
American Honey


12-04-2013, 11:40 PM

The meeting had ended and the pack had dispersed. She had given the new couple some time to themselves, surely they would want to be alone. But now she wanted to meeting her new sister, and actually get to know her. After all the russet Queen was now going to be an Aunt. She would make her way towards her brothers den, almost certain it was the couples den. She was in no hurry, her languid yet elegant. Audits would listen carefully, not wanting to interrupt. When a safe silence met her ears, the woman would stop, tail swaying idly at her hocks. "Maijia?" She would call out for the woman, hoping she was close enough to hear her name. Haunches would drop, pressing against the earth, plume curling around her as she waited. The girl was excited to get to know the woman, to finally have another female in her life. Things with her sister were mangled to say the least, and the red Queen found herself lonely. Nostrils quivered, a smile forming on her creamy lips as the newly crowned Queen would quietly announce her presence.

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12-05-2013, 12:22 AM

Once the meeting had adjourned, Maija had returned to the confines of her den with Taurig. The two had plenty to discuss, especially about their future and the little lives growing within her womb. However, the talking had led to the golden Regina being sleepy, so she had ended up falling asleep next to her cobalt husband. Wrapped in his warmth was one of the best places to be, pregnant or not. Maija was in love and that warmth only made it more real.
After an hour or so, Maija's body was ready to wake up. It was a good thing too, for the Regina had a visitor that found herself at the entrance of their den. Her name was uttered in a gentle whisper, making Maija's ears perk to catch the tones that belonged to her new sister-in-law. Leaf-green eyes looked out from the safe darkness of the den before she caught the scent of Sibelle. Confirming her presence, Maija slowly rose from Taurig's side. She knew he would be awoken by her absence anyway, so she reassured him she would be out with 'Little Red'. After giving him a reassuring lick on the cheek, she fully rose and stepped out of the den.
Maija's golden form stood next to Sibelle's, whose form was reclined on slender, russet-hued haunches. Her leaf-green eyes showed no signs of emotion, but they weren't their usual stony or icy preference either. Completely neutral gaze watched Sibelle, but a ghost of a smirk appeared on the Regina's face. "Sibelle," she gently said, Romanian accent hitting the right letters in her sister-in-law's name. Her tail swept behind her, indicating a bit of excitement at finally meeting her face-to-face. "You called?"

speech here


12-05-2013, 12:33 AM

It took no time for the woman to appear, sliding from the den, sleep evident on her face. A gentle smile tugged faintly at her lips. The golden woman's tail wagged slowly, though her face remained void of emotion, completely neutral, aside from her faint smirk. "I hope I didn't wake you. But I wanted to finally meet my new sister, seeing as how Taurig has been slow to make introductions." Amusement glittered in emerald eyes, a smirk pulling her lips back.

The russet Queen was curious about this woman that her brother had made his wife. She had only just recently found her brother and became part of his pack. And now she was suddenly a sister-in-law, an aunt to be. Everything seemed accelerated. "You are a total stranger." Tones were not harsh, slightly amused, but she spoke the truth. She knew nothing other than the Queens name. There was so much to know, but she didn't know where to start.

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12-05-2013, 01:34 AM (This post was last modified: 12-05-2013, 01:35 AM by Maija.)

She continued to watch Sibelle and as she playfully noted Taurig's timing on introductions, she also silently assessed her words for any signs of negativity brewing in the female's tones. There were no silver linings beneath her words and so Maija accepted the fact that maybe Taurig's sister was not faking the role of a loving sibling. Maija didn't trust many people and since Sendoa had left after shortly arriving, she had known she was right to trust her gut about his estranged aunt.
This situation was different, however, or so she hoped. Maija didn't want to go through the process of getting to know his family and then be stabbed in the back because of her actions. So, she moved forward with mentally cautious paws as she allowed a sliver or two of sparkles to appear in her leaf-green eyes at Sibelle's remark about Taurig. "Yet, we love him regardless." She still held her smirk of a smile and it increased in size by a tad. "Despite that, I am glad you were driven enough to make the effort, for I was ready to see what kind of sister he had." Her reply to Sibelle's hope of not waking her was given as well. "You didn't, Sibelle. I was just about to get up and explore the inner valleys. If you want to come, I won't mind."
She began to take a few steps past Sibelle, hoping she would follow. Sibelle's words about her being a stranger made Maija's smile widen even more by half an inch. "Then I am more discreet than I thought I was," she chided, tones laced with a cheerful tone. As they descended the trail that was at a tolerated angle from the den, she continued to speak. "I try not to let others know who I am, Sibelle. Information is a precious gift; I don't indulge in it with others I'm not really familiar with." Leaf-green gaze met emeralds as she stopped on a leveled out piece of the trail. "It took your brother many moons to find out who I was...and he understands it's because of who I am. Don't be offended if I don't spill my guts." A gentle nudge was given to her sister-in-law on her shoulder before Maija continued to walk towards the outspread valley.



12-16-2013, 12:41 PM

A smile would play on her lips, listening to her sister-in-law speak. It almost went unnoticed the slight change in the woman, a faint sparkle appeared in her eyes, her smirk growing only a fraction. Relief filled her chest and the russet queen would rise, joining the golden woman for an exploration. Audits would twitch, taking in the woman's words. She was a private woman, and one who clearly didn't trust many people. Her crown would turn, offering the woman a gentle look.

"You don't need to worry about offending me. We each have our story and our reasons." A nudge to her shoulder would cause the woman to bump her sister-in-law back. She would stay in line beside the woman, emerald gems sweeping the landscape. She hadn't had enough time since joining to really explore the place she called home, so much had happened. "But you must tell how you met Taurig." Her brother shared little details about anything and the young queen wanted to know just how this woman had captured her brothers heart.

ooc- short post DX

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12-19-2013, 02:13 AM

Sibelle's reassurance of not having have to share everything about herself made Maija appreciate her more. It was nice to have her sister-in-law share the same ethics in regards to personal information. If the golden wolf hadn't been like that, then they would have probably not had much to talk about shortly after meeting. Maija figured that the more you kept to yourself, the more that could be revealed later on. Bit by bit instead of all at once -- that was her way of thinking.
"Perhaps I will hear your story one day, Sibelle. When you are ready to share a bit of it in the future, I will be ready to listen." It was the first long confession Maija had given to someone outside of Taurig and Aoi, so it was a good sign she was opening up to the ones who were worth being close to. As they got closer to the where the land stretched out from the mountain path, Sibelle wanted to know about how Maija met her brother. Maija allowed a warm sparkle to appear in her eyes and she nodded softly. "Very well," she said, tail flicking behind her as they walked side by side. "I was living on the Tortugan lands without realizing it had been claimed. After getting back from a hunt, Taurig startled me. I was very defensive and he talked me down from tearing his throat out." Her eyes continued to sparkle and she continued in words as well. "He told me that he had recently taken over Tortuga and requested my presence as a hunter. I thought about it and accepted." She snuck a glance to Sibelle and softly added, "I didn't know what life would toss at me when I accepted his offer."
