


12-11-2013, 08:57 PM

The empire that her father had forged was vast and impressive, excluding the cursed snow that clung to her, as she moved through it and back into the thick of the trees. Exempt the snow, the land would be glorious, and she wondered what it would look like in the warmer seasons, would this icky residue every fade? The two year old would move gracefully, as if gifted with a higher purpose, her mind seeking out one other. The queen his father had chosen, the lovely blue woman that he had picked to rule along side him. Who was her fathers queen? Was she worthy of such a title?

She moved towards a place where it seemed the pairs scent was strongest, and came to a halt near the place, and amid the herbs. Raising her head, her jaws would part a summoning song, a call meant for the Queen. Hell her father could answer it too, but she wanted to meet the woman who her father deemed worthy. This conversation would be meant for her. Royalty to the royalty, she perceived herself to be.

OOC: Andy, take your time to get to this <3 Just wanted to put it up so I wouldn't forget! <3



12-11-2013, 10:25 PM

The Queen had risen early that morn, intent upon gathering a few of the herbs that had been pointed out to her. Several of them, she had learned, were helpful in remedying morning sickness - which she was heavily prone to whilst pregnant with his children. As much as part of her wanted to blame him for the scarring on her cheek, for the constant agony she was in, she knew that she could not. She had wanted this as much as he, even more, in fact. A sigh fell from her lips as a call rang out, it seemed the job of a Queen was never through. Sendoa certainly didn't envy how long Isardis had been King, nor did she envy his popularity among the empire. It seemed, however, that she was growing more and more popular by the day, as calls continued to ring out for simple meet-and-greets. She hadn't anticipated the attention, but she didn't particularly dislike it either.

She would circle toward the den, having just gone for a drink before gathering the herbs, knowing that the caller was nearby - and had evidently sought her out rather thoroughly. The Queen would dip her sapphire crown to the lady, recognizing her as a child of Isardis - though which one she had no clue. ?Hello,? she would greet the youth. Her weight had increased in the last week, and it was becoming clearly evident that she was with child. Soon enough she would be swollen and massive. Tail curled around her hips as she rocked onto her haunches, feeling as if this was yet another 'get to know you' meeting she had been called to. ?Sendoa Armada.?
She would recite her name aloud, for the woman's record. Ceremony would dictate that the girl state her own name, but if not freely given, Sendoa would certainly ask for it.



12-12-2013, 01:09 AM

The queen would not tarry, would not keep her awaiting long, and that enough left a decent impression in the mind of the youth. Her eyes came to rest on the cobalt woman, taking in her appearance with an expressionless face. She didn't miss the scent of her pregnancy, though it didn't matter to her, it was all the same. The woman would greet her, then introduce herself as Sendoa Armada. Ahh, another of the family. Roman wondered where in the vast family tree, this queen fell. A slight nod, an inclination of respect she would give the queen before speaking. "Greetings, Sendoa Armada. I am Roman Armada." The queen would not have to pry for her title, no, the dame wasn't afraid to speak her name. Fear wasn't something she openly experienced.

Moments of silence would fall, and the ivory goddess would again speak. "It seems we are family. I hope my intrusion into your day is not rude, I simply wanted the moment to meet the one my father chose worthy as a queen." Her words would be spoken with an air of indifference, she had not formed an opinion of this queen yet, and again she would speak, a suggestion light on her jaws. "I am not, one to waste your time, nor mine. Perhaps we could talk while patrolling the territory? Unless you were looking for something..." Her voice would trail off, slightly waiting for the response that would surely come.



12-12-2013, 06:10 PM

Roman Armada came her name, and Sendoa would file it away for future reference. The marking above her eye would also be noted and deemed as interesting. Roman explained that she simply wanted to meet the woman named as Queen, and not to bother her in any way. The Queen would chuckle, ?I only hope I am worthy of the title.? Then a suggestion would come, one in which Roman would recommend they be productive whilst talking. Sendoa wasn't fond of the idea of walking more than necessary - especially while pregnant - but she would certainly take some help in gathering a cache of herbs. ?I was coming back here to find some herbs that ease the wonderful 'gifts' that pregnancy brings, would you like to help?? It wouldn't be hard to find a few specimens for Roman to study, and it would be easy to teach her where the herbs were usually located - after all, the healer had taught Sendoa in less than a few minutes. She had a healthy stash of most of what she needed, but Motherswort was what she required most. Allegedly, It would help her body prepare for birthing and ease the side effects of pregnancy.



12-13-2013, 07:14 AM

No formal opinion had yet to be made of the Queen, though amethyst eyes would not leave the cobalt empress. Sendoa Armada met initial expectations of a Queen, in the way she moved and spoke, but she had a way to go to earn the full respect of the alabaster royalty. Outwardly it would seem that the ivory temptress would fully accept her father's chosen Queen, yet, Roman found herself wondering about the Queen the pack had lost. Why had that woman been chosen over Sendoa Armada? So many questions, yet she had no one who she felt, aside from her father, that could provide satisfying rebuttal to her inquiries. 'I only hope I am worthy of the title', Sendoa would speak, and Roman felt the flicker of a rare smile at the edge of her jaws. "My father seems to have complete faith in you, I'm sure you won't disappoint, Sendoa."

The Queen was searching for herbs, which Roman found interesting, because it seemed a job better suited to a healer. However, as she had never been expecting children, she assumed it was one of those things pending mothers liked to do for themselves. "Where would we begin? I must admit my experience in bearing children and herbs is rather... limited." She would speak with a slight chuckle, her violet orbs finally leaving the queens face. "I do not suppose there is an end to knowledge, however all of these grassy things smell the same to me. Never the less, what are we hunting?" Always the sarcastic one, she would speak with a slight whimsical tone, as she glanced around at the collection of herbs that grew. Dear God, how did one tell these plants apart. Perhaps she underestimated healers?



12-15-2013, 08:08 PM

Roman seemed to think her a worthy match as Queen, and Sendoa would offer a smile in return. It seemed Isardis' faith in her was well known, and so she would do her best not to second guess that for another moment. Roman quickly assured her that she had little experience searching for herbs, and Sendoa would chuckle in response. ?As is mine,? she would note without a moment's hesitation. Had she not been carrying the children of the King, she might've left this job to anyone else - but alas, there was no one she trusted more than herself at this point in time. ?I'm afraid the smell won't give it away, I tend to find them by sight alone.? She would motion to a single sprout of Motherswort with her muzzle. ?This here is what I require, Motherswort. It's said to settle the stomach and it's supposed to be good for pregnant females. The leaves are mostly lavender like this one, and fuzzy around the edges. If we can find four or five more plants I will have enough for the next few weeks.? She would reach down and carefully extract the plant from the earth with her incisors, pulling up just hard enough to separate the roots from their hiding places within the ground. Having uprooted the plant, she would drop it carefully onto the earth and scan the area. ?I'll leave this one here should you forget what it looks like, it took me quite a while to decipher it from other plants that are similar.? She would move a few yards away to where a small grove of lavender plants were sprouting - hoping one or more of them might be what she required.



12-20-2013, 02:49 AM

Never in her life had she anticipated searching for herbs, let aloneg at the side of the Queen of her father's empire. Not that she particularly looked down on healers, she respected their craft but never in her life's whim would she pursue it as a choice of duties. She was a fighter. Never-the-less, she wasn't one to walk away from a task no matter how strange it was. When Sendoa placed the herb she was searching for in front of her, she bent down to inspect it. Sendoa was right when she said that she wouldn't be able to identify it be scent. The plant before her didn't see particularly distinguishable in any way. As the cobalt queen moved away, her violet eyes left the plant, lingering on the woman before drifting back to the plant.

Quietly she would move, nosing among the plants, gently biting off similar plants as she found them, an what felt like a comfortable silence, at least to her, would descend. Nosing towards a bush of sorts, her mind slightly distracted, she didn't realize what she was nosing into. Leaping back suddenly, curses left her in a hissing breath. Eyes watered for a moment, before she shook her head coming back to look at the offender. Stinging nettle. Of course. Casually she looked up, wondering if Sendoa had heard her disturbance, and let out a sigh moving away from the plant. "Stinging nettle. How... this far north and with this accursed snow?!" She audibly complained, her tongue snaking from her jaws soothing her nose.

She would move away from the area she had been searching, nosing among the edge of the herbed field, before pausing to look up at Sendoa a random question leaving her jaws before she had the good sense to shut them. "The blue wolf, Isardis's son.. I cannot help but remember that you to bare a similar appearance. Was he your son as well?" The white creature was curious, she hadn't asked lot of questions about the tensions in the land with her fathers home, but sometimes the questions that filled her head, needed answers and sought them, themselves. This was one of those times. Violet eyes would look up towards the queen, as she distractedly nosed through the plants before her, waiting for a reply.
