



5 Years
12-15-2013, 02:35 PM (This post was last modified: 01-20-2014, 03:33 AM by Novella.)

Novel and Dutiron had their first litter rather early into their marriage, however rather than bring them closer as they had indeed hoped, it had driven them and even their young further apart. As many in their pack Ahlon soon realized it was not a move for success with Song and Novel eventually fighting and their future leader suddenly leaving the pack. Distraught and shocked by the incident, something happened to bring the broken family back together. Perhaps in an attempt to actually do things right this time, Dutiron and Novel had another litter of pups following. Perhaps age had also helped Novel to calm, as well as the fear she would lose another child for this second litter had far less expected of them, none had to cope with the favoring of one sibling, nor did one have any of the pressure that Song had been subjected to.

Story Destruction is the last character available from the NovelxDutiron litters so come and get him everyone! Kat and I would like for Story to be open to the thought of Gods and also devoted to the family. The second litter were brought up a lot closer than the first so we want someone who'll keep that in mind. Aside from that a large portion of the character's personality is up to you.


RP sample: If you decided not to use the history for this, there is no word count



6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-16-2013, 06:15 AM (This post was last modified: 12-16-2013, 06:16 AM by Sin.)
Every Story Has An End

But In Life

Name: Story Destruction

Personality: Story is what one might call a pacifist. He does not believe in violence, threats, or causing any sort of harm to any breathing thing. He respects nature to a degree that would be considered abnormal for one of his species. The reason for such thought would be due to the fact that he eats no meat. He prefers to stay pure, practicing in the arts of such things like respecting nature and all it produces, respecting the creatures that live and dwell, for he believes that they too are happy with their lives. After all, are not all of us God's creatures? He has the mindset, that if he were a rabbit, he would rather be living alive and healthy for his family, and would hate to become someone's meal. Story has a strong belief int he God's. Everything he speaks, lives, breathes, and thinks constitutes to the God's that he believes in. One might say he is the epitome and definition of a Druid. He walks the Earth and cares for all he comes across be they plant life, mammalian, reptilian, avian, and so forth. Never will he turn someone away, be they good or evil. He will standby and help any and all who need it, and if one ever seeks to harm his family then he will fight to protect them, however, not before putting words to use first.
Story prefers to keep his skill set to herb use and knowledge, during his travels from home to here, he has gained more knowledge from passing strangers as well as practicing newly acquired techniques on the injured and sick. It is said that he may have also discovered a technique in herb mixture to prevent and prolong cancer, if not completely eliminating it. Loyalty is his source code, honesty his strength. He will never lie unless it is to protect himself and his pack. Never will he tell something crucial nor hint at anything an enemy should not know, and other things he may decide to omit to those seeking to potentially harm them in the future. A good judge of character, Story can often tell who is the bad apple in the group. Simply by looking into the eyes of those he comes across, he can tell if they can be trusted or not. He is a very good decision maker, as well as a speaker. He is never afraid to voice concerns and ideas, as well as anything else of importance. Every day he prays to his beloved Gods for guidance, strength, and wisdom. And often times he will have dreams that foretell of things in the future, past, or present. Although young, he is very wise. Much wiser beyond his years. Devoted to his family, Story will always remain among them. The same applies to whomever should choose to be his mate. For he will always be a devoted, loving, and caring husband. His love for children is also apparent, as his eyes will sparkle whenever he sets eyes on one.

History:Shortly after his older siblings left for their own reasons, Story had remained behind with his other siblings, Novella, Legend, and Myth. The four of them were as close as close could get. Treated well by their parents, they knew not a single hand of hatred. Soon after his older siblings had left, Novella had followed suit. Not long after that it was Legend, and so it would only come to be him and his sister Myth. However, that did not last long either...for she too, had decided to follow. Story had remained behind, caring for his pack members and teaching what he learned at such a young age, to ensure that the pack could do well without him. Symphony, after all, had been the healer here. And since she had gone, the duty had fallen upon him. However, he did not mind the task as it would keep his mind off his siblings. Weeks passed, and soon two seasons would pass. Story found himself missing them fiercely, and as soon as he taught all he could to his apprentice, he left him in charge to pursue his own destiny. Now in Alacritis, he seeks to find his missing brethren.

RP sample: --

Every End Is A New Beginning

[Story Destruction]


01-01-2014, 05:10 PM

Name: Story Destruction

Personality: Story is what any other wolf would call devoted to the gods and his family, older or younger siblings. He would protect his siblings with his life, and he dislikes any wolves that would say anything to his siblings. The devotion might be odd, but Story also has another part of his personality, one that conflicts with his devotion to his family a little.


RP sample:
