as a fighter, but there was definitely a nostalgia in these moments.

Eventually she found herself passing through an unusual ring of standing stones that were all carved with odd markings that almost appeared to glow and shimmer in the cool, white light of the moon. Despite all the frustration she felt to get here this felt like a find that made the trip memorable at least. She slipped the scabbard of her sword off over her head and leaned it against one of the stones, deciding this was probably where she would rest for the night. The grass and moss was soft enough to be an acceptable bed at least. The only thing she was really missing now was some company.

She was making a few acquaintances and friends within the Hallows well enough, but she was having a hard time trying to branch out into other kinds of relationships. Maybe it was because so many of the wolves her age were Artorias' children and dating the children of her mentor felt odd or maybe she just felt obligated to focus entirely on her training when she was there. Out here though... She was reminded of the nights she would sneak away while her father was sleeping to visit a handsome merchant or a pretty craftswoman whenever they were passing by a market or pack. She laid down near one of the glimmering stones with a sigh and after another moment of contemplation she tipped her head back to let out a quiet howl. Maybe someone else was feeling as lonely as she was.

"Aylin Adravendi"



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

6 Years
Paleo species
07-27-2024, 12:07 PM

Solitude had been the name of the game since Rannoch had followed his instincts and gone off to do... deer things. Taiga didn't hold it against him. She knew the feeling; the pull of some unknown force, urging her to go off and seek out her own species. Sadly, she could not. At least there were other elk here, though not quite the same. The lions of this land were, well... they just didn't cut it. The cave lioness was destined to be forever alone. That was how it felt, anyway.

Moving beneath the brilliant light of the moon, it was easy to just keep going, keep walking. There was no real destination in mind, so it was easy to change course when a soft howl filled the silence. The call sounded melancholy, beckoning, lonely. Hmm, well she could understand that. Taiga only hoped that the canine in question wouldn't run in fright from her monstrous size. It happened quite often.

The glow from the moonstones rivaled the brightness of the moon, illuminating the circle of stone in pale, blue light. Taiga had no idea what the markings on the stones meant, but it didn't matter. The woman's ruby gaze shifted about, looking for the source of the howl. It didn't take her long to find an earthen colored fae settled on a bed of moss. Taiga released a low rumble, letting the wolf know that she was coming. She stopped a respectful distance away and dipped her blocky skull. "Would you care for some company?" Though huge, Taiga's voice was soft and kind. Her body language backed up that kind, easiness as well. It should have been obvious that she meant no harm.


Taiga is a Panthera Spelaea- a Cave Lion.

She stands 63" at the shoulder and weighs a whopping 700 lbs.


The Hallows

Intermediate Fighter (40)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years
Extra large
07-31-2024, 04:58 PM

Silence stretched on after her call echoed away on the wind and she waited for a few long moments, wondering if anyone would answer or if her loneliness would continue on for another night. She had just begun to give up hope and had rested her head on her paws to try and get some sleep when a low rumble made her ears perk up and she lifted her head again with a confused curiosity. It certainly didn't sound like a wolf, but she hadn't caught the scent of any tigers or lions that might have been calling this place home when she arrived. Soon enough she got her answer and her silver eyes widened with surprise as a lioness far larger than any she had ever seen with intriguing white and black coloring emerged. Instinctively she immediately felt like she should be on the defensive, afraid that she had unknowingly stepped into her territory, but quickly she noticed how the lioness paused and dipped her head. This lioness wasn't here for a fight, she was here to answer her call.

Well, this was very much not how she had expected her night to go or the kind of visitor she might attract, but who was she to see the opportunity to have an interesting, exciting interaction and say no? "In fact I would," she replied once the initial shock wore off, giving new new acquaintance a little grin. Was it these weird, magical stones bringing her something completely unexpected and new? Or just a chance of fate? She'd probably never know. She gestured for the incredibly tall lioness to join her and said, "I'm Aylin, by the way. It's nice to meet you."

"Aylin Adravendi"



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

6 Years
Paleo species
08-06-2024, 06:53 PM

Just as she expected, shock crossed the earthen wolf's face, but there was no fear or horror. Just wonder. Taiga would take it. After a moment, the woman accepted Taiga's invitation for company. With a smile in her eyes, the giant cat moved forward before settling down in the grass beside the closest glowing stone. The lioness sprawled out, half on her hip, half on her belly, massive snowshoed toes spreading as she gave a little stretch of comfort.

The wolf gave her name as Aylin and the lioness nodded. "I'm Taiga," she replied in kind. "A pleasure to meet you as well," she spoke in low, silken tones. The feline's long tail flicked in the grass and she gave a long sigh of contentment. "Surely there's a pack nearby that would take you in. I know wolves are much more social than cats." A brow arched in question, opening the floor if the woman wanted to explain.

Taiga is a Panthera Spelaea- a Cave Lion.

She stands 63" at the shoulder and weighs a whopping 700 lbs.


The Hallows

Intermediate Fighter (40)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years
Extra large
08-28-2024, 12:06 PM

Aylin gave a little nod of acknowledgement as Taiga gave her name in return and she commented it to memory even though Taiga was very much unforgettable. She had never spoken to a feline like this before and admittedly she hadn't really ever stopped to think if they could speak her language or not. Any time she had ever crossed paths with a large cat it had been only been at the receiving end of their claws so this was a very different experience for her. Taiga mentioned how their had to be a pack around here that would be willing to take her in if it was socializing she was looking for and Aylin chuckled, giving a shall shrug as if to say 'you're not wrong'. "I am actually a member of a pack a bit to the north of here called The Hallows." She didn't know how connected Taiga was with the going ons of wolves or if she even cared about the names and structures of packs, but maybe it would give her some kind of point of reference if she was.

"I wasn't born here, but my father was an important figure in the pack at one time and my brother is a high ranking member and best friends with the alpha. There's certainly no shortage of wolves for me to interact with, but I was looking for something... more than just casual conversation and well... There was something that felt odd about hitting on what are essentially my teachers and coworkers," she admitted with a grin and a little laugh. "The last thing I want to do is have my brother scold me for flirting with his lieutenant or the alpha reprimand me for trying to kiss his daughter, you know?" She sighed and stretched out a bit on the grass, reaching her paws out in front of her with a quiet groan. Giving Taiga a smirk she asked, "What about you? If cats are so anti-social then why answer the lonely howl of a wolf?"

"Aylin Adravendi"