
Alighting Upon The Tender Soul


12-17-2013, 04:01 AM

The dawn light shone dimly through the trees. The weak songs of the birds were heard occasionally, the cold of Winter was slowly coming to an end. It seemed longer to him this year, but he supposed it was because of the climates. The Eastern climate, it seemed was considerably warmer. And although he didn't like the heat much due to his overly thick coat, he needed to find some place to go eventually. He had not seen his sisters in some time, and he wasn't even sure where they could be. He had been giving his help to a small rogue group in the North, and after some time had gotten quite attached to them. But alas, it was time for him to continue on his way. The cubs he had been training in the art of healing were now over a year old, and he had taught them all he knew about herbs, as well as the stories he always had floating around in his mind. He loved stories, he always loved to tell them. There was no better life then to sit among a group of others, and speak of legends and tales and other fables he knew of.

After an hour or so of traveling, Aiden would choose a spot to sit near a shallow creek bed he had found, Luckily for him, it was one of the few that he had come across that wasn't frozen over. He carefully got onto his belly, leaning forward a little to take a satisfying drink. The male thirsty from his nonstop travel from the Northern region.

"Talk here."


12-17-2013, 08:21 AM
A dead forest with smoke still in the air, the perfect place to train one's sense of smell. Or at least that is the way Isabella saw it as she moved though the forested as silent as a shadow and swift as a fox. Each step was confident and well taken to keep her paws out of the more muddied snow and to stop from slipping on any ice. Her icy blue eyes looked dead ahead taking in all that came before her. In a place like this where the sense of smell was dulled vision and hearing helped more than ever. Her ears swiveled this way and that atop her proudly held head trying to catchy any sound. The sound that came to them was one of animal drinking.

"Humph,I didn't think there would be much water here, let alone any preythings. Perhaps they have gotten lost, pity for them but a meal for me." Isabella instantly fell into a hunter's crouch and moved forward slowly. Down on the ground she looked smaller, more fox like in action and coloration. Each move was now even more careful as to not make much noise. Her weight was spread out evenly and she let her paws fall into dents already made in the snow. Whatever was ahead of her must have came in the opposite direction of her for the tracks she used to silence her own steps were going the other direction.

Getting closer to the sound of water her eyes looked for anything and found colors that almost made her smile. The color of a fawn, though a somewhat red fawn. The size seemed large for a fawn and it was an odd time of year for one to be around but the colors matched, there was even spots. Changing her path she backed off before circumnavigating around the lake to position herself behind the fawn. Eagerly she moved forward growing excited with each passing moment. She was ready to pounce, ready to kill and feast. Soon she could see the fawn again from behind, far enough away just to be a shape of color. Moving in she picked up speed, readied for the pounce. With a grin she jumped forward only to see her mistake once she was already in the air. Tossing her head aside she manged to change her direction enough to land beside the wolf who looked like a fawn. Once she landed she jumped backwards to get a comfortable distance away from the wolf in case it reacted violently to her sudden attack, as she knew she would.

Now that she was closer she looked the fawn colored wolf over, a male, not very large perhaps by another's view but larger to her. "Oh my, forgive my foolishness sir. With the smell of smoke all around I was going by sight and sound and from a distance, and in my foolish eagerness, have mistaken you for a fawn." Isabella was nothing but embarrassed but hid it well as she spoke with the calm, empty voice of a diplomat. Though her eyes were not as cold as her voice, they showed a bit of the flustered emotions underneath if one were to look close enough.


12-18-2013, 04:54 AM

The water was soothing, cooling his throat and his tongue. Unawares as the gentle male drank his fill. He'd stare down at the glimmering minnows, curious as to how it would be to live the life of a fish. His attention focused on the simple life of a fish. To him, it seemed all they did all day was eat, swim, and live a carefree life. Oh how simple it must be to be a fish...It was then that the little minnows darted away in several flashes of silver, a shadow falling over the water, though it did not belong to him. Within that same moment, something had landed at his side, startling the male. He jumped in the air with a yelp, seeming to flail a bit before his aerial surprise landed him in the shallow water. A loud splash sent water spraying over him and in all directions.

He sputtered, staring around wildly as his eyes set upon the figure on the shore. A piece of water logged river grass draped atop his head by his right ear. His fur now soaking wet as he was in a sitting position and staring at her. One ear was cocked back, the other forward as he listened to her explanation of apology. With a short sigh, he gently smiled, for he was not angry or upset. He found this somewhat comical, as well as a relief. Now he was cooled off from the eastern heat. "Do not worry, I would be lying if I said you were the first to mistake me for a fawn." he lightly laughed, his singsong and gentle voice full of honest mirth. It was true, many had mistaken him for a fawn before, and he was lucky that they had all realized he was not prey. Being bit without his herbs could potentially prove fatal for him, so he was glad that they realized he was indeed one of their own...even if at last second.

"Many mistake me for a fawn, it's something I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm used to. No need to apologize, Miss."

"Talk here."


12-18-2013, 09:42 AM
Isabella was not able to escape the splash and found the water hitting her in the face. She gave a bit of a yelp as she took a step back and shook making sure the water was out of her eyes. Once that was done she regained her composer and looked to the male who luckily did not seem to be upset. He looked rather funny, one ear down and river grass on his head. She was sure not to laugh though, it was not like her. Besides she knew it would either be embarrassed laughter or perhaps make the male feel bad. A faint smile tugged at her lips, it was a sight indeed.

As the male spoke and then laughed her smile emerged for a moment before fading. "No, I do not know him, even if I did to show emotion would be..." Her thoughts trailed off as she took in the male's personality. His voice was so warm, so upbeat and it seemed he was used to being mistaken for a fawn. "Oh, well I am glad that you do not mind. Although I of all wolves should have been more observant. I have been mistaken for a fox before, even called so as a name by one I knew for a while. That was rather...annoying."

She felt a little odd, her voice still empty as it always was yet he seemed happy. She did not want to make him feel any less happy yet this was the way she spoke, at least to a stranger. To show she was friendly she wagged her tail just a moment hoping it was enough. "I suppose that being...antiquated in such a way is no excuse to forget my manor. My name is Isabella VentFlurrer. It is, shall we say, interesting to meet you"


01-27-2014, 01:21 AM

He watched her with mild curiosity, the tones of her voice seemed to always remain the same. Was she upset? Or simply guarding herself from harm on the inside? Often he did that same thing, a shell of himself. Pretending to be a happy go lucky man on the outside, but on the inside he cried more then he should. He cried for many things, the main being that he would never be seen as normal. Never feel normal due to his condition. But he tried. And although it was something he would have loved to keep a secret, there was always times he had to tell others, simply due to the fact that if he played or rough housed and got injured, it could possibly kill him. He hated himself for that, unsure as to why he was so cursed with it.

Pushing aside his darker thoughts once again for the upteenth time, he chuckled when she spoke. "It seems we have something in common, then. You mistaken for a fox, and I mistaken for a fawn." He lifted himself from the cool waters, the droplets accumulated upon his coat dripped down to the ends of his fur and the water that had been dipped into the creek, showered off in steady streams. He stepped back towards the shore, careful as to where he placed his paws. He didn't want to get cut on the rocks, and he was sure others who watched him move often wondered why he moved with extra care. Finally, he was on the shore and facing the femme. Not wanting to shake the water from his pelt because he didn't want to get her wet.

He noticed the wag of her tail, and took it as a sign that perhaps she wasn't upset at the predicament. He dipped his head to her in greeting, honey eyes gazing with warmth. "It is nice to meet you, Isabella. My name is Aiden Sovari, though I have been thinking that I might as well change it to something that better fits my...appearance, eh?" He chuckled a bit, it would be quite amusing...a wolf named Fawn. Now wouldn't that be interesting? "Are you from these parts?"

"Talk here."


01-27-2014, 10:40 AM
The males seemed rather upbeat, that was good it was better than the alternative at least. Watching him move from the water it did not go unnoticed that he stepped as she did, carefully placing each paw away from harm. It was nice to know there were others out there who moved as she did, with purpose and caution. Noticing him not shaking off yet she nodded and backed up a little to give him room.

She nodded again as he introduced himself as Aiden. "Yes, perhaps we should change to 'Vixen' or 'Fox' and 'Fawn'. It would be fitting but I think our birth names suit us well." She said trying a bit at a joke, even if the effect didn't come though with the way she spoke. Jokes were not really her thing. Her ear flicked as he spoke of where she was from. It was a question she had not yet been asked, and though she didn't like all of her past she saw no reason to hide it.

"I was born in a pack who lived in a cliff above the Ocean. It was nice for a while before I realized they saw power in blood and how many wolves another kills, how quick one puts down words against them. Real power is being confident enough to ignore the words if they are spoken or to never have those words spoken at all." Her fur rose a little, there was anger in her eyes but she kept it hidden from her voice. Her fur flattened. "I traveled since then going wherever my paws and prey may take me, a life with no true home." Well, there was one home but she didn't like to talk about a pack that took her every bit of trust then tossed it away.