
Storms make trees grow deeper roots (Pack Meeting)

Mandatory pack meeting!



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

WinnerCritical Observation!Critical Fail!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Rapid Poster - BronzeStudent
09-20-2024, 06:58 PM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2024, 07:49 PM by Eltrys. Edited 2 times in total.)

Speech // thought

It had been long enough, he had hoped to speak with as many members as he could before he called the pack together. But alas some of the members were a bit harder to find. So an overarching call would be necessary to bring them all in at once. If some members did not appear here today and heed his call, then he would have to regrettably release them from the ranks, declining their number and their strength.

He climbed up the steps, supporting Haydee who was still slowly recovering from her illness, over the falls to reach the platform where Saga had last called the pack together. There had been misgivings then and there would be misgivings now. No one liked change, and the pack had endured many changes already. Perhaps though they could see his vision for them, a new hope, a new life.

He looked over the lands that had been his beloveds, then Saga's, and now they have allowed him to oversee it. He hoped to do well by it.

He lifted his voice over Lazuli Falls, Cattail Creek, and even beyond the borders to call all wolves of Ethne, Polaris, and even those of old Norad if they so choose. This was the call of their new alpha, a mandatory pack meeting.

He waited diligently for each member to appear.

When they had all gathered, he would nod politely to each in turn and wait for them to settle. The scene was something out of his memories except instead of gathering under the looming stalactites they were all under the open sky.

"Thank you all for coming. I know this has been confusing. I am Eltrys Valorin. Saga has passed the leadership of the pack to me and I intend to breathe new life into it. To make it a quiet refuge where ex-slaves can find healing and purpose. I do not intend to partake in many if any offensive raids and instead be a pylon of peace. The name Ethne was unfortunately soured in the mouths of others but I do not intend to hide, I intend for the pack to be reborn. The warriors we had and I cannot defend our borders alone. I cannot protect you and your kin with hardly any fighters to do so. So I must bring in a few more fresh bodies and inspire them to join us without them fearing the sins of the past. So, I intend to change the name again, to Vedia, meaning spirit of the forest or sanctuary. I don't intend to change anyone's way of life, beliefs, or way of being. I intend to protect the helpless and defend the defenseless as long as they are within our borders. I hope to inspire a new sect of Druids but that won't be forced upon anyone if they don't choose it. Besides this, not much should change in your day to day. I hope to give a chance to our Norad guests to join us if they so choose."

He let his words sink into the gathered throng. Letting them murmur to themselves, offer up questions if they choose, but he was not done. He would answer questions after.

"I will come to your questions in a moment. First, I welcome Lia into the pack! She is a healer warrior whom I have fought alongside. Second, while we may not raid others we must be prepared for raids against us! "Storms make trees grow deeper roots" will be our motto! Anyone who wishes to defend our borders and resources despite their fighting ability is welcome to join the defense. It is a fact of life here that I have come to recognize. But I will place one law that all of new Vedia will follow, we match the energy of our opponents unless lives are at stake, and we do not maim."

Good, now that was out of the way, he opened the floor for others to say their piece.

Mandatory Pack Meeting! Please post here before October 18!
The events of this thread are set before the pack raid

"Our character is often revealed at our highs and lows... Be humble at the mountaintops, be steadfast in the valleys. Be faithful in between." - marcandangel.



Advanced Healer (105)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

1 Year
09-30-2024, 07:19 PM

Speech // thought

Alexandrite padded quickly to the top of the falls. She had grown more reclusive and resistant to socializing as she grew but was grateful for Eltrys' help to teach her, and the kindness of her father.

She sat expectantly down for the meeting but kept her eyes down to the grass as the others entered. She lifted her gaze to Eltrys as he began and furrowed her brow. She had no clue what he was saying about not being Ethne anymore and changing the name of the pack again. But It didn't really bother her. What was this about Druids? That seemed the most interesting to her.

That was when she looked around the others, trying to gauge their reactions and responses.