

Virgil I


4 Years
10-10-2013, 07:28 PM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2014, 10:48 PM by Virgil I.)
Quote:Descendants of the gods, at least according to them, the Olympus family are a firm lot. All are warriors by nature, bowing to no one and establishing their name wherever they go. A royal family by many means, they believe in arranging the marriages of their family members, rarely letting any member of their family choose who they marry. Traditionally, the family consists of a matriarch and a patriarch, who is the eldest son of the previous patriarch and his mate. Currently, Zeus Olympus is the patriarch, but due to Selene Olympus, his sister and wife, being sick, his eldest daughter, Virgil, is the matriarch.

They believe in the Greek gods, almost to the extreme. Rarely is a marriage accepted that isn't agreed upon by the family oracles (typically older women of the family, Selene is one), whom base this acceptance upon omens from the gods. Over all, they believe it is their right to conquer, and do not shy from taking all that they desire. They do not care for the opinions of others, except in that they wish to instill power by fear and respect. They operate mostly on one principle; loyalty to the family.
That being said, they are generally a neutral family. Most will not kill or takes slaves, although they do have tempers and are prone to striking. There are also a few odd figures in the family, those who are darker and more corrupted. Olympians are, after all, warriors and healers who have seen many wrongdoings. Even at a year old they will have seen many battles, and many abominations. When they come to the lands of Alacritia, they will not flinch from trying to take what they want, no matter the potential consequences. They do not fear, they do not bow, and they do not apologize.
Appearance wise, they tend to come in soft browns or russets with darkened patches of fur. Builds range widely, but eyes tend to be fiery colors, although silver eyes are not uncommon. If you are interested, Muse can certainly design something for you! To apply, post an appearance and personality, as well as who you are interested in. If the names and ages below don't appeal to you, I am willing to add more litters or let you change names or add children to litters. Just ask!

deceased, adoptable, taken, unavailable, married in*











11-18-2013, 03:00 PM
There will be three tables, one for appearance, one for personality, and one for his RP sample.

A tall boy, like the ones who share his name, Apollo is not a male to be called small or skinny. But he does not have the plump frame his family has, preferring to stay slightly skinnier, to give him the look that it seems that he would be a easy wolf to beat. His legs are long and graceful, making him look as if he were simply floating when he runs. But one look at his slightly narrowed eyes, and you would see the fighter in him. Despite his skinny weight, his fur is long, and hides the muscular frame he has. This is the main reason wolves underestimate him. But even his jaws are powerful, and he could break a bone or two within a moment, if he had to. Of course, he does have some scars, but they can be talked about later.

Apollo does not have the light brown fur that his family may have, but his fur makes him seem like a living flame. Well, it would if not for his eyes, not the fiery color his family has. Instead, Apollo's eyes are a medium silver, not too dark to seem odd, but not too light, either. A little lighter than a piece of metal, maybe even the same color. His eyes seem to have a little flame flickering in them, though. Little copper flecks are around his pupils, not even noticeable unless you look right into his eyes. This makes him a beautiful wolf, but there is one more feature to be noticed about those beautiful eyes of the boy's. His eyes are narrowed ever so slightly, almost looking what a cat's eyes would look like.





10 Years
Athena I
11-19-2013, 12:07 AM (This post was last modified: 11-23-2013, 02:20 PM by Phoebe.)

Soooo since I already had an account with the name Phoebe I decided it was destiny and I had to apply for her xD

Appearance: This fea is built like that of royalty. Her limbs are long and graceful, pulling her forward in long, smooth motions when she moves. She holds herself with a quiet confidence that doesn't boast, even though she silently knows she can hold herself above the general riff raff. Her body is slim, but strong. Lean, toned muscle wraps itself around her body, wound around her by years of careful training. Her fur is a soft blending of russet, gray, and earthen hues. Dapples of charcoal cover her back and a patch of creamy ivory graces the lower half of her muzzle and the area at the very top of her throat. The tips of her ears an tail are also a darker, deeper brown. She has avoided having any major scars thus far in her life, but it's easy to find the small scars that criss cross her body if one looks close enough. Some peak through her fur here and there, but for the most part her coat covers them. Her eyes shine like silver, bright, brilliant disks of intelligence that lets her personality shine through like true windows to her soul.

Personality: Phoebe is one of "those" girls. You know the type. The princess, the bitch, the fea that knows she is better than everyone else around her and is not afraid to let everyone know it. She is unapologetic in her confidence and will flaunt the good looks she was born with at any given chance. She is such a flirt. If an attractive wolf crosses her path she will flirt with him shamelessly every time without fail. She is as vain as they come, but she expresses this not by trying to keep her fur pristine or something of that sort. Due to the fact that she grew up with her family of warriors, she was trained how to fight and is quite good at it when she wishes to be. Thanks to this her view on beauty is based on how strong, muscled, or scarred a wolf is. The more proof of their ability as a fighter they have the more attractive to her they are and so she wants the same for herself. To a certain extent at least. She may be a self centered bitch, but Phoebe still lives up to her namesake's traits of being bright and intelligent. She holds this trait close to her heart and values her ability to work though problems and think her way though attacks in a fight above almost anything else.

RP sample: "I'll be fiiiiine, brother, shesh. I'll only be gone for a little bit, I promise." The princess gave her dear brother an affectionate lick on the cheek before turning with a flick of her tail to walk away from him. She rolled her eyes with a grin when he couldn't see her any more. No one was more precious to her than Atlas, but sometimes a fea needed to stretch her legs, meet a hot brute or two, and he was so dang protective! The russet fea wandered and wove through the trees, her legs pulling her forward in a graceful lope. She spotted a small pond up ahead and the turned her path toward it and stopped to take a quick drink from the clear pool.

As her silver gaze lifted up from the water's surface she spotted a wolf several feet away from the other side of the pond and instantly her interest was caught. A small grin touched her muzzle as she turned and walked around the water's edge to the other side of the pond, moving confidently toward the large, black brute that stood watching her, his amber gaze following her as she came toward him. "Well well, hello there," she said as she got close, her voice smooth and tempting. "What are you doing out here all alone?" Her tail gently waved back and forth as she stood barely a foot from him, waiting for his answer as her silver gaze gleamed with interest and roamed down his body.



11-22-2013, 05:05 AM

Name: Atlas Olympus


Birthed from the greatest, Atlas is a remarkable specimen that walks the lands. He is often quiet, speaking usually when the occasion calls for it. Though he will bark out orders when necessary, and if the job doesn't get done then he will take it upon himself to make sure it gets finished within adequate time. He is caring only for those he gets close to, and so far it's only been his own immediate family. He is very protective of his sister Phoebe, and travels by her side and rarely lets her out of his sights. He is untrusting of strangers, often coming to greet them with raised hackles and narrowed eyes. Most of the time Atlas is a calm and level headed individual, mostly thinking through things, however, he has caught himself acting the opposite on many occasions. He seeks to be a leader, to be above others, and to exert his strengths and potential power over others. He will take command only from his own family, and maybe from those that he finds are suitable of leading. Often, however, he might defy the orders of an Alpha who has little influence or hold on him. Atlas is pure warrior, he knows his way in combat and is knowledgeable in tracking and hunting, as these are skillsets often used for him and his sister. He excels in tracking, is an avid hunter, and is capable of learning paths and the lay of the land fairly quickly, thus giving him the advantage of navigation should he need it. Although he can be difficult to deal with, he will give full and unwavering loyalty to the deserving Alpha.

Atlas is not a love seeker. He never gives much thought to it, never really looked, and doesn't really believe that it exists. Maybe somewhere in the deepest pits of his mind and heart he might believe that it's true, but he has yet to see nor believe it. This causes him to be cold and emotionless towards other wolves, other then his own family and his sister. Often times this is a problem issue, as he will subconsciously and accidentally push away those trying to get close to him. If he ever does find one that manages to open his heart, then he can be a very loving and devoted husband. However, that may take quite a while as well as quite a battle. Atlas can be quite the charmer, even though half of what he tells a pretty girl are lies. Seldom does he speak the truth to flatter someone, but perhaps one day he will actually mean it.


Upon sighting the regality of this handsome beast, many seek to recruit him into their midst. He is all but marred with disfiguring scars, his pelt an unbroken masterpiece of colors. His coat is a mixture of russet reds, dark browns, sandy cr?me and charcoal. The majority of his body is russet red, this color far more vibrant on his front legs and the center of his face. Sandy cr?me masks the underside of his muzzle and falls down to cover his throat and wraps around his neck to blend with the black that covers the topside of his neck, head, and shoulders. He is dappled with sandy cr?me and black much like the stars littered across the night sky. Charcoal black is intermixed into the rest of his tail, falling into a thin streak down the top part of his tail, and the very tip of that is dipped in charcoal ink. He is quite a sight, his looks attract many though that doesn't mean he actually tries to attract them. His eyes are well defined in the setting colors of his pelt. His left is a deep cool silver color, whilst the other is deep fiery orange. His fur tones compliment his eye tones, thus making him quite the attractive character.

Underneath this attractive pelt, the body underneath is riddled with power packed muscle that he keeps well toned with lots of training. His pelt may make him look soft, though when engaged in combat his opponent will certainly find hidden surprises underneath his tri-toned coat. Scars litter his body as well, though none prominent enough to mess up the sleek look of his coat unless one looks close enough. He has a few bite marks here and there, but it is to be expected when ones life revolves around fighting and conflict.

RP Sample:
Annoyance prickled at his fur as his sister licked his cheek and took off. Although she knew that he disliked her going off anywhere alone, she still went. "Phoebe! Where are you going?! Stay-" but she was already gone. "Here." dual toned eyes watched her disappear into the brush. Although he was highly annoyed, he knew he couldn't keep her near him at all times. She was growing older, perhaps a little more mature and she was no longer the pup she used to be. Flicking his tail, he turned the other way towards a small creek that ran for a few miles before meeting with a nearby pond. There he would lap up the cool liquid, raising himself after to take in the scents of the forest. He licked his maw in hunger, perhaps it was time for a hunt...
Leaping over the water source, he would run into the trees to seek out one of the faint prey scents he had previously gotten a hold of. Perhaps he could have some food ready and waiting for when Phoebe returned. Snow crunched under his feet as it sprayed behind him. He would be on the trail of a fresher rabbit, even though it wouldn't be much he figured it would be the best he could do for now. Winter was here, so that meant scarce prey.

Stopping to a softened halt, he put his senses on alert as he tried to pinpoint the direction of his prey. A smirk creasing his features when he spotted prints in the snow, no more then minutes old as he studied them. Moving swiftly forward, he followed at a quick pace to catch up before it would disappear into its den for the day. Piercing gaze kept on the trail until it ended abruptly in a cluster of bushes. Tentatively, he sniffed around the area, and a small pelt would suddenly burst past him and towards an escape. Whirling to give chase, he broke out in a run after the rabbit prey that had made it's futile attempt at getting away. Tearing through snow and shrubbery, he was hot on the tail of the unfortunate creature. Hot breath stirred the rear fur of the animal, jaws gaping open so teeth could sink into the hind end and grasp it before it got away. With a snarl, he snapped forward and a pained squeal would emanate from the pitiful creature. He came atop it before it had a chance to kick out, releasing his grip on the rump to snap teeth on it's head, crushing it with bone breaking force. Slowly he would lift his prey and turn, triumphant as he would return then to his den site and wait for his sister to return. Although he was not happy with her leaving, he would have his say in the matter when she returned...



11-23-2013, 12:22 PM (This post was last modified: 11-23-2013, 04:34 PM by Liste.)


Appearance: Nat was born both melanistic and blind, making her a very unique wolf. Her pelt is entirely black with fully black eyes to match. Her coloring is both a strength and a hindrance, keeping her hidden in the night and in the shadows while making her stick out elsewhere. She is tall and thin, standing, with long legs, at 36 inches but weighing only 125 pounds. Her shape makes her very agile, but she tends to move slowly and gracefully most of the time. All of her scars from battle remain well hidden beneath her pelt, except for a thin one that runs the length of her left foreleg.

Personality: Taught to conduct herself as royalty, Nat is quite good at hiding her "disability." As she was born blind, there is no visible evidence of it. Her other sense have adapted over the years to make up for her lack of sight so well that one would not know unless told. Nat does not try to use her blindness as an excuse for any of her failures or mistakes, which in her view are few and far between.

Nat is both confident and modest. The woman saw herself as a queen long before joining the Olympus family, but knew better than to place herself above others who clearly had a higher authority than she. She doesn't speak often, but when she does it is only to impart wisdom or to defend herself or her family. She is only ever affectionate to her husband and her children, but remains strict with the rules of her household and maintains a rigorous training schedule for her children. She also believes in forging strong friendships with the other Olympian women, but with none outside their family community.
ooc note;; she is essentially modeled after Spartan women :)

Sample: As she barked orders at her sons, telling them to move this way and that, Nat began to smile. She smiled at their progress as warriors - she could hear and feel every movement they made, and though they were only a few months old, the boys were sure to make excellent warriors one day. She smiled at the pride she would feel when Helios could watch them and tell her how they looked. Most of all, she smiled at knowing that she was becoming her mother.

Nat's mother had trained her children hard and had trained Nat no differently because of her blindness. When Nat grew older, she was always by her mother's side, whether she was learning to properly run a household, practicing hunting, or simply bonding. Her mother was her best friend, her biggest role model, and there was no one she missed or admired more (aside from her husband, of course).

Bickering between the children broke Natalya out of her reverie and wiped the smile from her face. Sort out your issues with actions, not words, boys. Start over, and this time keep your mouths shut.

talk, think

Virgil I


4 Years
11-23-2013, 05:51 PM
Natalya is now taken by Raii!
Phoebe is now taken by Shelby!

Dragon yours looks good so far, so once the rp sample is up that should be good to go <3


11-24-2013, 10:01 PM
All finished ^_^



4 Years
11-25-2013, 02:45 AM (This post was last modified: 01-15-2014, 04:32 AM by Narsha.)

Name: Helios Hyperion Olympus
Appearance: Unlike his name sake Helios is not a titan, though not small by any means he tends to fall more into the medium range, standing 34? tall and weighing 130 lbs. He is well muscled and clearly capable of handling his own. His pelt is a russet color, leaning more towards brown than red, nearly unbroken were it not for a single chocolate brown stripe running down his back from his shoulders to the base of his tail. The marking look almost black against his pelt. His eyes are a slightly brighter russet color though they seem the same color of his pelt.
Personality: Helios while proud like much of his family has humbled some since his marriage to Natalya. Helios is an enigma, his emotions are practically undetectable, hiding behind a wall of discipline and resentment. When once he had been overly sensitive he has become hardened, showing little to no feeling for much in his life. The great exception to this rule is his wife and children, he has great love for them and will express it in as many ways as possible when alone or with the rest of his family. The rest of his family he shows great respect for but lacks the kinship others have.
There is a deeper side to the man, he is hyper critical of himself, stemming from insecurity. This is a side very few have seen, his wife being the exception. Here he is weak and vulnerable a shell of the proud wolf he presents to the world beyond.
If there is one trait that can be used to describe the man it is dependable, ever since his marriage he had taken on the task of seeing for his wife as well. He respects her independence and is more than willing to step back and allow her to flourish in it, but he is always there should she need him.
RP Sample:
The rain was coming down pretty hard, punctuated only by extremely loud burst of thunder which were preceded by brilliant flashes of light. He remembered the first thunderstorm his children had survived through, the fear had been evident in their eyes. Now however they were grown and on their own, though never too far away. Still if there was anyone he had to comfort during such a storm it was his beloved wife. She could see the sudden brightness behind those ebony sightless eyes but she still asked him to count the time between the flashes and the rumbling growl of the thunder.
It was getting closer, the fur along the nape of his neck starting to rise in anticipation. He could feel the electricity in the air, it was giving him an uneasy feeling but he would stay where he was pressed into the ground under the makeshift den he and his wife had dug out. There was a crack as lightning struck at the same time the thunder rolled over head, splitting the rainy night sky in two. He watched with wide eyed horror as the trees beyond the den were struck. For one agonizing moment he watch smoke curl slowly up into the air and he prayed that the rain would snuff out any blaze that might flare up.
It was all for naught as he caught the flicker of flame beginning to eat at the damp foliage, the meager rain could do little to put it out. Alarm was rushing through him now. ?Nat we have to get out of here.? He was only just able to keep the panic from his voice as she rose to his paws, laying his tail along his wife?s shoulders in an attempt to help guide her from the den. Smoke was quickly starting to fill the air, the acrid smell of his clogging his nose and making him cough.
Together they would flee the burning forest, wide eyed, and shivering in the cold drizzle. He would lead them in the flight, daring not to turn around. As the heat on his back began to dissipate some and the scent began to clear he paused to cast a look back. He watched as the forest went down in a blaze of glory.


Virgil I


4 Years
11-26-2013, 03:51 PM
Congrats, Drags, Atlas is yours <3



7 Years
12-08-2013, 08:58 PM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2014, 08:25 PM by Natalya.)



12-08-2013, 09:54 PM
don't don't don't you dare forget me me me

Name: Demeter Olympus

Sex: Female

Appearance: Outstandingly unique in her own way of showing off, whole body coated in a warm chocolate brown, the frau stands out in a delicate posture, as she has her back fur, more well known as a 'mane', that stands up to cover in a pure alabaster silver that seeps down against her front leg bone. Beneath it, aligning her spine is a lighter hue of tan stripe ending where her tail bone is set. Demeter's appendages are coated with pure obsidian, more or so excluding her back leg where it's black continuing with a single black line before fading into a cr?me color. Her face, well it's a interesting aspect of design and colors truly and honestly. A obsidian mask coats her, with a single cr?me line slightly above her brow. On the sides of her muzzle is a cocoa color, with a fox like obsidian marking sliding right next to her nose.
Personality: The meaning of her name states what she is based off of; a lover of the earth. She takes pride in where she steps, but most of the time, the frau is either being the ruthless little devil she is, Demeter is rather stubborn, if she doesn't want to do something, she will not do it. Which is one of the many reasons the lassie gets the acquaintanceship of her friend named trouble. She's always getting in trouble, always loves teasing youngsters, and showing off her skills. She has a keen heart, always coming up with unique names for others, and if they don't like it, then too bad for them. Once given a name by her, it is an honor, and she doesn't always nick-name others. If there is ever something or someone she despises for whom they done something wrong, she will probably never let go of it, no matter how many times they apologize. She always holds onto the past, and never let it slip out of her grasp.
Sample: The crisp woods that simpered with great attitude, leaves falling across her pelt but gathering upon the ground one by one, for she picked up her pace, to where, she didn't know. But it had better of been damn important if she was wasting her life span on it. She walked with gratitude, one stance only the queen of saunters could walk. Pelt dipped down upon her large bodice under an up coming fallen tree. It was a poor sight to see such a beautiful thing of nature go to waste, but if it was weak, then it had no purpose to be there. The darkened frau then launched herself off the ground with neatness, only to land upon the ground ahead of the tree she just jumped above. This path certainly would lead to purpose, she was sure of it, but to where, she didn't know. Only time would tell, and time it would be.



5 Years
12-08-2013, 10:02 PM

Eros Alexis Olympus
The goddess' coat is of subtle, yet beautious tones. A mixed golden brown of various tints makes up the majority of the deity's coat. It forms a mask over half of her face. Starting at the very crown of her muzzle, it moves it's way upwards. Once it reaches the eyes, the golden hues start to pan out, covering the whole of Eros's face. The mask turns into a velvety cloak as it continues to spread out. Now covering the goddess's chest, stopping its journey downwards at the base of her front right thigh. However, the shawl does extend along Eros's body, stopping at the tip of her tail. The shawl drapes over the deity's front left leg an her two back legs. A lighter shade, resembling the sun's rays dresses the divinity's front right leg and underbelly. When caught in the light, the soft wisps of fur shine as if they were made from the same thread as the sun. The lady is very confident as she walks. Long eyelashes accompany devastatingly beautiful eyes. The intense, heated eyes hold three colours. A fierce red in the middle which blends into a vibrant orange, it then turns instantly into a zesty yellow. The three colours hold a unquenchable fire. The deity stads at an impressive 35" tall and weighs 140 pounds.

Eros is a very intelligent woman. She picks up on things fast and knows how to use her knowledge as a weapon against others. Even from a very early age she has always had a deep thirst for knowledge.

Like most of her family, Eros is extremely loyal. She would fight the death for her family's honor if need be. Always looking out for the wellbeing of her relatives.

Eros was raised royalty, and she knows it. She see's herself and her family above all others, unless they prove their worth. Elegance is obvious in her attitude towards others. She believes in manners, but will not dismiss those who do not show them.
.:Generally Calm:.

Eros is a very level-headed and calm person in most sitiuations. She knows how to keep her cool. There are a few holes in her defensive system that if poked could get a rise out of her.

This goddess is very determined. If she's set on something, then she's not going to stop until she proves she's right or she gets it.

Eros has always wanted to be a leader, but being the younger sister, the matriarchy was passed onto her sister with their mother being unwell. Having to push these feelings aside, Eros is still extremely loyal despite her disappointment.

The deity has a strong, defensive personality. She is not close to anyone outside of her family and does not wish to be. If you do not make a good impression on the goddess then you shouldn't even bother attempting to converse. Because of this wall, she feels no emotion towards those outside of family and she doesn't care care what others think about her. This let's her seize her chances without bothering what other people may think.


The goddess was on her way to her mother, Selene. Her mother had been sick for a long time, so Eros had been visiting her regularly. The deity was anything but unloyal, especially to her mother, father and sister. Before going to see herr mother, Eros would hunt for her and herself.

Entering the snow covered valley, the young goddesses fiery eyes scanned, the area, her nose surveying for scents and her paws sensing for movement. Her muscles were tensed, ready to bolt after anything at a milliseconds notice, her ears erect, searching for so much as a squeek. She was as silent as a hawk in the wind, her fur blending into the forest behind her. If you didn't know she was there, you wouldn't know. Suddenly her eyes caught movement. A female boar stumbled out of the pine trees and into the valley. Small grunts made her ears twitch, her nose sucked in the smell of the succulent pig, detecting it's weaknesses. From simple smell, Eros could tell that the boar hadn't eaten in days and was weak. Perfect.
The deity slinked towards the pig, advancing on it from behind. The boar, still unaware, snuffled in the snow searching for hidden pllants or roots to nourish her. Eros silently moved forwards, shoulders rolling at tail waving in anticipation. She stopped a few feet away from the pig. The wind had changed, blowing her scent towards the suidae. She saw the pig tense, to terrorized to move. Eros bunched up her hind legs ,and with an unforced grace, leapt upon the boar. The pig squeked in terror and made to run. It didn't move an inch before it's life was ended, the goddesses razor teeth cutting it's throat. Eros let go, letting the pig fall. By this time, two Arctic fox's had gathhered at the edges of the clearing, waiting to scavenge what was left of the pig. The deity placed a heavenly paw on the heart of the pig, feeling the last beat. Thank you for your life. Your body shall be used well. Go, live with your ancestors in the heavens to be prey for mine. With the small prayer of thanks over, the fiery goddess tore an extremely large piece of haunch from the body and placing it in the snow beside her, turning it a sticky red. She took a few smaller pieces to eat herself, saving the large piece for her mother. Nodding to the distant scavengers, more having turned up, she trotted away from the valley with the meat in her maw to her mother.



12-08-2013, 10:36 PM
Demeter is taken by Dyea <333

And Rina, Eros being a girl is fine [:


12-12-2013, 01:51 PM

(I was kinda stalking this thread and I couldn't resist! xD This table isn't that accurate, but I had to rush to make it, as I wanted this up as soon as possible xD)

Appearance- He is a true descendant of the gods, in fact, he thinks of himself as a god. Cloaked in a mixture of russet browns and sandstone like tones, white marks splattered across his back. A lighter shade of cream starts at the bottom of his jaw, stretching down, almost to meet his forelegs. A dark streak down the center of the behemoth's tail. His eyes are a fiery yellow at the core, but as the iris spreads out, it morphs into a beautiful orange shade. The Olympian stands at an impressive thirty five and a half inches, weighing in at one hundred and thirty six pounds. The man's sharp canines are perfectly capable of shredding flesh and crushing bone. They are powerful weapons when he decides to use them. A salmon pink tongue will caress ebony lips. Powerfully built, corded with muscle. Zeus is no one to be fooled with.

Personality- The patriarch is a true leader and will not tolerate betrayal in the family. You are meant to be loyal to those of your own flesh and blood. Betrayal is not something he takes lightly. He would never be unfaithful to his wife, as that, to him is the greatest act of betrayal one could commit. As you are meant to love your partner, it defeats the point of marriage if you don't. Although he believes that marriage to relatives is okay, as you have to keep the bloodline strong and pure. He is a soldier and will fight for what he thinks is right. If hi heart is set on something he will fight for it, it is rare for someone to be able to sway him from what he thinks is right. He is strong and lives up to his namesake, he is sent from the greatest of the gods, Zeus himself. He is a gift. All those around him should be thankful for him. He is a natural leader and will always choose what's best for the family. He is higher than anyone else, and he isn't afraid to let others know that. He will squash anyone who tries to deny his status. He is short-tempered and will discipline his off-spring when he needs to. He will not hesitate before beating some sense into disrespectful youths, not just youths, after all, he thinks that strict discipline will prepare them for the harsh world. He is an intelligent man, and will not fall into traps easily. He is not faint-hearted and is fine to kill if it means defending his family. Torture will not get anything out of him as he is not easily broken, and he will not say a thing, even if he is balancing on the thin veil between life and death.

RP SAMPLE- The tawny behemoth sauntered through the plains, he had been out settling things with an enemy of his, the Olympians had a lot of enemies, they were superior, yet the puny mortals seemed not to get that. They were descendants of the gods. The darkness heaved around him, closing in on him. He wanted to get back, to see Selene. He wondered how she was doing, his goddess was ill. His daughter had taken her place for now. He loved Virgil, she was by far the most like him. She may have been a little to careless with her words, but he saw himself when he was younger reflected in her.
The icy wind bit deep into him, but he kept on walking. He had to get back to check on his goddess, he had not seen her in a few days, and had asked one of his daughters to check in on her every so often, more than every so often,if her condition worsened. He needed to find a decent healer, and find one fast. For he feared that his sister, his wife, his goddess. Was on her death bed.


Virgil I


4 Years
12-15-2013, 07:48 PM
Zeus is now taken by Arwen, congrats! <3

Hurry up with these apps guys! Big family meeting thread will be coming soon 8D



12-18-2013, 05:41 PM
Ooc: Hope you don't mind this Muse, but I think I want to switch Asteria to be Selene (Selene Asteria Olympus). Zeus just sounds perfect, like her other half how I had her planned before losing my stuff.

Ear would twitch at the sound of approaching footsteps, a single eye opening for a moment, silver orb as cold as steel staring through the darkness. She lay on her side on the cool earth, the pain in her stomach subsiding for only a few minutes after her daughter had checked in on her and gave the woman some medication. For once in a long time she was comfortable without her husband at her side. Within moments of lifting her head she would scent the man waiting outside the den's entrance, ears lifting off her head. "You may enter." Voice raspy yet calm, she would motion for him to approach, a slight smile tugging at her lips. Legs would come in close to her body as it turned around, tucking in beneath her so she could lay comfortably without her neck aching. "How was the meeting?" She would ask him, her daughter had informed her that the man had gone to settle something with one of their rivals, and by the looks of it he wasn't injured so she assumed it went smoothly. ?Do they finally understand we do not give empty threats?? Tones would grow a coldness to them, those steel eyes of hers demanding the answer she sought. Those mortals needed to know who was in power here, that the Olympus family would not tolerate their insubordination. Once she was feeling better she would show them, just because her daughter was taking her place did not mean their family was growing weak.



12-18-2013, 08:10 PM
azzy can has selene 8D

�ir Geal


12-26-2013, 12:29 PM
Rina has finished her app for Eros!


01-03-2014, 05:25 PM
jk i dont have enough time for another chara.


01-04-2014, 12:06 PM
Nevermind, I don't want him.