
damsel in distressin’

Redrum <3



Intermediate Hunter (30)

1 Year
06-23-2024, 01:56 AM
El’s life has undergone some vast changes since the last time she’d seen Red, when they’d shared that tender kiss at the festival. for a start, she’d still been a princess, all her siblings had been alive, and her father hadn’t been sick. in fact, her life had been practically utopian compared to now, where she wanders, cold and alone, uncertain of every step. it’s exhausting. El casts tired eyes up to the pale sky, brushing a snowflake impatiently from her nose. “just a little further,” she tells Princess, though the words are more for herself. “his home isn’t far.” she craves him. his warmth, his strength, his scent. Red. the last time she’d been in his arms, everything had been right in the world. in fact, that was the last time she’d felt some semblance of okay. makes its weak, to go running to her…Red. but she can no longer deny the parts of herself that yearn for him, that wants him to hold her close and promise her everything will be okay. maybe it makes her weak, but El’s past caring. i’m coming. i’m almost there.

of course, that’s when everything goes to shit. something slams into her, knocking her to the ground as pain explodes up her side. a scream rips from her throat, more from the shock than anything. El clambers you her feet on shaking legs, blinking as blood flecks her vision. lifting a shaking paw, she feels a gash along her cheekbone, cleaving her fur in two. beside her, Princess snarls.

“w-what?” El turns, slowly, and freezes at the sight before her: a coyote leers at her with a hungry grin, drooling as it wipes the blood from its claws. her blood. terror shivers down her spine. El gulps, stumbling backward a step. the coyote follows at slow pace, a predator toying with its prey.


"All my troubles on the burning pile, All lit up and I start to smile."


Master Fighter (370)

Master Hunter (285)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Hawk-Eyed Hawk-Eyed

1 Year
Extra large

Double MasterScarredSnake EyesRapid Poster - Gold
06-24-2024, 07:25 PM

Redrum sat on the edge of one of the ridges, gazing out through his helm over the vast expanse of snow-covered wilderness that stretched beneath him. The wind howled around him, carrying the scent of pine and frost. He was the heir to his mother's pack now, a role he had to prepare for earnestly. The weight of that responsibility pressed heavily on his shoulders, an ever-present burden that sometimes felt too great to bear.

He was expected to be strong, wise, and decisive. To lead with both strength and compassion, maintaining the delicate balance between the pack's needs and the nature of their environment. Redrum took this duty seriously, knowing that the pack depends on his ability to guide them through both times of plenty and hardship. At least… that’s what he was learning.

Yet, even as he tried to focus on his responsibilities, his thoughts kept drifting back to… Elara. It had been weeks since he had last heard from her, and the silence gnawed at him. He had visited her pack's territory, only to find it abandoned, devoid of any signs of activity. Panic had surged through him then, a deep, guttural fear that he might never see her again.

His insecurities flared in the quiet moments when he was alone with his thoughts. Had something happened to her? Had she been hurt or worse? Or had she simply decided that he was not worth the effort, that their bond was not true? The uncertainty was maddening, a constant, nagging presence that he could not shake. He hid it well. He ran from it, chasing prey and predators alike to keep his mind occupied.

Redrum's thoughts returned to the memory of their last meeting, the way her eyes had sparkled with joy, the warmth of her laughter, and the tenderness of their kiss. Those memories were his reassurance, but they also fueled his desperation. He needed to find her, to know that she was safe.

The sudden, piercing scream that shattered the stillness of the forest jolted him to his feet. Elara's voice, filled with terror and pain, cut through him like a blade. His heart pounded in his chest, each beat a drum driving him into action. He sprinted through the snow, his muscles coiling with the urgency of his exertion. He’d never ran so fast in his life.

As he raced through the trees, memories of Elara flashed before his eyes — that smile, that voice, the connection they shared since they were pups. The thought of losing her now, after all that, was unbearable. He couldn't let her be taken from him. So what would dare to try?

Bursting into the clearing, Redrum's eyes locked onto the scene before him. Elara stood, trembling and bloodied, with a coyote stalking toward her. His mind raced, calculating the best approach, the quickest way to eliminate the threat. There was no time to hesitate. He saw red as he watched blood dribble down her cheek. All rationality ceased to be.

Any words he might have said were lost as he roared, his voice a thunderous mix of threat and fury. He charged forward, his powerful frame cutting through the snow like an avalanche. The coyote turned, its eyes widening in surprise, but Redrum was already upon it.

With a feral fluidity, he leaped, his momentum crashing into the coyote with the force of a landslide. The beast yelped, its cry a mixture of pain and shock as it was knocked to the ground. Redrum's teeth and claws became a blur of motion, driven by a singular focus: protect Elara at all costs. To fight, to kill. Kill kill kill. In his ears, the feline within screamed at him to act on his impulse.


Redrum speaks in third person, known as illeism.
He deals with neurological issues from head trauma,
Causing disruptions in speech and movement,
Making him appear twitchy, with uncontrollable tics affecting every muscle.

Assume he isn't wearing his skull mask unless specified.



Intermediate Hunter (30)

1 Year
07-04-2024, 10:31 PM
it’s a sound that shakes the earth, reverberates through her bones and makes her teeth rattle in her skull. there’s such fury there, a wraith so profound it sends every hair on her pelt shooting straight up into the air. Red. he’s scarcely more than a flash of movement, a  pair of teeth and claws, but she’d know him anywhere - even if she’s never seen him like this, untethered and wild. she’s known it was there, lurking at the edges of that vermillion gaze, his body singing with power and the promise of violence. but now it’s slipped it’s leash, whatever lies beneath that striped pelt and fond smile. as Red pins the coyote to the earth, El finds she can’t take her eyes off him, gaze stuck to his figure as though magnetised. a throb of pain draws her attention back to the moment at hand, and tears of relief spring to her eyes as she begins to tremble with shock. he’s here. he’d come for her. she remembers a childhood promise extracted, playful and lilting: will you protect me? and here he is, keeping his word.

“Red,” El sobs, voice so soft it barely carries. “you came.”

the hardships and sorrows of the past few months come crashing down her, and El is filled with a fierce, unbridled yearning to be bundled within his strong arms, to hide her face in his chest until she can bear to face the world again. the coyote snarls from beneath Red’s grip, thrashing and snapping its jaws, and El gives a little yelp of fear. she doesn’t doubt his ability, but still, it’s a lot for a single yearling to hold off a coyote. El hesitates, wavering despite the weakness in her legs. should she help?

"Elara Klein"



"All my troubles on the burning pile, All lit up and I start to smile."


Master Fighter (370)

Master Hunter (285)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Hawk-Eyed Hawk-Eyed

1 Year
Extra large

Double MasterScarredSnake EyesRapid Poster - Gold
07-05-2024, 11:09 PM

Redrum's massive paws struck first, claws sinking into the coyote's side with a sickening rip. The animal's desperate yelps filled the air as it writhed beneath him, but Redrum's grip was unyielding. He felt the creature's ribs crack under his weight, a grim satisfaction fueling his rage. His jaws snapped forward, teeth sinking into the coyote's scruff, dragging it further away into the snow.

The coyote twisted, trying to bite back, but Redrum's jaws found its throat. He clamped down with crushing force, the warm blood gushing into his mouth, an utter contrast to the cold air. The taste of iron and salt filled his senses, heightening his frenzy. He shook his head violently, tearing through flesh and sinew, feeling the life ebb away from his prey. He still heard the cat roaring for the kill, his helm hiding his maddened expression, save for his jaw and eyes.

The coyote's struggles grew weaker, its eyes glazing over with the inevitability of death. Redrum's claws continued to rake across its body with those claw covers, each strike cutting deep and bloody as if to fuel his fury and desperation. He felt the coyote's pulse slow, then stop, its body going limp beneath him.

Even as the coyote's life faded, Redrum did not relent immediately. He continued to shake the carcass, driven by a primal need to ensure the threat was utterly vanquished. His breath came in ragged gasps, the exertion and adrenaline coursing through him. Finally, he released his grip, stepping back and looking down at the bloodied, lifeless form.

His sides heaved, his muscles quivering and twitching uncontrollably with the aftermath of the fight. The snow around him was stained red, a reminder of the violence that had just transpired. He was more rabid than Redrum at this moment, but the hissing was fading as the cat was satisfied. Redrum turned to Elara, his eyes wild with a mixture of fear and relief. She was safe. She was here. But the sight of her injuries ignited a new wave of fury within him, directed now at himself for not being there sooner.

“Elara!” He whispered, his voice hoarse and choked. He stepped toward her, his movements careful, as if she might shatter under his touch. “Is Elara- Okay?” The young brute’s paw moved up to his throat, loosening the buckle there to release his skull from the helm, shaking it off and revealing a bloodied maw, and golden eyes full of guilt and longing.


Redrum speaks in third person, known as illeism.
He deals with neurological issues from head trauma,
Causing disruptions in speech and movement,
Making him appear twitchy, with uncontrollable tics affecting every muscle.

Assume he isn't wearing his skull mask unless specified.



Intermediate Hunter (30)

1 Year
07-08-2024, 01:00 AM
Red’s fury is near mythical to witness, an avenging angel come to rain vengeance upon his enemies. upon her enemies. El watches the carnage in silence, eyes taking on a distant, almost glazed quality as the coyote is dispatched. it’s gruesome and bloody, a violence so obscene she should be covering her eyes. instead, El drinks it in like a woman starved. something expands in her chest, a feeling too big to hold. it’s only once the coyote has finally fallen still that she realises she’s trembling from head to toe. El takes a shuffling step forward, desperate for him, to touch him and soothe and feel him beneath her touch, alive and so fucking vibrant it hurts. so vibrant he makes blood like near-grey in comparison. a hysterical sound pulls from her throat, something delighted and agonised in equal measure. when the helmet slips from his face, El goes to him without a moment’s hesitation, blinking the blood from her eyes and lapping at the drops that cling to her bottom lip. her head is spinning, but she isn’t sure if it’s from her injury or simply a side effect of Red’s mere presence.

“you saved me,” she rasps, rather unnecessarily. but she needs him to hear it, needs to impress upon him her gratitude. no, gratitude is too small a word. El buries her face in his chest, tears falling as she flings her arms around his neck. hold me, hold me. she doesn’t care that he’s bloody, or capable of abhorrent violence. nothing about him repels her, disgusts her. nothing ever could. he’s carved himself into her heart with the serrated bone-edge of her own ribcage. El laughs at his question, the sound tear-filled and shaking with relief. “yes, yes, i’m okay. i’m fine. i’m fine because you saved me, Red.”

"Elara Klein"



"All my troubles on the burning pile, All lit up and I start to smile."


Master Fighter (370)

Master Hunter (285)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Hawk-Eyed Hawk-Eyed

1 Year
Extra large

Double MasterScarredSnake EyesRapid Poster - Gold
07-10-2024, 12:04 AM

Redrum's eyes locked onto Elara, his breath still coming in ragged gasps as he tried to steady himself. His body was tense, muscles twitching from the aftermath of the fight. The sight of Elara's trembling form, the way she moved towards him, sent a new wave of emotions crashing over him. He could see the mix of horror and awe in her eyes, the way she seemed both repelled and drawn to him.

“E-elara,” He whispered, voice rough and choked with emotion. His massive paws moved to steady her as she approached, his touch surprisingly gentle despite the lingering adrenaline. The blood on his fur contrasted starkly with her delicate features, yet she showed no fear, no hesitation.

Her words hit him hard, a reminder of why he fought with such ferocity. He had saved her, protected her, and now she stood before him, alive and safe. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close, his muzzle nuzzling into her fur as if to reassure himself that she was real.

“Redrum had to.” He murmured, his voice trembling. “Couldn't let it take Elara from Redrum.” His golden eyes, filled with a mixture of relief and guilt, met hers as she buried her face in his chest. The warmth of her tears soaked into his fur, each drop a testament to the depth of her gratitude and the intensity of their bond.

Redrum's heart ached with the weight of his emotions, the sight of Elara's injuries fueling his self-reproach. “Redrum is sorry,” The vermillion brute whispered, his voice barely audible. “He should’ve been there sooner.” He held her tighter, as if the strength of his embrace could somehow erase the pain and fear they had both endured.

When she laughed, the sound filling the air with a bittersweet relief. He let out a shuddering breath, the tension in his body slowly dissipating.Elara is okay, He repeated, as much to reassure himself as to acknowledge her words. “Elara is fine?” Redrum nuzzled her again, his movements gentle, his touch tender despite the lingering violence that still thrummed through his veins. “Redrum will protect from now on. Forever.” The vermillion young brute brought his muzzle close to hers, before quickly pulling away as he recalled the blood encompassing his lips.


Redrum speaks in third person, known as illeism.
He deals with neurological issues from head trauma,
Causing disruptions in speech and movement,
Making him appear twitchy, with uncontrollable tics affecting every muscle.

Assume he isn't wearing his skull mask unless specified.



Intermediate Hunter (30)

1 Year
07-14-2024, 09:21 AM
’Redrum is sorry. he should’ve been there sooner.’ El shakes her head, so fervently it surprises even her. “no,” she insists, voice firm - if a little tearful. “no, Red you were right on time. you were perfect.” she cranes her neck to look him in the face, seeking those familiar eyes, so dear to her they may as well be her own. “you are perfect.” with shaky hands she tries to pull his face down, to press brief, open-mouthed kisses to his mouth. nothing particularly sensual or greedy, just seeking to ground herself, to anchor herself to him and the twin potter of their heartbeats. “Red,” El sniffles, “e-everything has been so awful, lately. it’s all f-fallen a-apart.” it spills from her like poison, quick and clumsy, like she’ll never get it out if she doesn’t speak it all in this singular moment. “Ashen f-fell, and Daddy’s sick, and i haven’t…i haven’t seen my f-family in so l-long. and i’m frightened.”

she’d have been too proud to admit such a thing as a pup, too ashamed of to admit to such weakness. but cold and hunger and grief have hollowed her out and worn her down, leaving something smooth and vulnerable where once she was rough and unyielding. maybe it’s pathetic. she feels pathetic. but adrenaline is still shaking through her, and the pain is setting in, and fuck it all, she wants to be as blatantly selfish as she’d been in her youth. it comes natural to her, it’s in her nature. it’s the ugliest parts of her stripped bare. deep down, she knows best how to take and give nothing in return. “i wanna go home with you. Red, I wanna…i wanna live with you. for good.” her bottom lip quivers as she fixes him with those big doe-eyes, the kind she’d levied at him so often when they were children. “please, Red, take me home with you.”

"Elara Klein"



"All my troubles on the burning pile, All lit up and I start to smile."


Master Fighter (370)

Master Hunter (285)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Hawk-Eyed Hawk-Eyed

1 Year
Extra large

Double MasterScarredSnake EyesRapid Poster - Gold
07-16-2024, 12:41 AM

Redrum's heart hammered in his chest as he watched Elara’s fervent denial. Her voice, though tearful, carried a firmness that struck him deeply. She shook her head with surprising intensity, insisting he was on time, that he was perfect. Her eyes, so familiar and dear to him, sought his own, searching for the reassurance she desperately needed. Her words hit him hard, and his eyes widened in response.

Her trembling hands reached up to pull his face down, her touch light and unsteady. She pressed desperate kisses to his lips, each one seeking solace. Redrum's eyes softened, the tension in his muscles easing slightly as he felt her breath against his fur. He welcomed the contact, kissing her back gently, offering reassurance in the face of her recent ordeal.

Her words poured out about her father and her pack, a torrent of grief and fear. Redrum's golden eyes widened with empathy and pain as he listened. The proud, unyielding pup he remembered was now worn down her vulnerability laid bare before him. Her plea for comfort and stability cut deep into him, filling him with a sense of inadequacy.

When she begged to go home with him, Redrum’s breath hitched. The raw emotion in her plea stirred something primal within him. He gently cupped her face in his paws, his touch tender as he wiped away her tears with his thumbs. “Redrum will take you home,” He promised, his voice filled with determination. “Redrum will keep you safe. Always.”

He pulled her into a tight embrace, his body trembling slightly as he held her close. He buried his muzzle in her fur, breathing in her scent, his heart aching. “Together, Elara,” He whispered, his voice thick. “Elara and Redrum. Forever.”

His muscles, still twitching from the aftermath of the fight, relaxed more as he felt her warmth against him. He nuzzled her gently, hoping to convey his support. The vermillion young brute brought his muzzle close to hers, then hesitated, remembering the blood still staining his lips. He pulled back slightly, his eyes filled with a mix of tenderness and guilt. They had kissed already, and as the thought entered his min dhe leaned in to kiss her more passionately. Forgetting the blood on his lips, forgetting the circumstances.

“Redrum loves Elara.” He murmured, his voice barely above a whisper as he cut away. “Nothing will ever hurt Elara again. Not while Redrum is alive.” His gaze locked onto hers, tightening his embrace, vowing silently to never let her go, to be the strength she needed, no matter the cost.

Redrum speaks in third person, known as illeism.
He deals with neurological issues from head trauma,
Causing disruptions in speech and movement,
Making him appear twitchy, with uncontrollable tics affecting every muscle.

Assume he isn't wearing his skull mask unless specified.



Intermediate Hunter (30)

1 Year
07-21-2024, 02:03 AM (This post was last modified: 07-21-2024, 02:04 AM by Elara. Edited 1 time in total.)
the taste of blood is in her mouth, coats her teeth and tongue and lips, but El just sinks further into the kiss and lets it defile her, embraces all the gore and violence that has laid the foundations of her new life. for that is what she intends this to be: a new start, a future she can craft at Red's side. El closes her eyes, sighing into the kiss as she lets the image unfurl. Red, as Insomnia's fierce heir, and her as his, wholly his, now and forever. her heart soars and throbs in tandem. "i love you too," she breathes into his mouth, pressing closer, hotter, her hunger for him all-consuming. "and i want a life with you in Insomnia. right now." she opens her eyes, and there's a new intensity there, a steely determination. "i wanna leave it all behind and move forward with you, Red. you're my future. i know it." she lifts his hand to press it to her chest, right where her heart beats true. "don't you see, Red? you're my guiding star." maybe it's whimsical, romantic nonsense, but right now, nothing has ever felt more true. maybe the consequences will be messy; maybe Medusa won't accept her, or her family will be upset with her for refusing to join them in their chosen pack. but for the first time since Ashen fell, El doesn't fear the future: she fucking relishes in it.

"Elara Klein"
