
Lights Out



The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (195)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
07-19-2024, 05:44 PM

Ellara Praetor

Ellara padded cautiously into the shadowy entrance of the northern mines, her pink eyes wide with curiosity and apprehension. The air was cool and musty, carrying the faint scent of long-extinguished fires and ancient stone. She paused just inside, letting her eyes adjust to the dim light filtering through the entrance. The tunnels loomed before her, a labyrinth of passages that promised both discovery and danger. Her soft fur brushed against the rough walls as she ventured deeper, ears alert for any sign of movement or instability.

As she moved further into the mine, Ellara's paws kicked up small clouds of dust, revealing old tracks and the occasional rusty tool abandoned by the miners. She stumbled upon a bunker, its wooden door hanging off its hinges. Inside, she found helmets and torches, relics of a bygone era. Picking up a helmet with her teeth, she turned it over curiously, marveling at how the humans had once labored here. The sight of the long-forgotten equipment made the place feel eerily alive, as if the miners might return at any moment to resume their work.

Ellara's exploration took her deeper into the twisting tunnels, where the light grew dimmer and the air colder. She found herself in a collapsed section of the mine, where piles of rubble and debris blocked her path. Carefully, she navigated around the obstacles, her sharp senses on high alert. In one of the less obstructed bunkers, she discovered the remnants of a miner’s campfire, the ashes long cold. The sight filled her with a sense of melancholy, a reminder of the passage of time and the impermanence of all things. She wondered about the lives of the miners, what dreams and fears they might have had in these dark, silent tunnels.

Ellara "Ella" Praetor


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (105)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

Dire wolf
07-19-2024, 06:31 PM

Mother Absinth had granted the pups permission to leave the sanctuary of The Syndicate, as long as they took their companions with them. And until now, Zagan hadn’t thought much of it- he found entertainment in the diverse territories of his Father’s domain, enjoying his training sessions with his siblings and cousins.

But that morning, Zagan felt… different. He was driven by the insatiable need to expand his knowledge, indulge in his youth, and explore the world around him. If he stayed near the territory, he would be okay. Right?

Informing Mother Absinth of his departure, Zagan collects his companions and ventures south of the Polar Sound. He arrives at the mouth of a labyrinth, one far larger and more complex than the Syndicate’s cave systems. His curiosity beckons him inside, his panther’s enhanced vision guiding him through the catacombs. There is evidence of previous life here- and given Zagan is in his puphood, he’s eager to learn more.

Venturing deep into the mine, Zagan stops occasionally to investigate items of interest. He collects a remnant or two, keen on showing his treasures to his siblings when he returns. It must have been several hours - time moved fast for such a young pup - and Zagan’s panther was growing restless. It started ushering him away from a passageway to his right, using a massive paw to push him but Zagan retaliated. “Hey!” He growled, puffing out his chest and huffing at the feline. “I’m not done yet.” He was stern with his companion, reminding it who was boss.

And suddenly, Zagan was no longer alone with his panther and raven. The yowling of another large feline reverberated off the walls of the mines, resonating from the darkness of the labyrinth and filling the cavern Zagan was standing in. His pelt bristled, eyes darting around him, but it was dark and he couldn’t see very well. Gravitating to his panther, Zagan pressed himself against its leg, wanting it to protect him. But his panther was also on edge, trying to pinpoint the cougar's location before it could attack. But it was looming in the darkness, waiting for the right moment to strike.


As his parents, Sephiran, Absinth, & Aresenn may enter his threads while he is under one year old.


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (195)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
07-19-2024, 09:14 PM (This post was last modified: 07-19-2024, 09:17 PM by Ellara. Edited 2 times in total.)

Ellara Praetor

Ellara's ears pricked up as the faint echo of a young, confident voice reached her through the labyrinthine tunnels of the mine. She paused, her heart quickening. The voice sounded curious and assertive, but the distinctive, bone-chilling yowl of a mountain lion that followed made her fur bristle with alarm. Her pink eyes widened as she realized the danger the pup was in. A young wolf in these abandoned mines was dangerous enough, but with a mountain lion on the prowl, it was a disaster waiting to happen.

Driven by a protective instinct, Ellara swiftly turned toward the direction of the sounds. Her paws barely made a noise as she sprinted through the tunnels, her nose twitching as she tried to pick up the scent of the pup and the cougar. The mine's darkness and the winding passages made it difficult to navigate, but she pushed on, the confident tone of the young voice guiding her. She could feel the chill of urgency creeping up her spine, but she forced it down, focusing on the task at hand.

As she rounded a corner, the sounds grew louder and more distinct. She could now hear the panther's growls and the resolute, steady breaths of the pup. Ellara's heart pounded in her chest as she pressed forward, finally coming upon a scene that made her blood run cold. In the dim light, she saw a young wolf pressed against the leg of a large panther, both of them on edge and staring into the darkness. Just beyond them, the glint of predatory eyes reflected the scant light—a mountain lion, poised to strike.

Without hesitation, Ellara lunged forward, a fierce snarl tearing from her throat. She launched herself at the cougar, her claws extended and her fangs bared. The element of surprise was on her side as she collided with the larger cat, throwing it off balance. Her body met the mountain lion’s with a thud, and she felt the shock of impact ripple through her frame. She snapped at the cougar’s neck, aiming to drive it away from the pup and its companions.

[ 1/3 Fought a large opponent (Mountain Lion) ]

Ellara "Ella" Praetor


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (105)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

Dire wolf
08-03-2024, 01:38 PM

Until now, Zagan had never felt the raw, overpowering emotion of fear- the disorienting, adrenaline-producing sensation that made his fur stand on edge, pulling his muscles taut and his claws unsheathed to scrape against the stone floor. His heart was racing in his chest, a relentless rhythm that made him feel more unsteady. And his eyes, those deep, amethyst and azure orbs that were set into his features, darted around frantically, trying to filter through the shadows. The anticipation of the cougar's arrival was all-consuming- Zagan would have to rely on his panther’s strength and cunning to keep him safe - which made the young pup feel weak.

The glint of predatory eyes reflecting in the dim lighting caught his attention- the arrival of another wolf preceding, but Zagan was so consumed by the cougar's appearance, that he didn’t notice her. He couldn’t see it in the darkness, but the feline was crouched, coiled, and preparing to strike. Zagan released a low growl, pressing harder into his panther, which was preparing itself for battle.

And suddenly, a rush of brown fur leaped past them, the female wolf lunging fearlessly at the cougar. She collided with the feline, trying to drive it away from Zagan. But her display of vigor and fearlessness sparked a new sensation inside of Zagan. A surge of adrenaline pushed through his anxiety, instinct driving him forward as he left his panther’s side. Leaping forward, Zagan grabbed the cougar by the tail, sinking his needle-like teeth into the whipping appendage. His panther followed, leaping through the air and wrapping its front legs over the cougar's back, sinking its jaws into the back of its neck to try and keep it stationary.

"Zagan Saxe"

As his parents, Sephiran, Absinth, & Aresenn may enter his threads while he is under one year old.


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (195)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
08-03-2024, 05:33 PM

Ellara Praetor

Her claws sank into the course fur of the cougar, her teeth bared in a fierce snarl. The cat hissed and swiped at her, but Ellara's resolve was relentless. A scar on her right shoulder seemed eerily similar to that of cat claws, a testament to her experience dealing with felines of this size. She was a whirlwind of motion, her movements a dance of instinctive survival and protection. Each breath she took was filled with the cold, metallic taste of the mine, each heartbeat echoing the urgency to get the child out safely.

As Zagan leapt forward, inspired by her own bravery, Ellara's heart nearly stopped as she worried for the child. His panther was soon to contribute as well, but Ellara did not have time to focus entirely on the duo. With a surge of adrenaline from the sight of seeing Zagan in the fray, Ellara positioned herself quickly for another attack. Her pink eyes locked on to the cougar's right paw as it would attempt to strike.

In a blur of motion, she lunged forward, her powerful jaws closing around the arm of the cat and stopping it's strike from landing on her. She bit down hard, feeling the sinew of muscle yield beneath her teeth as the taste of copper flooded her mouth. The cougar roared in pain, its attempt to shake her off only intensifying her grip. With a fierce growl, Ellara yanked the cougar off balance, pulling it away from Zagan. Her claws raked against its flesh, adding to the barrage of assaults they were putting on the predator.

[ 2/3 Fought a large opponent (Mountain Lion) ]

Ellara "Ella" Praetor
Ellara has two Barred Owls, Halia and Eos, that can be assumed to be with her at all times.


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (105)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

Dire wolf
08-26-2024, 04:08 PM

Within seconds, the small cavern tucked away in the abyss of the Mines became a whirlwind of teeth and claws. The bleak lighting made it difficult to see, especially for the young Zagan- but his resolve was absolute, the desire to fight until he could no longer stand driving him forward.

If it weren’t for the woman and his panther, he wouldn’t have stood a chance- but he couldn’t dwell on that. It would make him bitter, make him angry. Because weakness was not allowed in The Syndicate kingdom.

And so, Zagan would fight, sinking his puppy teeth into the cougar’s tail, as he sought to secure a firm hold. But suddenly, the beast was shuffling forward - someone was disrupting its balance, most likely - which made Zagan lurch forward too. He stretched his front legs out, unsheathing his claws and grabbing onto the cougar’s hind end. Still, he was being dragged forward - his tiny body was light and fragile compared to the beasts’ - so his hind legs were clumsily swaying as he struggled to keep himself from falling over.

His panther was still draped over the cougar, trying to bite down into the back of its neck hard enough to deliver a fatal blow- but it was having difficulty.

"Zagan Saxe"

As his parents, Sephiran, Absinth, & Aresenn may enter his threads while he is under one year old.


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (195)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
08-26-2024, 09:21 PM

Ellara Image

Ellara felt the cougar's weight shift as it struggled under the combined assault. Seeing Zagan being dragged forward, she knew she had to act quickly to tip the scales in their favor. With a powerful leap, she released her hold on the cougar’s leg and surged forward, her jaws aiming for the predator’s vulnerable throat. She clamped down with all her strength, feeling the wild pulse of the beast's heartbeat beneath her fangs.

Her body strained against the cougar's desperate thrashing, but she held firm, digging her claws into its side to anchor herself. The taste of blood filled her mouth as she bit down harder, determined to end the fight before Zagan or his panther could be hurt. The cougar let out a gurgling snarl, its movements becoming more frantic but less coordinated as it began to lose the battle. Ellara’s fierce grip was unrelenting, a clear message that the predator had underestimated its prey.

[ 3/3 Fought a large opponent (Mountain Lion) ]

"Speech" - Thoughts

Ellara has two Barred Owls, Halia and Eos, that can be assumed to be with her at all times.