
Sweet bliss of the undead


12-20-2013, 02:50 PM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2013, 02:51 PM by Ubivat.)

This land looked so dead, just like he was. It made him smile shortly before standing next to what would be a deadly geyser if it were to be spring. Though it was dormant, giving off a slightly warm mist from the opening and that was it. Snow melted around the area, but then thick after that. The dead one sat down a few feet away from it, curling his tail around his hind legs. His face showing no expression, obviously it always did that even if he smiled his eyes showed an empty void as usual.
The wolf's patch of fur that had been torn off by the cat was now grown back. So now as the royal stood he was a perfect term to go off and rule. Yet he didn't feel like it, even as it stood, he was alone. Without a heart, he was nearly invincible but he was not stupid enough to destroy this body. His paws sitting in the snow as he let out a large yawn. Maybe something would come up, and hopefully it wouldn't be his sister.



12-23-2013, 02:45 PM
[Image: WXHIuqo.png]

If he closed his eyes it was like nothing changed at all.

Slipping through silence and time, molten hues the only thing alive in this bitter wasteland. It was almost soothing to be out here alone, everything so utterly still it hurt to breath. His mind a mess of colors and verbs and anger. His fickle heart beating softly in his chest the icy air invading his lungs. It was very hard to sleep now days, most of the time when he drifted off all he could see was Zen's face. It was disturbing enough to invoke insomnia, a pale yearning lurking beneath the surface. So far, he still had a long way to go.

The cold seeped into his joints, alabaster hide blending smoothly with crisp snow as he continued to advance. It was a bland sort of day with only grey skies above but he couldn't complain too much he was still alive. A new direction, starting over from ash and dust. He felt juxtaposed standing out here so exposed but if he didn't keep going forward he might go sideways instead and never find what he was looking for. So he expelled another frosted breath and pretended he was a dragon.

The heat called to him, settling into his bones as he strayed off course. He smelled the water and rust, curiosity peeked. As he got closer something sharp and distinct standing out all alone just like him. Another wolf, cast in grays and blues. His heart stuttering in his chest, but how long since he had seen another face? There was no turning back now, and he didn't know the intentions of this stranger. Zen had been a monster, but somehow he had forgotten to notice. "Hey you!" a sharp huff as he raised his tail, pacing along the edge like a cadged beast. "What are you doing out here?" tilting his head to the left, his veins warming up the more he moved. This was the most interesting thing to happen in months.
