
The Spot



The Hallows
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An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

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Critical Fail!
07-24-2024, 09:36 PM

Ellara Praetor

A maiden of roses stood at the precipice of the Moonlight Cliffs, an ethereal glow casting off her fur beneath the light of the full moon. Her heart echoed the rhythmic crash of the waves of the Eastern Sea that was nearly 200 feet below. A lush field of wildflowers spread out on either side of her, a deceptive scene that masked the peril one could find themselves in out on these cliffs.

Her journey from Auster has been long and arduous, each step a testament to her unwavering dedication to her love. Now that she was resting, the wind that came up the cliffs was a cool whisper that caressed her and helped her relax. Ellara inhaled deeply, letting the crisp air fill her lungs and steady her racing heart. She was here, at last, to reunite with Melisande, the woman that had captured her heart with an intensity that matched the moonlight now bathing her in its glow.

Her armor was growing heavier every second that she wasn't moving. She carefully removed her bracers and unclasped her bone collar, setting them down delicately in the wildflowers with some reverence. The bones of her armor seemed to gleam in the moonlight. They were symbols of all the battles she had experienced up until this point; she was not the same wolf! A fresh pink scar adorned her left flank and her muscles were toned and much tighter than her last encounter with Melisandre.

Finally, she let out a howl.. calling for her love under the light of the moon and only praying that she was nearby. They had made a promise to meet each other here, but would she remember? Did she still want to see her? Nervousness built a lump in her throat but Ellara lifted her head with confidence and willed it away, her eyes narrowing as a smile played across her lips.. thinking of the beautiful face of her love.

Ellara "Ella" Praetor



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (50)

2 Years
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Pride - Demisexual
07-24-2024, 09:57 PM

she made her way to the moontouched cliffs in hopes to see Ellara again. carrying with her light step were newer feelings of insecurities and some things she wished to speak about. so far, their relationship deemed intangible to her. both physically and label wise. what were they? and where was it all going? the intellect of her was never at a pause.
as she made her way, she heard the call of Ellara ring through the cool air. excitement coursed through her, hitching her forward with a quicker than previous speed. a sense of urgency as she came to find her. "Ella!" she panted, slowing down to halt before the tall wolf. red eyes skimming over other in a tenderly way.. but its soon her brows furrowed with evident confusion. "What's.." she glanced at the armor placed near. "all this?" she sat. "You look different.." she bit her lip, unsure of what to call it. "Has something happened Ellara?" her head ducked slightly, inclining upwards to peer up at Ellara with full, glistening eyes.
she whined, growing impatient with feelings she held inside. Ellara seemed.. more fit, more worn down and somehow jaded. the distance between their homes frustrated her. and so did the abundant scent of arteyu. "You.. are always with her." she hummed to herself, words soft as it fell from her lips. no animosity in it yet it held a weariness to it. like she didn't want to hear the words be spoken aloud.

"talk" "think"
table by scarlet/art by alo


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (195)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
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Critical Fail!
07-24-2024, 10:16 PM

Ellara Praetor

Ella's ears twitched up on her crown as her gaze softened, her eyes catching the sight of her owls flying in from above. The silent sentinels of the night glided down to the cliffs, their wings slicing through the moonlight air without a sound in their effortless grace. They perched upon the rocky outcrops, their eyes like orbs of polished rose quartz, scanning their surroundings as Ella waited. Their presence comforted Ella, aiding to her air of confidence.

She turned her attention back to Melisande, taking in the sight of her beloved as she approached her. Ella could not stop smiling at first, until she noticed the confusion in Meli's eyes once she got closer. It tugged at her heartstrings, it was almost like Meli did not remember her. Ellara stepped closer, her movements fluid and graceful despite the weariness etched into her.

"Meli," she murmured, her voice a soft caress carried on the wind. "This armor, this scar - they are symbols of the battles I've endured since we last spoke. I became stronger.. because I had to, for both of us. To protect us." Ella's gaze dropped to the scar on her flank, the fresh pink line vivid against her coffee brown fur there. "This scar was actually my fault, it was one of my first spars. No real danger, just practice and training." She smiled, nodding her head to reassure Meli.

"I wanted to prepare for anything, for anyone that might threaten you. I won't let anything happen to you." She paused, her eyes meeting Melisande's with a depth of emotion that her words could not help her convey. "I have only been with Atreyu as part of my growth. She has been a great mentor, teaching me things I had previously not known. She has helped me in keeping the herbs alive down in the God's Garden, she is a good friend... and happens to be in Auster primarily, as well."

Ella took a step closer, her crown lowering to align with her spine and let her nose gently brush against Meli, wanting to embrace and reassure her. "I know the distance has been hard, and I am sorry for the pain it has caused you. But my heart has never strayed, Melisande. You are my guiding star, the reason I endure, the reason I fight. Every moment spent apart has only strengthened my love for you." Her nose pressed into Meli's cheek, her tongue dancing behind her lips with the desire to kiss her though Ella did not want to overwhelm her while she voiced her doubt.

Her voice, though firm, held a tenderness that contrasted the fierceness that had grown in her spirit. "I am here now, with you, under the light of the new moon, and I will be every moon there is to come." Her eyes shimmered with the intensity of her feelings, a blend of love and loyalty summoned out of her by the spell-caster that stood in front of her.

Ellara "Ella" Praetor
Ellara has two Barred Owls, Halia and Eos, that can be assumed to be with her at all times.



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (50)

2 Years
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Pride - Demisexual
07-25-2024, 03:49 AM

relief washed over her, settling the concern in her eyes with poised recovery. she felt at ease one again- safe even under the lectures of her partner. how they improved themselves for the sake of her safety. she sent a wary smile to Ellara, worried of what extent Ellara would push herself to. but she's quiet and humbled, listening as Ella explained. "Good.. I was beginning to think you.. perhaps fancied her." she chuckled, laughing at the sound of it all now. "Ellara I care about you too. Don't.. don't treat yourself like you're replaceable." her voice was thick with emotion, as if reckoning Ellara to hear her out. scarred, bruised- who knew what else before it all changed Ella?
"Ella. please don't push too hard. not for me." she sighed, watching as her partner came closer to nudge her cheek. "you promise?" she whispered, her voice a sweet light melody in the cool night air. "show me.." she said with a hushed voice.

"talk" "think"
table by scarlet/art by alo


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (195)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
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Critical Fail!
07-25-2024, 04:10 AM (This post was last modified: 07-25-2024, 04:14 AM by Ellara. Edited 3 times in total.)

Ellara Praetor

A sigh of relief escaped Ellara's dark lips as she watched the concern fade from Melisande's eyes, replaced by a gentle smile. Ellara moved closer, her nose brushing against Meli's cheek as she spoke, a tender touch. "I promise, Melisande. I will not push myself too hard," she whispered, her voice soft but genuine.

With a slow, deliberate movement, Ellara lowered her head, nuzzling into Melisande's neck with gentle affection. The cool night air held the sweet scent of wildflowers, but it paled in comparison to the sweet scent of Melisande. Her scent was intoxicating to Ella, her pink tongue flicking out to softly caress against Meli's fur, each touch filled with passion.

"You are irreplaceable to me as well, Meli," she murmured, her words a vow as the taller fae pressed closer. "Every moment we are apart has only made my desire for you stronger." Ellara's eyes shimmered with the emotions behind them, wrapping herself around Melisande. She almost forced the smaller wolf to show her belly by simply invading her space enough to cause Meli to be pushed back into the wildflowers. Ellara's licks moved from the back of Melisande's neck to her chest, up her neck, and to her chin.. then finally her lips as she poured her passion into the kiss she had been dreaming about the whole trip here.

Ellara's kisses trailed further down, her tongue dancing along the curve of Melisande's jaw before moving to her throat, lingering there with soft licks. She continued her descent, her lips brushing against the fur of Meli's chest again, feeling the rapid heartbeat beneath. With each caress, Ellara conveyed her longing, her movements slow and agonizing purposefully. Ellara paused to nuzzle Meli's belly, her touch both tender and possessive, before moving lower to gently nip her sensitive lower stomach. Each touch was a promise, a testament to the strength of her desire.

Her forelimbs cradled either side of Meli as she finally lowered her tongue to lav over Meli's spot with gentle and precise movements of her tongue, her forelimbs enclosing around the smaller wolf in order to keep her close as Ellara continued. Ellara had never felt such desire for another wolf, such possessiveness over another wolf. Her pink eyes fluttered up Meli's beautiful red form to lock eyes with her all the while, being captivated by every movement and every sound that came from her love.

Ellara "Ella" Praetor
Ellara has two Barred Owls, Halia and Eos, that can be assumed to be with her at all times.



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (50)

2 Years
Extra small

Pride - Demisexual
07-27-2024, 08:27 PM

like a dance, they moved closer and began to court. first, some tender kisses behind and over her neck before coming to be felt over her lips. Ellara's perfume mingled with her own as their furs meshed & bodies touched. as huge as Ellara was, it was easy to encircle mélisande with their frame. and even then, mélisande did not seek freedom from their captivating hold. being slightly pushed down, she fell softly into the wildflowers that brushed over her shoulders and backside.
peering down with low lids as she watched Ellara tease her way lower, making mélisande taut as she anticipated what would come next. her rate picked up as did her breathing- holding back slight groans as she panted. she would blink softly until her lids became too heavy to open-, causing her head to slowly recline as she savored the newer feelings of arousal and stimuli. to her surprise, she was able to let loose here on the moontouched cliff. her first time ever experiencing foreplay. her muscles twitched some as Ellara spent her tongue in & over her spot, causing generous secretions from mélisande to follow suit. the product of her lover.
she fell limp as moments passed, softly moaning over her partner that increased in intensity by the minute. her climax was soon..

"talk" "think"
table by scarlet/art by alo


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (195)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
07-27-2024, 08:59 PM

Ellara Praetor

The maiden of roses could feel her heart racing in time with her lover's breaths, the sound of their shared passion mingling with the rhythmic crash of the waves below. The wildflowers brushed against Ellara's fur as she pressed closer against Melisande, their soft petals a stark contrast to the intensity of the moment. Each touch was filled with promises of love and devotion as her gaze remained locked on her lover's face, even when she could not hold it up anymore and tilted her head back. Ellara watched as her lover enjoyed her caress, a satisfied low growl rumbling out across her tongue and against Meli's body.

Ellara's kisses grew more fervant, her tongue tracing the contour's of Meli's form with lust. She savored the taste of her lover's skin and the secretions she produced, the subtle tremors that ran through Meli's body as she released them fueling her own ardor. The moonlight bathed them in a silver glow, casting an ethereal light on their entwined forms.

Ellara's kisses moved deeper, her tongue exploring the sensitive spots she knew would elicit the sweetest reactions. She could feel her lover's muscles twitch beneath her touch, hear the soft moans that escaped her lips. With each passing moment in their dance of intimacy, Ellara could feel her approaching a climax.

Sensing she was near, Ellara adjusted her movements, her tongue and lips working in harmony to bring her lover to the peak of her pleasure. "You are everything to me, Meli," she whispered between the kisses, her voice a hushed caress. "Let go, my love. I am here, always."

With those words, Ellara poured all her love and passion into her actions, her every touch a reflection of the love she had for her. Her forelimbs on either side of her weighted against Meli, holding her close under the watchful gaze of the moon.

Ellara "Ella" Praetor
Ellara has two Barred Owls, Halia and Eos, that can be assumed to be with her at all times.

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1. The Spot Moontouched Cliffs 09:36 PM, 07-24-2024 01:16 PM, 07-29-2024