
Elk of time




Expert Fighter (135)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
08-25-2024, 06:33 AM
Reaper was moving through the wet grasslands of Auster with his raven, Moloch, flying overhead. The two were heading back towards Hellborn territory. They were unaware of the bull elk that stalked them a few yards back. Reaper just assumed that the prey animal was simply grazing and moseying around, so he kept trotting along.

Moch must have assumed the same to keep flying in the air. All was calm until the bull elk let out a large bellow from behind. Reaper paused in his tracks and turned his head. The bull elk was now trotting towards him with its large rack pointed downwards and towards him.

Almost immediately Moloch shot down from the sky. The raven took too flapping its winging angrily in the bull’s face to distract it. Moloch let out a few warning cries as he pecked and flapped feverishly at the elk. The bull elk thrashed his head and rack, trying to scare off the bird but to no avail.

Reaper decided to jump in and help. The Bloodjaw ran towards the bull elk, opened his white maws, and aimed to sink them deep into the front leg of the bull elk. The bull elk let out a loud bellow and stomped on its free leg. Reaper shook his head with a firm grip, hoping to injure the leg and keep the bull elk from charging. This however, failed. The bull elk charged forwards anyways, causing Reaper to lose his grip and stumble backwards several feet.

Reaper would then hop on over to the backside of the elk where he gave it a nice nip on the behind to grab it's attention. The bull elk swung back and spun it's body to face him. Moloch dove back into its face and claws at it with his talons. Reaper took the opportunity to repeat this process and hop along back towards the rear end of the elk. He sunk his fangs deep into a hind leg and shook his head once more.

The bull elk charged forwards again and began to kick furiously. Reaper lost his grip once more on the hind leg but he did not lose it in vain. In his wake he left a seriously deep bite mark. Reaper ducked in the knick of time and avoided being seriously kicked by the bull elk. The elks turned once more to face Reaper and charged with its antlers posed low. Reaper ran straight ahead with the bull elk hot on his heels before turning a sharp left.

Moloch flew up then dove downward towards the back side of the elk where he landed and started pecking furiously at the wound Reaper had left. The commotion made the elk pause in his tracks and start to kick in hopes of getting the bird off the sensitive area but to no avail.

Reaper took advantage of this and charged the elk. He jumped up and attempted to latch his maws on the throat of the elk. The elks let out an angry bellow as it felt the Bloodjaw attach itself to its neck. Reaper's fangs burrowed deep as he tore into the throat he had hoped to end the elk here and now. Blood poured into his pale maws as he started to choke the elk out.

Then, the elk delivered a kick to Reaper’s chest and sent him rolling down into the grass. Moloch let out a cry of fear and anger and dove right at the elk’s eye and attacked it. Only this attack would successfully blind the elk in its right eyes, where Moloch’s claws had torn away at the organ.

Reaper felt a sharp pain in his chest and for a moment he could not breathe. His legs trembled slightly as he got to his feet. His seagreen eyes looked over to see Moloch still engaging with the bull elk. Anger filled the Bloodjaw and for a moment, the pain had subsided. Reaper charged forwards the elk once more, approaching from its now blind side to latch back into the throat.

Reaper's jaws latched back into the throat and he viciously tore into the area. He gripped and tore, shaking his head with all his might. He would kill this damn thing and feast upon it if was the last thing he did. The elks would trash and try to flee desperately but to no avail. Reaper's grip was tight this time. The Bloodjaw could feel the pulse of the elk on his fangs. He could feel its life slipping from it with every second.

Moments later, the elk was brought to its knees. It let out one last cry of defiance as the life was taken from it. Reaper felt the body go from a fighting struggle to a quiet limp. Once the body was completely limp and lifeless, the Bloodjaw released his grip and panted heavily. He looked to Moloch, who was now perched on the head of the dead elk and staring at him curiously. “I'm ok. I'll just be sore for a while.” He told the bird with a soft amused hum. “Come on, let's eat.” The two had their fill of the elk and Reaper made sure to keep note of where the fallen prey was so that he may return later for more.

-Exit Reaper-